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Lemon (Citrus Limon) Peel Extract in Economic Friendly Homemade

Dishwashing Liquid

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 2

Naquita, Adhmel Dave G.

Braga, Jebenica L.
Cadiz, Jelian A.
Garolacan, Ryzah Miles C.
Portugalete, Ma. Rowena N.

SY 2023-2024

Background of the Study

Washing dishes is a daily household chore that is essential for maintaining a clean
and hygienic kitchen environment. Dealing with tough oily stains and grease on commonly
used kitchen items can be a bit daunting. However, dishwashing is highly effective in
removing dirt and grime from typical kitchen tools. It not only cleans but also eliminates
unpleasant odors, minimizes the odorous fumes in the kitchen sink, and streamlines the
process of tackling tough stains and grease, ultimately saving you time.

Concerns about the effects of household cleaning goods on the environment,

especially dishwashing liquids, have grown. Conventional dishwashing detergents often
include synthetic chemicals and additives that can harm people and aquatic
environments. The widely accepted method for effectively eliminating both temporary
and long-term microorganisms from hands has historically been the mechanical action of
washing hands with water and soap (Foddai et al. 2016). In response to this
environmental challenge, there is growing interest in creating eco-friendly alternatives
that are both efficient at cleaning and safe for the environment. Since it removes particles
that water cannot remove, regular handwashing with soap is both accessible and
important. Virens and bacteria are killed by dissolving the lipid bilayer membrane
surrounding microorganisms, rendering them inert. Additionally, soaps and detergents
remove dirt and wash it away when combined with water.

One well-known organic ingredient present in eco-friendly dishwashing detergents

is lemon. Lemons, especially lemon extract, are commonly included in household cleaning
products due to their recognized cleaning and disinfecting abilities. Several studies have
demonstrated the effectiveness of lemon extract as an additive in dishwashing solutions.
It was observed that a dishwashing liquid containing lemon juice efficiently cleaned oily
and greasy utensils (Tayyaba et al. 2018).

Lemons or citrus lemons are known for having natural cleaning capabilities. Due
to its acidity and degreasing properties, lemon juice is common in many household
cleaning recipes. Additionally, many studies have explored the valuable bioactive
compounds in different citrus peels and effective extraction techniques to obtain these
substances from the peel (Zarate-Vilet, Gue, Servent, Delalonde & Wisniewski, 2020).
Despite their abundant potential, lemon peels, rich in bioactive compounds like Limonene
and citric acid, are often overlooked. These compounds have been extensively studied
for their diverse biological properties, including antioxidants, antimicrobials, anticancer
agents, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic activities. These studies span various sectors,
including food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals (Lui et al. & Panwar et al. 2021).

These qualities include good lathering performance, low skin sensitivity, physical
and chemical stability, ease of removal from skin and bathtub, homogeneous and uniform
structure with a reasonable erosion rate, and good resistance to cracking. This study aims
to offer an eco-friendly dishwashing solution that encourages green habits. The study
looks at extraction techniques and focuses on improving lemon peel's cleaning properties
when used to make dishwashing liquid. Lemon peel extract offers a natural, secure, and
eco-friendly alternative, paving the way for upcoming greener cleaning techniques.
Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework explores the relationship between the independent

variable, which is the concentration of lemon peel extract used in a cleaning solution, and
various dependent variables encompassing the presence of physicochemical parameters,
cleaning efficiency, and environmental impact. The independent variable, the
concentration of lemon peel extract, serves as the primary factor under investigation. The
dependent variables, including the presence of physicochemical parameters, cleaning
efficiency, and environmental impact, are the observed outcomes or effects influenced
by changes in the concentration of lemon peel extract. This framework aims to shed light
on the potential impact of varying concentrations of lemon peel extract in cleaning
solutions on both the cleaning effectiveness and the environmental ramifications of such

Null Hypothesis

There are no statistically significant differences in the presence of physicochemical

parameters, cleaning efficiency, and environmental impact of the homemade dishwashing
liquid across different concentrations of lemon peel extract.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the homemade dishwashing

liquid using lemon peel extract.

