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Mary Rose Q. Cabreros Dr.

Maria Azela Tamayo

PhD EN ENG 453 Teaching the four Macro Skills


Writing is believed to be one of the most, if not the most difficult skills in all the
macro skills of communication. It can be much complicated and challenging
especially for young learners as there are other key skills involved in the writing
process. This also because there is much that goes into expressing written thoughts.

Likewise, writing has a unique position in language teaching since its acquisition
involves a practice and knowledge of other three language skills, such as listening,
reading and speaking. Moreover, it requires mastering of other skills, such as
metacognitive skills. Learners need to set an objective for their writing, plan it
carefully, think over its layout and logical structure, and then revise it. In the process
of writing they have to use cognitive skills; they have to analyze their sources and
then synthesize them in a compact piece of writing.

As Walsh (2010) puts it:

Writing is important because it’s used extensively in higher

education and in the workplace. If students don’t know how to
express themselves in writing, they won’t be able to
communicate well with professors, employers, peers, or just
about anyone else.
Today, there is a growing consensus that students need strong writing skills to
succeed in the workplace and to fully participate in society, but educators
passionately disagree on the best ways to teach those skills. Some call for greater
focus on the fundamentals of grammar: building vocabulary, identifying parts of
speech, and mastering punctuation. Others believe that students need more
opportunities to develop their writerly voice through creative expression and work
that allows them to make connections between great literature and their personal
With all the other skill sets needed to acquire good writing skills students however,
encounter problems in their learning environment. Likewise, teachers also encounter
challenges in teaching, let alone harnessing students’ skills in writing.
The foregoing literature are all concerned on identifying various problems and
challenges that students as well as teachers face in developing writing skills. All
studies have also identified solutions to address the challenges that both students and
teachers encountered.


Issue: The study aims to investigate about the challenges of teaching writing for
young language learners, especially in Junior High School, particularly the
Junior High School 11 Kota Jambi and Junior High School 23 Petaling,
Muaro Jambi.
One of the biggest challenges teachers have faced in the classroom has to
do with writing. Teachers have to take care of student’s motivation, their
level of writing and preferred way of learning before preparing any task
(Samia Zerin: 2007). In terms of teaching writing for young language
learners, teachers should consider about some aspects in teaching writing.
Every single lesson requires careful preparation – teachers must consider a
variety of techniques, activities and teaching aids to make the lesson
appealing to the students. Children learning EFL or ESL often face
additional obstacles when learning to form English-language letter.
This study aims to identify the problems faced by the research participants
in teaching writing skills to their students. At the same time by
investigating said problems suggest possible solutions for the said
Problems and solutions: In the course of the study the following problems faced
by both students and teacher in learning and teaching writing skills were
a. Students’ Problems
 Lack of vocabulary
Lack of vocabulary is a problem that often occurs during class activity,
and teachers find this hard to handle at times as this presents
limitations for students in writing a paragraph or even a sentence.
 Grammar Problems
Grammar is very helpful for effective language skills. Grammar, in
writing skill, determines how a paragraph builds-up and how the ideas
can be understood. Teachers often find their students lack in this
 Lack of motivation
Many of the students think that writing skill is one of the most
complicated skill because it requires good grammar and vocabulary
skills. In addition to that, the impact of differences in L1 and L2 make
it harder for younger learners to decide on appropriate topics for
writing a paragraph, or even a sentence.
 Learning Environment
The study found that students, especially in remote areas, are not really
supported by people around them even their parents. Likewise,
teachers also often found a difficulty to teach in remote areas where
most people think English is not a priority subject for their children to

