You are on page 1of 38

oensity •

unn d<: )
O Fn>m 1hc ""''' • f"' m'
' ' nd ,,u n that one
.on of
E} l11hc den 11, of gold " t~9'00 Ii:~ m
6" Ill M~m "h • ,, the mass ol thc .itnm
be f 1dc lcn •~ I ' " 10 ~n k I
4 " 10 ~ ~C t- '4 >< 10 kg
d .ir h.iU..;!} 1ter d
E) fbc rail<' of the density of the cle<: uolyuc solu11on ins• c '
~ ~•~ to ,1, demit) :tiler ,ccharu1ng the rotter) 1s 1 1ndeterm1nable
~ less than I
b equal to I
gren1cr 1hnn I

0 !\letalhc ,heel ,,r a"• .uc shape "h1i-c 1n,11cnal

dens ii) ,, 7000 ~g m 111c qut.1r1cr of the sheet,, cut
off a< m 1he figure. so chc r.1110 of the dcnsil) ol the
matcnal of the p,l11 "ht,h 1s cut off to the den, t) of

the "hole ,heel 1 , I

., I

9 1bc graph tlLlt represents the relation bc1,,ccn the n1a.,scs o( ,ohd iron piece, and their

de05111e at constant 1em(l<!ra1urc 1,

p p fl
• f
' \
~ - 1, -n
L_m ,I

O llt lu1lu\l 111 I • 1 h1 I 11 t

II hich "' II C rolln\\ Ill I 11 h r •

'" I rT

\llurTk'ot I l,!n m IC )' r I lh n ti • m
\,liumc [lf I gofl ,,n 1 I' t.: "l tum of I pp,:
\I \' of I cm 111 1 n: JI) gi Ulll the 111 f I T d

\la.",,, I cm uf \\illCr I ,~ 1h.,n the III or, ,m (If JI) U

8 n,.: oppo>11e f,gwc ,hon luur gr.wtiJlcd ,

~, hmler-, cJch of 1hcm <.11111.,111, ., l11.4u1d "hw.e
,nlumc am.I ma,, ,ire labelle,1 nn
the C) IinJcr- nrc m J room "hose u,mpcr.nur,:
,i- cylinder If ~II
c, ,n lhe I\\O C}ltndCh \\h1ch contain LIC. bD
'Al I
the ,rune hqu1d are
A , D. " B . C. c A .C D.B

0 In the uppo>1lc ligurc. 1hc m,1,,1;~ of two groufl' 01 h,1lb urc

equal ,,here one group i, made of metal
ol metal (y I. If JII ball, are ,ohd and huvc 1hc ,ame H1lume.
(X) anJ th,: ,,1hc-r gn,up -
The r.i1.10 between 1he den,111cs uf The 1wo metal\ :x js
J .3 ., l

C!) Ti1.,m1um has density of 4511(} l;g_lm 3 so the volume of 20ll g ul llt.m1um 1,
~ 22.2 cm 3. I> 44.4 cm 3 ~ 22.2 m·1 J 44.4 m'

al;, The opposite diagram show, a cub,llu hlcx:1-

made lrom a mc.:tal ol dcns1I) 2.5 til~m 1 •
\Vhal i\ lhc Rlil\, ur lh~ blo.:k I

J 8 g. h 16 g. .. ...
~(Jg J 100 g. ' ...111


-;f!IJ Lg ,n ' ~
4()()( 4!,"'

Q. :J a
c,t111<1i:r el,

[)( .

~ ,\ ,tuJ~nt ":int, to finJ the dcn.ut~ of nxl. 3

that ti.: found '° he ,'3[Il.,,. out :HI e~l"!n111ent

a.< ,ho" n Ill the •'PPl-'''tc d1ag:r'JIU . s,, the
den,1t) of the ro.:k is
3 ~~l.g,m'
l()(IO l.g m 1
4/)(JO kg m •
3 ,;o()()~'cm

~ The d,agr:im ,h<"', t"o cut-.> 11131k trom

the' ,jJJle maten.J. One cut..: II.a, ,1ck.>« thlll
are t,H,e a., loni: a., th'-' ,iJe, ot the ,,thcr cub<:.
The weight ol the ,mall ~ube ,, W I I

- -
\\'hat i, \\Cteht of the larl!er cube '!
b \\'. .I l6 \\".

~ f · rwo ball, .ire made ol metals. the fir..1 ha~ rad1u~and tlcn,il) p anJ the ..ccond ha,-
- m
r.id1us 1 r ,ind den,it) 2 p . ,o the r,11io bcl\\t:cn 1he1r ma~,e:-. m~ equal,
' I -
I l J 16
~ ,t' The uppo,tt; figure ,h11\\~a cuhe ,1nda cyhntler.
If roth are made ol ,oltd ,run, the rJUU hel\,c:en
the mass of the .:ube to that of the C) hntler i~ l
I h -It
4 I

(f> ~._ ,.1-\ mc1~1IJi4.• nlln) "' n1nss 7-\fl l' •~ n ,1 J • 1 ,,o ,,1 11 111
0 1hc1 run,, lrn111 <lll'['<'r II 1111 d,•rr. 11y c J 111.1 II<' 111111 I I
copper" 11 gxm I, II ass111nrr1g 1h1111h, 111ml volume ul 11t, flu
the (W(l n1Clills hcloh.• 1111,111g, 511 !Ill .!, 11'11} 111 the 11rn1 "11 ,r JI
2.5 g.c,11 1. l.h g., rn 1 ~ Ir c111

,e ~.. A g111duuccd cylinder t.:Cllllam, •Ill c·rn 1 ol gly,c rm who,c cl 11 ,1y J I LI n

nn amount of waler or ,1.:n,ny I giL'"1 1 1s mldi,d ,., 1hc, glyccnn, o ,hJ.L 1h ,I 11y o
the mhwre ~con1e, I .I g/cm'. 11 lhc volume of Jhc l1q111J , dnc 11'1 clmnrc 1111,r n -1111
them. the volu111e of th.: added wuler equtds
.ulcn1 . I -14cm 3. 52cm\ !!Ocrr'

,~ 'v.. Three li4uids of dcnsi1ics p. 2p and 3p are ,nixed in e4ual ,nusscs.

If the volun1c ot the liquids af1cr mixing them equals 1he summation of lhc,r volume.~
before mixing , the dcnsily of 1hc mixlurc ,s
ll 18
7 P. I TT p. 13
I 23 p

fID -t" If 1,vo liquids of same n1as,es bul densities p I and p 2 are m1xeu. und Lhi.: volume of
the liquids after nlixing them equals the suinmation or their volun1es before rnix1ng. 1h1:11
density of n1ixture is given by ...
P 1 + P,
p= •

~ -t' Three liquids of densi1ies p, 2p and 3p are mixed in equal volumes H the total volume
- of the liquids docsn '1 change af1cr mixing. then lhc density of the m1x1ure is • ...
p. ~ 2p. ' 3p. I 5p.

,e The relative density of a material can be dctcnnined from the rclat1on

The density of 1naterial x The density of ,vatcr at the san1c temperature
The volume of a unit mass of water at cc11am 1en1peru1ure
~ The volume of a unit mass of the ma1erial al the ,ame 1empcra-tu_r_e
The n1a~s of lhe malcrial
The voluinc of the material
d The masi. of a certain volun,e of the n1atcrial x The 1nass of the smnc volun1c or ,vater

, lull\, n II .,r L I ncJI "''"'"'
Ii ,
II tlfUf 1 I 11

11 r
@v··\, I I I

I ""'
& ty ,,1 dK' ml\ Ill t1«

I nJ I

Essay questions

0 1bc l"T'J'l.., .1~ ,, UR" ,ho\\~ I\\O \phcrn. halb

.. h, h made or, .. l d11Tm:n1 m;11t·11.1I,,

"bkh tlhc1"ob.,ll-•"ll',"k' \nrl"hi,h

" II fl 1n " • r , ◄ ► ...
1 ,-m

e I ,plain lh,• fullo,. ini: mlemcnl,:

11,e l}V,: of ancnua ,;in he diagn<>SCU b) =,unng the dens II) ol blood
~ome ,J1,ca<e, ,an be ,Jta •nosed b1· mca,unng 1he drnsll) or uru~
Q D.:pending r n the concept or den,uy. ho" ran ~uu d~tt-rminc tf the hauery ol a ,.u 1
"h.1rg('d or m1t •

0 In cxpcrunent Ph)"" CA3ffl ~tut.lent• "ere a<ked Ill mC,hure the rcl,11,v,· dcn , ll) ul Cltl
One ol th<" ,1udcn1, g"e• .in .ins"cr \\htch ts O 8 kg/m nnd another !;I\C:s an un.s\\Cr ot
0.S \\ hkh ,,1 •he 11,0 MuJc111, give, the corrc,;1 nns\,cr 1 .\nd \\h) '

9 7bc L ppo,, • diagram ,ho,, s t"o cube, ca,h

if 1 •lume ItJ()(, c 1 ! Int' 1s made of uun and
us rn , 1, 7 <i ~,It und the other,, m:1tk of
lurr:. um and ,·, ma,s 1s 2 7 kg
Cakulalt• the dcusll) ul Cal 11of 1hc 1r(>11 Alun11nu1n Iron
d the nlum11111 m
\\ h} are th, 1k11"11c, of t11c cube,' m,ncrrnl~ u1lrcrcm ?
urc~l fl •rh h,o e 11<•c11 done 10 male stronger 11l un11nu1n nll"\, 1o he 11 ~, d 11, hu,llhl'''
aircraft • l'~fll,,in \1 h_
1 • •