Specifically, this research will investigate the following research questions:

1. What are the sensory features, including color, odor, texture, and general
acceptability of a homemade lemon peel extract dishwashing liquid?
2. What are the differences in physicochemical parameters between a homemade
lemon peel extract dishwashing liquid and a commercial product?
3. How effective is the homemade lemon peel extract dishwashing liquid in cleaning
different kitchen utensils?

Definition of Terms

Citrus limon. It is the most common crop cultivated globally and grows very well
in both tropical and subtropical countries. Several varieties of lemons are available
globally, including Oman and all of them belong to the family Rutaceae (Diankov et al.,

In this study, it refers to a fruit utilizing its peel as a component.

Lemon extract. It is a potent natural ingredient for disinfecting household

surfaces owing to its antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties (Sabir et al.,
In this study, it refers to a component of making homemade eco-
friendly dishwashing liquid.

Eco-friendly dishwashing. It provides cleaning performance comparable to

conventional products while being healthier and safe for a more sustainable future
(Gómez et al., 2019).

In this study, it refers to the result product of the lemon-based extract.

Significance of the Study

Students. The students of Oton National High School can acquire hands-on
information about environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional cleaning items,
enabling them to make eco-conscious decisions in their personal lives.

Residents. The local community can benefit from access to a safer

environmentally friendly dishwashing solution, which can enhance well-being and lessen
the environmental footprint in the community.

Teachers and School Curriculum. Teachers at Oton National High School have
the opportunity to integrate the research outcomes into their teaching plans, enriching
the learning journey of their students. This can serve as a valuable asset for science and
environmental education.

Local Businesses. Small local businesses or entrepreneurs interested in creating

eco-friendly cleaning products can gather knowledge from this research to craft and
market such products locally.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as a valuable reference for future
researchers exploring eco-friendly cleaning products, natural extracts, and their broader
applications. They can adopt the study's methodologies to assess eco-friendly solutions,

potentially sparking innovation in developing environmentally conscious cleaning

products, especially those incorporating natural elements such as lemon peel extract.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the effectiveness of lemon peel extract as an alternative for
dishwashing liquid. The research will examine the cleaning performance and effectiveness
of dishwashing solutions at different pH levels. The study will be conducted on 150
individuals in the Oton community, including students from Oton National High School,
homemakers (individuals responsible for household chores and dishwashing within the
community), working professionals, and local retailers (owners or employees of local
stores or markets where dishwashing liquid is sold). These individuals will participate in
the liquid dishwashing testing, providing critical observational data. The study aims to
optimize the product's cleaning abilities by investigating its performance in various pH
settings. Furthermore, physicochemical parameters and sensory features will delve
deeper into the composition, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the
performance of the dishwashing liquid.

Review of Related Literatures

Antimicrobial Properties of Lemon Peel Extract

Numerous research studies have delved into the antimicrobial properties of lemon
peel extract. Gupta's (2017) investigation revealed that lemon peel displayed superior
antimicrobial efficacy compared to lemon oil, especially in combating food-borne
pathogens. Additionally, Ali (2017) reinforced the antimicrobial potential of lemon peel
extract, attributing it to phytochemicals like alkaloids, saponin, and flavonoids. These
compounds, inherent to the natural composition of lemon peel extract, contribute
synergistically to its antimicrobial efficacy, offering a holistic defense against a spectrum
of pathogens. Collectively, these studies underscore the significance of exploring nature’s
reservoirs for sustainable solutions in combating microbial threats. By tapping into the
inherent properties of lemon peel extract, researchers and practitioners alike are poised
to harness a natural resource that not only exhibits commendable efficacy but also aligns
with the growing preference for sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives in various
applications, particularly within the realm of antimicrobial interventions.

