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Juan José Martínez

Cr 63 Nro 43 49, Medellín,

10 de Octubre de 2019

Mr. Antonio Gutierrez

United Nations
405 East 42nd Street
New York, 10017, USA

Dear Mr. Antonio Gutierrez:

I start my opinion about the environment and answer the questions according to the activity guide.

The negative effects of technology on the environment are many but this is because we have not
returned to the earth what we take away, for example if we cut down a complete forest there are
few companies that plant again, this due to costs generated again sow, then they care about the
income but not about the benefit that nature gives them.

I believe that we should not put technological advances against the wall, what we must do is that
creative companies are responsible for the environment, thus avoiding the death of so many
species, rivers and forests.

I think that consumerism is inevitable since every day we want new and innovative things, the first
thing to return to the earth what we take away from it. To contribute to the improvement of the
current environmental crisis, we must first have a recycling policy in each family, also by local and
regional governments they must contribute training, financial support and human support to
prevent the crisis from growing.
I recommend that the most important thing is the individual responsibility so that everything is a
common good.


Juan José Martínez

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