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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department





FEBRUARY 27, 2020

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department


In today’s environment, we encounter great number of situations, often in a fast-

paced manner and are unconsciously exposed to numerous stain-causing factors like dust,
rust, sauces, mud, etc. the researchers conducted a study to produce a laundry bar soap made
out of kamias extract and determine the effectiveness of the soap in removing stain in fabrics.
Kamias extract has oxalic acid content which is tested and proven to remove stain from
fabrics. Using experimental design to test the soap effectiveness in removing stain by having
test square of fabric with different types of stain and descriptive method on analyzing the
gather data and result of the experiment. It was evident on the test squares of fabrics with
stain in which the soap was applied that it can remove stain but there are stains which it can’t
remove such as coffee stain, ink and lip tint. These stains are heavy stains which require
heavy detergent such as bleach. Thus, kamias extract made into a laundry bar soap is
effective in removing stain from fabrics.

Keywords: Kamias,fabrics, stain, laundry bar soap, oxalic acid,

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Chapter 1



Around the world when it comes to washing fabric, commercial detergent bar soap is
found in every household and it is used for removing stains from clothes. According to
American Cleaning Institute article entitled Soaps and Detergent History, “When a French
chemist, Nicholas Leblanc, patented a process for making soda ash from common salt.
Soda ash is obtained from ashes and can be combined with fat to form soap. This
discovery made soap-making one of America's fastest-growing industries by 1850, along
with other advancements and development of power to operate factories. The chemistry
of soap manufacturing stayed essentially the same until 1916. During World War I and
again in World War II, there was a shortage of animal and vegetable fats and oils that
were used in making soap. Chemists had to use other raw materials instead, which were
“synthesized” into chemicals with similar properties.  These are what are known today
as “detergents”. During 19th century up until now, detergent bar soap was still patronizing”

The bilimbi, Averrhoabilimbi,is closely allied to the carambola but quite different in

appearance, manner of fruiting, flavor and uses. The only strictly English names are
"cucumber tree" and "tree sorrel", bestowed by the British in colonial times (Morton J.,
1987). According to an article entitled The Reliable and Sturdy Kamias Tree
(2016).“Averrhoabilimbi originated in Indonesia, though the species is now cultivated and
found throughout the Philippines and Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Maldives,
Myanmar, and Malaysia. Essentially a tropical tree, kamias is less resistant to cold, and
grows best in rich and well-drained soil”.

Kamias fruit contains oxalic acid which is an organic compound that has the capacity
on removing stain in fabrics. Oxalic acid isa crystalline powder that is a strong organic acid.
Oxalic acid was first discovered in the extract from the wood sorrel plant. It has many roles
such as a bleach, metal polish, stain remover, and mordant. It is used as a bleaching
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 2

agent for straw hats, leather, and wood.Since at least the mid-19th century, oxalic acid has

been used on works of art: to remove rust and ink stains as well as to bleach leather, wood,
papers, stone, and textiles; and to clean encrustations from wall paintings, ceramics, and
sculptures. (Jruggiero, 2016).

In organic soap, materials such as coconut oil and palm oil are commonly use in soap
making. Soaps with Palm Oil will have a very nice stable, conditioning lather. (Winsby, C.,
2008)andaccording to the Nerdy Farm Wife article entitled Coconut Laundry Soap & Stain
Stick. “The coconut oil in the mixture is highly effective at keeping clothing soft and not stiff
like harsh chemicals. Organic laundry detergents are extremely effective and provide a
service that is environmentally friendly”.

Here in the Philippines, kamias is commonly found in backyards, the fruits are eaten
either raw or dipped in salt or bagoong (fish paste). It can be used as a souring agent for
sinigang or a popular Filipino dish, to cook the native “pinangat”. But the researcher
observes that kamias treewhen its fruit is fully developed and ready to harvest, not all will be
consumed and some of it will just fall on the ground and wasted. The researcher come up
with idea to use kamias fruit extract as a main ingredientin making a laundry bar soap.
Additional materials such as coconut oil, palm oil and lye will be use to attain the desire
laundry bar soap.