Environmental Impact of Homemade Dishwashing Liquid

Various research endeavors have delved into the ecological ramifications of

homemade dishwashing liquid. Wasilewski's (2016) investigation revealed that
incorporating hydrophobic plant extracts could mitigate the irritant activity of hand
dishwashing liquids, thereby enhancing their safety. As consumer preferences continue
to shift towards sustainable practices, the findings present a compelling case for the
integration of nature-inspired solutions in the formulation of everyday products, paving
the way for a more responsible and conscientious approach to household hygiene.
Moreover, Brands' (2015) comprehensive study scrutinized the hygienic conditions of
domestic dishwashers, with a specific emphasis on those equipped with water reservoirs,
aiming to address worries related to microbial communities. This study sought to provide
valuable insights into the microbial dynamics within these commonly used household
appliances, ultimately contributing to a more nuanced understanding of hygiene
practices. These diverse studies collectively underscore the imperative for further
investigations into the environmental impact of homemade dishwashing liquid,
particularly in terms of its chemical composition and potential health repercussions.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Homemade vs. Commercial Products

In exploring the nuanced landscape of homemade versus commercial products,

researchers have undertaken a multifaceted examination, delving into various dimensions
of cost and benefit. Major (2020) contributes a consumer-centric perspective, shedding
light on the burgeoning appeal of handmade products and their potential to foster income
generation, especially in rural areas. This emphasis on the socioeconomic impact of
homemade goods aligns with a broader movement towards sustainable and locally
sourced options. Concurrently, Cheung (2015) introduces a data modeling and searching
method tailored for cost estimation in low-volume, high-complexity, and long-life product
development, particularly relevant in defense systems. These studies collectively
advocate for a holistic approach to cost-benefit analysis that encompasses environmental,
consumer, and economic considerations, emphasizing the need for nuanced decision-
making frameworks in product development and consumption.
Innovations in Natural Cleaning Agents

Recent studies have brought attention to the environmental and health

repercussions associated with traditional cleaning products, sparking a growing interest
in natural cleaning agents. These alternatives, sourced from renewable materials and
formulated without harsh chemicals, are perceived as both safer and more sustainable
(Lieshout, 2015). Notably, research indicates that they can mitigate the risk of respiratory
and musculoskeletal symptoms among custodians (Garza, 2015), offering a potentially
safer option for individuals with dermatophytosis (Lopes, 2016). Despite these promising
findings, a more comprehensive exploration of the environmental and health impacts is
required (Lieshout, 2015).

Natural cleaning agents, derived from nature and devoid of synthetic chemicals,
toxins, and artificial fragrances commonly found in conventional counterparts, are gaining
popularity. Investigating a spectrum of natural ingredients—ranging from essential oils
and proteins to probiotics and natural polymers—researchers like Genova (2020),
Guenard (2021), and Keshwani (2015) are uncovering their potential as eco-friendly
cleaning agents. These ingredients not only exhibit effective cleaning properties but also
boast biodegradability and sustainability, making them increasingly favored by both
individuals and businesses (Genova 2020). Furthermore, the application of herbal
disinfectants has demonstrated antibacterial activity, positioning them as a safe and
efficient option for household cleaning (Pandya 2017). Both Guenard (2021) and
Keshwani (2015) underscore the potential of natural ingredients, such as proteins and
probiotics, in reducing the need for frequent cleaning while enhancing the efficacy of
household and industrial cleaners. This body of research collectively underscores the
pivotal role of natural cleaning agents in advancing a more sustainable and health-
conscious approach to cleanliness.
Potential Applications Beyond Dishwashing

The shift towards eco-friendly household cleaning products is propelled by an

escalating awareness of environmental sustainability and the burgeoning desire for safer
living spaces, as underscored by Guenard (2021). This observable trend is notably
pronounced in the increasing demand for sustainable laundry and dishwashing products,
with consumers placing a premium on functionality and multi-usability, according to the
insights provided by Geetha (2016). The exploration of producing eco-friendly household
cleaning products from locally available materials, as examined by Oguzor (2020), has
yielded positive results, reinforcing the potential for a localized, sustainable approach.
Additionally, the application of biodegradable cleaning agents in museum conservation
practices, as evidenced in the research by Kampasakali (2021), not only underscores their
efficacy but also highlights their promise to foster sustainable cleaning practices.

