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Julie Lett

Professor Williams

Freshman English A

February 3, 2020

Writing About Writing

I have never been good at writing. I have always had trouble putting my thoughts in order

and having a smooth flowing essay. Although I am not the best at writing, I have tried multiple

different types of writing. While doing these different types of writing, I think that it has really

helped me become a little bit better as a writer. I would like to gain the ability to be a great writer

and to be able to gain a writing process.

I have tried many different writing styles through the years. Recently, I have been doing

argumentative, persuasive and problem-solution writings. During argumentative writing, you try

to change the audiences view on a certain topic. On the other hand, persuasive writing is when

the writer tries to convince the audience to believe in an idea, like bigfoot or aliens, or to take

action on something. In doing these writings, I feel like I have grown a little as a writer.

Although I have done different types of writings, my writing process has not changed. I

just do the research and put it into a word document and submit it. It usually doesn’t turn out

very well for me. I never have good writing experiences. I try to put it into the right form and

make it cohesive, but it never works for me. With my last English teacher, he would have us sign

up for him to go through a second rough draft of our paper with him and he would make notes

and explain everything to you and it really helped me. He also had us do peer reviews in class
after he reviews it to help us even more. Although most college professors won’t sit down with

you and hold your hand every step of the way, it does help sometimes.

Because I have no formal writing process, I am not a very good writer. Having any kind

of writing process helps with putting your thoughts in order and edit your paper. If I had a formal

writing process and could follow things step by step it would really help me be better at writing.

In taking Freshman English-A for the second time this academic year, I would like to

gain a formal writing process. Even though I wanted to have an effective writing process, I

would just slap ideas onto a word document and turn it in. I think that all great writers have some

sort of writing and editing process. I also think that everyone needs to have a good writing

process because you never know what kind of writing or email, you’ll have to do in the future.

You may have to write a resume or email your boss. When doing those things, you cannot use

the same language you use every day, it must be more formal and proper.

Writing is a very rough subject for me. I have never been very good about expressing

things on paper. I am the kind of person that would rather talk in person than on text, so writing

things down have always been hard for me. I really hope to gain the skills of a decent writer. For

me, I need to have good writing skills. I am majoring hospitality management/event planning so

for me I will need to be able to write out ideas and make it make sense to my clients. I would

also need to make any kind of planning to make sense and I won’t be able to do that without

good writing skills.

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