Hence this study is conducted to produce alaundry bar soap using kamias extractas its
main material and determine the effectiveness of the laundry bar soap with kamias extract on
removing stain in fabrics.


1. To produce a laundry bar soap using kamias extract as the stain removing agent

2. To determine the effectiveness of the laundry bar soap with kamias extract on

removing different types of stain in fabrics.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

There is a significant difference in usingkamias extract as a main ingredient in making

laundry bar soap.

Scope and delimitation

The scope of this study is to produce a laundry bar soap using kamias extract as a
main ingredient in making the soap and determine the effectiveness of the kamias extract
made into a laundry bar soap that will be tested in different types of stain in fabrics. Using
the hot process which an outside source of heat is applied to make the soap. With this it helps
in mixing the lye solution and oil. It will delimit on the fragrance of the soap, effects on the
consumer hands in using the soap and the color of the soap.

Significance of the study

Soap Makers. This study will give the idea on using kamias extract as a main ingredient in
making homemade laundry bar soap. This study will help them annunciate the other benefits
that they can get from kamias.

Housewife. They will benefit from this study by usinglaundry bar soap with kamias extract
as its main ingredient in washing clothes.

Future Researchers. This study will benefit other researchers who are planning on
conducting a study similar to these one and use it for reference. The result of this study can
be used for future development.

Definition of terms

Bilimbi - Averrhoabilimbi,  L., (Oxalidaceae) commonly known as bilimbi, cucumber tree,

or tree sorrel. It is a fruit-bearing tree of the genus Averrhoa, family Oxalidaceae. It has
oxalic acid content that can remove stain from fabrics.It is a close relative of
the carambola tree.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Caustic soda – is one of the common names for sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which also 4
known as lye.

Coconut oil - is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts harvested

from the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). Mainly use in soap making.

Detergent- any of various surfactants (surface-active agents) particularly effective in

dislodging foreign matter from soiled surfaces and retaining it in suspension. The term
usually denotes a synthetic substance that is not prepared by saponifying fats and oils (as is

Hot process soap - refers to the fact that an outside source of heat is applied to make the
soap.With hot process soap, the lye solution and oils are mixed together and then an outside
source of heat is used to keep the temperature up. The added heat reduces the time needed to
ensure the chemical process (saponification) is completed.

Oxalic Acid – is an organic compound found in many plants, it has many roles as a bleach,
metal polish, stain remover, and mordant.

Palm oil - is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of

the oil palms, primarily the African oil palm Elaeisguineensis.

Saponification –is a process that involves conversion of fat or oil or lipid into soap and
alcohol by the action of heat in the presence of aqueous alkali.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Chapter 2
In an environment like ours today, we encounter great number of situations, often in a
fast-paced manner and are unconsciously exposed to numerous stain-causing factors like
dust, rust, sauces, mud, etc. The researchers conducted a study that would test the feasibility
of kamias as an effective ingredient in commercial bleach and attempted to create a
commercial bleach out of organic alternative. Aside from being economically and
environmentally beneficial, it is also healthy for users. (Domingo, S., et. Al., 2017)

The bilimbi is ellipsoid, obovoid or nearly cylindrical, faintly 5-sided, 1 1/2 to 4 in (4-
10 cm) long; capped by a thin, star-shaped calyx at the stem-end and tipped with 5 hair-like
floral remnants at the apex. The fruit is crisp when unripe, turns from bright-green to
yellowish-green, ivory or nearly white when ripe and falls to the ground. There may be a few
(perhaps 6 or 7) flattened, disc-like seeds about 1/4 in (6 mm) wide, smooth and brown.
(Datiles, M., 2015)

Oxalic acid has many roles as a bleach, metal polish, stain remover, and mordant. It is
used as a bleaching agent for straw hats, leather, and wood. Oxalic acid acts as a reducing
agent for metal oxides to remove tarnish as well as rust or ink stains. It is used commercially
as a laundry rinse, wood-bleaching agent, and calcium remover. Oxalic acid can remove
some paints and varnishes. It is also used as a mordant in dyeing textiles and in the
manufacture of ink.(Lewis, R., 1993)

The oxalic acid in bilimbi ranged between 10.5 and 14.7 mg/g in green fruit and from
8.45 to 10.8 mg/g in ripe fruit. These levels were comparable with the levels reported from
tea leaves. Oxalic acid accounted for 90 to 93% of the total acids in green fruit and 92 to 95%
in ripe fruit. (J. Joseph and G. Mendonca, 1991).

