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Nama : Syah Dafa Duta Diyastara

Class : 2D-D3/21

NIM : 1831410011

How to Protect Ourself From Corona Virus

Budi : Tok..tok..tok.. Assalamualaikum

Supri : Waalaikumsalam…. oh Budi, why you come to my house ?

Budi : It’s holiday right, let’s go to the mall

Supri : It’s not holiday Bud, our school is off because Corona Virus

Budi : Corona Virus ? what’s that ?

Supri : Corona virus is a type of virus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone
such as children, adults and even babies

Budi : What is infected by the virus ?

Supri : This virus can infect the respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only causes mild
respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory
infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia)

Budi : So, how to protect ourself from corona virus ?

Supri : The first thing that we should do is stay at home to quarantine ourself, do social and
physical distancing

Budi : Why should we have do that ?

Supri : Because with we staying at home we can slow the spread of the virus because the corona
virus is able to spread quickly

Budi : Oh oke, anything else ?

Supri : Do a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and consumption of vitamins, especially vitamin c

Budi : Oh no… I don’t like to exercise

Supri : Exercise is very important to increase the body’s immune so the virus is difficult to enter
the body

Budi : Alright, I will exercise diligently

Supri : Washing hand with soap frequently is also must

Budi : Why should use soap ?

Supri : Because soap can remove viruses that stick to the hands

Budi : Oke I will washing my hand with soap frequently

Supri : The last is don’t forget to use mask if you want to go

Budi : So, the conclusion is quarantine independently at home, do social and physical distancing,
and healthy living can protect us from corona virus

Supri : Yes, exactly right

Budi : Thank you for your information Supri

Supri : Your welcome Budi

Budi : Oke, I will go home now

Supri : Becareful and don’t forget to wash your hand if you have arrived at home

Budi : See you later Supri, Assalamualaikum

Supri : Waalaikumsalam

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