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Answer of Question –d

According to Hofsted”s Cross culture Dimension frame work, Organization on which is I work is small a
but have its own unique cultures, Our organization is feminine Stereotype because our boss is modest,
caring and corporative type so all the teams are work oriented and totally focused in the goal.

But sometimes uncertainly avoidance occurs in the works specially related to construction site where
the decision and plan change rapidly and work schedule goes out of track ,on such situation employee
get totally frustrated, due to feminine stereotype we are fully motivated and work oriented.

Answer of Question e

O.M class room culture us quite interesting me, I have summarized some method implement by our
class instructor are follows:

a) Class Session

b) Home Assignment

C) Reward System

e) Reward System

a) Class Session

Our class season in all done by presenting slide by the means of projector on
the module system, which is quite good for learing,instructor provided us different kind example of
locally as well as globally also which fill make it us easy to understand. All the reading materials are
kept on the college learning hub from where we can get easily any time form anywhere.
b) Home Assignment

Our class instructor give us different kind of assignment within to be

submitted in certain time limit, but all the assignment are class related which helps us to go
through it and work on it so we get more knowledge about the of course of while
researching on related topic. Time limit on the submission is good practice which will make us
used to submitted our home assignment/ project in the time

c) Reward System

OM instructor has as introduced reward system also in class specially while

taking some test, instructor reward us by means of marks and some chocolate which motivated
us and generated extra energy on it be attentive in class.

d) Term Paper

Term paper is bench mark for subject, even though it difficult and lengthy and time
consuming but it build us habit of learning on the depth ,re-searching the topic, it also skilled up our
knowledge in term of writing ,presenting .Result of term paper evaluate our knowledge also it aware us
for more learning.

Submitted By

Sapoj Ghimire

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