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Faculty of Engineering

ASSESSMENT BRIEF and Marking Rubric

Module Title: Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering
Module Code: CE 4922
Semester: Year 4 Semester 2 -2019
Component Number: Component 1/2-PD1-Assessment brief and marking rubrics
Parallel documents None
Weighting: 40%
Assignment type: Individual
Due Date: As specified

Learning Outcomes to be assessed:

POs to be Level of

covered Thinking

Continuously Application,
assessed Analysis,
individual synthesis and
Assignment As per the unit
   40% project. evaluation
(term project) study calendar
Reference -
CA PD1 and PD2

Program Outcomes at the department of Civil Engineering
PO1: Demonstrate broad knowledge of engagement with the fundamental practices and principles that underpin Civil Engineering
PO2: Think creatively and analytically to respond to emerging professional and entrepreneurial opportunities in Civil Engineering
PO3: Apply research skills and related information to investigate, solve and design complex problems in civil Engineering
PO4: Design, Select and Apply, technological knowledge, skills and modern tools for sustainable civil Engineering Practice
PO5: Demonstrate broad knowledge of financial management, risk assessment and business practices
PO6: Engage in continuous self-motivated learning and development of knowledge and skills as a professional engineer, contributing to the
profession and beyond
PO7: Communicate effectively with both engineering and non-engineering stakeholders
PO8: Function effectively within a typical multidisciplinary and multi-cultural engineering design team as a team member, manager or team
leader, recognizing health, safety and environmental issues
PO9: Displaying of professional behaviour and ethical practice in the context of engineering projects and community engagement

Levels of thinking according to Blooms Taxonomy
Recall of something encountered before but without having to change it, use it or understand it; facts.
Understanding the knowledge that has been acquired without needing to relate it to other information.
Use of a learned concept to resolve some situation or solve a new problem in an appropriate way.
Taking something learned apart into separate components for purposes of thinking about the parts and how they fit together.
Generating or creating something different by assembling or connecting ideas in a way that makes a whole.
Looking at the particular value of materials, information or methods in characterizing the whole.

1.0 Introduction to the Term Project
The term project is involved in assessing the sustainability index of a small family house of your choice.
This is an individual project undertaken by all the enrolled students. Attendance in the workshop sessions
are mandatory to obtain the assessment marks. You may consult the lecturer/mentor during the office
hours for further clarifications.

2.0 Assessment Brief

Milestone Tasks Remarks
Assessment Step 1- Select a suitable site considering Each student should select a different
1 the selected plan site(minimum size – 10 perches) and a
Select a single story / two storied house unique plan
(design with 1 or 2 bath rooms
phase) Recommended web sites Get your house plan and site approved
by the lecturer by 2nd week by submitting (through the course web
assignment link)
Visit the land sales people and find an
appropriate plot, get their site plans etc.
Factors to be considered (but not
Step 2-Locate the plan on the site by
limited to) topology, sun path, wind
considering the site conditions (on the
directions, adjoining buildings etc.).
site plan).
find sun paths of latitudes at
Prepare a table to justify how and why you
have considered these factors (table 1-
format given at the end of this document).

Step 3-Assess the given house plan with Assess the building on the
respect to the sustainability criteria following aspects for a passive
Prepare a table to justify how and why you design-
have considered these aspects of passive Building form, adequacy of
design (table 2- format given at the end of openings ( their sizes, directions,
this document). Identify the remedial building orientation, space
measures to be taken arrangement etc)
Finalize the house plan. Modify the plan
considering the remedial methods The outcome of this step of
suggested if necessary the exercise is a modified
house plan to enhance
passive design features
Assessment Prepare a BOQ to identifying the building Please refer to the sample BOQ given
2 materials/quantities / construction methods and use the same format.
phase) Step 1- Calculate the carbon footprint for Use a suitable LCA software
your building

Step 2 - Identify the hot spots (carbon foot Report content-

print of different life cycle stages,  Compare the carbon foot print
2.0 Sample plans

Plan 2

Plan 1

4.0 Considerations;
You may consider the following details as a general guide only.

1 Design phase – focus on building system and structural materials

Building system

Aims: constructability, low energy intensive, environmental friendly, socially sustainable, design for
adaptability, cost effective.