b. Teachers’ Problems
 Difficulty in Student Motivation
This study found that teachers have difficulty to motivate the students
because most of them are uninterested in developing writing skills.
Students think that writing is very difficult and boring to learn.
 Different Learning Levels of students
Every student has different writing level abilities. Teachers often have
problems with coming up with writing tasks that can accommodate
different learning levels as this would require tedious multiple
c. Solutions:
 Instituting a Reward System
In teaching and learning process, rewards and punishments are needed
to motivate the students in the learning process. By instituting a
rewards system, the learners are expected to be competitive to do the
task especially in writing skill.
 Using Technology
Encouraging students to use technology not just for their leisure but
for educational purposes can help students in improving their language
and communication skills. Teachers need to make sure however, that
teachers also guide students to use technology effectively and
 Organizing the Class
Classroom management is also an important tool to help student cope
up in their lessons, especially lessons in writing where students often
find difficulty complying. Teachers can involve students in different
writing activities such as collaborative writing projects that are
appropriately managed.
 Interactive Method
Teachers can provide the appropriate interactive methods such as
talking and writing box, and writing centers.
Conclusions: Teaching writing has different challenges than other language skills,
especially for young language learners. In teaching writing, teachers
should consider about problems that will be faced and they should
provide the solutions for the problems.

By: Rachel Nyanamoney Moses, Maslawati Mohamad
Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia

Issue: English language writing has always been a challenge for second language
students to master. Developing students’ ability in writing is one of the
major challenges faced by the ESL teachers in most schools nowadays.
Nevertheless, writing has always been a major difficulty faced by students
in English language learning, especially in elementary schools. Not only
that, teachers are also facing some challenges in teaching writing skills for
students in elementary schools. Thus, this study aims to explore the
challenges faced by both the students and teachers in learning as well as
teaching writing skills in elementary schools.

Challenges faced by students in learning writing skills:

 Lack of vocabulary has caused students to face challenges in acquiring
writing skills. Vocabulary is the fundamental element in constructing
sentences which is the core of effective writing skills Asep (2014).
Good vocabulary repertoire can help students to speak or write to
deliver their thoughts. Usage of electronic dictionary and more reading
activities can help students with limited vocabulary.
 Problems with grammar among students. Grammar plays an important
role in writing. By having very limited knowledge in grammar,
students will face anxiety to write sentences with correct grammar.
 Poor spelling is another cause of anxiety for students in learning
writing skill and this is supported by Nyang’au Benard (2014). Having
good spelling skills will make it easier for students to acquire writing
skills. If the students are struggling with spelling, it will hold them
back in their writing subjects.
 Students’ readiness is another challenge in acquiring writing skills.
According to Winarso (2016) in order to complete a task successfully,
readiness is very important. The readiness can either be physical
readiness and mental preparedness. If this is not occurring, students
will be having challenges in writing. Students will not be mentally
prepared to learn in the classroom if they are not ready.
 Lack of exposure to books and reading materials are other challenges
for elementary school students in learning writing. According to
Muhammad Fareed et al. (2016) many students find it very
challenging to get enough and significant source of information. Lack
of extensive reading will not help the students to write good sentences
or paragraphs. This is because reading and writing are interrelated. If
the students are not reading books or other reading materials, they are
going to have lack of ideas and vocabulary to write.
 Lack of motivation is another challenge faced by the students. If the
students are not motivated, they might not be interested to proceed
with their learning process.
Challenges Faced by the Teachers in Teaching Writing Skills:
 Difficulty in student motivation. This is due to students’ misbehavior, but
the lack of interest of students learning writing. When students choose to
feel reluctant in learning, it is a sign of lack of motivation.
 Having different levels of students in the classroom is another challenge
faced by teachers to teach writing. In many elementary classrooms,
students from different levels are placed in the same classroom. Different
levels of students will result to difficulty to teachers in order to cater all of
their levels simultaneously. Different levels of writing ability will require
the teachers to use different approaches. As a result, the teachers feel
difficult to plan their lessons and prepare appropriate activities for the
 Parental indifference is another challenge. Lack of parents’ support will
make the teachers having a hard time to help the students. Students who
feel lack of warmth and affection from their parents will draw them back
from succeeding in their learning process. This is due to little guidance,
motivation and support from their parents.
 Lack of professional experience is another challenge faced by the teachers.
Having lack of professional experience will lead to stress and tension to
teach at elementary school students especially among novice teachers. The
multiple roles of teacher are also a challenge.
 Finally, according to Anyiendah (2017) lack of students’ interest is
another challenge. Developing writing skills is always challenging,
however, it is always an interesting task. Especially when it comes to
writing, some students zone out. Students feel lack of interest in writing
because they need to know many aspects in order to produce a good piece
of work. The students need to know punctuations, grammar, vocabulary,
spelling and sentence structure in order to write a good piece of writing.
Conclusions: The existing literature has identified demands on writing skills in
English, purpose of students’ writing by using various writing strategies,
challenges faced by both the students and teachers in learning and teaching
writing skills and past studies on the challenges faced by students and teachers to
learn and teach writing skills among ESL school students.
By understanding both the students’ and teachers’ challenges in learning and
teaching writing skills, the teachers could choose the best possible approach to
teach writing skills by giving feedback and guidance. Besides, the school
management should take necessary actions on the challenges faced by the
teachers in order to facilitate the teachers to have effective teaching process.
Finally, teachers may stress the importance of learning writing skills to the
students in order to motivate them to learn writing skills.
By: Sri Wahyuningsih
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Issue: This article aims at exploring some possible challenges of opportunities of