C, lt)uuJ1,lh.1,,n1J(",1!1l illlltt.:k.t'I 11111-1 hi! I \llh II l 1 11 I
rhcm 1eq11111.!!; l.111:~1 l111tt: lu ht• hli...,I , I• ~pl.th1 ,1111r 1111t.w<r

(\\ht:J't' p oll 1<1'\-1: lll'I


o lltc orrlhl h..~ l,lhk• n:pn.-,l'lll"I the d1.:" II)' pf

I L'm1u.•ra1turc \\111,r dcn'ill\
w.1tc1 ; 1t d1Uc1\.'n1 tt.'mri;:1.1111n.•,

\f ,, hit-h 11:m1:1er.1111n- th1-:s H c-uhu.: mdi:r ol

I ( I lkg/111'1
\\~Lier havi· the h1ggl'!ool ml1s~ 1 l •n• lflU)
\t ,,hid1 tc.•mpernture docs one J...1lo~r~1m o l
111 WJ7
,,a1cr hJ\.C' thl'.' biggl:'..,l volume.,
'~ 9'J7 I
C,pluin the d11icrencc o l war,·r t.1c11,i1y 111 Lc rnpe1aturc-~. 100
I q,x 4

Third Problems

0 II the rclat"'" Jen,ny of \\ood 1s O.o lind :

Densny of " ond
t , .'-'la,, of a piece nl wood ol volume 0.1 m 3.
twhere P,. = IOIKJ kg1m 11 fl,IK) l n ofl k

e The following table shows rhe relation between m,iss rm, of copper pteces and its
111 (kg) 86 172 344
\',,, lm3 J 0.1)1 0.02 0.0-1
, Dra11 the relation between the mus, tm1 nt the 1x-ux1s) and Lhe volume t\) at the()··""\
1, Front the Araph find the density or copper sf«l, ,, 1

8 An empty metal conta iner has a mas, ol J l.g II its mas, \\hen II i, l11led "1th" ,1tcr
is 50 kg and when n is filled with oil i, -10 l.g, cnlculate :
, Rel.nive dt•n,il} of nil
lnJ The volume of the i:011taine1
/where ,~" \\ Ulc.r = lOCJO kg/m )

0 ,\11 cn1p1y nmtaincr ,if muss 10 kg has a volume capul1ty of I\O liter,." hut I\ 111 Ix· 11,
1nass "hen 111, filled wnh gasoline of rduuvc den\11)' 0 72?
twhcre fl W;Jltr = l000k"/tn
J ,,, 'l



- - ., make 0 hollow
'1) ,f Ho-. muoy grnm, of iroa ure ,e4u1rcu 10
~ . . u ou1cr ro<liu," 25cm
,phcre "ho,c inner radius " I• cm an l5'-'.tu
a, ,n I he opposi le diagram ·• ,
f"bcre 1he de11,11y of iron= 7.S glcm · ) 'mn I x Iii' g,

aD ,t' ,\ fla,k of ,olume 60 mL" fiJk<l complctd}
wilil mercurv al 0°C and \\hen it, 1emperaturc 1s
raised 10 80"C. abou1 I .-17 j!. of mercury is
,pilled ou1 lrom the flask a~ ~hown in
the oppo,uc figure.
Calculate the dcn.slly of mercury at R0°C. if
UlC dcnslly ol mercury UI o·c " J 1595 kg/1n
w11h ~,~urning 1hm the volume of rhc remains

CD ,t' A volume of I m 1 of w,11er ha\ dens11y I03 l..g/n1 3 at 4°C and when ii freeze,, it
c<>nvene, ,mo an ice of dcns cty 917 kg/m 3 01 0°('
Calculate lhc 1m:rcasc 111 volu1ne when lh1, amount of wa1cr ha~ convened tnto ice.

11 ►.IJ'J 111 'i


Multiple choice questions

0 l~s~UI'\'. u. n1l "nt.-xl 1n

k ' I,, Ill

8 ln\\lu,h,lllh llillo,,111,t, un: 1hcr,re 11 ,c, 1 11,)11 I•

111. ,1mum '

Q Tl1e rur,o b,'I\\C<'l1 the n11rin,,I ~),tnli. .,ml ,l1."1nh,· p,e,sun:, 1

t I Z
2 I l

0 Inc OPl'<"llt· llgun: \h11\\, n ,h,1ir \\hc1't: kgs iu,• Ch 11r

pul 1n pr,•fl·,tor ,:,1p, to pn1t,:,t th,: ,·arp,:l 1111dc1· lhl'
..11a1r. \\Judi ol the fullu\\lngthoi..:s rqn,,1•111,
tJ1e el feet l11 putting tht• .:.,p, un the .uc.1 ul ,u111.,c1
bcl\\C~II iht· k·g, anu the l"lll"JX'I anti th,• pr,·,,1111: llll
11tm areu •1
l'rtll .,..tor c.JI"

,\rt·a of l 'Olll.lCI
lJi:cr.:a,, , Dct·rcasc,
In, 1,·.1,,·,
Dct r.:.iscs

ln,r<·,"cs 1),:,1,·,1,es
~ t lncr,·a,,•s l 1Ktt,;1"''

I (.... 11 IIL I .I ...\41, 33

UNll TWO 11 '
I IJUI l 11

(D I

I I •I I J

0 I •ilt tit.xk, ,.,1hil.1t ,111l ,11 ••,111 l' 1•l.11 ,•,I ,.,, ' """' , ,111 , 1u,, 11,1h,
\\ hh h t,hw. ~ "'"'~" lh~• lln·1~·,1 lllh' 1lu.~d
1 1

" •'


;n' ~'\

." .. •

•' "' •
\ t ~-
' :0\111 '" on

Ilic .i,.1!!1,1111 '"""' ,1 t:1"" 1,111,k r,•,111w 1111 o 1u1,1,· 11 1' •
0 ,if 111,• illnd, 111 n,111,11 I\\ 11h th,· 1,thk 1, \
llt~ ,111 ,1
aml lhc '11\"J ,1f th.: 1.,l•k h•p " ' A~' ,\
I hC' "c1i;h1 111' 1he hlt1,:k is \\' ,11111 1lt,• 11c1gh1 nl 1ahk lop
th, 1.1l>lc 1, l.,l,
\\'ht,h ,· ,rn:"11111 g,,,., th,· pn:"ure ,·,,·11.:,l "11
lhC' tnhlc I" 1h,• hl,K ~ '
\\ \\

suh1nannc 1111, ,1 ,
11v11l,11 "111d11w II lnisc i, n l 111 II th.: 111;1,1n1u111 c,tcmal
pn·"mr 11t.,1 11t,• 1111111,11, ,.m w1111,1u11d ,, hhll kl'.,, ,., th.: 1111nlln11111 .:,1cr11al r,,n:I!
,n11 b,cnk the 11111111111 1, ,q1pn1,1111a1dy .:,111:11 ln
, -17 x 1(1 N
t , tioxtl\ 1 ~ I

0 If the pre,,un· 11 l11d1 uflcd, the g111uml due 11, lh,• ,1.md1ng ol a girl 1111 ht:r t,.,1h \rg,
c,prnl, 2 'ix 101 N/111 •. "'th,· 111.:,,ure 1111 lh,· g1uun1I dui: tu th.: ,1andi11g 111' the , 11111~ l!1rl
un n111· ki; cquul,
~ I I
2 'i X 10 N'111 ,I Ill':-.; 111 '


cJl) .\ hJncf..: nt "L'll',hl \\ 1, 'iii h ,111 1 Ill'- ,,1

Sl, lht· prt.·,,u11.-~ C'-L'rl\.•d rn, ThL• ·1 ,~ nd "- :.i h

I \\ \,

CI> In 1hc.nppo:-.1h..· 111,?un: II IIH:tlhll.!1..11s. u1,L·1t...d 1nrn.l ,hn,

th1.• rn•,sun:· Ulh.Jt.~r u \\!II

-~ Jn thl' nppthtlc hg:ure 1J )t\U l\:111\1,·f,.'d ,,11L"' c.:11~· h1,n1 th..:m.

lh(' p1ei;~L1n.· clue lLI th~ L'llhcs \111 1hc .u,·H ,1r ~1'111:tl l ol Ill~
under 1hem \\ 111
,ncrea,c lo the douhll"
he 111<ic·1,·rmm.1hk

{!) In lht: c,ppo,11e ligur<J 1111nc· ,,1 the ,uhcs is pul 11h11,c lht: 1,thcr
lhc pres.sure uut: IO lhc cub<>, vn the surlctl'C , 1hc·111

., mere use 1(1 1hc d()ul;,le. -=--~-~../

decrease 10 chc hull.
remain, con,rnnt.
be im.k1erminable

(I) A cube of ,idc length 5 cm u11J we1gh1 2..\ N b put .,l>lwc ., t.1l>k. ,,, th,· pn.xlu.:,,I
pressure by 1.bc ,ub,· on the ,urfoi:c of 1h.: 1.,bk ,,

, Q()() kg .tn 1, !

