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Information and Communications Technology (ICT) relates Copy – This icon command is used to paste the text or object

the need of our society to adapt the several communication to the target destination.
channels – television, radio, mobile phone, and the computer Format Painter - This icon command is used to apply format
system (aside from the countless facilities and uses linked to a text based on the formats of selected text.
with them like video -conferencing and distance learning) – to Font Face – This icon command is used to select and then
daily tasks. apply a font face.
Font Size – This icon command is used to change the size of
Information Technology also encompasses electronic the text.
communication devices that include disciplines and systems Bold - This icon command is used to format the text to
used in treating and handling data. boldfaced.
Italic – This icon command is used to format text to italicized.
Underline – This icon command is used to format the text to
The Data Processing Cycle
Strikethrough - This icon command is used to strike a line
Data can be defined as any letters, numbers or symbols through. the text.
without context or more aptly called “unprocessed data.” Subscript – This icon command changes the text to subscript.
SuperScript - This icon command changes the text to
Information data that means data that are meaningful and superscript.
useful. This can only be possible if the user input data which Grow Font - This icon command increases the size of the text.
means entering data into the computer which will in turn be Shrink Font– This icon command decreases the size of the
processed. Such date is then processed and later on processed text.
data becomes displayed data, also called output. Text Effects - This icon command changes the text effects.
Change Case – This icon command is used to change the case
Output – result of an inputted data from upper case to lower case or vice versa.
Text and Highlight Color – This icon command highlights
Terminologies in Information Processing Cycle selected text for emphasis.
1. Editing is the process of changing or modifying a data. Font Color – This icon command changes the colors of the
2. Verifying is the process of double checking the validity of a text.
data. Clear Formatting - This icon command removes the previously
3. Coding is the process of making the data in concise form. applied text format.
4. Calculating is the process of doing computation process to Bullets - This icon command is used to add sequence of
data. bullets to selected items.
5. Storing is the process of saving data for future use. Numbering – This icon command is used add number in
6. Retrieving is the process of getting data that was chronological sequence to items.
previously stored for used. Multilevel list – This icon command is used add multi-level list
7. Searching is the process of finding data or information for with different hierarchy.
information purposes. Align Text Left - This icon command formats the selected text
8. Printing is the process of making a hardcopy of data. to the left.
9. Scanning is the process of checking for virus infection or Center –This icon command formats the line text selected to
integrity of computer to avoid malfunctions. the center position.
10.Browsing is the process of using the Internet for viewing Align Text Right - This icon command format the line text
purposes. selected to the right alignment.
Justify- This icon command format justifies all the line text
Most commonly used Icons in MSWord selected or paragraph.
Save – This icon command is used to save or store the current Blank Page - This icon command inserts a new blank page.
file. Table – This icon command creates a series of row and column
Undo– This icon command is used to undo the current activity similar to a matrix of table.
and return the previous action Picture - This icon command is used inserts a picture in the
Redo – This icon command is used to redo the current activity document.
that was done after the current action. Clip Art - This icon command is used to insert graphics from
the clip art gallery.
The Home tab is a menu bar that compromises of ribbon link Shapes – This icon command is used to insert shape.
of Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing Chart - This icon command is used to insert a chart.
Paste – This icon command is used to paste the text or object Header – This icon command is used to add header to the
to the current location of the cursor. document.
Cut - This icon command is used to cut or remove a text or
Page Number – This icon command is used to insert a page Save As- This icon command is used to save a file base on the
number. destination folder selected.
Text Box - This icon command is used to insert a text box. Print – This icon command is used to print the current
Word Art – This icon command is used insert text with document.
preformatted styles. Open – This icon command is used to open the folder where
Symbol - This icon command is used to insert symbols. a file is located for used.
Close - This icon command is used to exit the wordprocessor.
Page Lay Out – This menu is composing of command for page
layout specially for users viewing and printing needs. PARTS OF MS WORD
Margins – This icon command is used to insert margins from 1. Title bar – it refers to the area where the filename of the
top, bottom, left and right of the document. current document can be displayed.
Orientation –This icon command is used to set up the 2. Menu Tab – it is recently called a ribbon this area is where
orientation either portrait or landscape. all the commands can be found.
Size - This icon command is used to select the paper size of 3. Toolbars – it is the area which contains a stack of icon
the current document. commands that can be run
Columns – This icon command is used set up the document by 4. Minimize, Restore and Close – it is used to adjust the
number of columns. viewing of windows.
Watermark – This icon command is used put a watermark 5. Vertical Ruler – this is used to measure pages, text and
style to image in the background paragraphs in their vertical position.
Page Color – This icon command is used fill the page with 6. Horizontal ruler- this is used to measure pages, text and
colors. paragraphs in their horizontal position.
Page Borders – This icon command is used insert style of 7. Document area- this is the area where text and images are
borders to the document. placed.
Wrap text – This icon command is used to wrap text to object 8. Vertical Scrollbar- this is used to navigate the document
or pictures. vertically by scrolling the button or by clicking the up or
Bring Forward – This icon command is used to place the image down arrows.
Send Backward -This icon command is used to place the
image backwards.

