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Test I. Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read each question comprehensively and write the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer
before the item number.

1. Why do we need a circulatory system?

A. Because it serves as the framework of our body.
B. Because it allows gaseous exchange that is essential for life.
C. Because it collects and returns interstitial fluid including plasma protein to the blood and
thus help maintain fluid balance.
D. Because it serves as transportation of digested foods and other nutrients to the cells and
tissues of the body through the blood vessels.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about human circulatory system?
A. The atria pump blood out of the heart.
B. Our veins have thinner walls than our arteries.
C. Leukocytes fight microbes that may cause diseases.
D. Our heart rate changes in response to our physical activity.
3. In which chamber of the heart does oxygenated blood enter from the lungs?
A. Left atrium C. Right atrium
B. Left ventricle D. Right ventricle
4. Which statement is true about arteries?
A. Arteries carry deoxygenated blood.
B. Arteries move blood toward the heart.
C. Arteries connect to the atria of the heart.
D. Arteries move blood away from the heart.
5. Which statement is correct about pulmonary circulation?
A. Arteries only carry oxygenated blood.
B. Arteries carry deoxygenated blood.
C. Both veins and arteries carry oxygenated blood.
D. Both veins and arteries carry deoxygenated blood.
6. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The left ventricle pumps blood to the lungs.
B. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs.
C. The left ventricle pumps blood to the body, including the lungs.
D. The right ventricle pumps blood to the body, excluding the lungs.
7. Which structures keep the blood flowing in one direction through the heart?
A. One-way valves C. switches
B. Pumps D. Veins
8. In which order does the blood pass from the body through the heart chambers?
A. Left atrium – left ventricle – right atrium – right ventricle
B. Left atrium – right atrium – left ventricle – right ventricle
C. Right atrium – right ventricle – left atrium – left ventricle
D. Right ventricle – right atrium – left ventricle – left atrium
9. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Circulatory System?
A. Blood Vessels C. Heart
B. Bronchi D. Blood
10. How many chambers are there in the heart?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

11. Which of the following are the pumping chambers

- PADAYUN - of the heart?
A. Aorta C. Right and Left Ventricles
B. Arteries D. Right and Left Atria
12. Why is the wall of the left ventricle thicker than any other walls of the heart?
A. Because it pumps blood to the lungs.
B. Because it pumps blood to the upper body.
C. Because it pumps blood into the right atrium.
D. Because it pumps blood to all the parts of the body.
13. Why is there a need to know the ailments of the circulatory system?
A. To become unhealthy.
B. To have a chance to visit the doctor often.
C. To avoid sickness of the circulatory system.
D. To experience ailments of the circulatory system.
14. What might happen if the heart valves would not close?
A. Blood will stay flowing.
B. Blood will continue to flow.
C. Blood will undergo a back flow.
D. Blood will clot due to presence of platelets.
15. Why do you not lose so much blood when you accidentally get cut?
A. Blood flows through them.
B. Blood contains substances needed to clot the blood.
C. Blood vessels carry blood away and back to the heart.
D. They allow blood and other substances that go with blood to flow through them.
16. Which of these is the job of the respiratory system?
A. Breaking down food for it to be used by the body.
B. Holding up the body and giving it support and shape.
C. Gas exchange between the external environment and the body's circulatory system.
D. Because it serves as transportation of digested foods and other nutrients to the cells and
tissues of the body through the blood vessels.
17. Which is the pathway of oxygen to the lungs?
A. Nose – bronchus – trachea – larynx – pharynx – alveolus
B. Nose – larynx – pharynx – alveolus – bronchus – bronchiole
C. Nose – pharynx – larynx – trachea – bronchus – bronchiole – alveolus
D. Nose – trachea – bronchiole – alveolus – pharynx – bronchus – larynx
18. Which of the following actions is NOT part of exhalation?
A. The rib cage contracts inward.
B. The volume of the thoracic cavity decreases.
C. The diaphragm contracts and pulls downward.
D. The pressure within the thoracic cavity increases.
19. Which sentence best describes gas exchange during normal respiration?
A. An alveolar wall shares a membrane with artery.
B. Carbon dioxide moves from the lungs to the tissues of the body.
C. Gas exchange occurs through the walls of the alveoli and the capillaries.
D. When not enough oxygen is available, your body substitutes different gases for oxygen.
20. The trachea is also known as ___________.
A. Larynx C. Voice cord
B. Pharynx D. Windpipe
Test II. ODD-ONE-OUT. (21 – 35 )
Directions: You see four terms/phrases in each item. One doesn’t go with the rest for some reason. You
have to spot one that does not belong and explain why it’s different from the rest. Write the letter of your
choice before the number. (2 points per item)

21. – 23. A. Blood B. Blood Vessels C. Lymph D. Heart


24 – 26. A. Right atrium B. Right Vein C. Left ventricle D. Left atrium


27 – 29. A. Veins B. Atrium - PADAYUN - C. Arteries D. Capillaries


30 – 32. A. Mitral Valve B. Tricuspid Valve C. Aortic Valve D. Alveolar Valve


33– 35. A. Lungs B. Atria C. Bronchi D. Diaphragm



Directions. Complete the graphic organizer below to show the path of blood through systemic and
pulmonary circulation.

Test IV. LABELLING. (46 – 50)

Directions. Label the parts of the human heart using the words inside the box.


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