~ In the oppo,11c figure 1wo bo,es un: plun:d nc,t l(l

each other anJ both arr opcni.:d from tho: top. e
The first no., has a cubic ,hnpr and the se,ond one
has a cuboidul shape. so the rulio of th1: forcL•s du.: to V •,,,' r
the atinospheri..: pressure on the bas,:~ of the bo,e,
◄ lO<m - ~ ...,\lio.

from th.: mside equal\



I' 0
(ii ~• The "l'l''"'tc figure ,h•"' s th<· hasc .area un'.1 i
2h s I
height of;, £1l'IUJ' of hrick,. JI the dcnstty ol the ♦ h T
matcnal 01 bnd, T "Jouhk that ol each of t,ncks

h l h Q I
s. Q unJ '/ , '° which ul 1wo tin,k, artc,1 the l/\ 2A I\
., "'
ground b) the same l'""'urc r.s
s .Q
1, /.
Q:l ~ -In the upposil< ligure. tf the w,·1gh1 of the solid ,uti.:
is 60 N and the lcn~th or ,t, s,de "q cm. the pre.,,ure on
the surface by th•· cube equal, 2
ti 7407 .4 N lm •
8230 4 Ntm 2. 2
.1 1703 .7 Nim .
6-11.'i Ntm 2•
4i) A cyhn<lcr of hetj!hl 3 m an<l radJu, O 3 mis ,U10ding on iL, h<11to1n arrccting the ground
hy a pressure 19000 Nim 2. The density of the cylinder·, material is •
{where: g- 1om1,-)
, l
633 x 10- kglm·
l l
6.33 x 10 kgtm .
3 < 2.1 x 10 lg/rn .

m.. 'V•··Two columns or the same height arc made from a material

of den,i1y 6000 kglm 3 If the first one has a square base of width
0.2 m and !he second one ha., a circular base of diamelcr 0.2 m.
the ratio of the pn:,sure of the first one on the surtace to the
prcs,urc of the scx:ond one on the ,urface is
I ., l I d 2
fD A ,mall 1ablc of weight 40 N stands on four leg~•each ha an area of O.00 I
Wh:tt 1s the prc~sure of the table 00 the noor ? ••

400 N/m 2. 11 1000 N/m2 ~ 10000 Nlm2 •

~ ~ t\ c,;·uht11d p,llur o l Wt.•1 •h. R
1he hC'lf lll ,,t 1hc pallnr " I 111 ind 11t: l l n ti u 11 111 1 I 1
b\· rhi: p1llnr 011 lh,· J10 111 ,,. 1 wJin lh i.: d r l 1

, .J 5 >< JCr1 N/ m l I I ~ ( ... I

• 2·1 " 11r1 N,mi 11 1...

Essay questions
0 If 1hc armo,phcn,· pressure is Ill~ Nim2 and lhe uvcr,1ge c:,.1 , nnl
, l
ir of hum~ chc t
,11111osphcnl' prc"urc " I •t·h fitl on the 'n; u1, c. I
1, 0 . I., m , ,o lhc force due 10 1hc
fmm 1he exlemul 1, 11bou1 I JCNKl N. C:\pluin "h> humans don·1 lccl this huge f ,rec ol
comprcs"on on 1hcir chest,.

e The O['j)<>\lle figure show~ IWO ~quarc pieces or

cardboard x . y w hich are placed horizonwlly ,o they
.arc aflt:clcd by a1mospherlc pressure ·
J\lcntion h\O 1>h.vsical qunolitics ,, h1ch J1fec1, the
1 alue of lhc atmospheric pressure on each cardboard

(h) If the area of x 1s four rimes that of y, compare between lhe values of:
J. Lhe armospheric pressure on x and 1hc atmospheric pressure on y.
2. the force of the atmospheric pressure on x and thal on y.

0 The opposite figure show, two identical

waJls B.A.. e.xplain why wall A sinks in
Ilic mu<ltly roil for a fe,s deep distance
than wall B

\ CUl'lt..rc.le

O A carpen ter want;, Lo design a heavy table with multiple legs of the same cross-scctiona.l
- area but a problem has been arises where be noticed that the table will cause dcnc:;
(n1arks) under its legs in the carpet. Suggest two methods to reduce the depth of lhe,e
dents m the i:arpet.

O 1 1A student pul 8 coins above each other on a horizontal

surface as shown in figure (I). lfthe weight 01 each coin
is O.08 N anti the area oJ I Ls face 1s 5.3 x IO 4 m2•
calculate the pressure of these co1nh on the s urface
h gun: Ill

k1 . I nu wti,·n th, torn,111<• pa cJ
t ~._ ()unni: • 1on1~,lo till' DII
f r<<""" \\ IIS ~I) t nonnal ,r:nosrhcuc pre• ure
tl p,1'<11, ,1ti
I ,udd(·,,h i,, u hnu,...'. ,,h,:n: ''" pre, .. un! ,wade 11 cqun.., u~ 1 • . •§Sllll •• 1(!11 l1l11
the hOUs<' \\ .. ,1c,1nl\(<l If"'" '""" the""' mnl ,tnll"I' ,cr" r••

" h~ ,~ 1hi: hciu\C dr)ln"l) cd , 1
Cakul,th! tlk" (on.-c .ic1ing 11n .ll'l",1 ' x 12 m ul the huu.-.l' ,,·~ 11,
If the ,f<w,r, .111J "111Jnw, ol the hoUSl' were "I'"",, that lead 10" le,, d,,m~ •c '

\nd"h) 7


4()<.J() !\'. Cllkulalc the pre"urc ot \\,lier al the bottom of th~ l,tnk.

8 c\ (OfCC ot 15 :>, uclc:d on a ,ur(ace ,,rca ~ cm~ such th.ii the \CCLOr ,,t the fore.: make.~
nn dOflc ,O' \\llh the 11111,n,tl tu u,c ,urtacc. c-akulatc rhe prc"ure un the ,urtace.
"4 '}~' >( 1 '"'

E) ,1cef cu1'<ud of ,.hm,•nsmn, Ill cn1. 5 .:rn. }.5 ,m ,Uld 11, muss I lg i, placed on
d ho11zon1al plan<' ,urfoce. Calculate:
Den,1t) of the cubo1J matcnJI.
It~ n\a\111111"1 prc:ssurc.
II, mm11num pr<!,,u«:
(lno,,mg that g = 10 m/,~ 1

0 arc
,\ cuhc of ,,de kngth 10 ,m and u l uboiu made nf the sanw material who d
30 c '0 d
SC lllll'llSt()ns
- m •• cn1 an 10 cm Sho" ho" can 11" •.cuIx11'd ~ pla,cu on a ,url ,tee 10 prlxln,e
siimc prC.'>SUre a, 1he cuhe lOn lhe stde 'I x ,o, •


9 \n en~m<·1,,•t \\ nllh le'' d1,, M •11 1 h11J1,

,,1 \\,·1gh1 I ~ \IN 10 l,c_ b11 1h """ t\\n
p111:tr, ,1ho, \' .1 n, l'I 11, shn\\ n 111
ttw hµun.~ If lht.~ hndg l· will , inh 111111
1h1.· s(ltl ,t it c.iusc:s d pr~s,ul\: gre,1t~1 l h .111 If\ k N, 111 ,·u1t..~111 a1e • ..: mm m, uk I

th~ t0um.l,thlllh ot lhl· llru.lgl" nm,t h.,,,e ,o th,11 tht..~ hutl !C tk"<' . 1 ink

0 c,ikulull' !he'""'' ,1pr,rt1\lt11Ulc ma" u l the .11111,"plwrc I\ here lh ' d, c,1 I ,:irth i<
(l J"' " In'' 111 1h,· '" crugc ,llm,"phcru; pressure al the surt.,,c o l I· 1rh , I , >< 10< l'.i
1he ,urfacc arc.i nJ a ,phc,e = -l rrr 1 and g = lJ .MmJ,1 . II I \_

0 In the opposite figure a man hold, n dmwmg pm betwee n

hi, thumh ,md mdc,. Ii ngcrs where he presses on !he head
,,r lhc pin 11 ,lh his thumb by a rrc~sure of 84 N. II thcaron
of th,· head of the pm 1st, x Io-5 mi.
Cnlculnte :
I The force or the up or Ilic pin on Ilic U1dcx Ii nger
:! The pressure due 10 I.he head of the pin on 1hc thumb finger
( E:-.plnin nh) does the man feel more pain in his index linger n1ore than !us thumh
during pressing on the head of the pin 18~ N. 1 l x H 6 's. r,1'

0 A n1an sits on a choir of four legs where his legs Jon't touch the ground and the ma,s of
both the man and the cho ir is 95 kg. [f lhe legs of the chair arc circular and their ends'
radiu, is o_, rn,. what is the prclisure 1hot each leg produces on th<! ground?
1where :g "
= 9 .8 m/s-) ,, 1

L 'lS ' N THf<E [
-.:=--dp ·- -.- .- d- ~
ressure at a Point 1ns1 e a Ltqu

Multiple choice questions

O Two \'CS!>ds S anu Tare llllcJ tn the ,amc level " 111,
Lhc same liqu1<l a., shn"n 111 the oppn,ilc ligure. II
1he area ol lhe· nl S " k" than th.,t of t, wh1d1
~tatcn,ent is COITCl.:I ')

The force on the hasc of!) 1, gT<'ntcr 1hun the lorcc· s T

on lhe buse ol T
t The lorcc on the base of S is Lhe same a, the force on l11c or T.
c The pres~ure on the base of S is b'TCater Lhan the pressure on the base ofT.
1 The pressure on the base of S is lhe same as the pressure on lhc base of T.