teaching English in academic writing skills for Indonesian learners at IAIN
Kudus. The result indicates that numerous challenges faced by some
learners from English Department at IAIN Kudus in the academic writing
includes the difficulties of how to start writing, lack of both intensive and
extensive reading, limited exposures to English vocabularies, and lack of
interest in writing English.
The Academic Writing Challenges of Students at IAIN Kudus
 Limited Exposures to English Vocabularies
The acquisition of vocabularies enrichment is a necessity for learners in
writing English particularly for students of English Department at IAIN
Kudus. In this case, their vocabularies can be categorized low so they cannot
start writing something in English. In addition, the supportive exposure of
using English is so limited in their society. This may hinder their acquisition
in English vocabularies.
 Lack of both Intensive and Extensive Reading
Some students of English Department at IAIN Kudus have lack of motivation
in reading English text both intensive and extensive reading. This condition
may become a problem of their limited knowledge, information and English
vocabularies. Thus, they feel difficult when trying to write something in
 Limited Proficiency in Structure
Some students of English Department have difficulty in mastering
grammatical knowledge or structure. In addition, they feel confused of how
use time in different contexts appropriately.
 Limited References
Another crucial element in academic writing is able to access much more
references as sources of information. Considering this, students have problems
accessing reputable and qualified English articles. Moreover, they have
limited English books. Hence, it will be difficult for them to write English due
to the lack of upgrading information and knowledge. In addition, the library at
campus does not provide sufficient English books and articles. This makes
them difficult in accessing some resources in academic writing.
 Lack of Motivation
The fundamental factor of hindering in the process of learning academic
writing is lack of motivation among the students. Besides, they are not
accustomed to thinking critically to the issues of education.
Proposed Opportunities for Enhancing the Academic Writing Skills of Students at
IAIN Kudus:
 English lecturers should redesign academic development curricula particularly
in academic writing in such a way that they are more responsible to the need
of their students.
 Academic writing lecturers should collaborate to other English lecturers
especially those who teach Reading in enhancing the academic writing skills
of students at IAIN Kudus. In this case, lecturers should initiate to foster
intensive academic reading and writing activities which give the students
experiences with different writing challenges by exploring critical thinking on
academic writing exercises.
 Students are encouraged to sharpen their receptive skills such as listening and
reading in order to gain successful productive skills including speaking and
 Lecturers are actively aware of guiding students in paraphrasing English texts
precisely. This can be achieved by giving exercises of writing something
using their own language in order to avoid plagiarism.
 Lecturers are expected to pursue their students to apply reference management
tools properly in quoting a number of references comprising of books, journal
articles, and so forth.
 Lecturers can use technology or digital tools such as Instagram, Facebook,
blogs and so forth to enhance the process of teaching academic writing skills
and pursuing them to take part in academic writing workshop and seminar.
In sum, academic writing is one of the crucial skills that need more efforts in
acquiring it. A long with it, second language learners especially students at IAIN
Kudus have to struggle in improving their academic writing skills.
By promoting these strategies, lecturers hopefully are able to foster themselves in
mastering academic writing skills in such a way that they will both contribute and
determine the success of their students’ academic writing skills. Further, lecturers
are demanded to be aware of update information, issues of language teaching and
technology in education.

