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a'tOtxa!OV 'l:Yj<; b.cnipro6av /tVOllh'Ij<;, Iliv,.

&na aua't"llILa;'ttXoo<; ,yroatY 'tooY'
'EltxA"IlatooV, 'tYj<; 'AnAtXa;.,,,xYj<; xo:t 'Op(lo06eou,
Alt ,xa;t 1j,bt 't-g luxa;tp(tr 't1)<; 'toO em··
Oxford 1:eS"alltrot<!"COlJ Gore 't7)V "r. tYj<;' Ex-
'XA"Iloto:<;'tfj<; eEAHoo£, 06v"Cojlo<; ''toO·

"AIla; toov on;o 'toO Ma;-

Xa;ptuH&tou 'AS'YjVUlV 'X. XpuO'oo"Cojlou, ie dvolla;'to<; "C'1';;
<1. Euvooot) xa;i 'toO 1:ao"O'lltro"C&;"Cou Go l'e dvollcno<; tGtu"CoO X(l t 'toO·
Ka;yupSoup(a;<;, w£ ihtl!, xo:t mpi illv i/ivEtO
Iv 'til C'EXXA'YjoEp, 6 M. M'Yj'tpon;OAt't'Yj<;-otEPIl1jva60v'to<; 'ItIXVtota 'toCi
1P&:cpov'tq<; -1jpro"C'YjaE 'l:OV 1:. Gore, 'ArrAtXa;Vtx1J
'EXxA"IlO'la; mxpCl:oexna;t 't'll<; eda;<; Euxa;pto'tE,,<; 1.0<;
'0 Gore Ill"Ca 'tYj<;ot(nptvouO''Yj<; a;u.av 'Xcd
1tpoaax'tt:xo't'Yj'to<; eX;ijy't'YjO'lv 1.0<; mp!n;ou :
c'H 'ExxA'YjO'(a; 1jllooY iv 't(ji 'to6ttp 1:7)V 0,-
oa;O'xGtA(a;v t1)<; 'A/!a;<; rpO:qlYj<;, 't7)v Otoa;O'lta;)(a;v tooy &Pxa;!rov lla;t'-
prov tYj<; 'ExxA'YjO'!a<; tooV mltOup.tytXwv };uvo5wv 1:Tj<; n;po 'toO :3,':-
O'jla;'to<; 1jvwlliv'Yj£ 'E1(XAYja[a;<;. t:m<!pxat &l1q>too).(a;, 1j otoa;o1t!):-
;Ua; 'tfj£ rpo:cp1)<;, 'twv I1o:dpwv xa;L tooV EV 't(ji 'toutlt>
atVI. an 1j (la(o;Euxa;pLO''t'[a. atva SuO'Ea;. .. ,A

xA"IlO'[a;, otxoll6Y'Yj 'tilY 1.0; aVID 't-ljv

€vvotixy SuO'Ea;<; iv 'tfj) eala;<; Eoxa;rncn;[a;<; <li
'XO:Vt'Xij 'EXXA"IlO'[a., Il1jQimm; oLa;xotjJa;O'a; 'totJ<; 'tijv &pxa;fa.v
1jvroll£V'1j\l 'EXXA'Yjo(o;v oaap.ou<; 1tIXp& 'tilv oLa:xon;7)v trov O'xiaarov.
ai)'t* Prolla;lx7)Y 'EXXAYjof«Y)
1tapt 'toCi !:LuO'' CYJP[ou Salti<; o,n ,)(OI'.t be!v'f,J, n;a:ploiX£tQ,
aa.v l'U'(?Gc 'A.yyAt'('lJ.VWV OeOAOyI.tlV, 'ttveX 'tWY 01tO(WV !:I.cXAtO''l:a. 'ttS...·
){()(t d; 'tWO: twV Tumxwv
"EXXA'tjO'£a:;, attVa. 6& va S?!:I.'tjvlu6wO't w£ ypa.cplv'ta.1} AeY.6ivta.
£viXv'tlov OtOlX.aXIXA!()((; oev 1tpi1tlt 61'; veX
1tc4'J'tCh 'tIXuto: !ypcXcp'tjalX.v XlXt !Aix6'tja()(v !va.Vt(ov 'tWV xa.'t'Xxp-r1as(!)V,
xo:1. !v 'tij) a'tj[.\.d/p 'tOOt/p slasxwp'tjalXII sZ; 't'ijv'ijv 'Ex-
'XA'tjaClX.v. m OsoAOYOt !mxvstA"1!J.[.\£ !vcx.v'tlov, oX,t
't'(,f; !v 'tij) [.\.UfJ't'tjpf/p 't'ij£ Oda., EUx,lX.ptada.£ 'tsAou[.\.iv'tj£ eu 0' £IX f;, &;).,A'
iViXVt(OV 't wv eu 0' t Wv, d:, or.o£ac£ 1j Oe:oAoyla. 't'ilf;
'EXl(A'l'jO'(IX.£ XlX.l Y.IX01j!J.SptvW; tv
'ta.r£ ASt tOUpr(cu£, !v O'UV()(cps(q, r.p0f; czna.; Y.1X.'ta:XPTl0'6tf; 't'Y)f;
A!a.; XlX.l. 'tt'jf; AlX.tpsEIX.f; 't1jf; 'EXXA'tjO'flX.£. ELvs AUlt'tjpov an !rp&.-
'PYla"'! xo:t O'€X6fJ'lC;CV 'tlX.utlX., XlX.l. Sa 1tpo'tt/loupOV /l'ij s!xov Ai-
x871 XlX.l. sYxov oUX 'tcdita. ·otv
'tijv '1tEPl. "Cou t1jf; sUX(XptO'tLa:, 't'Y)£ 'AnAt-
Xo;VtY..ijf; 'EY.XA'tjO'LtX£ 1). O)'tO(IX !v r.pOXfH[.\.€V/p StVI 1j 't'Y).;
apxa.(o:(; 'Exx/''tjaLIX" 1j a;)'too!liouO'a. IwotlXV 't'ij<; 6uaEa., 'to
[.\.uatTlptov 't'Y)£ Eoxacptat(Q;(;.
T()(utOl; T;Ep( mlU sfit£V 6 }1soo;O'luffita.'to\; Gore tn;l. 'tou
fLUat'tjptQ;x'Y)f; €wo(a.£ 'to::! j.Luat'tjp(ou 'tli;
Bs [iX; EUX()(ptO''t£OI;\; 'it(;:p& to!; 'Ayy Stt 'toaoutoy
'X<X":l'JyOPll(.L<X'tLX'!) o:tl ='fJ, 1t(1;Pixo!Liv'tj /leY:KA'tj-
ptxou XQ;t 'A to[q: l3\Aoro;
'tOU 'EmO'xo'itou Gore, "(VIllO'tOY, &;rcOUAi't !L!ytO''tCiY
imo""'tj!L0VtxOv 6eoAoytxOV x£11cD./XtO\l 'tiif; OUViXtcx.t
vct lx,ouax (.LEytO'tOV xext &;OtIXO'ltO'toV xupo,:;;.
'Ev imHo'fj &p(at"1 r.po£ evroatV 'tWY 't6
i l vfjv, Oay OOVOl;ta.t '1& £lye . 'tj, Tj 1j exa.dpl.tlBsv Iboxt'tjO'tf; XCt'teX to
OUV:l:.ov bpLOQO); 1tipt twV 000 i'ltxA'l'joEa.f; &;cpo-
?WVtI.tlV, &v&;Y'lt'tj &iva O'uv't6!L1.tlf; /£ ')teX'I.
<xViU ix'tstetfJ.iv'fJ<; lAAELtPtV xwpou tvta.OOa. !piOV'tj"otCt:qJ(!)ttOOfj
1) xal A. P. Forbes An Explanation of the 39 articles etc, London:
1806 os/•• 45J x, t.
4tUOY xa."C'I'l'Yopwa.'Ctxa.t xa.l
Ka.l 1I:p6>,;OY ,;£ "''Y0UCH '/tepl ';00 'tou,;ou "Ca b:!olj \i(k<-
'APX6,...,yot &;n;o 'Ca, {)'ItO X(X"Ca.a£x'Ylv '/tap' OAOXA'lJpOU axtMv ,;'ij; 'Ay-
,optax6,...eva.. !vvla. ap8pa. ep'Yl M

(Jxd<x, (articles of religion) 2, &;v<x,,(tvwaxoJ.&ev tv n;,p! 'tol}·

01JJ.UICOU 'tOU';OU "C1k &;x61ou6a. :

!) 'Ev 'lip naQovn UQttQfJ} 'tT)V 5xn:taj.lEVl'jV en' 'tou OllP.e!oV

'tOUliOIJ 5QE'Uvnv dc; 'I.T)v sxi}eoLv j.lOVOV tOiv EX toov '1'u--
mXIDV ti'je; 'AYYhLIU1VlxijC; 'E)GxAljotue; 1CQoxUntonrov otOll(llhm', oi;;-
'ti}v E)G li01hrov l1Qoxun'to1Joav BLllaoxaA(av EX 'tOU 01J)''toe; 'tOU 'Elnoxo-
no\! Gore "The Body of Christ 1915', 001;1<;, (be; -tieAorsv t1511, txavID<;; xat sv-
-dxQfC aXQlpOi<;; 'to i}sfla 'tijc; IHlo.'I]QLaxijc; Sv'V:;)(a; til..
Blllac; EUX(1QlotLac;. ot\lot 8\1 't01!'t(>LC; sUQu.£Qov 'I'd aOxo/,Tjl}ooOt fl€ 'to
ouvanaL va xa'tmpuyroolv Etc; il;il.; ouv'tOJAOV
Bp. Forbes, Fxplanation of The thirty nine articles, London 1906.
Bp. C. Gore, The body 01 Christ; London 1915.
:a:. O. Wakeman, The History of the Church of Etlgland, London 1914<
I. A. Douglas, The relation of the anglican Churches with the eas-
tern Orthodox, London 1921.
C. Schaell xat F. Xattenbusch Druker, Die Anglikanische Klrche·
in ReaJencyclopadie f. Prot. Theologie und Kirche 1. o. 52 5 - 547-552,
B. Muller, Symbolik Leipzig 1896.
'Ev wr.; 13.IlAlmc; 'tmhot.; tY.o.vij 311:\ 'to'\'
va .0
2) '0;; "a.' inavclA1Jljav EAcl!30/A6V uCPOQfliJv va. x.ani Qll'tO; 1'1t0.-
.00'11 EntCl1]flOt(hrov xat 6soAo)'&xOi'l' xvx],rov 'til'; 'A),-
"lA,xo.Vtx'ij.;'ExxA1]oLue;, SV 'I.E tli 'AnMq. xat 'tU 'ArEQlxt;, to. TQHXXOVtC!. €vveff.
iiQilQa €XOUClt o1]j.I.(lolo.v xnl )G\!Qo\;, Tuiha. unoUAot<H'I' o.l\!tiX0;> [01;0-
QLXOV W\l1]/Astov, flo.Q.uQoiiv 'tf!v tv tOt<;; l.}Q1]Clxsunxot,; Cl1)llfJ(l1:,xilV,
oihroc; IlL1tSi:V, j'llcpVQOOClW 'tij<; ucptota/Asv'I]'; xutU .6 1562, xat nQo'tsQOY,
XHU;IOU xa, I{Otvol3ouAio'U BU:l!jJoQii" tnt .{liv Olo,qJOQWV {}Q1]oxllu'ttxOiv i;1)'t'l)!Aa-
'tffiV (IIQPA. :fLO. Wa.keman Hist<Jry of the Churh of England 811 0.196,.
00<; unro.; 'tE alhol,; Q 't(1;Ao<;; 'tOiv uQ6Qoov 1:0Vtrov oaqlOi<; %a!}oQ(i:;El _for
the avoiding of Diversities of Opinions, and for the establishing of Consent
touching true Religion = nQoe; anoqJIJ)'ijv xat <1:(l0e;
siC; 1:ijv d1''I]fi'ij {}(ll]OX€{UV>l. Atuv M
.iltvS 'to EV "u 7JV StXOI-'EV znt 'tU 'til; ;;(I;Q01J-
cCu<; 't'ij,; U<1:0 'tou tOtS M'I]tQo<coAho1J xat vuv OiXOU/AeVLxoi.i
A6you 'toG Ssov, tV 't1/ axs'tt'X1/, Tt£l't IXU1:0U
llynat :

