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NO A-11,


25350, KUANTAN,


9 APRIL 2020

Dear sister,

How are you? Are you in good shape? My family and I miss you as much as you are
studying in a new environment at your residential school at Negeri Sembilan. Recently, a
letter sent from you and wrote that you were devastatingly unhappy as your school wants all
students to be active in co-curricular activities. In my opinion, co-curricular activities are not
as bad as you thought. I would support you to participate in co-curricular activities because
they give you a lot of benefits.

First of all, co-curricular activities make interesting ways of exercising that can make
you have a healthier lifestyle, prolonged life expectancy and higher levels of physical and
psychological wellbeing. It also helps you have a good form of relaxation to relieve stress and
pressure that also opens an opportunity to concentrate things that allows you to build
transferable skills while having a good time spending on those activities such as develop
socialising skills and leadership qualities.

Secondly, co-curricular activities also encourage sportsmanship when comes to non-

academic activities. While developing your interest, you can make more friends and help tap
potential. Indirectly, they are the essential part that can help you to get a scholarship from
good universities because they show you longevity, passion and leadership - these are all the
sorts of attributes that university admissions officers will be on the lookout for
Lastly, co-curricular activities instil good time management skills. Juggling co-
curricular activities with academic commitments forces students to manage their time more
effectively. Often students also force themselves to instil discipline to learn essential time
management skills. Co-curricular activities will also improve your brain functioning – that
can make you focus, build stamina and face new challenges. Thus, they will also broaden
your horizons and considering new perspectives by finding new talent, interest or even

That is advice about benefits of co-curricular activities from me, sister. I hope this
advice can help you to strengthen yourself to be active in co-curricular activities. If you have
any other problems that you involve in your school, do not hesitate to reply a letter to us, we
all ready to give advices to you. See you then.



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