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Aqila Yasa Fauziningrat


The chinese have behavior of the covid 19 virus. the characteristuc of the virus
is abstracting respetory fastway with thick mucus that solidifies and block the airways
to lungs.

There are some ways we can avoid the virus,

1) Drink hot liquid like coffee,tea,sup,or warm water every 20 minutes to make our
mouth stay moisy and clean the virus
2) Before do the activities at out home we can gargle our mouth with antiseptic or
warm water
3) Much to take a bath or shower and wash our clothes after going out to the
4) Wash metalic things very carefully like our handle door
5) Don't smoke
6) Wash our hand every 20 minutes using soap and doing for 20 second
7) Eat fruit and vegetables
8) Animals do not spread the virus
9) Try to avoid sympton common virus and try to avoid the cold drinks
10) If you feel symptoms of the virus, contact the hospital immediately

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