Martinez, P. (2013)concluded that Kamias is effective in removing stain from fabric,

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 6

though it still needs some scrubbing before some stains be remove. In experiment, it only
took 5 minutes that the stain from the fabric has been removed but the researcher still
observed another 5 minutes to attain the result.

Very acid bilimbi are employed to clean the blade of a kris (dagger), and they serve
as mordants in the preparation of an orange dye for silk fabrics. Bilimbi juice, because of its
oxalic acid content, is useful for bleaching stains and rust from white cloth, and also tarnish
from brass. (Morton, J., 1987)

The oxalic acid in bilimbi ranged between 10.5 and 14.7 mg/g in green fruit and from
8.45 to 10.8 mg/g in ripe fruit (Table 1). (J. Joseph and G. Mendonca., 1991.)

Table 1. Levels of Oxalic Acid (mg/g wet weight) in Carambola and Bilimbi

Season I Season II
(mg/g) (mg/g)
green 11.20-14.70 10.50-14.00
ripe 9.86-10.80 8.45-9.00

This data shows that the principal acid in the bilimbi is oxalic acid. The oxalic acid content
was analyzed immediately after the harvest of the fruit on season I. while on season II which
the fruit is mature enough. They allowed the kamias to ripen for one week and analyze its
oxalic acid level on it.

Oxalic acid accounted for 90 to 93% of the total acids in green fruit and 92 to 95% in
ripe fruit. (Table 2).(J. Joseph and G. Mendonca., 1991.)

Table 2. Levels of Total, Free and Oxalic Acid in Bilimbi (Season II)

  Oxalic Acid
  ml 0.1M
green 2.50-3.24 90.7-93.3
ripe 2.20-2.40 92.0-95.0
This data shows the percentage of oxalic acid content in green and ripe kamias fruit. It is
visible in the table that the total acid of kamias contain more oxalic acid.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 7

Soaps made with Palm Oil will have a very nice stable, conditioning lather. It is very
high in palmitic acid which makes the soap hard and long lasting. This oil traces very quickly
so care should be taken when using it with other quick tracing oils. (Winsby, C., 2008)

Coconut oil, or copra oil, is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of mature
coconuts harvested from the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). It has various applications.
Because of its high saturated fat content, it is slow to oxidize and, thus, resistant to
rancidification, lasting up to six months at 24 °C (75 °F) without spoiling. (Seav, 2003).
According to Cludore article entitled Top 5 Benefits of Coconut Oil in Soap (2015).
Soaps that have a high coconut oil content produce a creamy lather. Coconut soap contains
anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and soothes the skin without the use of harmful
In making a homemade laundry bar soap, coconut and palm oil is the ingredient that
make the structure of the soap. In the process, coconut oil makes the mixture creamy lather
and contain anti-bacterial properties. While palm oil makes the soap stable, conditioning
lather with its high content of palmitic acid which makes the soap long lasting.

Averrhoabilimbi probably originated in Indonesia, though the species is now

cultivated and found throughout the Philippines and Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the
Maldives, Myanmar, and Malaysia. Essentially a tropical tree, kamias is less resistant to cold,
and grows best in rich and well-drained soil. (Yap. J., 2016)

The process used by the researchers in making the laundry bar soap is according to an
article entitled Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild (2017). Hot process method uses an
external heat source to bring the soap to gel phase, where it is then poured into the mold and
According to FDA article entitled Frequently Ask Question on Soap (2015).
“Ordinary soap is made by combining fats or oils and an alkali, such as lye. The fats and oils,
which may be from animal, vegetable, or mineral sources, are degraded into free fatty acids,
which then combine with the alkali to form crude soap. The lye reacts with the oils, turning
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 8

what starts out as liquid into blocks of soap. When made properly, no lye remains in the
finished product. In the past, people commonly made their own soap using animal fats and
lye that had been extracted from wood ashes”.