8 \Vhich of the following graphs shows the total cxtcrnnl pressure acting on u sub1narine ut
<lifferent depths bclO\V lhc surfocc uf the sea?
.t>re.ssurc Pre$sure Pres.s.ure Pres-sure

' /

/ Depth
) Depth / Depth

h l ,I

Q Four identical grad uate<.I cylim.Jers comain li4ui<.ls. two <.:ontaio wntcr of density
- JOOO kg/rn 3 ond the other two contain paraffin of density ROO kg/n1
Which cyli ndcr hit~ t11c least pres~ure exerted on its hase h1 the liquid it contains ~

i.:mJ c:ml cm
-AA so "' "'
.., ~·..,

- "' "'
,,, • lt:f
, Pari.ltil'

·, '
,o - .1;,

h d


0 An c.•ngin.~4.'r dc,1gns ,1 dam w.lll lor ,t IC\rnorr ns

shO\\. n rn I he uf!JJ("-tl\.• I igure \\ t11ch Lai..tor dctc:rmmc~
the pre•'""" ,11 X ·•
The t.kp1h ot 1hc water 111 lht.· '"'"'l!rvn1r.
l lh.· ,url.11,:t: .1rca uf 1hc rescnrnr
The length ,,1 the re•c", ir

Th~ th,c~nc" of the dum wall

0 . .
f'Ourd1ffcn:111 hqu,d, an: pourcJ mui 1Jcntll·al measuring . I tm Ic rs • ·1 he dra=ams
<Y ., .. )how
!ht' depth, "I the 1,qu 1u, ,,nu 1hc1r densiuc,. \Vhich l1<1u1d causes the largest pr-~rc on
the ha,c oi Jh mc.-.1-'unng t.::} llnd1. r '


I 6 I
2 .:;'cm 1
sJcm I I
Ill <Tt1
IU tm
I i I
' '
C:, \\/hat doc, not aJlect the pre,,ure at a point beneath the surface of a liquid ?
.\rea of the liqmd ,urfacc Dt:ns1ty of the liquid.
Depth of the point below the surface. Strength of the gr.ivua11onul field.

f) Pre,,ure al a poin1 msitk a hnmogcocriw, staiic hqu1d ha.~ all the follow1ng. prop.:rtte5
except th111
,r acL, 1n all direction, .
11 doe,n ·1 depend on lhe shape of the container.
it always works perpendicularly on the inner ,urfacc ol ils container.
J ii depends on the area which ~urrounds lhrs point.

0 The opposite figure ~hows the grdph relation between lhe pres,ure r
(Pl al a point tnsrdc u liquid 111 a closed contmncr and the vertical
d1Mancc (h) be1wecn this pornt and the ~urface ot the liquid for three
lrquich A, B, C, so
Pc< Pa< PA I
b Pc> Pa> PA
L----- b
Pc< PA < P8 ' PA= Pa= Pc
O I h, orr,; ,1, n
\\ .llC'T 11lh1. •: l'h I ' ,1 It lh I
lift.: t
'"" r:
\I .inJ1
" ''
• II \ 1

'", h I II
,, I


t I
L -h ,__ _, l
- -
at) \ slup no. 11\ t'll llt(' ~Liff ICC ,11 SCtl\\> lier ... shn,,n
on •he rig•JO~. 111h,• po111h \ J,.C- Jr un,kr I
the surf.11.c .Jf "~rer '.1)0
l'l. > "11 > ,. \ I' -\
I•\ --1•B -- ,.C •

~ The lt,I In,, 1ng l 1gur L' ,;,h(n\ s l ,, 11 ,, .111..~1 LI 1n1,1111c I"'!\ t mt: ol thL·m c,,111~ 111 1rc11h , .. ut
1hc.- ,,1h,·r, 11111.1111s s,,h) 11 ,lier, ,1 the Lien 1ty of sally \\Jt,·r , r.Jtcr 1h tl-r t of I I
..,,ucr, lhc highest prcs.,ur. h .:tt JX'llll

Fr<lh "11<:r
.. •
• { •
~ ~ 1, le
ll I ll

A '• fl (' ()

~ ·n1e opp<.1~11.: figure ,how, lhrcc 1csscls ol d!lfcr.:nl

sh.1pc,.1hc) are filled \\llh \\,11<'r 10 the si1111e le,d
anti lhej havl! 1hi: ,:11111: ha,c .trl',t, \\ hid, ul lhc foll1111, mg
,1.i1.:rni:n1, ,~ corrccl lur 1he,,: 1c,scl~ '
n,c prc.-,,urc :u 1hc surf.tee of 11 ,11er 111 1c.-sscl A is A B C
lhe highest because 1e~~l'I ·\ h,h the l.11g,·s1 cr11,s-sc,111111a1 an.•a al 1hat ,1111.11c
fhc pressure al lhl' bas,;- ol l'C)s,• I A i- lhl' i11J!hc,1 h1·, uu,c ,t:,~d 1\ nm1~1m, the Lugc,l
,11noun1 ol waler.

' y •) ' • 49

I ht pn.'.''"'rc
1h 11th.ii on lhC ,,l,['


~· flD
· • - ,111~ \\ 1,p,1.." J1.'l' " I\ '\I
(I, rocoI po,,tc f1µ_ure shOM'S ,II ,,~ttl.:I1h. 111\' .....u,i: ,,r
c,•emb lr111 1 ::o dH t•• ,o cm.,~, l:
1 ·
• 31 1hc i,.,110111 "'
, I j '
r, ,

\\ .1tt·, \\ h1rh ofir'- ,~ ~, ,topper s,"I'

~ e , .. k nl dcplh \0 cm equal'

,-:9Sni.1ii' p-.Jtt_ lt)(JO~g:111'1

fl) \n
I ,d honzonlall) un,kr the ,ull ,,.:c ol
\ 111111 plalc of ,urt,i.--c .,rca 11.03h m l' P ace
',quid den,\ll\ 910 ,gr.' ' 11 the i.,n:c lhal .,,1, ,,11 lhl.' upper ,udacc o1
ihc plJtc due ihe liquid prc"urc j, ~':10 ~. 1hc 1lcplh nl 1he pl,11c un,k• "a1cr
,urfacc cqu;ils 1g = •).8 1111, 1
c I s ,n. " R.7 n,
h I.I 1n.
O,HS m

~ r~ ,h tank has a ,hapc of cuboiJ "ho,c ba,e Ji1m:n,tc1n, arc l\O cn1 60 ,n1 nnJ il\ he1gh1 LI
IU er, \\'a1cr 1> poured in 11\c 1.1nk unul II rcat"i1cd u hc1ghl nl \0 ,n,. 1he fnr,.: ,luc 1<1
lhc w.i1er p1,:,,urc 1,l11ch .,c1s nn the bo1111111 nl lh,· ,111k equal,

(\\ here . tJwatri - 10011 kgim \ 1\ = 9 .Ii 1111,

ll \..\II.~'
1881 h °'\

C£l II 1ht',lf•1111 phl·ti pr I II I CJ( I
, .. lrl]O"'' 111 \t \ 'Ill IJ th ' II I 1 I 41 " t I
1111 ~1'.1 I • K I

J IJ1 ,, H I I I,

a, ., 1.'tlhi,· l,tnf.-: ,nl uh' ll:TI th IOh rtl I' "P IU J ftt HI the< 'I I I r Ufl.: I

h111k 10 ,1 hc:IJ'll1 11f 20 un lh1.:n • l ulm I dtlctl 1 1 1 he1 ht ul k J Lit , n 'h bol
1fw l,1uk M 1 lh~ flfC'>\IHC' Ll1llcr•·m c I •~~en u puJIII ul the ud u... f d u1 1h r
f'lHJJI ,11 the ,1m:rlocl· f\L'l \\'l'CII nnil v.1~ol11h: l"..l1uul

rwh,·rc g lr!rn1,,1'. l.01,x111 1 N: 111 2 p =•.Hlllkpml

• J.'.U.;ulmc.
I ,
2 >< JO N,'nr I 5 •I ~ 10 1 N/m, 7 I " 10 1 Nln,l

111 EI[) ,\ 1,111k of h,·ighl

I 211 <m ,, Illlcd co111plc1c l y wnh waler 11f 1kns11y 11•' kgim' If one lh,rd
ol ihc wmcr volume i, l;ikcn 0111 lro111 the cank. Tlicn 1wo cquul volu mes of 111 1"11 c1hlc.-
liquiJ, which ;ire ubo 11111111,cihlc wnh waler arc poured m the iank un11l the tank gets
f1llcJ. ,r 1hc relall\'C dcn,i 1cc, ,,r lhc two liquids arc O.R aml 1.2. the percentage ol ch.tnge
in prc"urc .ii lhc bollom ol 1hc tanl.. c4uals lg= 9.8 mls21
I (J'1 L )Q<,'f

ED In the oppoSJte ligure. h2 = P,

(where: Pwo1er = 10 kgl m 3. p011 = 840 kg/m . g = 9.8 mis?\
3 I
1 0.9m ti I.Olm
h-. Oil •
1.19 m J2.llm h=''"
e The opposite Ogure ,hows three vessels of d1fleren1
shapes. carh of rhcm conlams a liquid of height h.
If all rhe vessels are placed m th~ same horizontal
level, ,o 1he vessel in which .
(ll The weight of 1hcliquid equals Its pressing force
(I l (2) (3)
on rhe bottom of the vessel Js
(I J. r (2) l (3). d (21.(3J.
(i1J TI1c we1gh1 of 1hc hqu,d 1s greater than 11s pressing force on the bottom of the vessel
h 12). ' (3). J ( I l. (2)
(iii) The weight or the hqu1d 1s less than its pressing force on the bottom of the vessel

d (I). h !21. l (J). d tll,13)