Department of English, University of Sargodha, & the Department of
English, University of Lahore, Sargodha Campus, PAKISTAN
Issue: Teaching English writing skills involves developing linguistic and
communicative competence of the learner which is quite a challenging
task. Many factors hinder the process of teaching and learning these skills.
Most of the students of public sector institutes do not perform well in
English writing tasks and ultimately face average or poor results in
academics. The purpose of this study is to highlight the problems which
hinder the teachers in developing English writing skills. This study is not
only to point out the problematic factors but also suggest some remedial
measures to improve the situation.

Major Issues Involved in Writing Skills

 Conventional Issues
Harmer (2001 & 2007) describes conventional issues related to English
writing skills. These issues are related to the use of lexical items,
punctuation, text format, spellings and syntax. A lot of practice can enable
the learners overcome these issues.
 Primary Issues
Broughton, Brumfit, Flavell, Hill and Pincas (2003) point out the
following four kinds of problems related to developing English writing
skills. These include: “(i) Mechanical problems with the script of English;
(ii) Problems of accuracy of English grammar and lexis; (iii) Problems
relating the style of writing to the demands of a particular situation; (iv)
Problems of developing ease and comfort in expressing what needs to be
said.” (p. 116). These problematic areas can be overcome through
effective planning and guided writing.
 Issues at Intermediate Level
Students at advanced level or intermediate level feel difficulties in
developing coherent sentences and knitting them in a larger text. At this
stage, students also face problems in developing formal or informal piece
of writing. Writing skills also accompany many other skills which
facilitate the learners to construct their writing (Clementson, 2005).
Factors Involved in Developing Writing Skills
 Influence of L1 on L2 Learning
Silva (1993) suggests that second language is usually different from the
first language ‘strategically, rhetorically and linguistically’ (p.669). She
points out that the written assignments of the L2 learners are syntactically
and semantically loose. Usually paragraphs
lack coherence and all this is due to the difference of L2 from L1.
According to Hyland (2003), this difference also affects the thinking
faculty of the learners.
 Effects of Multicultural, Multilingual and Psychological Factors
Anees and Raazia (2007) point out some social and psychological factors
which affect L2 writing skills. Social factors include social status, family
background etc and psychological factors include motivational level, age
etc. Lantolf (1999) mentions effects of multicultural and multilingual
background on the learners’ writing skills. Lave and Wenger (1991) also
emphasize that the entire teaching process must be compatible with social
set up and cultural background, which they termed as ‘situated cognition’
(as cited in Hyland, 2003).
 Effects of Grammar Teaching on English Writing Skills
Clark (2003) opines that learners must be taught writing process. This
enables the learners to write in any situation. According to the traditional
approach, teaching grammar plays a pivotal role in the process of writing
skills but the latest researches have proved that the grammar teaching has
no significant influence in the development of these skills.
Braddock & Lloyd-Jones, and Schoer (1963) summarize their findings of
many years long research as “….the teaching of formal [traditional]
grammar has a negligible or, because it usually displaces some
instruction and practice in actual composition, even a harmful effect on
the improvement of writing.” (p. 37-38, as cited in Clark, 2003)
Many researchers like Bateman and Zidonis (1996), Barham, Lamb and
Wyllie (1976) have worked on the influence of grammar teaching on
English writing skill. They all conclude that the classes where English
grammar is taught, students lose their interest and they take English
writing skills as a very hard task and such classes become ‘boring,
useless and repetitive’. Hillocks (1986) suggests that usage and
‘mechanics’ of the writing skills must be carefully handled with
appropriate planning (as cited in Clark, 2003).