According to an article entitled Truth about Lye and Soap(2017). “soap is the result
of a chemical reaction called saponification that occurs between lye and a type of molecule
called a triglyceride (a fat or oil), where both substances are chemically transformed, creating
soap. All the lye – either sodium hydroxide for bar soap or potassium hydroxide for liquid
soap – is consumed in the reaction”.Soap with lye is considered organic. Modern methods
and measuring scales allow soap-makers to use the proper mixture of oils and lye, ensuring
that all lye is consumed. In addition, many soap-makers, including Botany Soap, add more
oil than is required for the chemical reaction, further ensuring the neutralization of lye and
adding to the soap’s moisturizing qualities”.

Leverette (2019) usedbaseline test square of fabric, which can be more easily rate
which detergent cleaned more efficiently. With the help of a microscope or magnifying glass,
sheobserves how much stain is still left in the fabric after washing.
Dawn (2013)test three fabrics from an old white t-shirt with: Dirt, Mustard, Catsup,
Grass Stain, Washable Marker, and Sharpie and let them all sit overnight. On the next
morning, she washes each with the same load of clean laundry, with cold water in mid-grade,
front-load, high-efficiency washer and then dried.

Most common lye solution strength is a 33% lye solution, which is ideal for a slightly
faster curing time (less water to evaporate), reduced length of heat phases during
saponification, and slightly harder bar straight out of the mold.A 33% lye solution, as it’s
typically a manageable water discount during the soap making process, but also hardens up a
little quicker to get the soap out of the mold. (Kenna. J., 2015) 9

Saponification is a process by which triglycerides are reacted with sodium or

potassium hydroxide (lye) to produce glycerol and a fatty acid salt called "soap." The
triglycerides are most often animal fats or vegetable oils. When sodium hydroxide is used, a
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

hard soap is produced. Using potassium hydroxide results in a soft soap (Helmenstine, A.,
Ph.D., 2020)

According to an article by Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild entitled How is

Soap Made? (2016) “Hot process soap refers to the fact that an outside source of heat is
applied to make the soap.With hot process soap, the lye solution and oils are mixed together
and then an outside source of heat is used to keep the temperature up. The added heat reduces
the time needed to ensure the chemical process (saponification) is completed.Once the soap
is completed, it is still in liquid form because of the higher temperatures. When fully
saponified, it can be poured into molds.Because hot process soap is fully saponified when
poured into the molds, no additional time is needed in the molds to complete the process”.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It also describes the
subject of the study, procedure, and research design.

Subject of the study

In this experimental study, the researcher will conduct an alternative laundry soap out
of kamias extract. The researchers will determine the effectiveness of laundry bar soap with
kamias extract on removing stain from fabric.

Research Design
The researcher will use experimental research design which enables the researcher to
test the hypothesis by reaching valid conclusion about relationships between independent and
dependent variables. Experimental research design also includes a trial and error process in
the making of the product. The researcher also uses descriptive research design which
describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied.

This study consists the 6 steps in making homemade laundry bar soap using kamias extract as
a stain remover.The production of soap will use hot process method and it isaccording to an
article entitled Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild (2016).

STEP 1: The ingredients were measured and prepared along with the mold. Then oils (palm
and coconut) are gathered and measured according to the measurement required in the
solution same as the lye (caustic soda) and water solution.

STEP 2:After measuring the oil it was put in the cooking pot and heated for about 5 minutes.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 11

STEP 3: To mixed the lye and water, the lye was poured to the water but never pour the
water into the lye to avoid any negative and dangerous reaction. Used safety gloves, goggles
and face mask to prevent from inhaling hazardous odor of chemicals.

STEP 4: All of the oils are liquefied and heated to around 50°C - 65°C. Then the lye solution
was added. Avoid heating the oils over 80°Cwhen adding the lye waterbecause it cancause a
negative reaction.

STEP 5: In the cooking process,the form of the soap was changed quite a bit.When the lye
solution was mixed to the oil,the heat was turned off andthe solution was gently stirred.The
sides of the cooking pot had scraped when the soap wasin the cooking process. The mixed
thenbecame to look like Vaseline; it has a glossy, almost iridescent appearance and wax-like
to the touch. It takesa half hour to an hour to cook. Once it reached its consistency, proceed
to the next step.

