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name of the newscast: CHANNEL NEWS

group members:

 Liliana Martín
 Luisa Ravelo
 Adriana Quiroga
 Tatiana Gutiérrez
 Andrés Lopez
 Julian Jaramillo

Liliana Martín: Hello, very good afternoon, it is 12:32 minutes, it is the noon news time,
thank you for being with us.
from the place of the news our reporters are ready to report what is happening in Colombia
and the world.
We started our news broadcast with very important information about the strict isolation of
the Kennedy town, 15 days of mandatory isolation with harsh restrictions.
We salute Luisa Ravelo who does work at home and has information about it, good
afternoon Luisa.

Luisa Ravelo: Good afternoon Liliana

remember that the town of kennedy has more than 2,500 cases of infection, this represents
30 percent of cases in Bogota, all economic sectors will not be able to open at this time
until June 14.
Because the mayor Claudia Lopez says that any opening of the economic sector will be
suspended and nobody will enter or leave the town.
Several special measures were prepared in the area of mobility, around 12 control posts will
be located, in these posts there will be the presence of the army, the national police,
coexistence managers, the health authority and the traffic police.

Liliana Martin: difficult this situation that is happening the town of kennedy. But we also
have my partner Julian Jaramillo who is currently meeting with the pharmacist Andrés
Lopez at the military hospital. good afternoon Julian

Julian Jaramillo: Good afternoon Liliana, thanks, I meet Andrés here who will explain to us
what is the current situation of a military hospital and what strategies were implemented in
the hospital due to the pandemic, Andrés good afternoon…

Andrés Lopez:

Julián Jaramillo: Andrés, what are the chances that it will return to normal in less than a
year as the government proposes?
Andrés Lopez:

Julián Jaramillo: Finally, Andrés, what recommendations would you give to the other IPS
and EPS on how to face the following months of economic crisis and public health since
the inputs are increasing in price more and more and the contagion may be much higher due
to lack of information or lack of prevention by citizens.
Andrés Lopez:

Julián Jaramillo: Thank you Andrés, have a nice day and we are going back to the studio
with Liliana.

Liliana martin: next we have the weather girl, working from home with Adriana Quiroga.
good morning Adriana

Adriana Quiroga: Very good days:

and in today's weather forecast, at this moment we have a temperature of 15 degrees
Celsius, a very cold morning with probabilities of rain in the afternoon and evening, since
the rainy season already started according to IDEAM anger from June 15 to August 15, as
planned, Bogota lived yesterday an afternoon of downpours and hail, there were at least
two strong storms, one in the north of the city and the other in Chapinero and Teusaquillo,
at night lower temperatures are expected.
While in other parts of the country the sun is very radiant as on the Colombian coasts
perfect for a day at the beach, oh but don't forget sunglasses and sunscreen.
That's it for today, bye bye.

Liliana martin: We have many varieties of books, but who does not like health books. then
entertainment from home with my partner Tatiana. good afternoon

Tatiana Gutiérrez:

Liliana Martín: This was all day today, remember that it is important to have a good
cleaning protocol.
see you at the emition at 7:30 at night

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