Scope of issues: time and cost of construction, energy cost, green building rating, public acceptance

Examples: use of precast construction, use of timber, large span construction such as use of flat slab, use
of prestressed concrete, skip-floor system.

Justification: precast requires less on-site work compared to cast in situ; timber is renewable material;
large span construction allows flexibility in adapting the building function; skip-floor system allows fast-
tracked construction

Structural materials –

Aims: low embodied energy and cost effective

Scope of issues: greenhouse gas emission, consideration of recyclable, renewable, reusable materials

Examples: You can select the structural elements considering the material usage/alternative material/ or
use an elimination approach.

Justification: will lead to lower the carbon foot print, reduce waste, fact construction etc

2 Construction phase - Consider the impacts of construction on the social, environment and
economy and suggest processes to minimise these impacts

Consider the impact to include (but not limited to): the use of energy from transportation, equipment and
plant, the effect of construction activities on environment; the choice of construction methods on
economy; jobs creation in the society, LCAs, energy cost, risk assessment, project finances, public
review, etc.

3 Demolition – Consider recyclability of demolished structural materials

4.0 Method of conduct

The project work will be done independently as take home assignments. However, workshop sessions
are scheduled to assist you to clarify and solve problems/questions if any. Attending these workshops and
reporting your progress is mandatory. No marks (zero) will be given to inadequate progress (poor-0% or
adequate -5%). The final outcome of this term project will be displayed as an individual poster

Suggested references-

Green SL © code of Green Building Council Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Building regulations

Table 1-Session targets to complete the project

Week Lecture Mark Task Remarks
1 Introduction to none In class Individual projects
the term project
4 Workshop 5% Progress will be evaluated
Mentoring sessions and In class
considering the forthcoming
5 20% Drop box submission
Submission 1
7 Workshop 5%
Mentoring sessions and In class
10 25% Submission 2 Drop box submission

11 Workshop 5% Mentoring sessions and In class
12 30% Submission 3 Drop box submission
14 Poster 10% In class Presenting student list will be
(30th presentation posted in the due course
(1st Poster In class
Oct) presentation

3.0 Marking Rubrics

Assessment 1 (design phase)

Aspect and Description <10% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Marks
Site and house Selected a Do not comply Full
plan selection suitable site (min compliance
(10%) 10 purchases)
and a house plan
(single/two story
1-2 rooms) and
approval from
the lecturer (seal)

Positioning the Completeness of Considered 2 Considered all

plan on site table 1 or less features possible factors
considering the (consideration of to reap the full
site conditions topology, benifits
(20% sunpath, wind
buildings etc on
positioning the
plan on site)
Assessment of Completeness of Considered 2 Considered all
the house plan table 2 or less features possible factors
wrt sustainable (incorporation of to reap the
criteria passive design maximum
(30%) features) benefits
through passive
Modified plan Include the base Marginal Full
(30%) building which compliance compliance
was down loaded
or borrowed and
modified the
same through a

Evidence Evidence is Included only 2 Included all
attached or less evidence
(10%) (site plans,
diagrams, etc)
Total marks

Assessment 2 (Construction phase)

Task 1 -Formulation of Table 3.


You will use standard building material for your base building construction. In this exercise, you
will be required to replace the standard material with sustainable building material to enhance
building sustainability (lower the carbon foot print during the life cycle). You may consider the
construction, use and demolition stages of life cycle when you select the alternative materials.
Use the marking rubric as a guide to formulate table 3.

Format of table 3

Category Standard Carbon Alternati Carbon foot Intended Referenc

material footprint ve print for benefit to e/literat
for material category achieve ure
category (with (towards
(with base modified sustainabili
material) material) ty)
Wall/concrete/r/f /form work
(list all the necessary material )

Task 2 – Carbon foot print calculation of base building and sustainable building and the report

Do a comparative analysis of the carbon footprint of the base building and the sustainable
building. Identify the hot spots based on the carbon calculation exercise. Discuss the positive and
negative implications of this exercise. A report should be complied including the carbon foot

print calculation results (Screen prints), two BOQs, hots spot identification and discussion as

