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Neutralization capacity of commercial Antacid Acid





A back titration is a form of titration, where an analyte’s concentration is measured by interacting
with a specified quantity of excess reagent and antacid is any drug that neutralizes the acidity of the
stomach where it usually act as a base or known as best salt. This study compute about three
procedure from getting the hydrochloric acid solution needed for the dilution, followed by the
standardization of the acid against the sodium hydroxide and secured a same amount used for both
acid and base whish are 10.0 mL and 30.0 mL and the determination of neutralization of a capacity
of commercial antacid tablet. As the tablet was dissolved in the excess amount of acid with known
concentration thus this analysis is called as back titration. Other supporting details that this titration
was not done alone, it comes in a few trial to obtain the average volume of solution used in the
research. It can be concluded that, this study was purely refers from the procedures and objectives

Keyword : Back titration, Acid, Base, Neutralization, Trial

1. To prepare hydrochloric acid solution
2. To standardize the acid against sodium hydroxide
3. To determine neutralization capacity of a commercial antacid tablet

Antacid is any material that neutralizes stomach acidity, usually a base salt or known as basic salt. It
is a prescription product that is basic in nature and has a characteristic tendency to neutralize the
gastric content of an acid such as stomach and thereby reduce the material acidity (Van Reit-Nales
et al., 2002). Antacid usually contain a few ingredients, flavour and including material that can
soothe the stomach the stomach binders that can hold the tablet together. Antacid are compound
which react with the acid stoichiometric ally where the number of acid moles can be neutralized by
a single commercial antacid tablet will be calculated by back titration.

According from my previous study, back titration was generally known as the addition of an excess
of standard solution to a weighted amount of a sample and the excess of the unreacted standard
solution is determined by titration with another standard solution. For this experiment, hydrochloric
acid as volatiles substances thus it is referred as a standard solution, this solution was used again
after the previous titration from experiment 2. While standard solution is known as a solution that
precisely contain a known concentration of an element or a substance. As for the definition of active
ingredient, is the part of a substance or compound that produces its chemical or biological effect
after referring the medical dictionary. The active ingredient in antacid tablets commonly contained
with carbonate ion and hydroxide ion.


A. Preparation of the hydrochloric acid

A 250 mL of 0.5 M HCL was prepared to obtain the volume of 0.6 M HCL, as the rough volume of
distilled water need to be computed was required. 80% of the required of distilled water was
tranfered into a 500 mL conical flask after the volume was measured and transferred by using the
graduated cylinder. Next, distilled water was added to make up to 250 mL and was marked on the
surface of the conical flask. The flask then was properly covered with parafilm and the solution
was mixed thoroughly. The parafilm was expandable, only a small amount was used to seal it
perfectly and the solution was labeled.

B. Standardisation of the acid against sodium hydroxide

This method, the secondary standard NaOH solution from Experiment 2 was used to standardize
the HCl from step A as to obtain a tertiary standard.

A 50 mL of burette was rinsed and filled with the standard NaOH solution, the initial reading after
the examining and seperating the air bubbles at the burette tip was recorded. Next, the prepared
hydrochloric acid was accurately (10.0 mL) pipetted and transferred in to clean conical flask.
About 20 mL of distilled water and 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator was added to the flask and
titrated to the end point with the standard solution. The final reading of the titrant was recorded and
repeated for at least two times.

C. Determination of neutralization capacity of an antacid tablet.

The burette was refilled with NaOH solution and the initial readings were recorded and ensure
the air bubbles at the tip were removed. Next, antacid tablet was weighed without touching by
hands and the weight was jotted and the tablet was crushed using mortar and pestle. The crush
tablet then was spliced into two or three samples and reweighed each of samples to the nearest
milligram. The mass of each crushed samples was recorded and transferred to a clean 250mL
conical flask. 25mL of distilled water was measured and poured to the flask, by using a
volumetric pipette, 25.0 ml of standard acid was dispensed into the flask containing the crush
tablet and the content was heated using hot plate until boil gently for 5 minutes. The litmus
paper was examined and ensures it only contains the remaining acid solution. The solution is
cooled down to room temperature and then carefully placed the flask to beaker of tap water.
Then, 5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator was combined to the solution. The indicator changes
colour from colourless to red and titrated again using standard base. The experiment was
repeated with the two other samples.


A. Preparation of the hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution.

(i) Volume of 6.0M HCl needed to prepared 250 mL of 0.5M


M1V1 = M2V2
B. Standardization of the acid against sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

1 2
Volume of the acid used 10.0 10.0
Final reading of NaOH 36.00 43.10
Initial reading of NaOH 6.00 13.10
Volume of NaOH used (mL) 30.00 30.00

Calculation : MaVa = MbVb

C. Determination of neutralization capacity of an antacid acid

Weight of 1 whole antacid acid = 0.6088 g

1 2
Weight of crushed antacid 0.2926 0.2895
tablet (g)
Volume of standard HCl 20.0 20.0
added (mL)
Volume of standard NaOH 46.80 36.80
(mL) First titration
Volume of standard NaOH 10.80 20.60
(mL) Second titration
Volume of standard NaOH 57.60 57.40
used (mL)
Calculation (Back titration)

HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O

Al(OH)3 Al + 3OH-

Use antacid contain hydroxide: Al(OH)3 in the calculation

A. M1V1 = M2V2
0.6 M (V1) = 0.5 M (250 mL)
0.5 M ( 250mL)
V1 =
0.6 M
V1 = 20.83 mL

Titration 1 Titration 2
Molarity HCl Molarity NaOH ( from Experiment 2 ) Molarity NaOH ( from Experiment 2 )
: 0.2223 M : 0.2223 M
MaVa : MbVb MaVa : MbVb
0.2233 M (30.0 mL) 0.2233 M (30.0 mL)
Ma = Ma =
10.0 mL 10.0 mL
= 0.6699 M HCl = 0.6699 M HCl

