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NAME: ________________________________ GRADE LEVEL: __________________

SECTION: _____________________________ DATE: _____________________________



Background Information
Elements consist of only one type of atom. An
atom is the smallest particle of an element that still
has the same properties of that element. All atoms
of a specific element have exactly the same
chemical makeup, size, and mass.
There is a total of 118 elements.
Many elements occur naturally on Earth; however,
some are created in a laboratory by scientists by
nuclear processes.

Every combination of atoms is a molecule. Numerous atoms of different

elements combine to form a compound molecule. All compounds are molecules
but all molecules are not compound. Molecule is one that is formed together
out of a chemical bond.
For example,
 Sodium (Na) is a molecule, but not a compound because it is made of only
one element.
 Common Salt (NaCl) can be called a molecule or a
compound because it is made of Sodium Na, and Chlorine Cl.

 One atom of carbon + one molecule of oxygen = one

molecule of carbon dioxide.

What is the difference between an element

Element Compound
Consist of only one type of atom Consists of different elements in a
fixed ratio
Cannot be broken into simpler Can be broken down into simpler
substances substances
There is a total of 118 elements List of compounds is endless
Examples of elements: copper, Examples of compounds: salt, water,
hydrogen, oxygen, carbon etc. baking soda etc.
Element is represented by symbols (H, Compound is represented by a
O, Ca, C) formula (CO2, H2O, NaCl)

What does elements and compounds have in common?

 Both, elements and compound are pure chemical substances.

 elements and compounds exist in stable form because of the bonds

formed between their atoms. The two major bonds in chemistry are
covalent and ionic bonds.
 Elements and Compounds Are Homogeneous

Scientists believe that about 25 of the known elements are essential to

life. Just four of these – carbon (C), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen
(N) - make up about 96% of the human body. 25 elements are known to
be essential to life.
Chemical compounds are used for our daily uses, such as baking
powder used in cooking, table salt (NaCl) used in cooking, mouthwash for
personal hygiene and alcohol (C3H7OH) for disinfectant.
Learning Competency:
Recognize that substances are classified into elements and compounds.

Yes! Let’s try

naming the
Let’s try this symbols.

Activity 1- Name Me
Direction: Give the name of each of the element symbol below:


1. He

3. C

4. Fe

5. F

6. Ca

7. O

8 Xe

9 Si

10 Na
This time try to
give the symbol of
Let’s try
the elements.

Activity 2- Give Me a Nickname

Direction: Give the symbol of each of the named elements below:


1. Sodium

2. Iron

3. Chlorine

4. Radium

5. Potassium

6. Mercury

7. Lead

8 Iodine

9 Helium

10 Neon

You made
it! Wow!

Can you We will try and

recognize the
We think we can.
elements and
Activity 3 - Know them better
Direction: Identify the pictures below as element or compound. Write your
answer on the box.

6. Gold Ring
1. Nails

2. Copper wire
7. Baking Soda

3. Water
8. Salt

4. Mercury
9. Balloon

5. Lead pencil
10. Hydrogen

We will try and Can you recognize the

elements and compounds
We think we
as to their characteristics?
Activity 4 – Can you recognize me?
Direction: Identify the following characteristics of an element. Write E if it is an
element, C if it a compound and write B for both. Write your answer on the
blank before the number.

__________ 1. Cannot be broken into simpler substances

__________ 2. Can be broken down into simpler substances

__________ 3. Stable form because of the bonds formed between their atoms.

__________ 4. There is a total of 118.

__________ 5. Pure chemical substances

__________ 6. Consists of different elements in a fixed ratio.

__________ 7. They are homogeneous.

__________ 8. Consist of only one type of atom

__________ 9. Represented by symbol.

_________10. Represented by formula.

You made


Activity 5 – Let’s Think Big!

What is the
importance of
elements and
compound in our
daily lives?
Direction: Think of an element and a compound and give its importance to
you. Write your answer on your paper.

Let me check your

learning. Do the We are excited
next activity to do it!
Activity 6- Let us recognize the Real.
Direction: Answer the following item below. Write your answer letter of the
best answer on the blank before the number.
________ 1. Which of the following is a compound?
a. Water b. Helium c. Hydrogen d. calcium
________ 2. Which of the following is not a chemical compound?
b. baking powder c. alcohol (C3H7OH)
c. table salt (NaCl) d. Oxygen
________3. What is the symbol of Carbon?
d. Ca b. C c. Co Cr
________4. Which of the following are characteristics of elements?
1. Cannot be broken into simpler substances
2. Can be broken down into simpler substances
3. Stable form because of the bonds formed between their
e. 1 only b. 2 only c. both 2 and 3 d. both 1 and 3

________ 5. Which of the following are both characteristics of an element and

a compound?
1. Pure chemical substances
2. They are homogeneous.
3. Consists of different elements in a fixed ratio
a. 1 only b.3 only c. both 1 and 2 d. both 1 and 3

For item 6 to 10. Identify the following as to element of compound.

A. Element
B. Compound
________ 6. Sodium Bicarbonate
________ 7. Gold
________ 8. Salt (NaCl)
________ 9. Nitrogen
________ 10. Helium

1. What are the two (2) activities that you have enjoyed most? Why?
2. What are the activities that you will not forget?


Answers” Key:
Activity No 1.
1. Helium
2. Magnesium
3. Carbon
4. Iron
5. Fluorine
6. Calcium
7. Oxygen
8. Xenon
9. Silicon
10 . Sodium

Activity No. 2
1. Na
2. Fe
3. Cl
4. Ra
5. K
6. Hg
7. Pb
8. I
9. He
10. Ne

Activity No 3
1. Element
2. Element
3. Compound
4. Element
5. Element
6. Element
7. Compound
8. Element
9. Compound
10. Compound

Activity No.4
1. E
2. C
3. B
4. E
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. E
9. E
10. C

Quiz Time
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. A

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