.•.and to be a sacl'ifice, not •.• xed '1& !lvs 9ua(cc, 00 /Lovov

only fat' original guilt, &/Lctl''tWC',
but also fol' all actual sins Ot&
of men .... 'tfuv a,;6pti)1tll)v .. ",
'tolJ6' 1tpoOQlost 'tijv au olav 'toG Kupfou Xapr.xx'tfjpa. atwvto...
xat "yeu "Ilou<; 8uv&'",sw<;.
To 25 0 '1' "1'01'0'1 «of the Sacl'amonts» «Ttspl 'toov /Luo't'YJp!Il)Vl)
UrSt :
Sacraments ol'dained of T& xccOopto6€v'tlX 6Tto
Christ, be ......... effectual 'toG Xpca'toO, elvcxt., .1tp"Y/LO:'ttxCt
signs of grace and god's o'YJ/Lstcx: X xat
good- will towards us, by 't1)<; &1tivow'tt 6s(a<;
the which He doth work x(a.<;, Ot& 'toov Gno!wv tmoPi?- 0.[51:'11
invisibly in us, and doth tV eye£pouoa,
not only quicken. hut ouvcx!J.00aa xed tmo..ocuouao.
also strengthen and con- A o'tov n!o'ttV
firm our faith in Him.

X01J MIlA.€dou anoa-rOAi'j<;, uno oitoullmo-ru1:oo'V iJ'EOAOYOO'V "0 I eTllClxo:n:ooV 'tijc; €v

'A!t6QtXU 'AYI'AllGo,VllG'lj<; 'EXXA'Il0LW;, on fl an6<paa,.. 't'ljG 'IEQaQxld<; Shll, Oit(O<1:
'tl)'V :'l'tQo061':Ti sx'tUTeoo(HV -rou CQrumoll Prayer Book=tou 'EllIG'llfWU
1tQOOEUXWV 'tije;; 'Ayy].LXClVIX'fj; Ltl 39 aQ&Qa, 0.-r1'V(I. ,\,1]'1'
(JlGo'V-rat Ev 'tU -r6A£'U"t0,(([. ollAlIh "tou 'toU-rOU,/lELCl'ts6mCllv EtG 'to'll BUtOG
tOU ZUlQO'V, 1l0.Qo.A£<<pttmOt ,outtatt xa\}' OAOXA1')Q(o. \I , -roil'\}' oneq.
OlJ!!UiVlll, on °
'to.tita. iiII e/l Co. V a710AU,W; xo,1. ouatv xilQo,;
K't'l)'V"CtI\ ;n;uQa. -rOt; , 1t00Qu 'to1!'toov, sn(01Wo" :3L-
f3A.Cov -rijc; 'EXX},lj()tUe;; "Cwv,
'Ilt(l.V11V nBQt Lli<: (ta"CoQtltij;) llsosoo:;; EV -rtl ' AYYAIXctVlxU
't'fj; 'AyyAbar; 'tmv 39 dQ\}QO,w, xat -rijG <XOi}OAIXij.; fQIJ.1')'Vda<; 11lrt{()\'''t
nllQ8X6t fJ TegGe; tOY E. B. Pussey uQJIEQ(Otmil smC;1;o},i} LOU 1\. Forbes, fj"C!; 6;'(6-
Xllt fteaw nQo/..6'1ou EtC; LO &VW'1:IIQoo nllQt .mv 3(1 uQtlQow flVrU.LOVllutlS'V 13' (:37.(0\>,
iv OIlA. I-XUII.
"There at'e two Bacl'aments £tv£ 'til (mo 'toG XptatoO
ordained of Clu·ist ..... Ba,' 'too KupEou
ptism and the Supper ot ••• ,'to ')ted YI
the Lord. Eox,o:pLo't(o:

'0 'tOO'll IlUO't'l'Jp(UlV

'tou &p,O/LoO cco.rov, 1":£p1 OU -11:PO,)(EL telL iY'to:O&,,) oey &n:iXI' 'lto).i)
Cty'tLATjt}£Ul;, oUIlc:pUlv£!
'It£?t j.tucr't1']p[UlV xapo;xtTjpLO'l10U; 'tOO'll 'tptOOY M£'t:lCpPUOIlLo'tWV
Z£ til'AeC/u - -Me)'''yx6UlYO; 'lto.l YOU 1.
'E\I 'tip 28<j> tfpOPIJl of the Lord's Supper . 11:£1'1
EOXo:ptO"do.; liyo:ytyoo:J;tGIl£Y :

The Sllppel' of tho Lord To 't1)<;; Be(cx;; EOXCl -

is not on a sio'n
b of the oSY shs oer''(!l1X
love, that Christians ought 't'Yj' n:p!l, fJ.yci'lt'l']\;,a.n&
to have among themselves llea,AOV 'CoG
ODe to anothol'; but patllOl' 6a\l6;tou 'to!) XptatotJ ClUltTjp(a.\:
it is a Sacrament of OUt' Ylj.l.OOv· W\; i;t 'too'tou
redemption by Ullt'ist's Xrl1 'XO'.t 'It!-
daeth; insomuch that to fl-E'dxst 'tau
such as rightly, worthly, 'to()'Cou, (; OY AO:IlMvEt st·
and "with faith tho va, lXutO 'to 2ioollIX 'toG XPLotOO,
same, the bl'ead which os xa.l 'to 'til'
hI'oak is a pal'taking of the "'!tonA!! llet&ATjtPtV
Body of 011 foist, and like a.utofi 'toO ALfl-CCtO, 'COO Xpta'toO.
\vise the cup of blessing is IlEtCXOOAy) djt,;
a pal'taking of the Blood ouo(a.t;; 'tot) xa.l 'tot) OtYou)
of Christ. G\I 't"fl Osf soXa.:ptO''ttli' 0£>\1 86-
tion (0[' the Chango of VC/:'to:t va ,,'itO OU 6rco
the substancu) oflwcad lin' dye iya.y-

1) P. Forbes EV(}, UV(JHEl;}(O ad., 436 -474.

Lord, cannot be pro- tTjv <puatv toll
ved by Ho 'Vrit, but is \1UClty/p(OU xed osv &<popl'icv
1'8 p ugnant the plain
words of Scriptul'e, oyer- rr Q l1ooll-lX xCtt 'to A til"" 'toO
thl'ow8th nature of a o(a,'to:t, AIX\16cXVEt<Xt x<x'l
Sacrament, and hath t?OlyS't<Xt lv tfl SE(1f tOXa:pt:it!q;,
ven occaSIOn to many su- \10VOY xat3: ouplivtoy x<xt 1tyau-
nerstitions. lL<Xtt'll:QV tp01>ov. KCtt IlEO'oV at'
- The Body Christ is 00 to a6illlX toll XptO'toll AO'!L6ci-
and eaten, v£.'t(l(t 'Xa.t ,;pwySt'<Xt tv t'!l StEti'

l'. only aftor E:},xeo:ptot(q:; dVE 1j To

.an l'itual crwlla 'toO aev ot 1X't'IJ (Jet':'
:nannel'. mean "CO:;t, XIX't&: ulta 'toO 1100-
"xhel'cby the Bod,- of 't1)?OIj; oun:
0hl'ist is r8e d and fJol'tll:ptpno:.t, OUtE 1tpOaKU-
in tLle Suppel', is faith. Vlrto;t>.) t.

The Ol'ament of the

s ::3uppt'l' 'was not oJ
Chci"t's 1'eSel'-
cal'l'ied ab out, lifted

Ol> wOl'shipp

(if the 'Iyieh eat ller1 toO xl1o:ptoo),ou,

'."It Body of Or - in oev tpwy" ';0 :3ooILrt. 'Qi)
tbe ese at' Sup- tv tij) ILucrt"t]pCw. SaLIX' Eo-
XCX p"IO;(CX;P>.

such as

'd]v :tQoaxvv'l1(H'V; oULLa£.; 1';ctQO: 't01:,,; A(l'tLvOt<;.

Domini. Ei,v(l.t 51; a;
be void of a lively faith, E.l 'XCI;l O!.!ljJal:-;;-'

although they do cal'nal1y xw, 'X(Xt opO':cw, ad: 1:WV

and visibly press with ooovtwv twV H';i: Ciy::::
their teath (as St. Angu- Aoyoucr't!vc;) to fJ,'Jot·Y,ptCY 't(; i)
stine saith) the Sacrament :3w/kato; AtILCt':c; x;:;:-
of thtl Body and Blood of O'toCi, iv ';OUto:; ShE

Crist, yet in no wise are /khoxc L 1:00 Xp{O'toO'· 2'f

they partakers of Christ, 'XlXt&.xptoiv 'twv, ,,:?6>,,;,ou<J?

but rather to theil' 1Cr';OUOL 'to 0Y)/kE.;.!lV

mnation do eat and drink 1) ";0 /kuo'tf.ptOY 'to:o6-;:.I·)

the sign 01' Sacrament of J.\sr&'
so great a thing.

«Of the one Oblation of «IIc:pt t'/)l;; p.tac; t1t{t,;(j 2!Ud"

Crist finished upon the poD npocri'.p8dor;<;


The offering of Christ 4H y,vcJ-1e'vt;

O!lce made, is the perfect stVE. fjUAE.[;X ow't"l)P::7:) ;5

redemption, ]Jr'opitiation x(Xi fJ rd-

and satisfaction fo!' all the 'ta; 'l./ko:ptb; t).oY'), -;, 'j

sins of the ,,,h@le wOl>1d, 'ts

both original and ac.!ual' r;poo: :;;a-::x&.;: Q"