I \

l .i
' '
I •
c1 1470 m
h HK»> 111
• the l1rsl ,11111.1111, illl"'J ',,1 Jcn,11) 81~11-;g/m
fl) ~ · l wJ conl,~1 nrr, are ,,i.x•11
. f11.n11 lhC' h 1p , u, • , l ~, wt-- 1,;" of the l ,\1ow1n d101c 0 \\hu
1 1 1 1
anll the ~c:L·unU 1.,·1,nt,110~ lt4trnl) ul dc11,1t) ... ,~ "'g • (II rt
repre,cnt lbe Jq•h, •,quid, 111 c:><.:h ,Clntainer •t "hich the prcs,u«·s ol the lu1un.l, I 21 I

0 <,he
t,ecnme equal '

r The depth of U,1uid , In

- The depth c,f li11uitl ~ in
the container
the <onlaincr
;!() Ill E) rhc
15 111 whc
IO 111 pre
-+ lllm
15 m
- 8m
~ ,f· \\'hen mca,unng 1hc prc.._,urc ,,1 c,1I at height ~ m from the hottom o{ an 01I container.
1•·, round 10 be f>.i5" 104 N m 1 .inJ nl height oi7 ~ 01 {rcim the houom ti, tound 10 be
-I, x 10.:, m~ II lhe &ccekr.innn due h> gra,uy 1 10 m<', , '" the ,kn,11,• of 011 1s
n 150 Ii 800 kg'm' < l!50 k)!imJ d IJ(lO l.&fm' 0 Ill
fl> ~ If pressure al h.ill lhe Jeplh of a lake i~ equal to ; pn:s,ure al the hottom of the lake. th

rhen \\ hat ,, the Jcplh of the lake ·•

rwhcr~ r. = 111 5 N1m2, P,. = 1000 kg.1m 3 g = HI ,n/sil
,. 10 m h 20 m. ~ 6(1 1n d ,o 111.

e vr' \ tx•.1l,·, . nt11 Hf '" ,, , 1111 , 11 I h II I '
.u rh, hot111111 \11 lhl! \\•11 1
1 ll1lf\',l"C'S

1, h"lll,UII\ \:Cllhl 1"1

G) 'y ' 1\vu 111m1i-.1.:shlc '" 01 P\ll lht \'i,: .._ lh 11h I H' I
f'U:'1,-Slhh rt.:pn."!<.Clll lh(" h.111
,,f p1..: '-Ur I I pollll \\ ill• I 11 I II I I 111 I

r I' I'

[_ l ·"
_Essay questions
0 \\ hen docs ... ?
( ll The prcssmc .ii a po1m 111\lue the l1,111id t>ccomcs 111a \llllUlll
t.2) The prc!, .. urc tltffcre-n"·e bct,vccn two point, 10! .i hquu.l = zcn.1
8 Gile reason ror:
~1,:nn ,c.t level " the sumc in all npt:n seas and oceans.

0 TI,e follov,·111g ngurc ~hows three device~ lor mcn~uring pre,,u1-c at .1 pornt ""l\k a llqmd
when:- cad1 of them" connecteJ to tul'M! ended lo u thm l1lm whi.·h i, rc,pon,11,lc tor
pressure sensing unJ recording. explain wh) 11II de, ices ,ho\\ the"""" v.1l11c
,, ,, ,,,

O Th~ oppo~1te graph rcpresen1, the rdn1ion be1ween the l'thlU'l

pressure (PJ al a po1nl rnsiJe a J1quiJ and 1ls Jepth (h) inside
the lrqurd for different liquid;. A. B anLI C in thr.:c jur,

rJ 1\\'hich of the lrquich is in clo,cd re,ervmr ·1And ,1 h) ''
\bl \Vhirb of the liquids 1s higher 111 dcn,ity 1 And 11 h) 'J
(c \Vhal 1s the value or a1111ospherii: prc,surc in 11u,c·11l uml ., .. html


I Problems_

e }'r,nll th• oppo,il~ Ogul'C cut,·ulult· : e 7

I The total pre!'l,urc ._11 pu ml .\. f _, - tJ X nl!"'2)

-I Oil 11 'J m
(\\herc Pi- .
.p.. = 10 \,.gm .i;- l
1" 10'"'-rn • L-L-

, l unt 111 i.l lat.~ .,nu

be • ·n 1he prc»u~ ( l I ,11 a p
C) fh< f<.,ll11\'- ui~ lahh: , lmw, the rclt111nn iwt.:c
1he ,kpU1(hi nl 1h,11 r10in1 in the la~: - 7 -
- I' 1
h (ml -~➔
K + - I-

t -"\ 1
p x HJ~ (Nlor) I 4 l. 1 ~ L,:·- _L , _
- - - p h. l" a~1'1 anJ the Jcpth 1h1 .it
Dra" the relation bcl,."1!11 lhe pres-ure t ) al I e ,· .
1hc: t, ,1x1, >
b J· rum she i:raph Ond :
I Valucnl 1h1.
2 Value of .,1mosphenc pressure.
J Densll) ol th<: wutcr in th~ lake.
' c: b )( I 4i "'
1knowing that g = JO m.,-,

0 lo ihl' opposllc figure a mctulhc cuhmd of Jcn,uy

K5(~J J..J;,nr' 1, placed al 1hc honom ol 3 waler ha,m .
rakulale the total fon:c on she upper ,urfacc o r
she cuboid
!knowing chal : w,ucrllcnsity = 1000 kglm •
;1ccclcrd1JOn due tu gravny = IO 111/s·.
the atmo,phcn.: pressure= 1.013 x 10' pa,call

O ,\ layer ol water ot th1ckne,~ 50 cn1 as plnccd on a hayer of mercury ol thickness ~O cn1 ,

cakulate the d1ffcrcm:c in pressure between two points one ~, the ~eparaung ~urfm;e
bel\\Ccn water and 1nen;ury ,llld 1he olher JI the bottom of the mercury layer.
(where . g = 10 m1s2 • PHg 13600 kgim' .p" 1000 kgln, J = 1~ ! x 10 N 11

0 Tht.· 11ppos11~ hv11, "-ltn\i JI I u l: II ,, t Jll HH l11

., hill I hL~ liuu,c- 1, ,up he~\ 11 \\ 1i 1 11111111 •h 1

r1Jll.! nl 1cn~1h 10~ 111 1h.11 1m: lmc, , th, 1, 110111 ti
\\ ith IHI ,ut ,, ..... oJ hi I (r11111 I I 111k 11llt ti\\ 11h \ Ill 1 1r
h1..·1~h1 h m ,11 tho lup ,,t iht 11111
C'»kulau.• lh~ pn.~,Mlll: t f ,1,. ,re, .11 th:i. llnus:,;
,,,, Cnkul11lt• UI\." h1..·1~ltt <11 \\lukr 111 J 111111 111 vc1111..: ,I
tub'-- 11 11 I'."- dt.ldec.J H p,1 11mn '.\

I•,plain,, h) the n1~hmg u~11•·1h nf ,,,11cr lrom It 1 n! ,-. c •round 1 11 I r

than al., hi~hc1 flon1 t\\hcrc f',. llllWI l.g'1n' I' 111 nil -1
A ...
v 'v A honsl! ~un,1~l:-- , 11' t, lk1on. 1he height ol ca,:h r, l m "nd ,1hnvc ,he I uu r .. I
i.: ,

~1 Cllh~t.1 \\'Jlcr l,Ulk ..111t.1 tn eaL11 fh)llf lhc.~r"· ,~ ., ,vatcr L.1p ul hcq;ht I) 'i 111 In m lhc ~ )1 rnJ
ot the floor II the water pressure at the wmcr tap of 1hc lounh 11nm \\US 11 l ~ 10 'ol r.
J he hci£hl nl \\'.tier in the \\atcr 1;1nl,.
Th~ water pres\urc at the w,,ter t~p c,I the t ,r;t floor
(\\here. p"' = 10:l kg'm~ .g.=lJ.K m/, 2 1 I 111 .!J()Q X l(r• n

A .~
w ~ A gla,,s conwiner orhasc area i\ cont.mos two
liquids, ) wh,ch arc 1mn1bc1hk The upper,
of each uf them above the base 11f the contllincr arc
Llqwd x
0.1 111 and (1.17 m respectively and the opposite ligurc
shows the change of rres,ure !Pl 1hi: rwo
li4uids hy the ch;u1ge of distance (dl from the base
ol the containc·r. rron1 Lhe graph find :
(.il The vnluc of the a tmospheric pressur.:.
h, rhc density of liqu ,d y (g = 9 .8 mis- I

0 In the opposite figur e : I

A cubic water tank with a dosed lilling tube of 2.2m

<T()SS·SCCIIUll area 20 .:rn- fix,:d on the upper
,urfacc of the tank, calculate : ' I I

1a1 The force ac ti ng al the bottom nl the tank \2m

(b) The force acllng on the upper surface of the Hmk. .___ _J'
r,i The force ai:11ng on any vcnical side of the tank.
(where; p" = 10 l kg/m 1 • g =9.8 m's~), 'i S
, 1 r,, x 1tr '<.0.~6 x l\l N, I 2," Hr '-'


ApJ>llc 1tio11 of Pr
inside Liquid
- . . . Multiple choice quci.tlons
O lhl't'\'.'1111'(',ku,H, , 1 fnlup11il, u1h, ..1 1 ,non du 111

t ~hl\J"'-'.d 1111'( 1,,11,1m · 1 m ,,111 tt

, I I II
8 I h'"" ,~l.11,, l· lh 1p1n, tl' t,.,. •o-", llt l J.11 I, dt 11;111111u.•I 11 111 11
thl• l\.'l.1111,u
I\ I\ I\ ••
I, I,
w I\,
e l Ii(" l ..q11d 1hLIU'1l ,t.1lC tif l\\t\ 1t1.,111111,u1J.:_ hlJllllh lH .Ill ti~" 11 \ ,1io1rx•1I
1 h
wlx· •~ ,lh1" n 111 1lw I1gu1\" \1 "h1'-h k, l~l 1nui,;11hv J'IC'iS1Ul1 1~·
lhC' ,.,m<' 1n h, 11h ''"k' l,t 1h,~ tuh1... ..; I h

