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Ex 1: Viết lại câu sử dụng dạng rút gọn của MĐTN chỉ thời gian

- Gạch chân MĐTN chỉ thời gian

- Quan sát S của MĐTN có trùng với S của MĐ chính không
- Xác định V trong MĐTN là V chủ động hay V bị động
- Thay phần MĐTN bằng: Từ nối + Ving (Chủ động)/P2 (Bị động)
Eg: Before he left on vacation, he finished the project.
Before leaving on vacation, he finished the project.
1. Tom doesn't like to listen to music when he's studying. ……………………………………………………..
2. Marianne went to the theater after she had finished her work. ………………………………………………
3. When the doctor operated on Jim's mom, he found she was OK. ………………………………………………
4. Before you go to the party, please help me clean the kitchen. ………………………………………………
5. Do your kids like to run while they are playing? ………………………………………………
6. All the old museums must be renovated until they are opened for public again.
Ex 2: Choose the best answer:

- Nhận diện câu có từ nối đứng đầu MĐTN chỉ thời gian như: when, once, until, after…
- Quan sát xem sau từ nối đó có S hay không, nếu không có S mà đến ngay động từ thì phải dùng dạng rút gọn.
- Xác định động từ rút gọn là chủ động hay bị động bằng cách lấy S đã biết ở MĐ chính lên làm chủ ngữ của MĐ
phụ, nếu thấy S đó tự gây ra hành động thì sẽ rút gọn theo hướng chủ động (Ving), nếu S chịu sự tác động thì rút
gọn theo hướng bị động (P2)
Eg: Since____ his MBA studies, Fred has secured a great job as a finance
manager of a major corporation in Canada.
A. he finishing B. finished C. finishing D. to finish
Quan sát câu ta thấy since là từ nối đứng đầu MĐTN thời gian, phương án A có S là he nhưng finishing
không chia theo thì nên loại. 3 phương án còn lại không có S nên phải dùng dạng rút gọn. Lúc này lấy S là Fred
của MĐ chính lên làm S của động từ finish, ta thấy Fred tự hoàn thành xong việc học MBA của cậu ấy nên phải
dùng dạng rút gọn chủ động là đáp án C

1. Once ______ for viruses, the software can be installed in the school computer system for use.
A. has tested B. is tested C. testing D. tested
2. Once ______ with sufficient information, the freshmen will feel more confident to start the new course.
A. having provided B. provided C. are provided D. providing
3. When ______ nest during spring nesting season, Canadian geese are fiercely territorial.
A. building B. are building C. built D. are built
4. While ______, Sarah fell asleep.
A. she studies B. studying C. studied D. to study
5. After ______ the book, Jack put it back on his shelf.
A. finishing B. to finish C. finishedD. finish
6. Before ______ to the train station, Maria will check the train schedule.
A. go B. going C. to go D. gone
7. Upon ______ from university, she applied for a job.
A. graduate B. graduating C. graduated D. to graduate
8. I feel asleep ______ to the radio.
A. while listening B. while I listen C. while listened D. during I was
9. Larry always watches TV after_______ the dishes.
A. he wash B. washed C. washing D. he washed.
10. ________ to an example on the board, the teacher carefully explained the meaning of "gerunds."
A. Pointing B. Pointed C. While she pointed D. While she pointing

11. Sara went back to her bedroom _______ the phone.

A. after talking her on B. after talked on C. after talking on D. talked on
 12. _______, I discovered that my stereo system had been stolen.
A. On that coming home B. When I come home
C. Coming home when I D. Upon coming home
13. Since ______ in English class, Lee has made many friends.
A. Lee enrolls B. enroll C. Lee enrolling D. enrolling

Ex 3: Viết lại câu sử dụng dạng rút gọn của MĐTN chỉ điều kiện:

- Gạch chân MĐTN chỉ điều kiện

- Quan sát S của MĐTN có trùng với S của MĐ chính không
- Xác định V trong MĐTN là V chủ động hay V bị động
- Thay phần MĐTN bằng: Từ nối + Ving (Chủ động)/P2 (Bị động)
Eg: If you are not completely satisfied, you can return the product to the manufacturer.
-> If not completely satisfied, you can return the product to the manufacturer.
1. If they were treated fairly, they wouldn't lose the game. ………………………………………………
2. Unless we are paid fairly, we will go on a strike. ………………………………………………
3. They were running hurriedly, as if they were being chased by someone. ………………………………………
4. If you are not completed satisfied, you can return the product to the manufacturer.
5. The mecdicine is not effective unless it is taken as directed. ………………………………………………

Ex 4: Viết lại câu sử dụng dạng rút gọn của MĐTN chỉ sự tương phản:

- Gạch chân MĐTN chỉ sự tương phản

- Quan sát S của MĐTN có trùng với S của MĐ chính không
- Xác định V trong MĐTN là V chủ động hay V bị động
- Thay phần MĐTN bằng: Từ nối + Ving (Chủ động)/P2 (Bị động)
Eg: Although he is not selected for the team, Bob attends all of the games as a fan.
-> Although not selected for the team, Bob attends all of the games as a fan.
1. Though it is located near the coast, the tower does not get much of ocean breeze.
2. Though she was surprised at the results, she was pleased with what she had done.
3. Although he was late, he was admitted to the movie. ………………………………………………
4. Though it was written for children, “ Alice in the Wonderland” appeals to many adults readers , too.

Ex 5: Viết lại câu sử dụng dạng rút gọn của MĐTN chỉ nguyên nhân

- Gạch chân MĐTN chỉ nguyên nhân

- Quan sát S của MĐTN có trùng với S của MĐ chính không
- Xác định V trong MĐTN là V chủ động hay V bị động
- Thay phần MĐTN bằng: Ving (Chủ động)/P2 (Bị động) – Phải bỏ từ nối because, as, since
Eg: Because she is a mother now, she has more responsibilities.
Being a mother now, she has more responsibilities.
1. Since you have completed all your work, you can leave. ………………………………………………
2. Because he is very nice, he helps everyone who asks him for something. ……………………………………
3. Since Jenna wanted to buy a car, she saved money for a long time. ………………………………………………
4. Leon completed his Master's degree because he had worked really hard.……………………………………
5. Since she was mad at me, Torrence didn't invite me to her party. ………………………………………………
Ex 6: Choose the best answer:
2.  _______ to ride a bicycle, he walked to work every morning.
A. Because he unable B. Being unable C. Because he were unable D. Be unable
3. ______ so dry during the summer, it is forbidden to light camp fires.
A. Being that the hills in our area are B. Because the hills in our area
C. The hills in our area are being D. Being the hills in our area
4. ______ suitable for the vacant post, she is lucky.
A. To be B. Be C. Because she being D. Being
5. _______ her phone number, I can’t call her.
A. Knowing not B. Because I not know C. Not knowing D. Not know
6. ______ well, she failed in the exam yesterday.
A. Not having studied  B. Having not studied C. Since she not studied D. Since studying
7. ______tired, I stayed at home.
A. To feel B. Feeling C. Feel D. Felt

8. ______ all the homework, I went to bed.

A. Have finished B. Having finished C. To finish D. Finish
9. ______at the news of his death, she fainted.
A. Shocking B. Shocks C. To be shocked D. Shocked
10. _______to the police, he was afraid the mob would come after him.
A. Having gone B. Because he having gone C. Go D. To go

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