. and thero is none other b 1:0U-;CU IX! 8:Jcr::Xt 'trov i,srr.c:.JF-
satisfaction COl' sin, but y,GW, £'1 6m,;o.:;. :71.2:-

that alonc.\Yho1'8 foeo the ltW; Hiy£'to, (;, !I£P£:";

sacrifices of masses: in tCV Xptcr'tCY Yo;!;

the which it was comllloll1y u8v£wtfl)Y cr')';'i',W?'r,'3!'v X;);;

said, that the IJrie;;;t did o::hwv 'tWY r:i-

offer Christ fol' the quick vwv 'Xo:t ni;·

mission of pain or guilt,
'were blasphemous
and dangerous deceits,
Dutro, xcd tv IXII"CO!, 39
1,,'1 ttl: tet; tvavtlov tWV yvroo,wv xat tv til> oWdfJ-l tout<¥' .
xo:to;xp1jo£rov 'E'lt'ltA'YjO£ctl: hg>pcio£t; o:w-
,;6)'1, to tfil: 6c£al: Euxexptat£", 01t' autwy
)to;t' jluo't1jptOY, O£X0'lto;t 06. g>a\£pw, 'Co;O'to: xexl ooXl '
't7JY 'to(\ jluat'Yjp(ou t* adlXl: ctutOU 'tc,Q
""o;tol: "o;t 'tOU ArlJ.ato, tolJ Xpto'too 1tlXpa toO Beoo;(ro"
'to: 39 •A(J6pIX &1t0pP!1t'touat tTjv ad tilV !VW.. tIXV t'ii; IJ.Sto:-
DOA1j' )(IX1 twV ov.p.o£o'YjXOtroy ty 't'i,) toOtO
1tro, 'C1jv ti'j; 'EX')(A'YjO(o;, "qIJ.WV, o£xc-
p.evYj, lJ.iv, th, y,;rocr::ov, tTjv (.I.£to;60ATjV toCi xo;: O!-
'IOU 'tfi' RiJXlXptOt£iXl: st, :!:W!-La xal AI(.I.CI: toO Ku(.l(ou
OtD(\, fmo .. ti'j' !1EtIXA/,ayi'j' fJ (.I.£to;60Ar,t;; to(\ x;xt ot..:
'IOU 'tYJI: 6da; E3Xllptotto:; xiXl A!(.I.a XptOtoO, r.oAur.plZ-
1110YOUO'l/;; th; tOV t?Q1tOV ti'jl: (.I.EtIl60Ai'j,.'J
Ai 'tOtc;J.O'C(Xt 'tWV .,Ap6prov nspl 'toO \lucrtYjp£ou 't1j1: -
EiJxaptOt£ct;, th, Q(.l6wl: &r.OOEt'ltYust 6 FOl'bes,3 an
'iJ 7tspl 'to(\ !-Lua'tYjp(ou 'l:OUto\J OtOcx.OXexA(cx. tWY "'Ap6pwv &niXSt Kcx.L 'tYj<; :
'toW Z6tj"(AtQ.VG>V xQ.t tYjIO 'to(\ mXOAiX\l1t(XO[Ou xQ.1 tWV'AVo.tilX'lt'tL·
<J'tG>v xal 't1/1O 'to(\ KOCA6!volJ 'ltCJ.t £V(.l(o)(ovtat oe: £',1
&La 'tTjv I'fplXOioAoy!av 't1j; &PxcdlX; "EXXA710(1X;, £',1 oe
mxv'tro; \luotYjptl.Xx'Yjv toO adou
IJ.UOt'Yjptou, :ilAw; O€V U1ti)PXE 'tOtQ.v't'l/ &vayx"fJ
ou'tro; sfr.stv, til'll 'twv to 'toO-:o

1) 'R )lata tov Gore t&v i)'UOtrov BV t(l.LI: 1.€ltOVQ-
"LaL£;, €oro!Gl.lV a!poQ1-'11V 8L<;; cmrooOYtl'lOte ilva.n(m' -to\!
.lHlOt'qQ'ou e.EU)(IlQladct£.
2) K, IJvo{Jot/vulJ1:o1:, TCl Icuo.ljQla ost.. 85-128. I. 1't1St10}.roeJJ., I:Uj.h·
poi..txT) A'. oet., 41)5 x. Z,
.3) o.v. aet.. 49() x t.
"Ocrov toOto, &no dy£ xcxt
OZ &vomtuaaucxt ty tif> f.LvYj!J.ov£u8lvtt auy"(pcXf.Lf.Lcxtt, IXAAOU l

dv£ 'ltonext £xtppaa£t; twv 39 Ap8pCtlv, A. X'

toOto to &p8pov: W;ouatv nol.Aoov 6cf.Ltpd30AtGlY"
etctt, npoaTtli8£tcxv toO Forbes, 6cn0f.LeVOuatv rtAer.
t1jv tOOv "Ap8pCtlv oaay
&'tpopq. to toOtO, £tp' 8'10'1 ';exOtC);, ivCtlatov, ncx-
j,ey npEn£t tOV 1tOAflltXOV xext aUf.Locx'tL-
XQV XIXPCXXtYiPcx twv ap8pCtlv toutCtlV, rtpCXif.LcxttXOt"fjto:, en
'tC);UtCX, ax£oov 0r.o t* 'Ex-
· )tcxt ott Ofv ouva[1£80: '10: otextpCtltta8OOf.L£v llovoV'
· h tOUtCtlV f.LuatYjptcxxy;v toO Iluat"fjp(ou.
· to:Jtou &)..)..ou ttv£
xed to: texutex npoult08etouat EYVOtCXV xcxt oEXOY-
n, 8£1exv Euxo:ptatCexy (J.y xexl. ouXt ty
OEX£tCXt touto fJll£t£P(X 'Ex)tAYjaCcx,
ouXt tv &ltOAut<p aUlltpwv(1j( 'Xcxt tEA£(ro,
-;,p ltpr:l't£atcxvttxo:, 'EXXA"fja[a;, 'Ev aXEatt tcxutCX tppo
YOU!!!V Ott, npoaltcX8etcxv toO Forbes £v tij> ax£ttxif> f.LEP£t
'too !l'I'f/lloVEU9EVtO, autou tv tTl tJ.EV
X'l.'O.xOECXVutlXt fJ lluat'f/ptCXX-f) EYVOtex t1J\; S..! cx, EuX exptatCex, £'1 tot, 39'
y tv fJ lvvotex
aot-tj C);iJt"fj fJ nfpt toCi £vexVt[ou toO Foebes n£18£t
'Epxoll£8a; twpo: tv tif> tWY 1tpOaEUXwv» 1t£pt£x.0-
tJotv'l'1 &x.oAou8Ca;v tou lluatYjpCou t* holy
tppexa£oAoyCex xext fJ xaSOAOU ti'ltO 'twv 3 9 Ap8pwv
""00 llun'flPCOU tou'tou y.extahCnEt 't1Jv
::1tYjpto:x-tjv EYVOtay (Ota 'to t* toO !-'-uat'Y)p(ou
alltext ax£ooy £y. 'toO
'twv -r;P0:l£UXWY, 'toO tOUtOU Tumxou 'Ex-·
'H 'toO f.Luat't}-
F[c;:) xo:t fJ 'ty}v ow:'t-Jl1:watv 'toov aX£i:t'Xwv ),,!IlpErov

KIX'tt\; AOUtoV 'toO p.uat1lpEou 't1);

&cpoO 'ltPO'l'ji'l'ja6.) at Ot&'cpopet
&'vaivroap.cna ax 0XS'ttxt\; 't'ijv adav Eoxapt-
o'tfav, 6 (epao, &vcx.ytllwox£t 'ltpt<; p.I)..AOVta<; va 'tWY
&Xf/&'V'tIllV Muot'l'jp!lIlv eVOUaSOEIXV» (exhortation), iv iv &r.o-
'ltv£ lXvIX'lttuao£t "ttl; 'tou «lJouavrjl'[ou 'toO
'XIXt 'CoD KIXl 'to tXVaiKIXrOV 'C9j, .
oupp.atox'ii' 't6.)v XOtv(O\ 6.)',1 o:iJ'too, Ea·v all-(oow outOt va; yEv(Oat
oUiivroP.'I'j' Kcxt 't1), Ott\; 'CoD Odou 'Cou'tou lluat'l'jl'Eou 'It(.<p'.
](oP.£v7]l:, tv dW'ttO!a£t 'ltf/O' 'tOUI: 'CuXOV P.£tIXAcxp.6&.voV'tIX"
«X.f/'tIJoIX hu'Cor, iaO!ouot xIXt 'It(voucrt» 'XIX'Ca 'Cov 'A1toO''tol.ov:lotcx;-
'te1'a.<; 'ltl'oooX'i'ic dv£ a.! CPP&.Oill: «rrhe taking of that holy sacra-
ment» «fJ l.fj4t<; 'toO &y!ou 'Colhou lJouaTIjl'[ou.»
We receive that i\tXp.6civop,IV 'Co .•. rVClC tv 'XIXO (;lOp <p 'ttj:>
holy sacrament (for itOV (OtOtt IltXp'tupEq>
then we spiritually 'ton:, ] O"l]o£w<; lJo0u, tOOv
.eat the flesh of oou 'tijw
1tveup,a;ttxw, 't1'wyo-
Christ and drink his Ilap(ocx lmoosx6!L5Vv'
!JoIV 'C'ijv aal'xa; 'tou IVIIlO6) 't4\ &yt!p :Sb)-
blood j Then we
.dwell in Christ and Xl'tatou Kcxt 1tEvollev lla'Ct O'ou 'Xill A rIJoIX't&
A1'tcG 'Co aTwc XIX- 'X1X1 aaiv iflOt.
Chr:st in us we are
'totKoDllaV 'COt£ av xcx'tot'XOU':I't1l 'Xcd fl!-
one wi th Christ and VOV'tIX.
Christ with us;) Xptc1'tij) KIXt 6 Xpt-
;yr. .
a'te, iv fJll'tv' £rllaE/a. (t11.; 0. Jid."ctAr.'1>ew;J
-fjv(OlleVOt lli'tcZ 'toO KupeI,
XPtO'''CoO xIXt 0 Xl't. lJo£'tal.ap.6&·
ato, llaO' Il6)V». ',1(0 'toO a:XpciVtou aoCl
'toO '1::-
!LtOU aou A ...
'ltl'oaal'X0IJo0( aot ';tp
eL1tOv'Ct'« '0 'tl'Wi!!l'l
lJoou ocip'lta
1t(v(Ov lJoou 'to titflIX £'!.i
illo1 'XCIC'( W £111
or.o't4\». ('I'oi) 0;';,(0) 1
pOY Xl'X.t r.[at£w, Xl'X.l
holy Sacrament to HOI "C 0 0 "C 0 "Co 'ltpoaeA9Iu.
your comfort... tiytOY
Y oou.