I h,• pr,•,,ur,• ,II h1 111lhl c,1u,1I th,• p1cs,u1<• ,II hi

0 In,· oppo,11.: ii!,!un.· 1'1;'111,·,,•111, ,1 ll-,hap,•d 1uhc ol

u111f,>nt1 ,·n",~><'d11•11 l1lkd '"'h 1wn i111111i'l•ihk 1'" ; I I

liquid, .ii ,knsi11,•, p 11111.J p . If 111.: littuiJ 111tcrl11.:c ...

he, ~ , Ill .th<".: lhc h.,,c , the rd,lllllll hcl wc,•n p • 1 :'cm
.int.I p 1,

I' = P, p=l.ll~p,
,, n,,nc ol the ahuvc
p.= I ~P-
O \\atcr ,, filkd 111 a l '-,hnp<'u iu1,e or d1lkn:111 <"ms,-,t·,·tional
area t.'11 ''"' ,id,:, 11' ,h1>\\l11n 1he llppnsit,· ligm,.:. H equal I
11111ounh ,1f oil ar,.: puun:d 111 th.: l\\'ll ,1dc,. 1l1c lcvd 11f wu1cr
111 th.: 11arn1\\ ,it.I,· ol lhc tube" ill
re1na1n und1.111gctl.
b be k1\\cr th,111 the l.:v.:l 11r\\all.'r in thi: 1\ld.: stdc.
, be higher 1h.1n the i,:1,•l ur wu1.:r in the \\id,· side .
•1 It depend, on th,· length uf the tuh~·.
an 11nnu
nn a,nounl o "
Hi I.II, Jll
a1cr uf tJ_n 11>
h heigh! uf m
I ~olu
···' 1ub<, c ""'"' 1I 1 '
-W' I !I h i1q,v ' f
cJ 111 nnc, 111 •• mi• ... h t , I
culurn.n \\ ...
I of <kn.,I) M71 la,;, m I pour
1hc rue ..rf
1- 1 hc''-PITlC'
,,c\\11 II \\.I,..
I(I cm the t,c1i,:hl of "utcr •

,he .. ,1 • u,lumn ,, R.7~ en•

7 85..:m
7 ~scm
I I <h


0 Ille nrpos,lc lifU"' ,hu\\S a l 'iarcd 10i:,., con1.un111g

• 1.

,.;ua and another hqu1d in a ,u1e of cqu1hhnum. ,n

lhe rel.111,c Jen,1I) ,,t th1\ l1qu1J .:quals

L1qu11.1 b
,;--... .

b l~
J 4

~ In I.he opposiic J,gun: U-shapcd tube con1ain~ three liquiJ, A

equilibrium. ,o Ull' hc1pht oJ mercury 1h11~J above lhi: kvcl
of intcrfa,c ~11\cen ,1.ucr and mercury "nearl)
(\\ here J
:: i\50 kg. m' • Pw = I 000 1.:g/m' , l'Hg = I 3600 kg/m·')
4.15 ,:m. ., 1.75 cm. \\cr,ury

3 2'i cm

4D ,f· v-shaped tube of unifonn cro,, sccuonal area ha, two arm~. each of lcngth 20 llll.
The L;.~hapeJ tube is pbccd ,crt1call) and filled 10 11, half\\ ith ,vatcr, lhcn 01\ 1, poured
m one urm until II reaches the cn<l ur the tube lfthc den,itic, of \\atcr and oil arc
1000 kgim 3, KOO kg1n1 rc,pcc11vcly, so the height ol oil abo,e the inlcrfuce"
I:? 96 cm, 1 14.54 cm. t 16.67 c1n. d 17 2 cm

a_)~• I
~ Ill l
It\ I

\\ 111 ,, I

I' f, .. I

tit."'"' 11,CIIIL II I
I If L

(I) 'v'-, I

11111111111 ul j11 Ill)\\· 11,111, Ill

1tltf II h "" II II
1 1 Ill II ' t
I ' f ilt II I UI I 11 h 11 Ill
1111 11 • 11 • 111 I ,, I 1111111 11
rnc un II th , t r 1 1
IIMK1 t,. 111 I lr~MI I • 11 I
II 'llll
llh1•11 II I
/Tl ••
w V' I h,· "l'fl""'' l1ru1c I , lfl('J IUI I Ill ''" I I

1111111 h so th f ,, 11r (101111 I I Ill f'I, 11 I f"ll111 I,
re lt"I lh n
I 1 1n I • •
1101 I I ! J '"

Essay questions
0 n,c opp,, lie •r 1ph ~ho\1, lhc rel IIIOll lll•l\\ crn

ill\' l11·1gh1 111 \1,11,·1,11111111,· iil'I ·ht,111,•1

l1q1111f 11lk11 c lhl' 1111crl,1,c hcl\1c:,·n 1hc1n
\\ rill• do" fl lhc n1ulbt·11111llt"lll n •l11llo11 111111
lhc t•c,uh ult•fll of lht· 1,loJK',

e A hornug,·11cn11J lu,1uul ,,, JCll'II)' JI ,~ Jllll 1n, 1rle 111ull1plr

\C\\CI\ 11~ ~hn11·11111 th,• 11p111•s11c f1g1111· fl the 1c~~1I, h,1\ c
1 t11111111un
Ille !ilMIC'
h,I\C 111 Che

or C'CjUlllhrlum : hI
,11nc hor110111,1l lc,rl. 11ro,1• lhnl In
h, h1
/: I

' 65

e TI1e- orpi-."'ih." 6~1.1.n·· ..hew.,. ,l L .,11ut'H"J

wht: 0
con1i.u,1111E: llu~c IJquh.1-.. x \' ,n ·1.1uillllrlul11 h I, I

1 11 = l ,.. Ond th~ rntlo : 1,
I l"=-,1,:.:~
h ,~ I

0 ~.._ Thi: opr1,,th: ti~uo: "ihow-.

1,q, LI ,l111p.:J 111bc:i-i, cuc.:h ot t.hi:111
~~ont.u11:-, two h4uid,,,
I iqu1J I
"but l< the rnlio b,1-,ccn the dcnS1t)
f)/) III
or li4u1d z JJ\d vi liquid '- ( -
r, ?

Third Problems
0 U-,hapcd tube conrnm, wat~r ol den>lt) IOJ kg:m3. aftc,· pouring oil m on..: ol ih "'"
hr.mch~ thL~ hefght Jitferenl:c bel\\l!cn v,mtcr surface\ in the two branches becomt:'-

19 ~m Find the height nl OJI if lhe uil ucnSII} is ~00 kglm~ ,~ , ' I)

e [n the oppu>1IC iigure. an amount of water IS pourcJ in one T

e, Oil
of the arm, ofa L-,hoped tube then an amount of oil adde<l. ;,; Cale
ff the Jiquitl., become• ,n equilibrwm. culcuh1te the density of ac
11f nil. I where . Pw =IIXlO kglm 3) I'• 75 kg,,n', (wh,
C, L'-,hupei:I rube of cross-sec11on. whose verticnl height is 30 cm. filled with water
up 10 ns hall. Oil ,s pnurcd in one of II.!, sides till the ~dg.e; calculate lhe water height

above the sep,1rnting surface if the oil t:lensi1y is 800 kg/m~ . so

0 The oppo,ne tigure shows L!-~haped tube of uniform crnss.-scc1ional
' ~'hen rwo equal volume; of water and mercury.
area of I cnr. !
eas·h of magnilu.k :!0 cmJ, are poured tnlo the U-shaped tube. they '
become in rhe ,hown equilibrium stale. Culcul11te the difference
Wo1cr ' e 'v'
Men::uC)· Ol
berwc-cn the level, of the two liquids in the arms of the tube IX).
/where· p . = 1000 kglm3 p
\\ utcr = 13600 kn1m 3)
mcn:ur~ E' 11S°'3~in

e 1 he t 1 rJ1(l,SJte fl~UJ ,110\\ ' l h ,~,1
,,_ l Ill IIH
tht\.'"C ltCjUhl~ ,u tqu, i nurn l 11kuluh: t t
,1ioutcr colu,nn 1bo"c:, • 111 ~ 1 \. ,, mer un
(\\hen- P,. ,ro, • 'O kg 1
I'n fll k

0 '."._ L'-•haP<,d l~!>c of ~ro,, •c•uon u-e.i 2 ,mi. •nt 1111 n n

of,olume9cm 1 , d
'poure m one , r L~c two br c~e s~c' 1h ,
\\alCt in lhe l\\n ,,des l-ecru,1c , 6 • ,,. d h 1,
- cm rm t c "<'I ume 01 g r qu1r 1
m ih,· <llher brund1 1111 rhc level ot wa1cr in lhe iwo sides hc,ome , • me
1whcre den"I} lll gusohne., IJOO kgfC·m3 1

f) ~._ rhe oppo,ne ltgt,re ,hn,,s" t ,haped lube or umforrn

cro»-,e,·tion of area 2 cmZ h ha, a shnner arm of len~th I~ cm

atcr 1s poured mto the t'-,haped tube until 11 rcachc, the end c,f
the ,honer arn1 It a liquid of dcl15it) RoO kg 'm 1. which 1s
1n1rni,cible \\ ith water, i, poured imo the longer arm until its height
become, 12 cm abo,c 11s interface wi1h waler.
Calculate the volume of,, ater "hkh will be ,pilled as n re,ult
of adding thi, liquid.
(\\ here : Pw = 103 kg/m 3) I ,

0 'v'·1n the opposite fi~ure : Oi

U-shaped lube contain, waler, oil i, poured in the wide brancl1

so the waler surface is lowered fro1n A lo B by 2 ,4 l'm,
Calculate !he height and the ma,s of the oil if its relative
den,it} is 0.1!.