Marking Rubric

Aspect and Description <10% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Marks
Task 1
Material Identification of Do not Full
Identification standard comply compliance
(10%) materials are
(10%) Identification of Considered Considered all
alternative 2 or less possibilities to
materials are features reap the full
justifiable benefits
(10%) Literature for Included Included all
new material one or two relevant
literature literature
Task 2
BOQs Base building Poor Fully
(10%) BOQ prices are compliance compliance
realistic and
included all the
necessary items
(10%) Sustainable Poor Fully
building BOQ compliance compliance
prices are
realistic and
included all the
necessary items
Carbon calculation Quantities used Marginal Full
(10%) for calculation compliance compliance
tally with the
Hot spot Identified Identified Identified all
identification (10%) realistic hots only two or the possible
spots less implications
Discussion (20%) Includes
positive and
Overall quality of Included Included all
work (use of correct only 2 or evidence
grammar, less
formatting etc)
Total marks

Assessment 3 (Operation and demolition phase)

During this assessment, you will estimate the operational phase carbon foot print by estimating
energy demand and water usage.

Calculate the following for the operational phase of the building;

1. Energy demand for base building and modified building

2. Operational phase carbon foot print and water foot print for the base building and
modified building
3. Assess whether you have achieved net zero status with respect to water and energy.
Identify the gaps and give reasons for the same. Propose further remedial measures with
justifications (provide costs, references etc.)
4. Plan the end of life-Explain and justify recyclability of demolished structural and other
materials (prepare a table)

Marking Rubric

Aspect and Description <10% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Marks
Task 1
Energy demand Used the Energy Incomplete Full
calculation plus and related compliance
(30%) software
Operational phase Converting Inadequate Considered all
carbon foot print energy demand facts
(20%) to carbon
Task 2
Operational phase Inadequate Considered all
water foot print facts
Net zero status Ability for poor Excellent
analysis (15%) innovative
thinking in the
End of building life Consideration is poor Excellent
assessment (15%) given to
investigate how
would impact
the environment

Poster presentation

Size – A0

Margins – 15-20 mm all around

Font type – Arial or Calibri

Font type – As appropriate (should be visible from 2m away)

AIM of the poster– The aim and objective of the poster is to motivate the audience to consider
the option of sustainable building construction as a way of life.

Title – Achieving ultimate sustainability in building construction

What to include – You may include a summery of Assessment 1-3 and / or any key features that
you decide important to display. Refer to the marking rubric as a guide.

How to make an effective poster?- Let the poster speak for itself. It should give the intended
message at the first glance and therefore should not carry complicated details but include
sufficient information for the viewer. Usually posters should contain more
graphics/figures/photos than sentences. Avoid writing paragraphs.

Think of a display technique and facilitate accordingly.

Marking rubric

Aspect and Description <10% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Marks
Technical content (65%)
Site selection and The designer Poor Full
building orientation has used this consideratio compliance
(10%) aspect to n
optimize the
passive design
Frame work for Resource Inadequate Considered all
evaluating management consideratio three aspects
sustainability- Base (carbon and n adequately
building assessment water foot
prints, material)
Life cycle Inadequate Considered all
design (5%) consideratio three aspects
n adequately
Design for Inadequate Considered all
human (5%) consideratio three aspects
n adequately
Frame work for Resource Inadequate Considered all
evaluating management consideratio three aspects
sustainability- (carbon and n adequately
Modified building water foot
assessment prints, material)
Life cycle Inadequate Considered all

design (5%) consideratio three aspects
n adequately
Design for Inadequate Considered all
human (5%) consideratio three aspects
n adequately
Net zero status Ability for poor Excellent
analysis (15%) innovative
thinking in the
Communication ability –Overall quality of the poster (25%)
Correct use of Presented in an More than 5 No spelling,
language 10%) elegant manner spelling and grammatical
with due grammar mistakes
consideration mistakes
Figures, tables and Overall 5 or more All figures and
references (Harvard formatting of mistakes tables
style) (10%) the poster numbered and
has captions.
Overall quality Use of font size, poor Excellent
(5%) colors and
Questions and Answers (10%)
Ability to answer The work is Poor Excellent
the questions (10%) done with an in-

Late Submission Penalty:

Late submissions will be have 10% removed from their grade, per day the assignment is overdue.
For example, if a submission that is graded at 72% is 4 days overdue, the awarded mark is 32%.
An assessment more than seven (7) calendar days overdue will not be marked and will receive

-End of Brief-


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