STEP 6:Whenthe soap was processed, it was then scooped into the mould.It was pat down
with a greased spoon to make sure thatthere are no bubbles. The top part was flattened with
swirls and was cooled after. Then it was covered with a parchment paper. It was then cut
when it was hard enough after being cooled. Allow to continue to harden. When it reached
the desired hardness it’s ready to use.

Statistical Statement
The researcher will test the product by applying the laundry bar soap in different
types of stains and gather the data.

1. Test fabric: In testing how a laundry bar soap removes stains from different types of
fabric, each test square should be identical in fabric type, size, and weight. It is
important to know the fiber content of the squares—100% cotton is standard. To
achieve the best data for analysis, have multiple test squares for each step of the
experiment. Be sure to keep several unstained squares to use for base comparison.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 12

2. Labels: Each test square should be labeled with a permanent ink marker toavoid
confusion within the data.
3. Measuring tools: Precise measuring is important for both the materials used for
staining and the detergent product used. Standard measuring cups and spoons are
4. Staining material: Whether using ketchup, oil, strawberries or powdered soft drinks
(Kool-Aid) to stain the test square, be sure to use the same brand and the same
amount on each test.
5. Thermometer: Water temperature is a variable that can be controlled by ensuring
that each test square is washed at the same temperature.
6. Establish the constants for your experiment:Test squares, staining material, water
temperature, the cleaning method, drying method.
7. Establish variables:Different detergents used or different types of stains or different
washing methods.

Before starting the experiment, determine the data that is plan to collect. By having a
baseline test square of fabric, it can easily rate the laundry bar soap cleaned more efficiently.
It will help to have a microscope or magnifying glass to observe how much stain is still left
in the fabric after washing.

Before tostatingthe conclusion, the data should be analyzed. The researchers can use
statistics to determine the effectiveness of kamias extract made into a laundry bar soap.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Chapter 4
This chapter presents the data, analyzation and interpretation gather by the

Presentation of data
The production of laundry bar soap using kamias extract as the stain removing agent.
Table 1: Ingredients and their measurement in making the laundry bar soap (trial 1, trial 2,
trial 3, and trial 4)

Water and
Pure kamias lye solution Coconut oil Palm oil Temperature
extract (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (°C)

Trial 1 90 ml 100 ml 142 ml 185 ml 100 °C

Trial 2 90 ml 80 ml 120 ml 90 ml 80 °C

Trial 3 90 ml 80 ml 150 ml 50 ml 70 °C

Trial 4 180 ml 160 ml 240 ml 180 ml 55 °C

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 14

This table shows the ingredients use in making the laundry bar soap. 4 trials were conducted
by the researchers to attain the desire mixture that will saponified the soap and will not burn
and on trial 4 it was successfully obtain the right mixture for the soap.coconut oil makes the
mixture creamy lather; palm oil makes the soapstable, conditioning lather with its high
content of palmitic acid which makes the soap long lasting and Kamias extract that has oxalic
acid content that can remove stain from fabric. Caustic soda solution breaks down the fats of
the two oilsand it will undergo saponification. The content of the oils will not affect the soap
due to the fact that it has no content of stain removing agent thus it only helps on making the
soap itself.

Table 2: Water and lye solution: 33% of lye solution must be attain in making laundry bar
Ingredient Measurements
Lye (caustic soda) 132g (33% solution)
Water 268ml (67% solution)
Total: 400ml water and lye solution

This data shows the making of the water and lye solution. Most common lye solution
strength is a 33% lye solution, which is ideal for a slightly faster curing time (less water to
evaporate), reduced length of heat phases during saponification, and slightly harder bar
straight out of the mold.

Determine the effectiveness of the laundry bar soap with kamias extract on removing
different types of stain in fabrics.

Table 3: The application of kamias laundry bar soap in different type of stains.