'E"XOIl£VOt £t, atl"c&, "Cij, (Pt'ayer or

Consacration) Q;vGlytyooaxllfllY «AAroy :
'Grant us there- Ix 'toutou &- 01)V1
fore, gracious Lord rptAt:O' Kuptfo, ••• xIXl '(Ive-
so to eat the flesh of a'ltAayxy£ KUPLI, Yt:X aew POt "Ct:X tiytex 't<xU·
thy dear son Jesus 't'YlY 'til: £t£ LIXOtY, Xl'X.t XtX-
Christ aud to drink 'toO Q;yll:'ltYj'too O();patY XCXt rprotta{loy
his blood, that our u,oO 'I'¥jaoo XptatoO xexl xa.t
sinful bodies may
xo;t ya 'ltCWfl£Y AutoO &ytcxa!10Y XQd
· be cleaned by his
'to Atj.LO:, 5mJ.l, ta &. aWfllX'to.; ••• It, 1tY£U-
body and our souls
IlIX ptroAa: 1, !LOOY 0'00''Co.; &y€ou xotYw-
washed throug"1 his
most precious blood flIX't1l: xIX6a.ptaSooot v(o:y"£t£
and that we ever un;o "CoO 'tou
more d well in him xa.t o:E
1\1. B<x(nAS[Of)
· and he in us. Q;mmAuBooot 'too
'tt!L(ou ll:ototlAt'!Lll:to£
'ltal XIl:'toLxoofllV oli"
'tw 'ltlivt'o't£ iv Au'tip
XIl:1 Aute, iv
KI'X.'Cwdpw oxattxoo£ 0ltQ toO Kuptou 'ltpoarp£"el!-
· OI'X.Y9ucr(ow in;t toO Xll:l atll:tlXy"i1Y "COO Kup!ou
· 't.qy aoato:atY XIXl tiA£aw 'toO S£(ou Autou fluotYJP!ou Q;Y<X'(tvIDOXO!1£V :
And grant that we re- O'ltW£ !LI'ta.-
· eeiving these thy creatu res /,Il:f,LSlivov't££
of bl'ead and ,vine, aceor· oou 'tIXO'tIX, 'tOY "p'tOY XlXt otyOV,
ng to thy Son our Sa- xo:d: tiJY 9da;v 'tou yeoo
11is death and passion, XG\:t miOou, a.otoO, "(tvro-
ma,y partakers of his Ill0Gl: Jiitoxot toU rirt(J)tci'tou
blessed Body and 'tou xa.t ArJiel'to,:..
Blood .
6 mCitOU; 't& oiiipoc Oe.Eoc, EOXeJ;-
At'(lt :
o Body ... of our Lord To l:iiiJia. 'tou Kupfou iiJi6)v
us Christ, which was 'IYjooO X"totol}, 'Co aoOEV OL& of,
given for thee preserve oto:rpuAcieOL 'to aliiJiO: xa.t tTjv
thy bod,Y and soul untos aou eltroIlLOV•••
,C!,-erlasting life.
OE: to Urlt :
The blood of our To A!JieJ; 'Cou Ku- 6
Lord Jesus Christ, ?'OU '1. Xpt- OOVAO, 'tOU 8100,•• 'to
w!1ich -",as shed for a'tOl} 'Co x u01v ai, 'tf(Ltov )Celt rca.VcirLOV
thee, p;-eserve thy to crooJiGl: Xelt
Body ::tcX: soul unto xa.t 'tijll O'OLl %a.t o:IfLa. tou Kopfot)
,d(lmov. Ka.\ eeou xa.\ lJ(J)tfj-
'IljoQU Xpt-
o"tou aoo Ii-
Jia.ptcliiy Xelt eC, \;U)-qv

Rjx "pt"twv OE: 'tOY KU(HOY 'tTjIl (leto:" Airst Plj'toot;;:

Ct Lord .... 've.... desiec "Q KUPLE; ••• irc,Ou(LoOJiev a-
this our sacrifice olXElflt;; 'telo't"qY 'tTjv Saafa-v
and thanksgiving YlJiwv 'tou eliyoo XIXt 't'Yjc dXel-
through faith in ptat£g;c.;••• , Xelt rc£atl(J)\j;
> l' h
thOI).l ." v.' 0 are par- dt;; 'to A!111X el:hQij •••• 'I'
of this holy Com- .... eOIX tTi,o.t«, 1:IX6'1'}1:
If; UIll 0;:;',
nllsterlOS W t& &rttt flucrt+,pttt, fl6 't1jV 1tVEU-
the spiritual food of tho fltt'ttX1jV 'toO
most presious Body and Xttt 'toO noD
Blood of thy Son OU1' Sa- 'Xed Tl'lcoO Xpt-
viour .Jesus Ohrist.... and C"COO • •• Y..a;l o'tt £ rfl£8a; p.H:/f

that we are \'Ol'y mem- tvcwp.c£'twOiv'ttt tv 'tij) p.uc

bers incorporated in tho.'tt 'toO rEoO Sou.
mystical Body of thy Son.
ta",\: 'toO «BI6:Atou "Coov 1tPOOIUXooV l> Ottk
xotvo>v£C(v 'toov o:a8avfuv tXVCLYWWClxolUV 't'1jv O:XOAOUOOV 1t£plooov :
But if a man, either by 'AAJ... , Hv Ot'
reason of extremity of sf. &09a\·da;; • •. OSV :>'&5" 'to !l\)-
'ckness •..• do not. l'eceivo atf,ptov tou )('(;(L ArIlO:-
the Sacrament of Ohrist's
'tou X?tO"'tGU, IS !'psul:
Body and Blood, the Cu-
rate shall instruct him that o;Otijl: B'tL texv O:A'tj8LiJ;
if he do truly repent him fJ.e'tc,tVoa! ata to:; 'to:'>
of his sins and stedfastlv XIXt 1tpaYflll.'tt monu£t, on 6 'I'Ij'
helievo that Chr·jst XptO"'to, ho.O, 'tov O&'vC("Cov
hatb suffered death upon i1t1 'tou a'tiXIJ?OO or.' au'tov ••• 'tou
the Cl'OSS fot' him .. he <10-
eth ea.t and drink the Body 'tpwY't )tcd 'It! vet 'to 2:wfJ.Ct. xa.t 'to
and Blood of our Saviou·e AI fLiX 'toO XptOtoU i;n:' dHpd,£L?,
Ohrist profitably to his "utaO 6y,bl:, d )ted
soul's health, although he o!v na5a 'to ota 'to::;
do not receive tho Sacra- C'tOP.IX'tOI: tou.
ment with his mouth.
'H 'tottt6"c'lJ flucr'ttx'YJ iv €xltlp&.aeat x(1.1 otoC(a)to;)Jq: &v't(-
J...1jtPt, 't'i'il: llua't'lJplou 8e[0;1: Euxo:pta't£O:;?-
1jn, iv 'to Qa1t'ttaflIX 'tou XiXtCt.OEtXVOI:.
"C'l4v 1)'1 EXIt 1tttptk 'tot\; 'AyyAtY..IXVO"" 'to
't1i' EiJXCtptot!o:;, iwotlXV GO 'ltOAU &1tEXouOexV 't'Yj,
&\lttAY,tPiW; m,pt'toO 8dou 'tou'tou !luo't'lJp(ou. Ouxl as 01tlXVLW;.

toll consacl'ate

atO - consacl' a
ev fClp! t'ij; Xo:tlX tijv tSAeaw 'toO
(jdou 't06tou J.l.uo't'Yjplou u)eu1:o.lCf 'ltapo:tYjp1jau toll «Bt6A£ou troy
. &'Vo:rLvooaxOfJev 'XlXt ta O:v'tL'tt91fl.Eva 'ltW, 'ta
.i\ w'tiplIl.
Whfll'eas it is ordained 'Ev¥ stYE Ho:Oroptofl€YOV; 5",
in this office for the ad· xo:ta 'tijv dHow toO J.l.uo'tYjp(ou
ministration of tho Lord's cE IJ.S't"'·
Supper, that the Commu- AC'l.t.6cbo. U" rcpSIt£L .. a J.l.UGt.Ao:!Jlo"
nicants should receive the oeXVW,t "(6vu x)..(vovnc (i?nc,;
same kneeling : (which O"Yj 1'00£V€t tijv 'ta.rc,woqJpovGt
is well meant, fOl' 'XlXt 60"(voolloVO: 'tillv
a signification of our &ra.OOEp,,(tooV tou XptatoCl fCpO';;
humble and gl'ateful Ad:. tau.;
nowledgment of the bene- vOV't<x" ')ta:t oluprcPSlt,t va. r!q
fits of Christ thol'ein gi- V'Yj'ttxt rcpo<;; &rcoqm'(ijv rc&.oYj; &'to:.
ven to allwotthy Recei- MvtX'tlXt viX
vel'S, and for the avoiding 'XQtta tY;v 'ti)"atv t1j; Eo-
of such peofanation and tv ttij fJ
disorder in the holy Com- "(ovuxlto(a. aB't'Yj fC(Xpa "t:vmv
munion, as might other- rcpoau)ltwv, 61t' Ot' a."(vottXV xOIt
wise ensue;) yet, lest the &o6lvmw, ErU 0,& 'Xcxxla:v
same kneeling should by laXl}poyvw (J.oouvYjv
any persons, either out of 1/ "((';11 'taot'1j<;;
ignorance and infirmity 01' 'tocU'ta. O'llAOU'tCht, (ht hta.liSa. ,,{)tj';
out of malice and obsti- Olt&'rxSt rcPc.StO't, Acupe[();<;;, 01>'&a.
nacy, be and vCG "(h'Yj'ta:t 'totcxo't"ij, Etn:
depl'aved; It is hel'eby de- toO O:l'tC!) xcd Girvau t1jc EoXO:·
clared, that thel'eby no a- ·9tatia.'3 'tillv ow IlCt"tLxill; ),ClIlQ('('"
doration is intended or Y0fl.EVW'l, EtU'X.1jC 'tWO';
ought to be done, either' ':ou .l:WtLMO;
unto the sacramental Bread xed AtIlCX tOpcu XptotoO XtXt
01' \V ine theil' bodil I'ccel-

J·;tl Presence of CI1l'ist's lX(miw ouo(tf 'lead til; ill 'COOtOU

natural flesch and Blood. xpe1t£t "" AlX'tp£uroY'tlXt
Fot' the sa(wamental Bread 9& ijtO T;Y
and 'Wine remain still in en;p£1t£ ,i1'tEX9.&'VroV'tlXt7tQ:II-
their Vel'y natUl'al sub- 'C£, of XPtCJ'ttlltVot), 'to M
stances.and therefol'e may tpUOt)(.OY XlXl. 'CoG X,,,.
n.)t be adored; (for that e.1p[OV:OV'tlXt tv oopa.vot, 'Xa.l
Yeve idolatry, to be abhor· oi)Xt ev'tIXiOSc.t' 'Cotou'C6 'Ct, e& ijtt)
red of all faithfu 1 Chri- eva.v'C£ov &:l.'Il0da, ,'CoO cpu:n-
stians) and the natural Bo· 'XoCi tJ.lXtQ' 'CoG Xp,o'toO, 'Co veX
'CIy and Blood of our Sa- £6p£OXS1:lXt 0'1l'-' 'tOU'CO oUYXpo-
Yiour Christ are in Hae'len el, fLaP'll'
and not here; it being a-
gainst the thr'uth of Chri-
:st's natural body to be of
one time in more places
'than one.»
<g, !Hi9"t), .." sv 't'?j 'tC.AE.U'tlXEtf 'tlXtkg leyo-
'fLIVlX mwzv 'ttVlX o:v't1geotv tv 'C1l 'CeAetOupyltf
"CoCi !.tuo't'1lp(ou tpows!'"v dve IStt 'ClXG'tOl I'PtXCPOV'CiXt-
XlX!,lX't1jP'llot, os - tli, 'Ct!)V ev 'C<j} owe(q> 'tOUtqJ
AlX'ttVt'lt:lj' 'EX)(A'IlO(lX', oUl1cpwvro, xpo, o:vrotipro
A£x9svtcc 'toG irttcrx6l'tou Go I'e 1H 1i
'iy't"Q o1toa'1ll1itwast Asye't(1.L, the Black Rubric, = fj 111AlXVYj
'ttCtpeox£ x?aYfl(1.'tlX XOIL 'A yyAtXlX-