This collective movement signifies a dedicated effort to promote sustainability,

reduce chemical exposure, and usher in an era of conscientious living. The rise in the use
of natural cleaning agents is a direct response to consumer demands for products that
are both sustainable and effective (Geetha, 2016). This holds particular significance
considering the presence of toxic chemicals in indoor environments, notably those
emanating from household cleaning products, as discussed by Zota (2017). A study
focusing on Latina women found that the switch to "green" cleaning products resulted in
a noteworthy decrease in air concentrations of several harmful chemicals, underscoring
the tangible health benefits associated with this eco-friendly shift (Harley, 2021).
Moreover, the identification of biosurfactants as a viable strategy in the production of
personal care products and household detergents, as highlighted by El-Khordagui (2021),
further emphasizes the need to diversify the use of natural cleaning agents. These
findings collectively reinforce the imperative of adopting natural cleaning agents to
mitigate the risks associated with prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals, marking a
pivotal stride towards healthier, environmentally conscious living.

Citrus Limon (Lemon) as Natural Surfactant

Citrus limon, commonly recognized as lemon, stands as a noteworthy reservoir of

bioactive compounds, presenting promising applications across diverse industries. Among
its key constituents are phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and essential oils, all
contributing to the fruit's health-enhancing attributes (González-Molina, 2010; Klimek-
Szczykutowicz, 2020). Moreover, the in vitro demonstration of antibacterial and
antioxidant activities within lemon extracts, particularly sourced from the zest and flesh,
suggests a compelling avenue for their utilization in developing natural surfactants with
added health benefits (Makni, 2018). This multifaceted profile positions lemon not only
as a culinary delight but also as a versatile resource with valuable implications in various
industrial domains.

Analytical Approaches and Methodologies in Assessing the Efficacy of Lemon

(Citrus Limon) Peel Extract as a Key Ingredient in Environmentally Sustainable
Homemade Dishwashing Liquid

A spectrum of research endeavors has delved into the multifaceted potential of

lemon peel extract across various domains. Ali's (2017) investigation unveiled the
extract's richness in phytochemicals, showcasing substantial antimicrobial properties.
Expanding the horizon, Wasilewski (2016) illuminated its capability to enhance the safety
profile of hand dishwashing liquids. Pushing the boundaries of extraction techniques,
Phucharoenrak (2022) pioneered a green extraction method, initially designed for lime
peel but with promising implications for maximizing bioactive compound yield from lemon
peel. In a quest for efficiency, Lopresto (2014) juxtaposed a non-conventional high-
pressure-high temperature extraction against the traditional Soxhlet method, revealing
the former's superiority in terms of energy efficiency and product yield. Cumulatively,
these studies underscore the potential applications of lemon peel extract, particularly in
the realm of dishwashing liquids, urging further exploration into its extraction methods
and efficacy.

Review of Related Studies

International Studies

Citrus fruits, renowned for their nutritional value and health benefits, often result
in overlooked waste, particularly in the form of discarded lemon peels. Recent research
has honed in on the potential applications of this citrus waste, with a notable focus on
incorporating lemon peel extract into homemade dishwashing solutions. The exploration
of such alternatives becomes paramount as society increasingly pivots towards
sustainable practices, requiring an informed understanding of the outcomes from
previous research endeavors in this domain.

Dishwashing liquids, integral to daily household activities, commonly feature

preservatives to ensure product safety and longevity. However, these preservatives may
pose concerns, prompting a shift towards organic and plant-based alternatives. Many
commercial dishwashing liquids also contain dyes or coloring agents, contributing to
aesthetic appeal but potentially causing skin irritation and respiratory issues. Notably,
research by Zhou et al. (2016) advocates for the adoption of organic cleaning products
like vinegar, baking soda, or biodegradable dishwashing liquids. This aligns with the
broader discourse on sustainable living, emphasizing the importance of eco-friendly
choices in everyday activities.
Sharma's (2017) research delving into the exploration of citrus waste, particularly
lemon peel, as a valuable resource for value-added products sets the stage for the
investigation into its application in homemade dishwashing liquids. Ali's (2017) findings
on the antibacterial properties of lemon peel extract further bolster the case for its
inclusion in eco-friendly cleaning solutions. The environmentally conscious extraction
techniques highlighted by Fidalgo (2016) for obtaining pectin and essential oils from
lemon peel underscore its versatility in various household products. Moreover,
Phucharoenrak's (2022) establishment of a green extraction method for bioactive
chemicals from lime peel open avenues for similar applications with lemon peel,
enhancing its potential contributions to sustainable product development.

