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Planning & Assessing an IDU

Spiderweb Discussion

MindMaps / Charts
entry points
GoogleDocs Grade-level Roundtable
T L to an IDU

A [guide link]

First meeting with MYP Coordinator
1. Establish purpose & subjects for integration
2. Determine key & related concepts subjects inter- subjects
& global context related concepts disciplinary disciplinary disciplinary related concepts
knowledge perspectives under- perspectives knowledge
3. Identify target ATL skills skills skills
4. Identify some inquiry questions, draft s.o.i objectives standing objectives
5. Plan the assessment

What is the purpose of the idu? A T L

How will this
How will students
strengthen students’
understanding of the
learn new things as a key concepts
result of this inquiry? related concepts Image adapted from
disciplines? “Fostering Interdisciplinary teaching and learning”’

Planning the IDU assessment Te a c h e r s a r e …

MYP Coor
❏ lea
d inator is…
ding plann
& res
s ing plannin ing sessions
i n g l e s s o n ❏ record
❏ plann a s s e s s m ent ❏ helpin g decisions
t h e
subject A subject B ❏ refining
d i s c i pl i n a r y work ❏ suppor
g with prep
aration & a
❏ assessing co l la bo r a t ively ting teache s
rs’ planning sessment
criteria criteria ❏ r e f l ec t i n g & p lanni n g and reflect
io n

Interdisciplinary Objectives
How will students show their learning?
Who does what? How will we
student achievement
resource & assessment unit teaching
development continues might begin
Criterion A in the IDU?

Disciplinary Grounding
How will the students demonstrate
Second meeting with MYP Coordinator learning in one or more of their
disciplinary criteria?
1. Refine assessment tools
How will students connect disciplines
How will students reflect on their

2. Outline teaching & learning experiences

interdisciplinary learning and
development as a learner?

and learn new things as a

3. Discuss & plan for differentiation

result of the IDU?

4. Complete IDU unit planner as far as possible

Criterion D

Criterion B

Teaching Summative THE IDU
& Learning Assessment
formative assessment student reflection

Criterion C
Final meeting with MYP Coordinator Communicating
1. observe student assessment & reflection samples How will students communicate
2. standardize IDU evaluation the outcomes of their inquiry?
3. reflect on the unit & refine the planner How will they acknowledge
their sources?

Does this IDU encourage students to…? From the aims & objectives of interdisciplinary learning
❏ develop a deeper understanding of learning skills and apply them in meaningful contexts?
❏ integrate conceptual learning, ways of knowing, and methods of inquiring from multiple disciplines?
❏ inquire into compelling issues, ideas and challenges by creating products or explaining phenomena?
❏ reflect on and communicate understanding of the interdisciplinary learning process?
How are students developing their
❏ experience the excitement of intellectual discovery—including insights into how disciplines complement ATL skills through this inquiry?
Are they able to develop in any of
and challenge one another? the Service Learning Outcomes?

Flowchart created by Stephen Taylor (@sjtylr), for Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan, based on “Fostering Interdisciplinary teaching and learning”. See also: MYP Coordinator Support Material:
Produced in GoogleDrawings. Questionmark clipart from TheWriteConversation. ATL diagram by Stephen Taylor, with icons from the Noun Project Standard C2: Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning

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