G ~ A U-sbaped tube, the cro,,-scction area of one of it~ side, is three times that of the
other side. con1ains amount of water then oil of rela1ivc den,ity O.8 i, poured in 1he "ide
branch so the water surface is lowered inside it by I cm, tlnd the height of the oil column


@ ~._ I n,ru 1hr npf>d'H,· figun-: (. ulcul.i,fr Chr- ""i>?hli

( •
,,1 ,,,1"...:,lum1111hf "•1rl·1 c >lumn r ,,m 1, c: k,~I • 'th~ I\ I ''
UIIL'Il.tC'C 1frf!t" r.1d1u~ uf lhe luO( ,._ I 1.lll,
\\hc.."n- ::: "~ 111 !!ii P• .:: 1,1 · 4? m I

I '

(D V'., n,,_. •'l'P<'"lf' fi __ un, ,i,.,,., d l -<h.1;,cd !Jbe

1,;, . :rung an 'TK'Unt nt ~n.u" of dcn..\U} J(}c-

I 1600 lg ,... · If 100 g uf l<Jtcr" poured ,a 11, right 4

I he IJ.t.·itht c,f '" .i1r:1 1.·olumn ,1l~l\ ..,. llll" I~\ cl oJ
Uk: mtcr(11,.c u •h mcrcul) fl )

M cn un
Pie ;:tTo.-.1..\t' rn the ic,cr of mc-n.:uf} abc,\.., 1t,
1mt1al le, cl n).
(\\herr r, .. I l 11t1kg1111 11

,I. In

Measuring Pr
~ Multiple choice question
O 11ic opposnc r,g ~ ho\\ • , ,
•• t:H f) m r
"h•<h of the fufl 011 m he, 111
11 l
of th<- ntmo,pher,, p ,,sun,

e In Ille ('J'J10Slll' ricurc
C'UWic\ ""-~re . e an
the mercul) he1gh1 ,n,1dc the l!lcrcury barc,mcter
trK'reu,mg !he illnoun1 ot mercury I

in,r<'ll•ing the cro" se,tmn.,J urea ,,r the tube 1Wmm

tn,nsicrrm,g the b:in1me1er to the top of a high moun~n
u,1ng a t.1ller tube

0 1\\'o mercury barometers Pl, y) have c1·0.s se, 11011al .1reas t cn.1. 2 c m 1 rcspc,t,vely, '°
th<· ra110 liel\1 een the hc1gh1 ol mer<-ul) column ,n the tube of barometer ,. 10 lh, h<.-tg!: of
mercury c·olumn in the tube of barometer y"
I I _!,
~ , 4
0 The presence of a ,mall umount ol ,ur m the ,pace abo1e the mcrCUI) m lhe baromctn1.
tube lead, to the i.Jccreasc ol mercury lc:vel m, tht' tube, because
air molecules cools do11n the mcrcul') ,u 11 contra,ts
air molecules heat, up the mcrcul) ,o it expands.
air molecules decrea,c the pres,ure on the ,urf,1ce nf rnercUI) in the tuhe
air molecule~ increase 1he prcs,ure on 1he ,urfn,e of mcrcur) 111 th<' tube

0 When using mercury barome1er to mea,ure the at1110,ph,·r11: pr.:,,urc at th<' ba,c of
a mountain then al the peak, the ratio between the length of Torr,s.:lh v11<:uu1n, m
the base lo that al the peak will be
1 greater than I . h less than I . equ,1l to I 1n,k1enn1nnbh:

Ulllll !WO

• '
J.~6 ,n1 Hi;
~<> ,,111 Ilg
• ,o m1 Iii;
:6 ,m iii;
0 The :itmo,phen,' pn'"U"-" rt',K 11<-, 7t,, 111 Hi; 111 '('.I k\'t'I If th\" .11111,,sph,•1 \. l'f\",,Ul\'
decrt·.1,c, 11ppnl\1111a1d) 10 nun Hi: 11, 1,,. n ...• up l~tl 111 nh.", ,,·., k, c-1. th<' hc~hl '"
n h1U "h1, h lh<" r.-aJing t•I 1111:-n:uf'I l>iln•mcl<'r 111 11, t,111 "n, 711 ,·111 I I~ t,
510 tn b 680 Ill 7:?<1 n, \ son 111
(D I h< "l'i"
1.pll,,1 I
, l\ ln,1. I>) t lfllll I
" I I
11,,uL.1, ,1 I
lh< r ''"--"·'' \ I I
'"''' ll\,h I

"mil~. t-t.._m t 1 _.., mll

'''-II II
l>,•111 ll, 11
"' II H, r II II

Oh." t· ro11l('IC':t 111 ,

PJ"- lh: 1 n
l , 1
11 •~ h, 1

h<,iu,b \ nnJ 11 Jill,, 11111 111 d,•11,11, \ I

th1,Jl\i'-,,1hr tin1,1111i.;1111.. p1 ,,u 1" 1

f' I •h I l

l I

@ ~-- \ ,p.icc ship'' re,ol\oni; ir,111nJ lhc I 1nh "' an 1lrnuJc "he the ace lcr ·11 du
h> gr,t\ 11\ " , lbc ,ur prc"urc "'"Jc 1hc ,oh,n 1s mb: t, me: .. I b• n II n b romct r of
rutx- k11gth 2 111 is h 111gmg ,.,, the 1,nll of the cab111 Inc mc:rcur. m the t,,ir,mittc:r v. ,II

ol n h~1gh1 c:,1u, I, 10 I II here, P0 76 cm I lg/
1 cm 76,m

w •'
'v Ille , .,11,., ol rhc ·"·rdrr,111un duc 10 gr.I\ II) (g1 on the \loon " c,L 11, value on I dnh
'" rhc he gh1 or 1•1,·rc ur) 111 ,1 hilf'onc1cr 011 the \loon"
51\ 11m.:, th hc:1gh1 on l:anh ~ 1L, hc,ghl 011 l·m th
zero J none ol rhe ,1b<l\C

~ f•· 1'11,· tw,ghr ol mc1<ur. "h \\hen rh,· utmo,phcn, p1cs,urc •~

Ill • 1'11 :'>u th,· pr,·"ut,· ,ll, 111 the oppt1, 11,· J1agr,m1 r,
1u' Pa t, 0 Ii x Ill' t•n.
.. I

~ If the prc,surc d1ffcn.-o, ~ he1,1ccn 1hc Jir p1,·\\111c 111s1tk ii c,11 1y1,• ,1ml the atmu,phc11,
prc~surc 1s 19 11101, the 111r pressure• u1,1tlc the tyre i, dn,d) cqu,11 l<l
("'here I .i11n = I OI l harJ
18 bar h I Y har l ~l) htU ,t 21 h,tr


" -o IOfT 811 1orr

, ~ In the n~IIC fi~ure. ,r,11,

ntmo•r•-- '-
700 torr

~-n pro ure 1s 76 cm Hi;

W pn-<wre of the en,!oscd gas

68 cm Ilg

GP ~ OPfX"''" iigun, ,hows a \\atcr manometer \\htch 1s

hem~ used 10 01C"511fC the ga., prcs,ure lllSldc • coawner.
~o rhc prev,ure uf lhc ~a., equal~ the prcs..,ure of a \\ n11:r
rolurno of lclll)th

10 ,m m "Jdu:ion 10 lhe :11mo,phen, prc,,ure.
::?O cm m '1dd1llon 10 the 1!!:m<»phtti, pre«ure.

fl!) ~krcury man<>me1er 1< conncded 10 a ga, 1."Qntruncr where the pressure of the enclosed
ga< " higher llun llJ<o anno,.-pbenc pressure If the m:momctcr u lifted up to the IOp of
J building.
the prc-,ure of the cn .. losed ga< ,n,.,.:a.,,e,.
1he dJfcrencc hct"n'll the heights of men:uf) m tlle r.,,o arms 111crcases
the d1tlcren"c betwc.:o llt.: heights of mercul') m th.: l"-O arms decreases
the dtfkrence t>etl,eco lhe hctghr, of men.-ury m the t\\ o arm, rem:uns unchan!:ed

@ .\ ,,arcr m:momNer" bemg used 111 mea1ure the pressure oi

an enclosed gas m a conl.1Ulc:r a, sho'I\ n m the figure.
If merCUT) 1s used m,1cad uf wa1.:r.

the ,'31ue of h wtll be •cl') large
the ,-alue of h will be , en, ,mall •
a 1ubc! of Slll.tller cross-scc1,0113l area has 10 be used.
a rube nf larger cros,-,ectmnal area ha, to be used.

tB In 1hc Of'f"l <llc I,
,, 7t, 1.: m H g 1hc JJI
Ct4'l1.J11 ll t;.
71, ,111 llll
•It, (Ill 11i:
Sft c,n He

/1 rltc... orp..,~uc llsurc Kho\\

n>mll'<l<'d lo•• l! , hnpcd lul;,: Win I < >nl liq d ,r de I

\\ hen lh,· cndu-.,<1 ,11r u1 the ve,scl ' h ,tC't] lh lcvc I ur lhc
l14u1J ID 1he op,,n ,u in of the JuL - n••• h I J J
'-JI\." -..- )'nv 1ue 1.001 ,c
mere,,,.., of ihc pn::ssure of u1r after hen!. ;; c11uals A