The environmental impact of liquid dish soap is a crucial consideration, prompting

the rise of environmentally conscious brands. These products, often formulated with
natural ingredients, aim to minimize harm to the environment when washed down the
drain. Some brands go a step further by contributing a portion of their profits to
environmental causes. As Hartman (2015) emphasizes, ensuring the safety and
effectiveness of dish soaps throughout their use requires a careful selection of ingredients
that deter the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. This holistic
perspective encourages consumers to align their choices with eco-friendly options,
acknowledging the interconnectedness of personal choices with broader environmental
sustainability goals.

Local Studies

Over the years, extensive research has been dedicated to exploring the potential
uses of citrus waste, with a particular focus on lemon peel as a valuable source of eco-
friendly dishwashing liquids. The shift towards these environmentally conscious
alternatives is underpinned by several compelling advantages. Dishwashing liquids
crafted from natural, biodegradable ingredients not only exhibit a diminished
environmental footprint but also mitigate health risks associated with harsh chemicals, as
highlighted by Queriado et al. (2023), which can lead to respiratory problems and skin

Beyond their health and environmental benefits, organic dishwashing liquids, with
reduced surfactants and plant-derived components, prove to be highly effective in dish
cleaning. The demand for such eco-friendly cleaning products is poised to surge as
consumers increasingly recognize the ecological impact of their daily activities. These
products, as emphasized by Gómez et al. (2019), not only deliver cleaning performance
equivalent to conventional counterparts but also contribute significantly to a more
sustainable and healthier future.

Lemon extract emerges as a prominent ingredient in eco-friendly dishwashing

liquids due to its potent cleaning properties and natural origin. Queriado et al. (2023)
note its citric acid content acts as a solvent, effectively breaking down grease and dirt,
making it adept at tackling stubborn stains and grime. Additionally, the antimicrobial
attributes of lemon extract enhance its effectiveness as a disinfectant for kitchenware,
providing a dual benefit in the pursuit of cleanliness. However, it is crucial to acknowledge
the finite shelf life of many dishwashing liquids.

Considering the long-term consequences of household cleaning chemicals on the

environment is imperative. Traditional dishwashing liquids, with their common
formulations, can adversely impact microbial diversity and soil health. High concentrations
of these chemicals in the soil may lead to a reduction in pH levels, posing threats to plant
growth and soil microbial populations. Sharma et al. (2020) underscore the hazards posed
to soil microorganisms, essential for preserving fertility and health, suggesting that the
use of conventional dishwashing liquids may inadvertently compromise the soil's well-
being and ecosystem functioning.

Beyond its cleaning prowess, lemon extract imparts additional benefits to eco-
friendly dishwashing liquids. Its invigorating citrus scent not only provides a pleasant
aroma but also transforms dishwashing into a more enjoyable and therapeutic
experience. Moreover, lemon stands out as a sustainable ingredient choice, aligning with
the preferences of environmentally conscious consumers due to its natural and renewable
attributes. With antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties, lemon proves to be
a formidable natural ingredient, contributing not only to effective cleaning but also to the
overall health and hygiene of household surfaces, particularly kitchenware Sabir et al.


The integration of lemon peel extract into homemade dishwashing liquid has
garnered attention, due to its promising economic and environmentally friendly qualities.
Numerous studies have meticulously examined the intricate chemical composition of
lemon peel extract, unveiling components such as limonene, citral, and flavonoids. These
compounds not only contribute to the extract's enticing fragrance but also endow it with
antimicrobial properties, showcasing its potential efficacy in cleaning applications.
Noteworthy research has showcased its ability to combat common household bacteria on
kitchen surfaces and utensils, establishing it as a compelling ingredient for DIY
dishwashing solutions.

One of the unique advantages of incorporating lemon peel extract into dishwashing
liquids lies in its inherent cost-effectiveness, presenting an attractive to commercially
available counterparts. This economic viability positions it as an appealing option for
budget-conscious consumers looking for efficient yet affordable household solutions.
Beyond its financial merits, the eco-friendly nature of lemon peel extract seamlessly aligns
with the surging consumer demand for sustainable and biodegradable products in the
realm of household essentials.

