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Why you want to be an Entrepreneur

Why do you want to become an entrepreneur in the first

place? Well, if you will care to ask successful business people
and entrepreneurs, they will surely tell you different reasons
for becoming one. Some of the reasons why people want to
start entrepreneurial journey include the following:

 You can make a difference :

By becoming an entrepreneur, you get the chance to change
the world and change other people’s lives. You will have the
opportunity to really make the world a better place by
finding solutions to problems. Not all entrepreneurs take
advantage of it but those who do can leave a significant
impact on other people. Wouldn’t it be great to touch lives?
 You get to choose who you will work for/with :
When you are an entrepreneur, it means that you don’t have
to be a slave to power-hungry bosses or psychopath bosses.
If you are not in good terms with someone or people don’t
treat you with the kind of respect you deserve, you can
always end your working relationship right there and then.
Along the road, you can choose your partners, your
associates or even your clients.
 You can be yourself :
Becoming an entrepreneur is all about being yourself.
Through building your business, your soul and heart goes into
it. This is not just about money, and instead, it shows the
world who and what you are as a person.
 You can work even in the comforts of your home :
Did you know that entrepreneurs can enjoy working from
home wearing their pajamas? Yes, it is possible, and you can
do it even every day. There is no need to go to the office at
9am. Do you have a laptop and a Wifi? That’s all most
entrepreneurs need. You prefer to wake up late and work
from your sofa? That’s totally doable.
 You are in control of your schedule :
There is no longer a tiring 9 to 5 routine to deal with, and no
need to get docked just because you were several minutes
late. When you are an entrepreneur, you can make your own
schedule. If you work best in the mornings, you can do so,
but if you are a night owl, it’s perfectly fine, too. You are
working for yourself know so you can do what really works
for you as you please.
 If boredom strikes, you can try something new
Entrepreneurs can also shape their business in any way they
deem fit. There are times when boredom can creep in, and
you feel like moving your business to a new direction, often a
positive one. Many entrepreneurs try different things and
new adventures before they get bored easily. As an
entrepreneur, you can pivot and try new projects pretty
much anytime.
 You cannot lose your job :
The reality of unemployment is a harsh one. Becoming an
entrepreneur is like a job security. Although there is a
possibility of losing a client, you can never lose your job when
you are working for yourself. You have the complete power
of finding more clients and more work. In order to be a
successful entrepreneur, there are many characteristics you
need to work on and develop.
 The amount of money you will make will often reflect
the hours you put in :
When you make more efforts, more money will follow. There
will be no salary caps if you are working for yourself.
However, you need to understand that you probably won’t
make much money at the beginning. You need resilience and
persistence in entrepreneurship. This of course doesn’t apply
to social entrepreneurs.
 You can get more time with your loved ones :
Finally, this is one of the best reasons for being an
entrepreneur. You can raise your kids properly and spend
more time with your family. However, some entrepreneurs
can love their job so much that they would spend less time
with their loved ones.

Siddhant Jain

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