1) IIsQt )lUta. t11V teAeu,u[!}.v anypli\v 'iie;; :tOu tWV

\1tIjOOSUXwv 'tij:; 'tUUtrJ<;. 'VVO)Otijt;;w;; the BJack Ru-
'Dric 1tQ{3A. 'Vakeman EVtl' <iv. GSA, 386.
2) llQo<; %ll:ta.VOl}OtV 'taUt11t;; .ijt;; :l'tflQllt'l1Qit-
usO}<; oeov va AExilu. on Rubrics at ev
.oit;; till"
<tQOOB'\!XWV 01' EQutlQfi; Itsl,u'II1]t;; (rubrica [terra]=eQuI)Qouv )COO!!!}., [)aqni), 'tEtU-
i)/ll)'lL(U OIU ev L. teA6ta'i:<; 't"lQ'1tsav 't"USIV, (1tQ{:lA. C. Annall
, 'EX.XATj'
SY 1Co:p6.;
1CpOp& tv t4> Black Rubric
· o:.u'toG, p.ol st1CSV, at v, ftt6ta axoAexO'ttll,'Yj 6aGil-0i\'txil t'ij' Oto:t-
ptosoo, oupo:vou Xelt a!y
1:0 Black Ruln'ic, tOU Oltotou to rcaptax61UYoV . a.v'tt·
(Pf1.0W xal 1CpO, to rcsptsX6p.IVOY 'l:'iI' 'l:SAe1:0UPY£IX, to& MuatTjp(ou' XlXt
iv"Ctat oTjp.s;;ot£, ta. 39 "Ap"
· 6por. Q;xop.Tj, xa;tlXxp(YSto:t axsoov 6r.b ;tmv A
),6,(00'11, fl. a' I'll 1X01:4> rcsptrX0p.svTj OtO%O'xex).£o: &pp.ovto:v
MWLto:t vii nB'{l t'Yjv tfj' fjILltePex, .
•A IXC s!, 'to:utlX,eox a:, to!) «BtOAtou ttOv
· 'l'CpoO'suXfuv» UlttXPxoualXt i1' tij, rco:pri.60A'ij' 1C(10'
ASttoupytlG&:, ti'j' (t«, ioaCx91j, ott 00-
· 1; iA4x.ta'tlX !X1CixoUClt tootoov, Clelq:>tO' I5tt, 1Capa.
d, bt:ppIiO'se, trov 39 xa! t&, ClUVIXq:>lt, tota6-
til; toG Black Rubric, fJ 'AyyAtXa.VtXTj 'EltXA'YjClto: 1CAYjPTj
lL'lJCI't'YjPtlXx'ijv g'NOtO:\I to p.uatYjptov 'tfj£9e£o:, Euxexptado:;, 1, oOXt
os 1l:0},U atlicpopov on;o t'ijl: fjp,edpex,
': 't :JtlXOtll

"E" t'Q £v t4> «Bd)).(qI trov 1CPOCl'UX61v»

Que s t i 0 11. Why Was 'E P Ii) t'Yj a dun! !o(lU9"rj
; the Sacrament of the to p.uatYjptov 9, EuXciptO't£CI\;
Lord's Supper ordained? 'A 'I'C eX. v t "rj at,. aWI-
An s w e r. For the con- xi) !iVGlltv'YjCJw tol) 8cx-
· tinual remembrance of v&'too toG Xptatoo lI,cxt ttOyaropl-
the sacl'ifice of the dealh roy ACXP.6tiY0It!V at' Cluti),.

"dale, The concise english dictionary, London 1905 aBA. 593). 'E" 81lQO.
%Qa:'touaav auvTjtlsttlV, elCtlJ1J;(:Ol1sro; 'tij!,; Ol'l))'illl,; 'taUt'l1!,; /)1(1 pei..d-
v"l<;, %Ili t1); oXll'ttxiiC; OvoI1C1.o(a<; autiic; «1\ v.(1.uQ'll n(1.Q(1..{W'Ila&,; ij 61l'lj-
ij (J'ljJ!(1.o(a )!.(ll () xa:Qalt'ti)Q autii<;.
l)IIQf\A. \Vakeman GSA. 275-278 xCl.i 282 x. E.
Its O'fj
thereby. ." ;
Q' \1 e s. \Vhat i.s the •A 1C. '0 iXp'Coc;; ,)(Ilt 0 ° 'tOC:
part. or sign, of the arcot(x (} K6ptoC;; v';
Lord:s Supp¢r 6Givlt)v'Ca. t.
A n s. Bl'ead ana wine 'E p. notOY sty, 'to tow'tspt-_·
which the Lo'rd hath com- 'KOY 1) 1Cpliyp.a;, 'Co at' eli}·
manded to be recdved. ,;/Qv 0'fIp.(Xtv6J1.'YOY;
Que s t.;'What is the •A 1t. To llmp.a. ')Cllt 'to ALll-ri!.
inward part,., thing si- toO XPtG'too, orcOtoc &"'fjOrot;
gnifiod? Aa;Jl.oGivOY'tCXL"
A,n s·w. The ,Body and 1tllp& ';00 tv O,(q:,.-
Blood of Christ, which Eoxo.:ptGdq.•.
verily lind indeed taken 'E p. lIolo.: dv! olt)psa,
and receive-dby the ate); YEv6J1.EOa. Il-hoxot ;
fal in the Lord's Suo per. , 'A rc. <H ay&:-
Que s t. are ,the t(i)v tPuX(i\y tou.,
benefits whereof ;,we are K(Xt A tll-lltO," tou Xpt-
partakers therehy? G'toO, ytV0Il-EY'fj eXxpto(i), ')((X6' Gil'
A n s w. The strengthe- 't(lorcOY 'ta ow..
ning and ,()./;' 'Xo:.t !vO:JVIXP.OOY'tllt at&:..
our souls by the Body and
Blood. of; Oh.l'ist, as our
bodies" .. the, Bread
and wine. . <. !\

iV,'t-g y£vE'taL ')Cll.t"fjyo')')'ill-:t'tt'X6),:

AOyolO 1t'Ept ')ClXl 'tau Il-tHl'n)p[OU 'tij' a,ca.£-
EiJXlXpto:t;£(X' tv ll-at(xA1jW!lt)1: lXutOU 'toO 2lwll-l.tO; 'Xl;tt tQU
AlflolX'tO\; 'tau l:lt)'tijpO(, Xlt)pl,51l-lt)1O 'XlXl ill 't(x'O't1i va.
the;; 'ltatd,· ;t,IX. rX?,Hpex TO BtqA[OV 'tWV 1t'pOaEUxGlv, fj EVVOtex,
,.f)UO£Il.t;;, 1t!pt "lj<;
Oa. Va: AEX0'?j att O!V amxp'xw;
'to 't'ij1O Eox"ptatLIXt;; ill, Olla(C(, SY 't'?j Otcnu.1t'wcr£t 'ti>'I"
£oXooY ')(-0;1'toO 'tSAI!'tOUp'(txoO
7tlXpiX to!; 'toG C1"1)f1dou. 'toutou SIX Y«'
G\('ltO(; 09tO(; 6 Gore Ot& toO
«OtOU 'J:'he hody of Cllrist. London 1915. E{Ycn
. e'tL 'to toOtO t* TeSpC'ltOU
s; to toOto. b 'toO 'It(ioA6you
alA' toO "t* S;!i'(6'CIXt, f, i'ltt6uf1(X tou
'fI'm£. dye Vf!. OLf!. tOU, ott STet t1) 1l6-
'YOY 'tooY 39 "Ap6p(t)v xee'/. Tu'ltt'Xwv 'Anlut(Xvtx'ij,
, f10V0f1£P'1j(; S'ltt
"'tol) f1uC1t'lJplou oev styS h:£to'1j MV(XtCGt yO:

1<0:1 o:o't'1jv 't'ijv 6'1tt'tPOlt£L(xV 6'1tl £xx):qClt(x-

t&';EW; XlXpxx.tYjptof10V 'toO f1u:J"tljP:Glu IltiAAOY 'ltpo'ts-
<1 lCOV. •AVlXtPExt;: Ota: touto latOptlC'1jV &VGtCllCOm'j-
em' 'toO OL& yf!. xlXt(Xod;'t,l 5n
.,1) dYE op6'1j-xIX1 'AnAtXIXYtX'1jv
'EX.XA"I)O[IXv-xal ota YO: ott, (lv OLa xO{,'I.
O''Xo'ItLf1ot''l)to£ OEV YOr; Y(Y"I)'t(Xt - W, ,((v£'taL iv XUXAot,
very l1igh church 'toO ?txfJ'tj'(to{'ollivot) Muo't')j-
p(mJ IV 't1) Aatp,.(q; &ptocp 'p(ou XIX! 1\1 ons t I'ance 1 -1CPO, 't'1jv
ty 1!Xltt'K1) 'EX,(:AYjO'(q; tota6t'fjv, 6V to6tot,1j 'totaut"l) oEv
. 1}to SYIXVt(o: 'to 'ltvEuf1a xaB6Aou "til' 'ExxA"I)a£a, xlXt
,oty ei &n:"I)"(op,.6uo Sltt t-a piOEt 'toov 'l'UlttxooV 't1)' 'EI(')(.Al1-
arot., :I

'OA!'(O{, ttvo: xa'l. OlW'tOf1iX, ax 'too au'(yp&'p.f1O:'tO, 'toD

,Gore Ba licrav OtIXtpwttcrtt'Xwtep:x.
tCG tp[IX 'ltpOOtlX !J.st3: 6p.optB£atl.f't1jv xO{,l O:l(pm, 1.1-
1t:t0!1£PYj &ycUU<lW 'twv 1!'fj'(WV &-'ltO 'toO 'IouClt(vOlJ lliXPt 'toO XpuaoCl'to-
j.l.ou, 'too Ai>rouattvou, toO toO toD \N esley,
TIhpou en iVtCAW, &Ytt'lt'Ltll'·
1) Eno; <poQfJ1:oii ag1:o(jloQlou, BV 4> 'toItollStSttilL iJ l(1li)'1Yt(lO'f.tEVl1 OCJ'tta.
:"Qt'IS zotvljv fiEClV 'lGolltowijv :<tQooltuv'lOtV BV 1:jj A(ltLnxU
:::; C, Gore. The bod:<' of Christ p. J -XVI.
vnui'l<: leua.;Cj.1SVoVto IlU(m1ptOV t'Yj<: f1da., EoXo:ptot!ex" oev atYE GO':-
vrx:toV ild tlj t7j<: K . ..1. xa.l tYj' 0XlttX'Yj, tG)V ITa.dpwv '1:11'
'E'ltXA"Ijofa<: (5tOexOXIXAtex" VU- xa80pto8lj IStt tOuto 00 f16yOY a!ya ";0 j.1E--
ytatOV t6)\/ j.1uatYjp(roy, tin' lxet xa\ tOY Xapoc')(.trjpoc.
tfj' f1uora,. (Kal dVE Sua!a. npwtoy, ot6n Ot' ao-coO 1j 'Exx/,"Ija[a;
0')(8'( 'to npQyoj.1tOY iAtufl,pro, tOY ITa.d"o:
toll 'IYjaoO XptatoO, iPX0j.1i'l"lj ivrol>tOY toO Ila.tp6, j.1E t1;Y
1ipoaqJopay't'l;" tOU aptOU xal tOOotYQU ••• epX0j.1iy"Ij j.18 t", &.r.apto-
. pLatou, llaOttLx&, npoo£uxci<: 't"lj' 6nep t'Yj, &'ySpronot"ljtor, at&' t&. ILHYj -
ao'tfj, ta te u8vswta:, xa.l. 1tpoo:pi?ouao: tijv
auoLexv cihij<: toG ex'Cvou :xex\ tfj, £uxapto.!a" Ot& 11:&'0'(1;<: tu-, £UAO"([O:, -
tfit; OTjILtouprfa, xa C tfj, oro't't)p!cx<;. «•.. Ml'tij dva 1j 8uo!o: t'7j, 'Ex-
)tA"IjaLa<: ')(al Elva nfi.v 6,'" Mvcttat '1& Xo.W,{l o.5t·t). ;:lev Mvtt;ta.t napa '1&
txnA£oil aut1jv, W, xaOroptO"ILSV1JY t00 n&.8ou, xed. ":0:) -
8a.vcholJ toO Xptotou ')(0:\ tij' &''10;(11:&0£00, Tou 'X1X1 t1)' ?Eutipa; A(')t:i9 -
'ltlXpouo(a, a.';IXj.1tVEt, )(a.1. v&. 1tpoaqJipll r.pc; toy IIo;t£pa. to: XQ,80pt-
oj.1£vex aUjlooAIX, rcIXpaxa.Aouoo; Arnoy OtX .1),
tea &i/OU Ilvflup.cxto" v&. 1tA'lJPWoil 1:'ijv 8ua:?:v to:;{l't'tjv I.I.! iJE£CGY OUYo;,
11 tV , at" t1/' tWv'Y'rj"tVI.DV CltOtXetwv t!1<; 1:0 8uclto:-
a 1."Ensttcc s!VCXl Ot& tt,V d.V1CXrcG'Xpt<HV 'toS 8£00 dl) 1:"1'1 -
&'vot\Jrooty 1:fi' 'XO£p5!r.<, Kat tOOV OooPWY tij<; KoJh·
05to<; aLa. teu TIvauWl.t6,Tou t&. oWP'" tV 't4> j.1iatp
AcctFdcx, 1(1); to tou'ttan to A!J.l.CY. Ku-
p(ou» •
«eH EOXO:Ftcr::fCG OeU:apoy itVE Bl)o(o: lv j3o:.8UtEP<r ct6tt 6
6ao£ 'ta owpa. 'FXXA"tjO(o., ..
a!a.y toO tV ,;Iji ooprxv(l{) &'M1:tpJ.l.£'(:ciAou :0 'Xed
etXu'tov SxE[YWV, tOOY orco!wv ElvIS (; xed itV£l1l!o:.nHYj