While existing literature has illuminated the valuable attributes of lemon peel
extract, further research is imperative to unlock its full potential. In particular, delving
into specific formulations that optimize its cleaning efficacy and fragrance, ensuring long-
term stability in various storage conditions, and investigating the seamless integration of
lemon peel extract into mainstream commercial products are critical areas that warrant
deeper exploration. A comprehensive understanding of these aspects will not only
contribute to the refinement of homemade solutions but also pave the way for the
incorporation of lemon peel extract into commercially available cleaning products.

Addressing these research gaps serves as a pivotal catalyst for informed decision-
making and innovation in the dynamic landscape of household cleaning products. By
recognizing the untapped possibilities within lemon peel extract, researchers and industry
professionals can collaboratively steer the trajectory of eco-friendly cleaning solutions,
offering consumers effective alternatives that not only meet their performance
expectations but also align with their increasingly eco-conscious values. Ultimately, this
concerted effort towards research and innovation will play a pivotal role in shaping the
future of sustainable and cost-effective cleaning practices on a broader scale.

In essence, lemon peel extract emerges as a promising ingredient in the realm of

economic-friendly homemade dishwashing liquids, offering natural antimicrobial prowess,
cleaning efficacy, and eco-friendly credentials. As consumers increasingly seek
sustainable alternatives, the potential integration of lemon peel extract into mainstream
cleaning solutions holds significant promise, promoting both economic prudence and
environmental responsibility.

Research Design

The researcher will employ a quantitative-experimental approach to systematically

evaluate the economic viability and cleaning performance of the dishwashing liquid
containing lemon peel extract compared to conventional commercial dishwashing liquids.

According to Bhandari (2023), the quantitative-experimental approach is a

research methodology that involves manipulating one or more independent variables to
observe their effect on a dependent variable and establish cause-and-effect relationships
through controlled experiments. This study will involve collecting numerical data through
structured surveys and experiments to quantify the effectiveness of lemon peel extract
in dishwashing liquid. This approach is suitable for this research as it allows for the
controlled testing of the dishwashing liquid's performance under specific conditions,
facilitating the measurement and comparison of outcomes. By adopting this quantitative
approach, the researchers aim to systematically assess and quantify the effectiveness of
the homemade dishwashing liquid by measuring and analyzing the cleaning efficacy, user
satisfaction, and overall performance of the dishwashing liquid infused with lemon peel

The utilization of the quantitative approach will allow for the rigorous examination
of numerical data, enabling the derivation of meaningful insights and the drawing of
generalized conclusions regarding the economic and environmental feasibility of
incorporating lemon peel extract into homemade dishwashing liquids. Consequently, the
findings obtained through this research can contribute significantly to the body of
knowledge surrounding sustainable and eco-friendly practices in household cleaning

Respondents and Setting of the Study

This study will be conducted in the locality of Oton, Iloilo, with a specific focus on
Oton National High School as a primary setting. The participants for this research will be
drawn from the community surrounding the school, creating a localized and community-
centric approach to the study. The respondents will represent a diverse group, including
students from Oton National High School, homemakers (individuals responsible for
household chores and dishwashing within the community), working professionals, and
local retailers (owners or employees of local stores or markets where dishwashing liquid
is sold).

Oton, Iloilo, provides a unique setting for the study, allowing for insights into the
preferences and behaviors of individuals living in a specific geographical and cultural
context. The inclusion of Oton National High School as a focal point ensures the
involvement of students in the research, offering a valuable perspective on the
acceptability and potential benefits of incorporating lemon peel extract into homemade
dishwashing liquid among the younger demographic.

To facilitate the study, 150 participants from the Oton community will be recruited.
Surveys and product testing will be conducted within the community, with a particular
emphasis on engaging the students of Oton National High School. This approach aims to
create a localized and community-driven research experience, fostering a better
understanding of the economic and environmental implications of the proposed
dishwashing liquid.
By situating the study in Oton, Iloilo, and specifically within Oton National High
School, the research aims to provide insights into the localized dynamics of household
cleaning practices and preferences. This will contribute to a more nuanced understanding
of the potential benefits and challenges of using homemade dishwashing liquid with
lemon peel extract within the cultural and environmental context.

Research/Sampling Methods

To ensure the representation of diverse perspectives within the Oton community,

the researcher will employ a random sampling method to select participants for the study.
Random sampling is a widely recognized technique that provides each member of the
population an equal chance of being included in the sample, thereby enhancing the
generalizability of the findings to the entire community (Thomas, 2023).

