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Fatima Medina

EDU 214
Music In You Reflection
June 12th, 2020

What you learned about your Multiple Intelligence results: For my top three strengths I got:
self (4.14), nature (3.29), and social (3.29). I liked taking this test and I find it pretty accurate as
to how I think I learn best. This is a great way to see how you students learn best as it goes more
in depth to how you retain the information taught. The strength that surprised me the most was
nature. Although, I do love herbs, stones, and rock structures I am not an outdoor person. I wish I
was and maybe this is a great first step to see how this fits in my learning. As far as the other two
go (self and social), I find that to be pretty on point. I do check in with myself quite a bit when
working on group projects and honestly do prefer to do work by myself a lot of the times. With
social it really does explain me well even though self is my strongest strength. I find that I learn
better socially when the topics are based on experienced life. I love learning about others
experiences and it really makes me think especially in social studies settings where a lot of
information is based on others life. I like to hear and discuss topics with other people, and I learn
so much by doing that. One of my favorite teachers, Mr. Foster, showed me how important social
learning is for everybody. We read books on the south during the Civil Rights movement,
mestiza feminist work and indigenous peoples experiences. When we were able to go back to
class and discuss these topics I wanted to keep learning about this outside of the classroom. I
think that’s the best way to think about knowledge…how passionate you are for the subject.
National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS) S: Standard #6 Creative
Communicator 6d: Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium
for their intended audiences.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think taking this MI test along with the
traditional seven styles of learning will help any teacher gauge the classroom a lot better. It will
allow the teacher to include certain things in lessons that will able everybody to get a better
understanding of the lesson or subject at hand. The project we did today really brought back a lot
of memories. I really did like learning songs to learn things. I think this is a fun and expressive
way to have the class show a certain moment in time that changed the world. It could be
whatever the student thought was the most influential and positive for our society. It really
engaged me to think of what subjects I was passionate about and how I could put it in a form that
I’m not comfortable with so that any student in the classroom can grasp on what the subject is
about easily.

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