1) UQf:\);. qJQaOe(lAOYLUV EUXi''ji; XU6et),Hiocw; -tiit; t.HLOuQy[a<; 1:0U -Too,

'tou XQ1COOotOw:ru : nMqtVl11_UlVO\ l:oivuv 1:11; OCOL11QLOU Lo.Ut'r]<; EnoJ.ij; > , . taU
:I;l:(llJQoii, 'tou Tacpou, 't1jc; LQLl1fHlQOU 'tl)t; etc; oUQ/).voii; dvuj3ci-
't'\i<; 13)'; 3£;lwv Lii;; OSU1 Ega.;; 'Kai mit.n' :rtClQo\,ofa;, -
'tel mi 6lt .iilv orov oot ;];QOGqJEQO!t6v, xa.1:a. "una xu.i OU1 "UHCI. "Etl :itQ':l(1ipS'
'120I-l£VaO\ KA".... J, (A£l1:01.'Qyb u.y. 1. XQuaooLo/LOU).
OA7)<;; /')7))" 'Elt'ltA n-po, toY ea6'1... » 1
'H 'tQtIXU't"IJ xal ta. a.rWt£HOIl/Xtct, a cpMv£t 6 crC'.il c<;:
Guyypal:pau<;;, au!'7t'}.YjpofhtV 'to )lavov,
votav "1)<;; to 67t'otov TCpOh:.Uq;EV !x 'til<; t61v Tumx61'l
'AY'l:'At'lto.vLx1)<;; !letp' BAYjV De OltO'XEtI.1EVLXl't"ld'tCt.,
Eh£ 'toooOtoV &'VttX£t,..
won oav €tv£ ouvGttOV reOLp&. va. QLEPf.t."IJY£UCiUOo:.
'tilv repa.'(I.1lXttKijv tiv'tCA"IJq,tV, TCP01(OIt't£L b 'tt U.

tn-1 p&O'£t Kcm1)' '1'.0:1 'tlilV 7t'lly61v. C!.S\oI

tijv TCoA!(J.tX1jv, S1t''lXOA06e'Ylcr£ t1jv OijfJ.0a:Eu-
GtV tot) 1tap1 0:J 'ltpOX.llt'tOLt o-unptX/lfJ.Gtto<;; toO 'Emax6'1tou ')I;/Xl93:
YitO £oXfi' epyov iav eYX0fl.EV-oev £tVE oe ouva.tCV n-po<;; 'to 'ltCl:(JGV
-()'It' oq,t\I tuXbv av'ttpp1jcret, r.:pt; t'ijv OcwpLav to:6tT,V SEO/.C;'(GU
'tyJ<;; an 'lC.0:1 oil to tc,)toU t'7)<; 'It(;Pt(t)1t1j<; 'tcO
GtAt'lCoCi Ko.6"IJ,,(1l'tcQ t1); 'Ka.l vOv 'E'lttcry.on:ou 1').Ct.O'Kw6"IJ; Dt'
Haedlam, ')I;p£voVt£\; b tij\; tau
O'lC.Q1tOU G01'8, on 'f) U'lt' (X:)'tcG 'toO f) U"X£Ot'Ylv &Vt£pp"IJGtV 1jyS!(iE 'ltapa. tooV tUXQV O:.v'tmSej.LE\ {(lift
9aol-OY(t)v 't1/<;;
'An' 6 Gore. "Co Evvo(a\; 't'\'j\; £y.
'tlj> fJ.l.IO"t'YlPCrp 't'Yj<;; Sdo.<; 'XIX1 'tCUtO
Sloat 'ltapCGt'tspm &'1 'tlj> cru"("(.p&!J.tJ.lltt O:OtoO O'o;yi) p.eta·
ysvEatipcc, ('ltpC- ' !-Io2tCtlls'tIXPPUOlltcrttY.i)<;
'Xed IXf)'toD €v 't"g 'A H},t-
'Evlj> 0& YEY,XW<; &'V<l:'lttuoO'£t -':Y)" €7tl 'toO 0lJIAELOU tautou linD,'Il-
',pt-; 'El(XA"IJcr1a<;; 'Xed -':'Gv tOOv (.Lito:rpu8p.tcn:ty.OOv, ')(a'(;o:-
El<; to '1& ott fj l'tllpt 'toO <;)''¥jtJ.,,!o:J 'tou-couot15aaxCGA£O:
oev 'ltP£7t'£t, ')1;11.1. osv Mva'tCtt, va ShE o:C£r.popc:; 't-ijv Oti)o:crxaJ.£av
'A"(. K. 0'll}..' 1. 1j tV 7tPOXi'ILEVQ) ElV!! &'p)(£ta Ked
1tott, liYEt, aV<Ji MIa: 'to 1571 hcsoArj91)aav .&
"A(J9pex. sl, 'tov x):7jpOY, auXpov{)); x0:1 %(1.\11;:''1 "Ctt;;,
1) O. Gore EVfr' a:v. Oll/., 210-214.
Qtoliaxm(nv Et, Aorou, a;uttilv t£ xo:t v' n:ixpa toO laoO
'&natEOmatv tt, ixto, iay t(;uto eup[altno.:t iv al>l.JlpOOY(q. n:pot;
VIJ. ')to.:t K. dta;S'lJx1jv I<o:t n:po<;; ttilv &pxo;£oov 'X0:90:>'t-
IV IbtEpooy t1j, 'EXlGA"qa£a<;;. axfaet oe n:po, iv aeA,87 OtO:1:U-
)tkt'ao.:v&'rcoptlX.v, (; (xo:t dVE Exo:vtil, n:po-
tou, va p.YJ 6iaoop.Ev iv &'P.ipt60ACq. ta Aerop.I'II1i tou), he
j}too Xo:Cpoo ot6n &;n:oo£txv6oo, att oMev !x. ttiw iv n:po1Jyoup.fvot,
AsxBtvtooy 6det, EOxCtpta'tLo.:, dVE &'aop.ipOOYOV n:pO(;
mt'/]v ttvo.: 7) Excppamv ttilv iXrrltl(o.:vtxU)v o.:i)Bevtctilv· ivip
" EtEpOU LOto:t eDxcxptOt:lup.ett, oto'tt 0 n:AYjpbupo<;; xett &.xpt6e.
Epa, 'XIX6optap.6;, ilipcpo<;; 'to awstov toutO (tof) p.uat'ilpCou) 'ttilY IIo.:-
;HIlV 'EXXA1Jata, stYE bELYO<;; ItP'" tOV ono!ov rcliv:otE &.vcxipfpl't'Xt
'.A.yyAtXetYtXYJ 'ExxAYjatet, dey omipXEt awen:til,1:'- E:Y nspt Eo-
etOt'l/ &'VEn:tuX6-q 6ip fjfLtilY, 'to on:Q!ov v& eu?l.
nIXe E:V Otetiprov(q.. n:po<;; 'ta. &yy/,Dr.CXVtX& in;to'l' Tum'Xa (formu-
s):-.>. PEoet[oo, (; Gore fj otQcxalGetALa ttily &'nAtv.o.:Vt-
)\1 Tun:txtilv Gay ouftlt(n:t£t iX/toAo'tm, (.tE tYJv &pxetLcxy rAtilaaetY 3 'Xo.:t 6tt
Ota, tv '1tpOXEt(.tSVCP, &ipfyouO't'lI aAutOV to sYit1jflet, 7) atoon:fi)atY In:\
6:Vtt'XEtflEVtX1j\; IIetpolJJrcx<;; E:Y tiji (.tucrt"tjp(cr t1), Bda\; Eoxo:pta't(O:",
J'to &xpt6ill" 'to omtov in:t t* ent-
irc' tOU CI"tjp.£lou tOlhou 'EX'XA"tjClEet<;; (an:o-
Airst &AAtXX.00, O1x. 3uv615:>u), OSY a'l/p.a1yst att,;& E:n£a"tjp.a.
ta Tu a'1toxpooou:n xetl &'n:oxAdouat '1to:paoox.ijv aup.'1tA"tj-
e;ln:Etv, E:V tiji E:ip' OOOy
Ata"CCt etut"tj erYE &n:o),Otoo\; 'Ay. l'pa.iprjv x0:1
xa(a;v n:o:p6.50c7tv t* KlXta to:(l1:o; 1j 6uO'£a£ iv
6s[.q. E6x(X.ptatCq: 'Xo:tO; tOY Gore iUptaxo(.tsv"tj E:V
oc;"Cijv K.t.i., t1jY "?Xo:(etY 'i:iiivllatSproy t'ij<;;'ExAA"tja£a£ 'X"t
Y 'Xo:8' BAol) avtD\Yjr.ptY tYj\;'ArrAtxtXYtX* 'Elt";,)."tj 0'(0:<;; , oev £1)pCaxstat
o056P.(tXV avtt66atV Yi avtLcpO::1LY t&. i1t(O''l/flCt Tun:txa tij£ 'Ar-

::l Synodalia 1. p. 126,

2) Gore EV{}, <iv, 0, Z2!J,

.:;i} };Et> , 238,
:"HllO"W iv t€jl O''fitif[Ep tOuttp, Aamov 6Z, '[;2 n:Ept:mou81l1tOV O'ur·
A;pa!J.!J.(X; :of) bMX6r.ou Gore O'ull1tA't'jpailtllt, &; clptatct dxwv, Tjv
t).&.6oj.l.t'lnep\ tOU l'-lJot'fjp£ot) tfj, E1xlXptO'tl", n:llp&: 'Ayy"t-
X?;'1o!" O:Ttc, "te 'tOOY 3\) •ApSpwv ')('Xt 'toG
(0; t7) ty 'ttil B:OAtqJ 'tiiiv It?OlWXOOV 'X.'Xt
ell tlxCtl'l ap'f.I};; C(.{J't't'j ht tEA6tOt&fiOV ex tOO'll axs-
,\1(6)'11 xmp£wv 000 Ylwdpwv x:xlltoAuttllot&'tWY iryp&.l'ooV 'troy 'Ay-