∑(𝑥 − 𝑥)
𝑠 =
(𝑛 − 1)

s2 = sample variance
xi = ith element of the sample
x = mean of the sample
n = sample size

The formula for random sampling involves using a random number generator or a
randomization procedure. In this case, the research team will compile a list of households
within the community, and each household will be assigned a unique identification
number. The random number generator will then be used to select specific households
from the list. The identified households will serve as the primary units of analysis for the
research, and within each household, individuals from various demographic groups
(students, homemakers, working professionals, and local retailers) will be invited to
participate in the study.

This approach aims to minimize bias and increase the likelihood of obtaining a
representative sample that accurately reflects the diversity of the Oton community. By
employing random sampling, the research design ensures that each potential participant
has an equal chance of being included, thereby enhancing the external validity of the
findings beyond the sample to the broader population.

Data Collection Procedure

The data collection methodology employed in this research will rigorously adhere
to a systematic and ethically grounded framework, following required permissions and
protocols. The procedure will be outlined through the following steps:

1. Before initiating the study, the researchers will secure formal consent from the
principal or heads of the Oton National High School Senior High School
Department. This consent form will request permission to conduct research among
students and other individuals outside the school property and will include soliciting
basic information such as respondents' names, class sections, and the time and
place of the survey.
2. A comprehensive questionnaire will be formulated to capture valuable insights and
feedback regarding the effectiveness, user experience, and preferences related to
the study.
3. A diverse sample of individuals, including students, homemakers, working
professionals, and local retailers, will be randomly selected to ensure
representation across different demographics.
4. The researchers will obtain informed consent from the selected participants, clearly
explaining the study's purpose. This document will serve as formal authorization
from the researchers to the participants, granting permission for their engagement
in the survey and inclusion in the study.
5. A detailed explanation of the survey will be provided to respondents, highlighting
that it will be conducted face-to-face. Participants will be assured that researchers
will observe the process to ensure a comprehensive understanding.
6. The questionnaire consists of carefully crafted questions covering various aspects
to provide a thorough understanding of users' experiences and preferences.
7. The researchers will administer the survey with questions specifically tailored to
explore participants' experiences and preferences for the product.
8. All gathered data during the survey will be systematically recorded. Throughout
this process, researchers will actively observe participants. The information
gathered from the questionnaire will undergo interpretation and analysis, involving
the use of statistical methods and analytical tools to derive insights.

Instrument of the Study

This study aims to evaluate the sensory features and physicochemical parameters
of a homemade dishwashing liquid incorporating lemon peel extract, with a focus on
economic and environmental friendliness. The dishwashing liquid will be assessed based
on its color, odor, texture, and general acceptability.

Sensory Features
1. Color: Participants will be asked to visually assess the color of the homemade
dishwashing liquid containing Lemon Peel Extract on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1
representing very undesirable and 5 being highly desirable.
2. Odor: Participants will evaluate the aroma of the dishwashing liquid on a scale
from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating an unpleasant scent and 5 representing a highly
pleasant fragrance. Descriptors such as freshness, citrus notes, and overall
pleasantness will be considered.
3. Texture: The texture of the dishwashing liquid will be assessed through both
visual observation and tactile perception. Participants will describe the texture
using terms such as smooth, viscous, or gel-like. A scale from 1 to 5 will be
employed, where 1 denotes an undesirable texture, and 5 indicates a highly
desirable texture.
4. General Acceptability: Participants will provide an overall rating of the
homemade dishwashing liquid based on their satisfaction with the color, odor, and
texture. A Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5 will be utilized, with 1 being very
dissatisfied and 5 representing very satisfied.
5. Likelihood or Continue Use: Participants will be ask how likely they are to use
the homemade dishwashing liquid in the future. A Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5
will be utilized, with 1 being very unlikely and 5 representing very likely.