I hn
2 ,·S
2 hpg
.El) The opposn..- figure •ho\\ s l\\ u
manon1c1cr, connc.•ct~ to :i gn~
c()ntaim:c, if lhe l\\o rnanomcrcrs ha\'e
difkren1 radii ant.I conlain wflcrcn1 M ll!OfflCtcr
liquid, \\hkh of lhe following is lhe
rcasc,o for lhe difference III hcigh1 of the
hquuh in the 1wo 1nanomc1ef\ ? , -·
Radius uf n1a00=1cr rube (I) ,s lcs, than radms of manllmeler tube (2!
Liquid density in mnno1ne1cr(J) is grca1cr thnn ltquod density m manometer (2)
Liquid density in manomclcr ( I l i, less than liquid dcnsily 111 m:intlmetcr (2).
Valve ( J) higher than \'alvc (2) ,

Qi, v-•· The opposi1c figure shows a mer,ul'}

munomc1cr wh1,:h 1s placed under wmer
inside a has1n. If the surface of Y,ater is
e~ posed ro a1mospht>ric air, the pressure
of the cndosed nir equals

P, + gpwhw + !?PttghHg Mmury

pa + gpwhw - gpllghHg
gpwhw + gpHghHg
!?Pwhw - !?Pughllg



0 \\ h,·11 d,,..,_ : ..._ d<><'•n 'I rcrrc ;cnt !he 1111

~ 1romcir•c tu\~
(I I l11c hCl.fhl l111111.'.'I\UI) Ul I I IC •
ptt"l~Utt ., )
h • h11n,1nett 1'- whc 0
cl, Tt11111.:~III ,pJ1..C d1'-ll'l~a,~ I n I <:
..._ • . n. h nnmi:1cr 4
w l he oppc ,..,1h.: , 11;urL-- "-h\)\\, a n1cn.:u . .r • b
h Ii"''"'
1 Jeer<~' ) 0
\\ 111,h nf the kng1h• ,ho\\ n rn I < D·
lm."Tt"asmg the .IIJTI(~phc:r11. presoi.Uft' .1-.
,1 the h ~ ,o mal
If a ,mall era,~ arr"'•"' JI the upper P• ' l
!I amount 01 air en1e" ,n10 !he tube "hat »ill h;ipl)('n
"· ,, •· loin 1uur an,wcr,
the hc1i:l11 of J1qt1id 111,1tk the 10,.: r.xp •
- ,
haro 1ne1er, which •I
0 Ilic.• oppo,ICL"·, ~hows 1wn mcn:u.t) •
an, pla,cd ne,t 10 each n1hcr If the , of the 1utx- ,n
fii;un: 1 J,, I , 11 '° 1hc n,J111 ol the tuhc: in figure I~,.
\\hkh point In li,:un, 121 rcpre,cnL~ ~1c , urtJce k,d ol
Cl!'UfC 11) f l gll!'e I~]

\\ hat happ<:n\ in tacb or lhe follo>1ing
- t-ase'S :
f I l Tr.m,te.rnng a h,uumcter from I c ,ur ace of Eann to the peal.. ,,t a
con,·crmn~ 11, rcuding "h•·n a"umini; unchanged temperawre"
121 (11rnhmg ,.,th II bar11mete110 the top ot a mountain concerning the ,1zc nl Toirkelh ,

. acuum in the t-arornetric tuhc '

•·· I rJn,fc,nn.c. both manll111c1cr, A and I! from
1.,J 'v ii
1t1c £,anh\ ,urt,..-c: to the Jk!Jk or a muuntalll \I
con,cming the h<'tghh ot mercuf) c<1lumn, m
the arms of enc It ma11omc1cr ,,hen a"umm~
un..:hangcd temperature"/

0 , , c a• ,ma II d'I rterem:c bet,, .:en

A ,mJent ha, u,etl ,, mcr<.:Uf) mum,metcr to lll"a•ur.
. pressure of d1I endosctl £·" JOd the ,llmrn,nher,. •
· ,, , pressure Ano1hc1 ,1udcnt .1J, 1,,-d
him Ill u,e "atcr m,rcaJ of m~rcuf} h thts ad, • ,
. 1cc II"<!1u 1 \ nd \I In '!
rwhcn: · the dcn,uv• nf mcr.:urv• = IJ x 111,~ d CIIMI~
· of\\ ,11Cr1 •

e l ho
''"" ,, ' ,,
, ,1011 '"\. 1, \
I,{ IPK9 fl

II 1ml ,f II
.... lhct J I Ill I
lhL' 1111111\ph\.t
II \11 I
Hu,, hl~h t lh I I II I
rhc <'tK lo '

0 \\ hJ IIICll:w
111 • I I
\\:Sitt 111\f(" J I I I

0 I 1.i;un- ( 11 •ho" t 11•!'CJ ,

nl fll
nml,unt ftl o•l
F,,,lum "h) 1hci lr,1..'I l"I ml ,urf le 1
the !\ru,,1,. 1 "! h, If 1.. ns
\\ hat n1II h1tpJ)<'n In lhc lc,d' r ml
surt.11..c , both Mtn, or e '1141l<l11Ytrr if
Che prr,,Lu~ nl 1h1..~ l':l!t mcrt!a,cd , ' un: r

CD) I 0(11. a, lhc bnrnmcrcr ,t"'"n III lbc fil,!un- tr

•• ,m~II hole" de,cJopcJ m lr.c \\,lit oflhe 1ubc
Ill po1111 \ \\ ill I.he lllCfCUI'\ lc.i).; our or 11•

CD A t1gl11I~ hued pr<ron <,JR shdc afnng rhc inner \\,lit of
a Ions C) l111Jn,·ul fllJl<' \\ nh tlw l'"lon al rhe hm e1
cnJ of the prp..·. llw ln"cr cnu 111 lhe l"P'' "1hp1>ell
11110 u l,ll'g,• tanl., llllcJ \I llh wa1c1 :'\o\\ 1hc P"'°"" p11llcJ
up\\ Uh lh,• help oJ lhc nxJ .,11ad1ed 10 11 \\a1cr nse~ m
the pl(k" ah,ng 1\llh lhc P"'"" \\ h_1 :' lo "hul ma.\lmum '
he1gh1 \\ a1er can be r~1,ed III the r•f'C u,mi; lhr< melhod 1
\\ hat \\Jll be the ans\\cr 10 1hi- 4ucS1,un 11 w,11c1"
replaced 11 nh n1errur)"'
(11hcrc: atn10,pheri,· pre"ure ,, 1'_ = 1.01 x 1115 P.1.g - HI nv, 2
, p11,:. J361lC) ~g/m 1, p~ = Ilk Ml ._g1m
t l

(I) In

I I< •

,,,, 11 , t

0 A . rm ,.,,u,c, a Jcrn,;isc <•f rhe n,admg ot a mcrcllf) baromc1er h) ., , aluc of ~O mm,

CJ1lcutaw rhe vnlue of 111mo,rhcri, prosure in ,uch ca~e<
!\\here . the ,1and•rd •lmo,phenc rrcssun: = 1.013 >< 10· pa,.-31.
the den,it) ol rncrcur, = 13600 kg:m3 and g = 10 m:,z) •" K Ill p

9 A man came, a men:ur- baromctcr JI the 1,1p of a buHJmg of height :!00 m where 11,
reudinl,! w," 74 cm Hg. cakulute '" rcadmg on the ground 1f the average den'1ty ol ,nr
;,, J3km:m3 (\\here p = :3600lg.'m ) ~'lc,iH
0 A m.momc1er i, connc'1ed to a ga_, container"' thal lhc ,urface of mercury 1n the rree
brunch w,i, lowtr than rhat ot the connected brnn,h by 15 cm, calculate t h e p res.,ure of
the cnclo...,d glb in Ullits or :
I t>ar.

<P. = 76 cm Hg)
0 lo the Of)po~itc figure :
If the Jtm,·,,phen, pre,,ure t, 100 kPII
, calculate the height (h i,
''"her.: p118 = I J600 kg1m 3, g = 9.8 mt,~,

Q In llu: nlJlm-.Jl(l n n
1110 ptt u. I
Ill< rn: u I
I""="' r.

C) In lhe OJIJ><O.\ile IIJ:u,..

t.,a, 1,.ontamc,. t c n
,r the almo>phcr. r H
find lhc en.: <>= a, [Tr

(whtn- P• - 1000 l g m,

(ID The oppo.,.le frgue •ho" 3 mcrcul) m:momcttr ,o,h be:

used 10 :1l"asure the pres urc of an c1eloscd g.u m CCC1l2IDcf
Colcut.ue tbc pre,s1,;•• Jf r cnc~::l gu if the a l ~
pres.sure " 750 mm Hi
If lhe prc,sure ol 1he ga., has llccreased hy o •aluc of -
20 mon Hg." Ital "oil Ile 1hc 1,•,cls 01 the surfa,;,cs of
mcn:u11 111 lhc arms of the nunomc1cr '

a) ~•· In the OpJX>slle hi;urc of tloc pressure at poon1 y 15

<J</ 9~8 x Ht 3 '.'mi. o d eulak:
The prc,,ure u1 po, n1 ,
Tht" Jtmo,pb~nc prc,:<1urc Pa.
l\\here thcden,U) ol mcrcuf) = JV,OOlgJm 1•
lh,: ,kn"IY .,, oil= 900 kg; m 3 g = 9 8 m • 21 0


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