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Week 9 Discussion

The first opportunity that arises for RNs and APRNs to effectively engage in policy

review is the professional organizations. The RNs and APRNs have various professional

organizations. Nurses may utilize professional organizations such as the American Nurses

Association and the American Academy of nursing to review those policies. Professional

organizations guarantee the efficacy and advantages of a policy adopted by nurses. It is

decided during the review process. The second opportunity is the workplace. RNs and

APRNs are specialists who are responsible and willing to impact present and prospective

healthcare programs[ CITATION Mic18 \l 1033 ]. RNs and APRNs play a significant role in

fostering the health of quality. RNs and APRNs have the opportunity to impact a government

change from their workforce by ensuring that the initiatives they support are successful in

their workforce. When a specific policy fails to encourage quality treatment, RNs and APRNs

can oppose it by submitting a request for review of the policy. The workforce assures that the

measures introduced encourage patient treatment since the nurses recognize what is going to

work and what is not going to work.

The opportunity presented by professional organizations will raise the challenge of a

complex membership procedure. According to research carried out by Sigma, because of the

complexity involved in their integration, many nurses have not joined their professional

organizations. A clear and well-understood process that nurses will adopt when joining

careers will address the challenge of the complexity of the participation phase. Also, some

nurses are not radical because of poor leadership. The leadership in professional nursing

organizations needs to be reformed[ CITATION Stu17 \l 1033 ]. The chance of the workplace

always has its challenges. Next, certain nurses are not trained and need to study the proposals

suggested. In such a scenario, the nurses would be informed of the regulatory reforms that are

pending adoption and of the development policies. It is always a difficulty in the workforce
with split nurses. It is time for nurses to come forward and work together towards a shared

purpose. There is also the challenge of poor leadership that does not encourage the nurses to

improve their leadership skills[ CITATION Mic18 \l 1033 ]. Healthcare stakeholders should give

all nurses the ability to expand their leadership abilities and build trust in challenging all


Training and leadership are two strategies that lead to better coordination of these

opportunities. They can fully appreciate their responsibilities and their working atmosphere

by meaningful preparation for nurses[ CITATION Stu17 \l 1033 ]. Effective leadership is

important in ensuring that nurses have an opportunity to share their opinions on a specific

program. It is always the members of an organization who assess if the patients should have

the right to review a particular policy. The main components of professional nursing staff are

training and effective leadership.


Butler, S., & Diaz, C. (2017). Nurses as intermediaries in the promotion of community

health: Exploring their roles and challenges.

Litchman, M., & Schlepko, T. (2018). A scoping review of Advanced Practice Registered

Nurses Consensus Model outcomes: Part four of a four-part series on critical topics

identified by the 2015 Nurse Practitioner Research Agenda. Journal of the American

Association of Nurse Practitioners, 710-723.

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