Physicochemical Parameters
1. pH Level: The pH level of the homemade dishwashing liquid will be measured
using a digital pH meter. Participants will be informed about the optimal pH range
for dishwashing liquids, and deviations from this range will be considered in the
analysis. A scale from 1 to 5 will be employed, where 1 indicates too acidic, and 5
indicates too alkaline.
2. Viscosity: The viscosity of the dishwashing liquid will be measured using a
viscometer. Participants will be asked to comment on the perceived thickness and
flow characteristics of the liquid, aligning their observations with the instrumental
viscosity measurements. Participants will rate on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1
indicates too thin and 5 represents too thick.
3. Foaming Ability: The foaming ability will be assessed by measuring the height
and stability of the foam generated by the dishwashing liquid. Participants will rate
the foaming properties on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates poor foaming and
5 represents excellent foaming.
4. Degreasing Efficiency: The ability of the dishwashing liquid to effectively
remove grease from surfaces will be evaluated. Participants will rate the
degreasing efficiency on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating low efficacy and 5
representing high efficacy.
5. Environmentally Friendly Perception: Participants will be ask to what extent
they perceive the dishwashing liquid as environmentally friendly. A Likert scale
ranging from 1 to 5 will be utilized, with 1 being not at all environmentally friendly
and 5 representing very environmentally friendly.

Sensory Features

1 = Very undesirable
2 = Undesirable
3 = Neutral
4 = Desirable
5 = Highly desirable

COLOR 1 2 3 4 5

How would you rate the color of the

homemade dishwashing liquid
containing lemon peel extract?
1 = Very unpleasant
2 = Unpleasant
3 = Neutral
4 = Pleasant
5 = Highly pleasant

ODOR 1 2 3 4 5

Evaluate the aroma of the dishwashing

liquid with lemon peel extract.

1 = Undesirable
2 = Slightly undesirable
3 = Neutral
4 = Satisfactory
5 = Highly satisfactory

TEXTURE 1 2 3 4 5

Assess the texture of the dishwashing


1 = Very dissatisfied
2 = Dissatisfied
3 = Neutral
4 = Satisfied
5 = Very Satisfied

How satisfied are you overall with the

color, odor, and texture of the
dishwashing liquid?

1 = Very unlikely
2 = Unlikely
3 = Neutral
4 = Likely
5 = Very likely


Considering your experience, how likely

are you to use this homemade
dishwashing liquid in the future?

Physicochemical Parameters

1 = Too acidic
2 = Slightly acidic
3 = Neutral
4 = Slightly alkaline
5 = Too alkaline
pH LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5

Rate the pH level of the dishwashing


1 = Too thin
2 = Slightly thin
3 = Moderate
4 = Slightly thick
5 = Too thick

VISCOSITY 1 2 3 4 5

How would you describe the thickness

and flow characteristics of the
dishwashing liquid?

1 = Poor foaming
2 = Slightly poor foaming
3 = Moderate foaming
4 = Slightly good foaming
5 = Excellent foaming


Evaluate the foaming properties of the

dishwashing liquid.
1 = Very low efficacy
2 = Low efficacy
3 = Moderate efficacy
4 = High efficacy
5 = Very high efficacy


How effective was the dishwashing

liquid in removing grease?

1 = Not at all environmentally friendly

2 = Slightly environmentally friendly
3 = Neutral
4 = Moderately environmentally friendly
5 = Extremely environmentally friendly

1 2 3 4 5
To what extent do you perceive the
dishwashing liquid as environmentally

Ethical Considerations

In the course of this research, meticulous attention will be dedicated to upholding

ethical standards to ensure the protection of participants' rights and overall well-being.
Adherence to ethical guidelines is paramount, beginning with the meticulous acquisition
of participants' explicit consent prior to the commencement of any interviews. Thorough
information about the study's objectives, methodologies, potential benefits, and the
participants' unreserved right to either voluntarily engage or withdraw from the study will
be comprehensively communicated.

Moreover, participants' privacy will be rigorously safeguarded through the

application of pseudonyms instead of their actual names, unless express permission is
granted otherwise, thereby ensuring confidentiality and anonymity. It is imperative to
emphasize that any data collected during the study will remain unaltered, maintaining
the integrity of the research process. To foster transparency and accountability, both the
responses provided by the participants and the conclusive results of the study will be
made publicly accessible and shared with the broader community. This commitment to
ethical conduct serves as the cornerstone for the integrity and credibility of the research

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