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A Journal developed by children for scientific research purposes

Number:______ K&U: _____I&D: _____P&E: _____ R: _____ Date:__________



Author (including e-mail)

Problem Question: Is the problem you want to solve written in interrogative form. You have to include
the variable to be measured. Avoid yes or no questions.

Objectives: Statements starting with infinitive verbs describing measurable actions made in the
experiment or investigation, where it is clear about what, how and the purpose of the practice.

Hypothesis: Affirmative statement about what it’s expected to find at the end of the practice including
the variable to be measured.

- Relevant background information provided for the investigation to understand the context of
investigation and its historical development.
- Justification for choosing the research question and/or the topic under investigation showing
personal significance, initiative, interest and curiosity.

Methods and materials:

- The methodology of investigation to address the research question taking into consideration the
significant factors that may relevance, reliability and sufficiency of the collected(Ej:
Independent, dependent and independent variables)
- The listed material including the brand, unit of measurement and uncertainty.
- A figure of the complete arrangement.
- Methods written as a paragraph
- Evidence of awareness of the significant safety, ethical or environmental issues that are relevant
to the methodology of investigation. (Ex: Showing the R&S security codes for chemical
- Significant independent thinking, initiative and creativity.

A Journal developed by children for scientific research purposes

- Relevant and sufficient quantitative and qualitative raw data (Ex: Images, pictures, tables,
graphs. Note: All these must have a title and be numbered) that could support a detailed and
valid conclusion to the research question.
- Appropriate data processing with the accuracy required to enable a conclusion to the research
question to be drawn consistent to the experimental data.
- Evidence of consideration of the impact of measuring uncertainty in the analysis.
- Interpretations of the processed data.

- Comparison between the research question and the results supported in data presented.
- Comparison to the accepted scientific context. And extension of the investigation.
- Reflection about the limitations of the data sources of error and methodological issues.
- Suggestions for the improvement and extension of the investigation.


- List of authors or books which supports the research. Those had to be highlighted along the
written article.

- Examples:
- [1] Bramwell, D., y Bramwell, Z. I. (1990). Flores silvestres de las islas Canarias. (3ª ed.)
Madrid: Rueda.
- [2] Sears, F. W., Zemansky, M. W., y Young, H. D. (1988). Física universitaria. Argentina:
Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana.
- [3] García Marí, F., Costa Comelles, J., y Ferragut Pérez, F. (1994). Las plagas agrícolas.( 2ª
ed.) Valencia: Phytoma España.

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