'(AtXctvro" 660ACYWV, IlfL'OOY Ix6vtwv O'xi.ow n:pb, iYID-

aew£ 't1j; •A'l"f ),t x::zvacij\ "leal "fit;; 'OpSoQQtcm 'E'(XA1)0tct\;_ To n:pGltov stye
<:Elpw'l alnxotyrJ;l'l!o:t;; tOl'1ns of intel'communion»,
XC(.t' !:i;zG(h:1)(HY 6it& 'toO 010-
(to6do'l/' sr:::;poTIe!"; 'tGlv &'1!):"tOALXGlV 'EJt'X.}!tjO'tOOv, xo:t eipOt un:s-
0X£-o[ou, w; co: Spot fLE'CC#l tfj\; 'Ex-
"rr; 'A'(yi,ta;1: X:ht !In'
,-"d 't"!j;
m ape: 0\)1:01, fiEto O'JYOAOV ..iiiv 01toCWY imcpuAa:aa6l1E6IX va.
icrXQA'I'1Ehill-'ty S" '(, vu. &[, oce6s-
:5 Gore, 0m} 'tij£ 'AyyAL'X.IlVL-
avt:6ioE: xa.'tf.l}dpw &;yo;cpspOj.LtY"rjv
7J:y O!lI:O'Jj.1E;yt'XQV IIa:tpt"PXYjY, fLOVOY OttO 11'"
UVOj; tIX'Jttl£ Sa ey£vt'to
'Ev xGt-.a: 'to 1921 hoofJe(O'Il ;,0:n:6v 'tGlU ex.StO's:: i'l axiast
'to !-1:.<a"('T.pLOY s,r,,;; ty O'E\. 10 &'vCXjtvwO'')(ofLSY
;i :
The Chu['('h htL" at ;lll 'A,[lt<:rrs en:s-
times desired to fulfil the va bUA ti 'tYiv lV'tOAYiV
Cnmmand by the 'tou KupEov, 'tE.AEosrot;;
,:'.elebratioll !) f the holy 't'i'j£ .GI[o;, Euxctpt'Jtta;c;; XIX: SY
'ltCCY'd eTCL8ulloOILEY '111. orc"x.ouro·
to obey the p-lV .. 't11Y 't'ijl; <A-
rC3,chmg of Scl'i[,tlJre and l'pa:et''i'j<;; xcx1 OtGt;t";E1"
the lations of the uni- -rijl,; mx,'p(OO'p.£o:J 'E-
'-';l'sat Chul'eh. But v'.'Ilt)- r.:ttorj $'1 t(j) 0''lJ11'( ql toutq>
l'eas thoro ha.s beun much 'TCo))3l. "o:t
controvol'sy. and di- 0 :rtiv"t)
visions haye al'isen, as to TtPc.<;; 'tGV y.a.80-
the more exact definition ptO'\lov 't'ij<;; t,OuO';w; r.:xpou-
of the naturo of the p1'O- 0'(0:<;; 'toO x:;tt 'tou A;;-
sense of 11\t' HodY [tnl1
:ou Kup(ou 'f,j.LWY tv 'tfl
Blood of OU1' Lord 'in the
holy Eucharist: and \yhe- 6£(q. 'J(c/.), Sitsto-lj £'1

reas thel'o is no clecreu of 'tiji O'1)(-La!l)l 'to:J'tI.p

any Oecnmenical coulleil
touching the mannee of vaoou _p6"ov
the presonco of Christ; :00 xcd i-
and some of the
termS that been llsed 'tWII ol'tt'>E<;; eo
have been used with dif- XPYjO'L(-L0r:Ot1j 8"tj'Jo,v, £X\'''fj(HIlO-
ferent significations in dif- T,cd,8"fj0'('.w URO aVYoto: v
ferent parts of the Ch111'ch d.; 'ti k("i0pct j1ip'lj 'E""j''(j-
1,-YO agree that is a divine 0'(0:<;, O:.iIl"iwVCU\:l£'1 -:o\)'to
mister,Y ,yhich tramcl·nds
8ETov -;6 a"",Zc'I {mEp-·
human and
that tho 011ul'cll h,18 ex- oo:tv£: 't'(I\I
pl'essed sufficiently its he- 'lG:r.( 0'tL O'C(rw;
lief in tho Liturgies; and :rPM': 'tY)V rc!o'tW -:1;; £'i
we agree further tbat the ),<:t'tOUP'j'!,;t; O'U(-L'P W -
doctl'ino of the Holy Eu- voG!J.EY 'G I.spl 't"7;;
charist, as it is toudht in
the Litul'Q:ios ot' (lr- E0;.o:p (il ;

thodox and in the EUp[crXE.:o:t o:0't"fj h -;;::;':'; l,st'tOUP·

Litul'gies 01' tho Church y[o::\; 'E')(';(.J."tjO'io:;
of En''gl;md Jnd those ot' y.:7.! !'?]; 'E'lG-
the in commu- 't'r.; 'A'('{).::::. x::(t h£:-
nion with th,' Church of '11);(<; -:W'I 'Ex'J():/jOt!ll'1 -:lOV tv 'lG0:-
England, is ado\luate and
f!.z't& "C'(I; 'Exv.), 0;)';;
'Ayy},[e<; £·jPLoy.qJ.hc')\I ELv£

'O(-LOAOyOUj1£V 1I't: rcapa 't'ijv &yo:6-1jv b't6.. w'JLY, :!,v 't:;

8do:\; E0X6(ptO''t[o:<; 'lGUt:w;