Staining Test Water Cleaning Time in Drying

material square temperature method washing method
Ketchup Size: 18 °C Handwash Upon 5-6 Under the
15cm x and applying the minutes heat of the
10cm brushing soap on the sun
Color: area that
white stain is
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 15

r was added
to the fabric
to make the
function. On
the first
scrub it
15cm x
remove the
stain but it
causes it to
fade its
on the fabric
and by the
assistance of
the stain was
Soy Size: 18 °C Handwash Upon 5-6 Under the
sauce 15cm x and applying the minutes heat of the
10cm brushing soap on the sun
Color: area that
white stain is
Size: present,wate
15cm x r was added
10cm to the fabric
Color: to make the
navy soap
green function. On
the first
scrub it
remove the
stain but it
causes it to
fade its
on the fabric
and by the
assistance of
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 16

the stain was
Size: Upon
15cm x applying the
10cm soap on the
Color: area that
white stain is
r was added
to the fabric
to make the Under the
Used oil 18 °C Handwash soap heat of the
Size: minutes
function. On sun
15cm x
the first
scrub the
using only
the method
of hand
washing, the
stain was
Liquid Size: 18 °C Handwash Upon 3-4 Under the
medicine 15cm x and applying the minutes heat of the
10cm brushing soap on the sun
Color: area that
white stain is
Size: present,wate
15cm x r was added
10cm to the fabric
Color: to make the
navy soap
green function. On
the first
scrub it
remove the
stain but it
causes it to
fade its
on the fabric
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 17

and by the
assistance of
the stain was
Size: Upon
15cm x applying the
10cm soap on the
Color: area that
white stain is
r was added
to the fabric
to make the
function. On
Handwash More Under the
the first
Lip tint Size: 18 °C and than 6 heat of the
scrub it
15cm x brushing minutes sun
remove the
stain and on
scrub it’s
still not
remove thus
the stain
remain on
the fabric
Rust Size: 18 °C Handwash Upon 5-6 Under the
15cm x and applying the minutes heat of the
10cm brushing soap on the sun
Color: area that
white stain is
Size: present,wate
15cm x r was added
10cm to the fabric
Color: to make the
navy soap
green function. On
the first
scrub it
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 18

remove the
stain but it
causes it to
fade its
on the fabric
and by the
assistance of
the stain was
Size: Upon
15cm x applying the
10cm soap on the
Color: area that
white stain is
r was added
to the fabric
to make the
Handwash function. On More Under the
Ink Size: 18 °C and the first than 6 heat of the
15cm x brushing scrub it minutes sun
10cm doesn’t
Color: remove the
navy stain and on
green the
scrub it still
not removes
thus the
stain remain
on the fabric
Coffee Size: 18 °C Handwash Upon More Under the
15cm x and applying the than 6 heat of the
10cm brushing soap on the minutes sun
Color: area that
white stain is
Size: present,wate
15cm x r was added
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 19

navy to the fabric
green to make the
function. On
the first
scrub it
remove the
stain but it
causes it to
fade it
on the fabric
and on the
Mud Size: 18 °C Handwash Upon 5-6 Under the
15cm x and applying the minutes heat of the
10cm brushing soap on the sun
Color: area that
white stain is
Size: present,wate
15cm x r was added
10cm to the fabric
Color: to make the
navy soap
green function. On
the first
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 15

scrub it
remove the
stain but it
causes it to
fade its
on the fabric 4
and by the
assistance of
the stain was
Size: Upon
15cm x applying the
10cm soap on the
Color: area that
white stain is
water was
added to the
fabric to Under the
Food 3-4
Size: 18 °C Handwash make the heat of the
stain minutes
15cm x soap sun
10cm function. On
Color: the first srub
navy using the
green hand
method it
removes the
stain 21

This table shows the data that the researchers gather during the experiment of the soap to the
fabrics with stain.

1. Ketchup – Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was added
to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the stain
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

but it causes it to fade its appearance on the fabric and by the assistance of brushing
continuously the stain was removed.

Figure 1.1: Before and afterwashing the ketchup stain on both fabrics.

2. Soy sauce – Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was
added to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the
stain but it causes it to fade its appearance on the fabric and by the assistance of
brushing continuously the stain was removed.