Mol HCl n = MV n = MV
n = 0.6699 M (0.01 L) n = 0.6699 M (0.01 L)
= 0.0066 mol HCl = 0.0066 mol HCl
value of 0.6699+0.6699 0.6699+0.6699
concentration 2 2

of HCl = 0.6699 = 0.6699

Total 0.6699 + 0.6699
concentration = 1.3398 M
of HCl

C. I ) mol NaOH : 0.2233 M X 0.0576 L

= 0.0129 mol

II ) mol NaOH : 0.2233 M X 0.0574 L

= 0.0128 mol

1mol HCl
III ) n1 = 0.0129 mol NaOH x = 0.0129 mol HCl
1mol NaOH

1mol HCl
n2 = 0.0128 mol NaOH x = 0.0128 mol HCl
1mol NaOH

IV) n total = 0.0129 + 0.0128

= 0.0257 mol HCl

V) W1 = mol x molar mass

= 0.0257 x ((27) + (16 x3 ) + 3 )
= 33.3843 g

VI) 3 mol OH- = 1 mol Al (OH)3

1mol Al (OH )3
mol Al (OH)3 = 0.0257 mol HCl x
3 mol OH −¿ ¿

= 0.0086 mol Al (OH)3

VII) Mass of Al(OH)3 in 1 tablet = mol Al(OH)3 x MM Al(OH)3

= 0.0086 mol x 78 g/mol

= 0.6708 g

VIII) % (w/w) = mass of Al(OH)3 in 1 tablet/ mass of sample x 100%

% (w/w) = 0.6708 g / 0.6088 g x 100
% (w/w) = 110.18 %

In this experiment, back titration method was used and applied to obtain these objectives which are
to prepare hydrochloric acid solution, to standardize the acid against sodium hydroxide and to
determine neutralization capacity of a commercial antacid tablet. These aims will be the ruler for the
experiment in applying the back titration by using the previous sodium hydroxide used in previous
experiment (experiment 2). The first step used in this achievement is by preparing the hydrochloric
acid solution, the solution was prepared by referring the dilution equation which is :

M1V1 = M2V2

As the method follows this equation, the volume needed for the 6.0 M HCl in order to perform
dilution was calculated as 20.83 mL. This amount is needed to mix later in the conical flask with the
given volume and molarity of other substances.

Next, the standardisation of the acid against sodium hydroxide, where the volume used was only
10.0 mL for both titrations. The molarity used was taken from the previous experiment, which is
0.2233 M NaOH. From the calculation, the result obtained for molarity HCl is 0.6699 M, followed
the mol obtained is 0.0066 mol of HCl. The calculation then was continued by getting the average
value of contration used in titration 1 and titration 2, the average value is 0.6699 M, and for the last
requirement in step B is by acquire the total concentration of HCl which is from my computation is
1.2298 M of HCl. While for these titrations used only 10.0 mL of acid solution for the titration, this
procedure also shared the same amount of NaOH for both titrations, as they used 30.0 mL only.
Here, the result of molarity of acid solution may vary as the molarity secured from the previous lab
are different, thus everyone result can slightly different due to the personal error while handling the
experiment in the laboratory.

Lastly, the third objective for this experiment is the determination of neutralization capacity of an
antacid tablet, as antacid benefits have been mentioned in the introduction earlier. So no further
explaination in this discussion as the main aim is to determine the neutralization capacity.
According to the procedure, the substances should be weight without touching the hand and from
the weight had given, it acquire 0.6088 g for the 1 whole antacid acid. While after it was crashes its
secure two different weights which are 0.2926 g and 0.2895 g after each tablet was crushed buy sing
a mortar and pestle (Alalor et al 2019). Next, HCl added for both samples are 20.0 mL to
standardize with NaOH, but the volume used was slightly different for NaOH which are 57.60 mL
and 57.40 mL. Last but not least, the % (w/w) obtain is 110.18 %.
In a nutshell, this experiment can be considered successful as the objectives are achievable even
though this experiment was performed through theoretical only. Where for procedure A, the amount
is 20.83 mL for needed volume, next for method B it secure 1.2298 M of HCl and lastly it compute
the whole step in achieve the % (w/w) is 110.18 %.


Alalor. C. A., Avbunudiogha. J. A., Builders. F. P. & Okpara. L. O. (2019). Evaluation of the Acid
Neutralizing Capacity of Some Commercially Available Brands of Antacid Tablets in
Nigeria. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Industrial Pharmacy, 12-19.
Van Reit-Nales, Van Alst, P., de Caste, D., Barend, D.M. (2002). An improved in vitro method for
the evaluatio of antacids with in vivo relevance. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biopharm,
53, 217-223.


1. Acid is always added to water, and never reverse. Why?

Large amounts of heats are produced as heavy acids with water by applying additional
moisture to the acids. As water is applied to acid it can immediately create an highly
volatile acid solution. The solution formed will be very dilute, and the small amount of heat
released is not enough to vaporize and will spatter it.

2. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of the antacid with HCl if the
antacid contain hydroxide ion.
HCl(aq)remaining + NaOH(aq) = NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

3. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction if the antacid contains
carbonate ion.
CO3 2-(aq) + H2O(l ) HCO3 -(aq) + OH-(aq)

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