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An Early College High School Located at Weber State University Davis

2750 N. University Park Blvd., Layton, UT 84041

Phone (801)395-3350 Fax (801)-395-3351

To Whom It May Concern,

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Max Dayley. He has been
my student for two years and worked with me in the NUAMES Student Government as
the Sophomore Vice President. During the time he spent in my classroom and
participating in Student Government he always showed a dedication to high academic
standards, as well as a desire to inspire students around him.

Max has a strong sense of self, is incredibly intelligent and is unwavering in his
personal goals. He is excited about his future and is willing to put the work in to help
others obtain their dreams as well. He is kind and generous with his time and talents, and
has demonstrated strong leadership skills when working with other students.

He is enthusiastic about life and is fun to be around. He has participated in several

NUAMES Clubs and has showed leadership skills while serving as the President of the
HOSA Club. Max has been diligent in his efforts to become a CNA and Medical
Technician. He shows outstanding compassion and care for those he works with.

I have never known Max to back away from a challenge, and he has successfully
completed many College Level courses during his High School tenure. Some of the college
classes he has taken include Biology, Mathematics, History, and Engineering. I feel
strongly that he would have the drive and determination to accomplish anything he put
his mind to.

Max has expressed a desire to continue his education after high school, and I feel
that he is prepared to do so. His studies in his classes at NUAMES and Weber State
University have provided him with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in
his future endeavors. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.


Ms. Nickole Brooks

NUAMES AP & CE Biology Teacher
NUAMES Student Government Advisor

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