Figure 1.2: Before and after washing the soy sauce stain on both fabrics.


3. Used oil – Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was added
to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub the using only the method
of hand washing, the stain was removed.

Figure 1.3: Before and after washing the used oil stain on both fabrics.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

4. Liquid Medicine- Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was
added to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the
stain but it causes it to fade its appearance on the fabric and by the assistance of
brushing continuously the stain was removed.

Figure 1.4: Before and after washing the Liquid Medicine stain on both fabrics.

5. Lip Tint - Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was added
to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the stain
and on the preceding scrub it’s still not remove thus the stain remain on the fabric.


Figure 1.5: Before and after washing the Lip Tint stain on both fabrics.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

6. Rust - Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was added to
the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the stain but
it causes it to fade its appearance on the fabric and by the assistance of brushing
continuously the stain was removed.

Figure 1.6: Before and after washing the Rust stain on both fabrics.

7. Ink - Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was added
to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the
stain and on the preceding scrub it still not removed thus the stain remain on the

Figure 1.7: Before and after washing the Ink stain on both fabrics.


8. Coffee Stain - Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was
added to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the
stain but it causes it to fade it appearance on the fabric and on the preceding scrub
applying the method of brushing and hand washing the stain still doesn’t remove
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

from fabric and it causes the fabric color was affected that of adapt the color of the

Figure 1.8: Before and after washing the coffee stain on both fabrics

9. Mud - Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was added
to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub it doesn’t remove the
stain but it causes it to fade its appearance on the fabric and by the assistance of
brushing continuously the stain was removed.

Figure 1.9: Before and after washing the mud on both fabrics

10. Food Stain - Upon applying the soap on the area that stain is present. Water was
added to the fabric to make the soap function. On the first scrub using the hand
washing method it removed the stain.

Figure 1.10: Before and after washing the food stain on both fabrics
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

Based on the data gathered by the researchers,it was evident that the soap can remove
different types of stains base on the observation on the fabrics. These stainsare common
which can be acquired in the daily activities of a person. But there are some stains that the
product cannot be removed totally such as ink, coffee stain and lip tint. These three
mentioned stains are a heavy stain by its component such as dye for lip tint and ink which
can only be removed by bleach. These are proven through the researchers experiment and the
data gathered.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 26

Chapter 5
In an environment like ours today, we’re unconsciously exposed to numerous stain-
causing factors like dust, rust, sauces, mud, etc. The objectives of this study were to produce
a laundry bar soap using kamias extract as the stain removing agent and to determine the
effectiveness of kamias extract as a main ingredient in making laundry bar soap in removing
stain from fabrics. The researchers use the method of hot process in making the soap and was
tested using experimental research that different types of stain were use on two different
colored fabrics. The researchers produced a laundry bar soap with kamias extract which is
effective on removing stain base on the data gather by the researchers on table 3. But there
are some stains that the product can’t remove due to the fact that it is a heavy stain which
requires heavy duty detergent such as bleach.

Based on the data obtained by the researchers, the laundry bar soap with kamias
(Averrhoabilimbi) extract can be made into soap with the help of the coconut oil, palm oil
and lye solution and was effective in removing different types of stains such as ketchup, food
stain, mud and etc. but there some stains that it can’t be remove on fabrics such as coffee
stain, ink, and lip tint. These stains were used on the experiment for it can be acquired in the
daily activities. On the result, upon applying the soap on the particular area where stain is,
with addition of water to perform the function of the soap it requires the method of hand
washing and brushing and it was evident on data gather by the researchers. This proves that
kamias extract made into a laundry bar soap is feasible to use in washing clothes.

The researcher recommend that the addition of fragrance which can add scent to the
soap but can’t affect the effectiveness of the soap instead it add on the presentation of the
product and other additives such as flower petals, leaves, herbs, tea leaves and coffee
grounds but still can’t affect the product instead it make the product more presentable. The
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 27

researchers would also like to recommend to determine theside effect or reaction of the soap
on the consumers hand in washing clothes. Lastly, the researchers would like to recommend
if how would it improve in able to remove heavy stain such as inks, lip tints and coffee stain
on fabrics.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department

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