a:& to 8tbcov a.utTjv

lat 15p.w; xal crtOtxsto: xttVIX -litO ouvcno\l va. repoxaAiO'w:l"t
su?u'ta"Cljv :JiC7:PXYjI: ot, ,00
'It£:,l 'toO ,p.uat"tjp(ou "C'i)1: A,o'u £Y 'to 5plfl 'tot:'tlj}
J!-vs{a 'CiilY 'X.a.l xa! "Cou tXxo:90p£otoIJ
troY "CO 'to(J"Co &:popOOV"C(.t}II, OOOey lino she, ftOpo:
tX.. OLXtij repOI: p.o:xpiv XIXt &wx8swpljotV BAWY tou'tmv ;:t;iv
&'xIX90p(o"Cw\I xa.1 fl.-rl e; &T:oqi&'os:wt; . 'tWO\: 2:uVO&O\.l?tIX·
6c1.Ip to9ty"Cwv a'tjp.e(wv .0:);;0011 'tYlt; rebc£mt; Kat&' 'ltoaoy "Cou"Co . etYsop-
(By, X(x"CIlOEty.vuSt 8 iTtto)(o7tO\; Go re £',1 tijl rcpop.v1llLov£u-
Ohm GtUtoO A: OlxoullsVtxllt xa6WptCillV t&\ {me.
(Jul;Yj't'YlotV xed CGlliltOoACIXY 6£fl-MIX, ouoo:r.t6)1: ofl.Q)1: to
EOXClptO"C1al: -li'to ex t6)'1 &p.ino:x.AAoll£IIWV Xa.L &xa90pta"CwY tQtou-
'tl!)v.'Q\; opew, &'rcC/oe:xvust a (}oro, va. Ilij bCt'l!.a.),£oefu·
J1sv XIX1 &nwv 'lta)atodpmv n Xlll '1EW'ttPWV o:o6svn6)V 'tijv ILaptUpfflV, .
till: &'(. ElYE ocxcpij, 'Xo:1 rllptalllv"tj, oooill(IlV
tXn!PP'YloLY xed anlt xed fj YVIDfl-1)
xcc.t otoaox(J;Ato: twv xPXCLfwv t"7)e.; Ih.dpwv sh£ 'l(():l
ro;po, tijY TIsp1 'tou fl-uot"tjp!ou 'tfjl: es(a\:
O'')(IXA(CX\l. 'E&v oE 0;l.0AIXO'ttxo1 xIX1 tXp,o'tspov 0;
h '!:WY &.'.poPIlWY stxolI, 'Xed b. tou Ttvso·
'tfjl: u'll' c,(j iO"tjllwuP'(1)OIlV 1iSpt 'to p.u·
66!0:; soXo;pt(l";!O:<; sv 'to ouvoAep xcx1,; AS'lttOl1e'
"Cou "CQuto Oey O'f/l-1o;!VEL B'n O'XoAllO'tt'X.-q 'XIX: ltsto:p-
pu6p.tottxYj 0.:11:1) 9soAo'(£a atv.: '.10: £it(Opo;O'LV Eitl Xo.eill-
'Xlll oa::poO, $1>1 toO 0'1JIlEtou toCl"CQU o!oac'l'),o;-
:l..£cx(,; tYj_ eA-;. rpll:pYj, ')(0\1 tW\I apXcx.!w'l 't1)<;
olloe $x. 'tOUtOU ya. bu'ty]Y fj 'E'lCx)'1)c!o;
tm6XP£Il)Y vet 'tT,y o()tro (W,epwc.; tv 'tij rpc.tq.-r, 'Xed
atari,(p.txot to)',l IIIXtipwv cx.o'ti)<; x:xOwpLallev1)Y oLoaoxaA(Ctv) .;;, 't6-
GOV '!tal toaov o<x::pwg 6p:ss"Ccx.t iv «toCito Ecr"Ct-;o
,l)lUp.a !tau, xat 1:00';0 ea'd 'tc, At!lCL (teu, 'to [mer utJ.wv XAW!!EVOY 'Xcd h ..
xuv6ILevov :XflsOW :X!-Lo:r:/n6)V)). 'Ev<p AOmOY Oto.€iAircolt£>J Sy 'tip
&.ya.Gijv EJe)''Yl0LV, 1j 'ltpc.;; 1ic£AtV tXVOLXt'lj o.:Jt-fJ 8opo:,
8aQV !nw; 1:£ OP.OAOy£tta.L 'tb UJ'I;ap 'tTJY '111''' '1:00 jA-lJ-
Q"'I'lp(OU toutou, O"All(. l<,(VOIJYOY ax 'l:ij, &:VIXXtvij-
· xcd eJu;'(j'I:1josw, IlTJ imoeX0p.!vo:J,liJ; 'tTJY 'ltlXl.a;,iiv
Oiatv IXlnoO, oflXyo1j!to'tS ou;1j'tllaty. 'An.&: xcx,\ fj
· 'tol) 'toutou &:;P!Yil £vte:Aoo; [xa.YOltO'''IlP.EVOU" Ol6'1:' 11
i; '£"01) tX'IGt'(vropLat; £'1 A£t't:lUPY[lXt' 5Arov 'tooY £'1 &:VIl!pOpq;
£v'tGti;i9x bltl.ljcrtooy eXEl ylXYcpOO' XGt'lXxtijpa. AllXY GVp.-
. xGtl iA.GteJtLXOV, d, 'ltlO'l:iro, 'lt1X1.
Mrll-IX,'to, xa.l G?ljOltE(a.;. tH 1)?Oya.'to oe '1& 'tt" fj 1:00'1
· tv 'I::x!, ).£L'tOUfJY(lXt, 'ta.UtGtt, OtOo:crXGtALooV 1:TJv eWOt"Y - 61>' 6aov
(jf.1I 'ltp6Xit'tGtt 'lta.l 06'1 It,,£!tEt eXll 00; 'tGY cruIA6:6Qf;1P.ov(com-
. promis)-a.) l5'tt OlOO:OXcx,l.ta. 1:00'1 AEttOupytooy 1'* 'l\yyA.
xGtI. 1:G)V AomG)Y 'EXXA'YjCHG)y MVGtta.t v' &!poP.OtooGlltil; 'l'tPO, '1:0
'toCito 116 't-fjv!v 'tGtl:, l.El'tOOpy[ xt; Op8c.06;ou 'E ul.ljcr£'X, OLaCLeJ)(IXA.EIX'I
xa.l vet ZPJ.l.ljVEoO'g 'ltCL't1X 'tCLU'tYjV ; -crUYi!tG);; 'ltGtt 'ta l(cx,xa 'tij;;
'tOoOOml11on prayer book XIX\ 'tWY 39 "Ap8@oov x,;\ 'touBlack Ru-
b !'i e 'l'tPS1r£t 6;CLcp';VtaOWoL; of] 8tt OtOo:cr)((X.A!cr. 'tau't'Yj;; £'1 'tip eJ'tj!L£(<p
'to!,hCP Biov QLOa.Oltal.£o:v b ..!VfiW; 1} .eAoH) 8tt
. h&'OTll 'EXXA1Jcr!Gt 'l'tPE1t£t v& Ot' ECX,lJ1:TjV £Y a.u-
atlX'ttmoup.iVYjY Otoa.oxa.:AllXv; .:ley SiAw viX eV'l:a.u6Gt 0,' u-
:.\SIq;W XWpou tpet;; 'ta;u &!tAw, 'ta, u:tOOEt'ltVU.oo.
ala. va: EllO 'tou;; 'AYYAtxGtvob, 1:00'0'1 £mx£vouvove!Vi1t
de; tota;OtGt 1Jt1jflIXta. aU/l6 J:'ttx'ij otwShYj crt, "Coov 'ltplXrp.«i't(llV, .:lev OUYIX-
J.l.IXC va &!toxpuo/oo, 8tt xa.\ cd £'1 epOt, tXycx,!PSp6/liya.L 'EltXl.'tjGtlXt,
tlsff \i)v £:,pbxnat 1JljTj et, XOtvoov(cr.v 1j 'Ay"( AtXiXYtxTj 'Exxl.lja[1X £lta.u-
;&'vooeJtV h 'tip crlj!litcp 'tOUtCP QstACGtv flou, xaO' 8'0\# I&'v t
00;; Cf'opoOJ.l.Gtt jL[a 'tOOtooY £lYE XIXI £'1 'ElC.XA'tjota.,
ii' ft 6'1 tiP cr1)lleLoo 'too'tcp OtOXcrKa.ALIX dVE lv(IlatTJ ix 'tWV cr!JP.OOAt'lttilv
'tou 'to 'l'tEpmAtx.itlXt 1I'SpLa-
a.6-r:sfloV xa.t &!tGtt'tEttCGt taoo, &).,Ao(a. "Ct, irzE;£P'(acr£a. 'toG 'toO !£u-
atllpfo:J 'Coutou aX£?tGtoSiy'to, oj.lot). Ibp' 'ta, &;y'ttPP'l]crEt, 'ta.uta,
< ,r \/£ Btt XXt ot OPOt ou cot!X OVtIXt &;
llucr'1JptCLXTJY eYVOtGtV 't:lU jLucrt1jptou 't1)<;; E:}xaptot(o:, vn:o 'tT;Y b-
oox'iJY lLano\' 'toO 'tWV 'l'tpoas:JXoov. tou)omoO
•An' iVql 0 "l'(VEt 'toO
&KCt96ptatCt, ':0 80'1 "p9pov 't' ljl,; 'lio 1922 revo-
O'tjAO)(lEm, A.. II. 'tGV mKOU!1EV.· ITc:t'tptdpX11J'V .
xlXl. 'tijy &Y[lXV xed tEpav M. KWY)1t"A£ro, i
ix pJpoul,; Il-ErLat'tj' !1SP£OO" A'('(At"tct.viiJV lIA'tjPt')CU)v,wv /).()to,
6 Go eo, 'to 01jf.L6!OV 'tOU-cQ &l<pt6iG't.::poy.
Xrl.t &ltO Itdo'tj' &.n' 'to xalll-EYOY:
We affirm that, by 'A,,;ooEx0f.L68ct. otci 'COU'l(c:t-
sacl'ation in the Eucharist· 9IXrtlXO!100!Y EOXCtpta-clr.6
the bread and the wine, xaL 0 oIvo!,;. eOAoyoull-EVOL .
being blessed by the life gi.,. OTtO 'tot}
ving powel' of the holy. <A.rlou Ilvau!LCt'Co" ll-ato.MUov·
Spirit, al'e changed and 'tc:tL xCtt xo.9b'tlXv'tIXt 'Co
become the true Body and xex1 'to (H'tj9i, Atll-Ct 'COY,
the t['ue Blood of Christ, XptO'toO )tCtt 00, 'tOtI.XO'tc:t IUtc:t8t,
and as such a l'e given to ow.Ctt 'Xed !£atI.XA<x!£6civoY'C(u OliO.-
and received bv the faith- 't6)11 1161.6)\1 'ExxA'tja!c:t\:. "0·
ful. We hold," the)'efore Bev 5't't 6
that Christ thus present is . mxptUY ;seOY ).0:-
to be adoJ·ed.As to the ac· 'tpwtt)(.6)1,; va xpocr'l(UV'ljtiXt. "000\1
tual mannel' of the chango o' &cpopq: to',l tp61toy
and of' the mode of tho OOAii" xed 'toO :n;a-
presellce. no doctrine onpoua!cc!,;sv 't'?iEux.apta't(qG,
thi:J point is laid down by ouosl1(c:t M)etO'Ka.A(o; &\1 't(j> OlJ-
any Oecumenical Council f..La!cp 't'cUtcp, Ote:tuxroOYj (lltO Ol-
and. ther·efol'e. while be- ')tOUP.6VLXij,
lieving the fact, we do not &:cp' eve\: manu!:.!£,v 'to
venture to define !£'tao!,)Ai'l!'; xal
de. rrhel'e is hel'c a divine 1tapcuo!a" acp' hfpouoev
mister'v, which passes hu- 'to),p.wl1e.y va 'XCt8op!o(tll1£V ?crt,
manuuderstanding. 'C1'61tOV IIp6'KSt'CCtL !vtCtUfl:x.
mpt 8e(ou l1uo'Cl'jP!ou OTte:pOIX(YOV-
'te!,; tYjY ,.z"opwx(v'tj',l liv't'O.Yl'¥w"
•Al'tje6), ili!,; (; Go re, OU O£Or;.:[ ala£V
1) The Christian East, July 1922 Vol. III :\0 2, Off" 52- 63
·'E.tU(ATjaflX, ,xat aUVErcw, 1j&rcop£o:, iyaxeaet f.LaAtato: '/'Cpot&
'tOY apov, laV 1J &'11:(••
'CoO f.Lucr'CTjp(ou t1), 1J X1.tOG nav1:O: aUJ1qJwvo£
'repo/;; tYlv 'Ay(o:v Ppo:t:pYlv tYlv 1. IJa.pliooatv, 1J xo:t tcpoa·
'X.pooouaa '/'Cpat; 1:& €rc(oTj(J.O: 'Cilt; 'AIiAtXO:Vtltfj£ 'ExxA"tjaEex.;,
·'X:t.6'. & 0 Gore, "(( ono tilt; oMt'ljto£
'tWV geoAoywv •A"("(AtXGtVtXf){ 'EXXA1jctfo:t;. "EXOV'tEt; 8J1(l)£ ur;"
,or.fitv ,t1lv hi 8Aou &varctugtv'Xo:t xupEwt&
o:o'C'fjV ta(l"c'ljv 'COO &vwtspw 5att, 1Jretpe tOGt; iv
&(J.qJtOOA(,x£ xo..t cppovoOjAoev ett xIXl of tuxbv iv
«xpq: &?tat£p0 £optaXOIUV:Jt 8e:oAQrot t1)t;' A"("(Atltavt'Xijt; 'ExxA'rjaEo:t;,
O(J.OAOYOOVtet; 'to w; uitSp lvvOL(xV J1ua't'1jptov,
'{'Ie oUVIXtbv va &.It'oxpouw:n tYlv, iv oo3e:(J.tqi &V't'tOiO'e:t '/'Cpot; 'tijv
i"i "Cort; 'r:,mt'Xott; OLO:XO'XO:A!IXV 'ExxA'lja(IXt; twV, eopt-
a?,ojt£v'ljv tv t!i),'Q t'ljt; t1) auve:'/'C£!q: )tal 1:1) ixtliaet, I-Lua't''ljpto:xijv Iv-
VOLOW 'toO f.Luat1jp(:iU EuxlXptO't(at;, 1jttt; dye OUVIX't'CV l1t
va y(vTj'tat €v ttil IXUttj; i) iv ttil O'UYOAq>
at!'t'1jt; va &''/'CoppbttYjtat.
!lev Srtt8uf.Lw v(J. 6n:ou;S'a. fltt 'tOUttoV €YVow, ,hi va
,:PA1jOW ern va YVW(l'Y}v twv 'AyyAtlf.o:vtilv 6eoAOYwv, ib
e(lIOt;, mateuw, 1j htta't1Jl.l.ovtxij· toD l'.a'ta 'tty
&y'ttxetf.LevtltWn:pov tp6n:ov OE'v dve: ehe:
ix.dv'Ilt; 'tl/l: tmo toO Go re iv ttil cxO't'oO
'to;;;e Xo:tIXV'tW(l£V d<; todxtipta't'qv aYjILEtov t1jl: xaS' CAl1V t1Jv ypIXI'-
II ijv oOY(lo:-tt'l<.jjt; iv tip toO J.I.!Ja't'Y}pEoo 't'OIJ't'OU l-u'tOC-
't6>v "AyyAtXC1.VWV Oe:OAQYWV, t6AetOu;.ytxwv)..e'/'C't0I-Le:-
petwv, "(-.tve, ev 't'OLO:U't'Q XCtt (lOVOV '/'CEpt'I'C't'wa£t iA<xx£at'ljv O'Y}I-L<XO!IX'I
IIlivtw, ltEpa(vOVtEl: 'tCXUta:t; tTjv Xo:p1J.v
-rj!tWV, 1j toO iret :nt6ltou Go re
EL<; kcw xzt '/'CPOXEtpOY EYQt; lx twV (mol/ano-
Oll\llXtCV y' &n:oteAE'7l1 &.t:pE't'ljpCo:V xcxl iVJ
',£ull,v 'Xed ixertle:v e 1) w£ eXDuO'o:
& 'tilv .. 'tou'Cou
'Ev 7>Ept1t'tt0:m au; btl 'COtotJ;;WV
:Ilchwv, u'ZtQ "1:5 ltVE('J!1C£ !1&'AtO't1X XIXAij, &ltOOO-
X-ljv t1C6CII£):;)
(1 nod s8mb ee, quod ubig ue
quod ah omnibus cl'editum est.
fj 'ttl,stlli b:e<;tepwOs:y 'Cow bite, out;;rj"C'l'jtHV 'XG:l &(J.qlto6rj't'qatv
S£(J.cG-:;wv> a;va.'('lCIX(w; XIXL &yor;(J.tpt eo: ltpoIXrcirl,l, ltpO mty'to,
'to €vmaew" 'XIXl 8& (J.Qy"tjv &O'tpa.Afj
-')(.C£l. PIOa.!QW !l!8ooov. at' O!AOlJ.ev ".:0 lto6ou-
'tC lt080UlJ.fiVO', &1>o.eA1olllX :;1'01 ,ZAIX?tVw, ')Ca.l.
/-LEV, Ot' 1.6ro:.>. anem

2:. ;\,\lIlll.\,},OE

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