Research Findings:
Developing writing skills is a slow and gradual process. Many factors involved
may disrupt the teaching and learning process of English writing skills. The
following are the research findings highlighted by the selected population of the
ESL teachers:
i. At intermediate level, most of the students have poor English language
ii. Proper A/V aids are not available to the teachers.
iii. Classes are overcrowded.
iv. Teachers usually follow the traditional approaches for teaching purpose
and they are satisfied with their teaching approach.
v. Teachers cannot give proper time for writing practice during class because
of lengthy syllabus and overcrowded classrooms.


By: Hatice Değirmenci Gündoğmuş

Faculty of Education, Aksaray University, Turkey

Issue: The purpose of the current research is to identify the difficulties that
primary school teachers experience in the primary reading and writing
instruction, and to find out their solution offers for eliminating these
Problems identified in the study:
The following are the difficulties identified in the study as experienced by the
teachers in the process of primary reading and writing instruction:
 parental indifference
 unreadiness of students
 teaching of cursive italic handwriting
 lack of professional experience
 student absenteeism
 lack of interest by students
 physical inadequacies
Solutions identified in the study:
 education of parents,
 carrying out activities suitable for students
 change of handwriting type
 cooperation with parents
 consideration of readiness level
 improvement of physical conditions
The role of the teachers in improving the primary reading and writing instruction
process is very important. In today’s classrooms, a thoughtful and flexible
approach to literacy instruction is required.
It is essential that teachers work in an environment where they feel self-confident,
can express themselves, their demands and opinions are regarded, and are
provided with an opportunity to express the difficulties they experience in order to
increase their performance in the process of reading and writing literacy
education, which is a difficult and rewarding experience for teachers [11], and to
ensure that they can work happily in this process.
In the light of all these findings, the difficulties expressed by teachers, who are the
implementers of the process of primary reading and writing instruction, should be
taken into account in order to improve the quality of the process. In this context,
in-depth studies should be made on the subject matters which teachers perceive as
problems and about which they share solution offers, and results of these studies
should be shared with them. Teachers should be informed about activities to be
performed about these processes.
Writing has always been seen as an important skill in English language
acquisition. This importance is due to the fact that it reinforces grammatical
structures and vocabulary that educators strive to teach their students. It is the area
in which learners need to be offered adequate time to develop their writing skill,
therefore more time should be devoted to it in classrooms so that students will be
prepared to effectively communicate in real life as well as academic situations.
But the reality of the matter is that there are difficulties that both students and
teachers encounter in the process of developing the writing skills of young
learners. Challenges that need to be addressed in order for educators to effectively
ensure that students acquire the necessary productive skills, such as writing.
English teachers are considerably supposed to acquire a number of methods,
strategies, technique and so forth in teaching English particularly the academic
writing that belongs to productive skill. In relation to writing, it requires more
participation and responsibility from the learners in teaching and learning process.
In order to enhance the writing skill of learners, the role and effort of qualified
English teachers need to be taken into account especially as a facilitator and co-
contributor in the writing process.
In the foregoing current literature on teaching writing skills, each has presented its
own challenges as well as solutions and opportunities to address the problems
The most common student’s problems identified among the five studies cited are
the following:
1. Problems on Student’s Vocabulary
2. Problems on Student’s Grammar, Spelling etc.
3. Student Motivation
4. Lack of student interest in learning writing skills
5. Indifference of parent’s/family members in learning the English language
6. Lack of or limited resources such as reading materials

With regards to teacher’s problems, the following are the most common among the
five literatures cited:

1. Problems on student motivation

2. Different learning levels of students
3. Problems on parent’s involvement
4. Lack of the needed professional experience
Aside from determining a pattern of commonality among the foregoing literatures as
regards to the problems encountered by students and teachers, looking closely we can
also see that there are connections and similarities in both respects. For instance,
students have problems on being interested to learn writing and this is probably one
of the reasons why they are not motivated. Which in turn also becomes a problem of
teachers. The fundamental factor of hindering in the process of learning academic
writing is lack of motivation among the students. This may make them not proficient
in academic writing. For this reason, the role of lecturers in academic writing is badly
needed to facilitate students and enhance them to be analytical thinkers.
Both students and teachers also have problems with parental involvement. Research
shows that parental involvement in their children’s learning positively affects the
child’s performance at school (Fan & Chen, 2001) in both primary and secondary
schools (Feinstein & Symons, 1999), leading to higher academic achievement, greater
cognitive competence, greater problem-solving skills, greater school enjoyment,
better school attendance and fewer behavioural problems at school (Melhuish, Sylva,
Sammons et al., 2001). Similar impacts have also been identified with regards to
literacy practices. Although parental involvement has the greatest effect in the early
years, its importance to children’s educational and literacy outcomes continues into
the teenage and even adult years (Desforges & Abouchaar, 2003).
As for students’ problems on vocabulary, grammar, spelling etc., one factor may also
be teacher’s lack of the needed professional experience. As Dana Goldstein puts it in
her article in the New York post entitled, “Why kids can’t write?”,
“The root of the problem, educators agree, is that teachers have
little training in how to teach writing and are often weak or
unconfident writers themselves. According to Kate Walsh,
president of the National Council on Teacher Quality, a scan of
course syllabuses from 2,400 teacher preparation programs
turned up little evidence that the teaching of writing was being
covered in a widespread or systematic way”.
Finally, with regards to solutions identified in the foregoing literature, the following
points appear to be common among them:
1. Use of technology
2. Redesigning academic development curricula particularly in writing
3. Collaborations with other English lecturers/professors
4. Cooperation with parents
Writing has been identified as one of the most essential skills because the world has
become so text-oriented. Lecturers can therefore use technology or digital tools such
as Instagram, Facebook, blogs, and so forth to enhance the process of teaching
academic writing skills and pursuing them to take part in academic writing workshop
and seminar. In order to create the interesting teaching and learning process, social
media may be used as an alternative to teach academic writing. For example,
students are assigned to write short texts and upload them in blog, facebook and
English lecturers should redesign academic development curricula particularly in
academic writing in such a way that they are more responsible to the need of their
students. Furthermore, English lecturers are supposed to develop cognitive skills of
students by giving them academic literacy, activities of problem solving, and
innovation that will attract them to use writing as systems of representation and
Likewise, academic writing lecturers should collaborate to other English lecturers
especially those who teach Reading in enhancing the academic writing skills of
students. In this case, lecturers should initiate to foster intensive academic reading
and writing activities which give the students experiences with different writing
challenges by exploring critical thinking on academic writing exercises.
Lastly, teachers should also find a way to engage the cooperation of parents in their
children’s learning. The impact of family involvement particularly those of the
parents cannot be emphasized enough. Teachers must regularly communicate with
the parents regarding student performance and to motivate them to be involved in
their children’s learning by guiding them in their homework or at least in supporting
the student’s psychological needs.


Wahyuningsih, Sri, (2018), Challenges and opportunities of /teaching Academic Writing skills: A
Case Study of students at Iain Kudus, Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 5. No. 1.

Bilal, Hafiz Ahmad et. al., (2013), Investigating the problems faced by the teachers in Developing
English Writing Skills, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. 3

Gündoğmuş, Hatice Değirmenci, (2018), The Difficulties Experienced by Teachers in the Process of
Primary Reading and Writing Instruction and Their Solution Offers for Eliminating These
Difficulties, Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(2): 333-339

Mukminin, Amirul, (2014), The Challenges in teaching Writing Skills at Junior High School:
Problems and Solutions, Retrieved from:

Mohamad, Maslawati and Moses, Rachel Nyanamoney, (2019), Challenges Faced by Students and
Teachers on Writing Skills in ESL Contexts: A Literature Review, Creative Education, Vol.10 No.13

Goldstein, Dana, (2017, Aug. 2), Why Kids Can’t Write, (The New York Times), Retrieved from:

Cole, Jenny and Feng, Jay, (2015), Effective Strategies for Improving Writing Skills of Elementary
English Language Learners, Retrieved from:
Rizga, Kristina (2018, August 8), How to Make Students Care About Writing, Retrieved from:

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