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* This will be uploaded in LMS/GC. Answer the guide questions and send it to your
corresponding dropbox in LMS. For students who cannot access their LMS may have a
file to be submitted in the GC. To be ENCODED. (Long Bondpaper, Arial 12, include the
week per question)

Week 1 Topic: History of Arnis

Activity 1 Instruction: Make a Timeline about the History of Arnis. You can choose what
timeline charts you can used.(30 pts) - Terms - Year - Person Involved - Place, etc.

Week 2 Topic: Fundamental Skills In Arnis

Activity 2 Guide Question :

* Using a Table, Sight the differences and Similarities of the two combative sports
(Kendo in Japan and Arnis in Philippines)(30pts)

- Origin

- Equipments Used

- Different Skill

Week 3 Topic: Importance of Arnis

Activity 3 Instructions: Read and Download the articles and Answer the ff. Questions.
(15pts each)

Guide Question :

* Do you think Arnis must be preserved and be sustained in our Culture?

*Remy Presas Mentioned that Arnis must be an injury-free method of combative sports,
can we consider Arnis as a free injury combative sports? What is your opinion on this?

Activity 4 Instructions: Analyze and answer the following questions in your own
perception. (15pts each)

• The Phil. Is known to discover the sport Arnis. What is the implication of the sport arnis
to Filipinos?

• In the feature of combative games, wherein they highlighted most of the elements of
movements. How will you use arnis in real life scenarios? Give an example and explain.

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