Review – This menu command give emphasis on text

meaning, spelling and grammars.
Spelling and Grammar – This icon command is used to check
the spelling and grammar.
Research – This icon command is used to search for the
meaning of a word via online.
Thesaurus – This icon command is used to search for the
meaning via the dictionary.

View – This menu command gives option for viewing he

Print Lay Out – This icon command is used to modify the
display of the current document.
Zoom – This icon command is used to enlarge the focus of the
current page.
100 % - This icon command is used to display the page 100%.
Format –This menu command is used to format or modify the
figure or image selected.
Remove Background – This icon command is used to remove
the background that was selected.
Corrections – This icon command is used to adjust the image
either brightness and contrast.
Colors – This icon command is used to adjust the color tone
and saturation of an image.
Crop – This icon command is used to crop the selected edges
of an image.
Internet interconnection of networks that spans beyond Upload is the process of putting files in via the Internet.
thousands of miles. Upstream is the speed of uploading files in the Internet.

first satellite that orbits the earth called “Sputnik”

USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republic

ARPA - Advance Research Project Agency
“backbone of internet” - remote communication
“Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)” - protection a network
protocol is implemented, where which is used together with
“Internet Protocol (IP)”

There are terms that are common in Internet Technology:

Bandwidth refers to frequency of data transmission measured
in Hertz.
Chat a real time electronic communication where participants
type their messages and reply back.
Cyberspace refers to all the totality of all the unit connected
to the computer network and their contents.
Downstream is the speed of downloading files in the Internet
Download is the process of getting files via the Internet.
Electronic Mail (E-Mail) is used by typing text to send or
receive messages all over the world.
Internet Protocol is a number associated with a device,
network card or home address.
File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer file remotely to any
destination where a client is connected in the network.
Firewall a software or hardware that limits access to a
computer network.
Group discussion refers to a group of users in the internet that
are linked and have similar preferences and interests.
Homepage is the starting point of a website.
Hyperlink is a word or phrase that has a URL attachment
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the programming
language format that the web browser understands.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the company that sells
Internet access to users.
Mosaic is a graphical software browser designed around 1993
later on becomes Netscape navigator.
Search Engine refers to the ability of a website to search and
display similar terms to the search item in the internet.
Server is a computer that manages the network
Spam is a chain letter distributed to any user passed then to
another user.
Thread a series of message with the same subject.
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) the
communication protocol used in the Internet
Web Browser a software needed in order to find, retrieve,
view and send information over the internet.
Webpage a unit or page that can be seen on the screen usually
a part of a website.
Website it consists of one or more webpage
World Wide Web (WWW) is a protocol that lets one link to the
Universal Resource Locator (URL) simulates an address that is
used to locate a server that usually hosts a certain website.

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