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Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Management

Reflection Paper on the Basic Emergency Preparedness Seminar

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Section: _______

Guide Questions:
1. How will you assess yourself, in terms of emergency preparedness, prior the seminar?
2. What are your insights from the Basic Emergency Preparedness Seminar? Mention a brief
summary of each of the topics which were discussed during the seminar.
3. How will you assess yourself in terms of emergency preparedness after attending the seminar?
4. What is the relevance of having yourself equipped with knowledge and skills on emergency

 Write your answers in paragraph form.
 Default setting: Arial, 11, 1.15 spacing, justified
 Long bond paper (8.5” x 13”)
 Word count should not be less than 400 words and not more than 500 words.
 Submission: During the scheduled date of DRRRM Quarter Exam, thru the Class Mayor.

 Note: Remove the box. Do not include this box when you print the document.

As far as information about Emergency Preparedness, earlier the course

I truly had no clue about what to do, what to get ready, what to see previously,
during, and after an unexpected fiasco. Before the seminar was held, I have
low essential of information about the security safeguards. Truly, earlier the
class, if unexpected debacle occurred, I won't have the option to endure as a
result of my little information about Emergency Preparedness. Prior to the
course, uneasiness and dread flows in my brain. The uneasiness and dread of
not enduring when unexpected calamity will come. The class handled around
five significant points. First is the Basic First Aid pack, right now had
expounded the things that ought to be remembered for your essential
emergency treatment unit. They have expressed that emergency treatment
pack is significant in light of the fact that when unexpected fiasco came, it
would be useful particularly when somebody is requiring quick reaction.
Second theme is the Basic Life Support. Right now, have told various ways on
the best way to do fundamental life support. Fundamental life support is a
degree of clinical consideration which is utilized for casualties of dangerous
sicknesses until full-clinical consideration at the emergency clinic. Third subject
in the course is the Lifting and Moving Patients, right now, required a delegate
each class to perform various sorts of lifting and moving patients. One of the
most paramount exercises is that, while conveying a harmed or sick patient
going down the stairs, in the stretcher, his head ought not be pointing down,
the feet ought to be the one to confront descending. Since when the outfit in
the stretcher culled, the head will be the first to hit the floor and that may cause
heavier injury or issue than the essential injury. Fourth theme is the Everyday
Carry, right now gave an accentuation on his pocket comprising the significant
things. One of the most significant things that he had given accentuation is the
electric lamp. He likewise granted his insight about the S.O.S. whistle, it's the
signs when you are deprived for consideration in the calamity. Cellphones are
likewise significant in light of the fact that it offers you a chance to call for crisis
help. Simple watch is additionally vital it is a lot of accommodating that
advanced watch since simple watch likewise depicts headings the S, E, N, W.
Ultimately in the course, they handled the nCoV. It is exceptionally useful in
light of the fact that the issue about nCoV is quickly expanding. The speaker
gives an accentuation about nCoV can't be moved through air, it very well may
be moved through hands and eyes. Thus, careful covers aren’t vital in light of
the fact that nCoV can't be gone through air or through relaxing. After the
workshop, I can gladly say that when abrupt calamity came, I can endure. I
have now 80% information about Emergency Preparedness and that is
something that I ought to be glad for. Having yourself furnished with
information and abilities about Emergency Preparedness is an unquestionable
requirement since it will assist you with surviving in a startling situation.

As far as information about Emergency Preparedness, earlier the

workshop I truly had no clue about what to do, what to get ready, what to see
previously, during, and after an abrupt calamity. Before the course was held, I
have 20 percent fundamental information about the wellbeing safety
measures. Truly, earlier the workshop, if unexpected catastrophe occurred, I
won't have the option to endure as a result of my 20% information about
Emergency Preparedness. Prior to the class, tension and dread flows in my
psyche. The tension and dread of not enduring when unexpected catastrophe
will come. The class handled around five significant subjects. First is the Basic
First Aid pack, right now had explained the things that ought to be
remembered for your fundamental emergency treatment unit. They have
expressed that medical aid pack is significant in light of the fact that when
abrupt debacle came, it would be extremely useful particularly when somebody
is requiring prompt reaction. Second point is the Basic Life Support. Right now,
have told various ways on the best way to do essential life support.
Fundamental life support is a degree of clinical consideration which is utilized
for casualties of hazardous sicknesses until full-clinical consideration at the
medical clinic. Third point in the workshop is the Lifting and Moving Patients,
right now, required a delegate each class to perform various sorts of lifting and
moving patients. One of the most important exercises is that, while conveying
a harmed or sick patient going down the stairs, in the stretcher, his head ought
not be pointing down, the feet ought to be the one to confront descending.
Since when the saddle in the stretcher culled, the head will be the first to hit
the floor and that may cause heavier injury or issue than the essential injury.
Fourth subject is the Everyday Carry, right now gave an accentuation on his
pocket comprising the significant things. One of the most significant things that
he had given accentuation is the electric lamp. He additionally granted his
insight about the S.O.S. whistle, it's the signs when you are deprived for
consideration in the fiasco. Cellphones are likewise significant in light of the
fact that it offers you a chance to call for crisis help. Simple watch is
additionally essential it is a lot of supportive that advanced watch since simple
watch likewise depicts headings the South, East, North, West. Finally in the
class, they handled the new Corona Virus. It is exceptionally useful in light of
the fact that the issue about new Corona Virus is quickly expanding. The
speaker gives an accentuation about new Corona Virus can't be moved
through air, it very well may be moved trough hands and eyes. Thus, careful
veils isn't vital in light of the fact that new Corona Virus can't be gone through
air or through relaxing. After the course, I can gladly say that when unexpected
calamity came, I can endure. I have now a 80% information about Emergency
Preparedness and that is something that I ought to be glad for. Having yourself
furnished with information and abilities about Emergency Preparedness is an
absolute necessity since it will assist you with surviving in a startling situations

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