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Innovation is the method of turning an idea or innovation into a value-creating good or

service that consumers can pay for while novelty is the quality of being new and unusual.
Companies based on creative ideas that can be replicated will retain dominance at the top of
the performance pyramid on a routine basis. Our company which is Fancy Finesse Events
provide innovative ideas such as E-Vites which can reduce the need for invitations of the
events and related costs by submitting invitations electronically or digitally. Next, we also
create t-shirts with the event logo, details and future event dates and wisely distribute them
to employees and influencers who will wear them or use them as gifts and opportunities for
mobile marketing. Furthermore, we are keeping the attendees up-to-date by creating a
strong email list and following up with them by sending regular email updates that could
include deals, exclusive content and details of events. Lastly, we will be creating a social
media hashtag by getting the attendees tweeting and sharing about our event as well as
getting it trending on social media so that our company will get more exposure from other
people. Our company also create something new and unusual by using an eco-friendly
product for our services to the customers. This way we can also save the earth by reducing
the plastic usage and our money.

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