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Chapter I


Background of the Study

All person in the world experiences changes in the body due to

Puberty. Puberty is the process of physical changes in the body one an individual which it

matures into an adult body. There are many changes in the body when it comes into puberty

stage. The hormone production changes causing the sebaceous glands, located at the base of

hair follicles, to become overactive.

Another thing that may come with puberty is acne or pimples. It is

caused by all those hormones at work in the body.Also, skin gets oilier and pimples start

showing up when puberty begins. Pimples are red spot resulting from excess sebum and dead

skin cells getting trapped in the pores of the skin. Pimple is also caused by a bacteria called

Propionibacterium acne , this bacteria lives at the base of the hair follicles. It secretes

substances that help break down sebum. When the number of bacteria increase, the secretion

irritates surrounding tissue which result in inflammation.

Acne Vulgaris is the main cause of pimples. It is a common chronic

disease involving blockage and/or inflammation of pilosebaseous units. Pimples most often

affect the face, back, chest, and shoulders. And sometimes can affect the self confidence of an

individual due to rapid increase of pimples all throughout the body. There are many ways in

removing pimples, it can be organic or inorganic.

One of the organic ways in removing pimples is rubbing banana peels in

the face. Bananas are a popular fruit consumed worldwide. Once the peels is removed, a

significant amount of organic waste is generated. But banana peels have many uses, it

sometimes used as feed stock for cattle, poultry and several other species. Banana peel
contains vitamin and minerals that is very essential to the skin. These nutrients can calm

inflamed skin and reduce acne outbreaks.

The researcher came up with an idea by using banana peels as an

alternative organic face mask that reduce acne in the face. Using commercial peel off masks

seems to be very dangerous. But using the banana peel face mask is very essential in the skin.

The banana peel face mask is very organic and it contains minerals and vitamins that are

needed in removing pimples. The researcher will use Lakatan Banana in making the banana

peel face mask. It is a popular banana here in the Philippines. Also, gelatin is added to the face

mask. Gelatin is a source of collagen and serves as a cleansing agent in the face. Nowadays,

peel-off mask are very popular. Many teenagers use it in their face to make them beautiful. But

some of the peel-off mask sold in the internet is harmful in the body, but using the Banana Peel

Face Mask is very organic.

Statement of the Problem

The study is conducted to test the feasibility of Banana peels in producing Face Mask.

The research study specifically aimed to answer the following questions.

1. What is the significance of the Banana Peel Face Mask in treating Acne in terms of:

a. Nutritional Value

b. Ingredients Used

c. Effectiveness

2. Will there be a significant difference among the Banana peel face mask and Commercial

Mask in terms of:

a. Nutritional Value

b. Ingredients Used

c. Effectiveness

H0: There is no significant difference between the Banana Peel Face Mask and the ability to

remove pimple in terms of:

a. Nutritional Value

b. Ingredients Used

c. Effectiveness

H1: There is a significant difference between the Banana Peel Face Mask and the ability to

remove pimple in terms of:

a. Nutritional Value

b. Ingredients Used

c. Effectiveness

Significance of the Study

This research study aims to create a Face Mask using Banana Peels. The researcher

goal is to create a Face Mask using Banana peel in order to help teenagers form suffering acne

outbreak all throughout their face. It provides a medicinal product to people specially to

teenagers under puberty or any other person that suffers from having an acne. With the help of

this Face Mask, the person may be able to lower the number of pimples on his/her face and

even serves as a cleansing agent and ever moisturize its face using this organic Banana Peel

Face Mask. This research help people but at the same time it also help the Mother Erath for

turning Banana peels into usable Face Mask.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study involves creating a face mask using banana peels to help teenagers suffering

from acne outbreak.

Parameters include in testing are: Nutritional Value, Mineral and Vitamin Content of the

Face Mask, Number of Pimples removed, Ingredients used in making the face mask and

Convenience in using the Face Mask.

The Face Mask will be applied to the face of an individual to test the ability of the mixture

in removing acne.

Conceptual Framework


i Input Cutting the Banana

Peels into smaller
Banana peels, Lemon
pieces, Mixing it with
Juice, Unflavored
Lemon Juice into a
Gelatin, Cooking
cooking pot under low
Utensils, Cooking Pots
heat and adding
and Stove.
gelatin through the


Banana Peel Face


Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

Using commercially available face mask seems to be very damaging to the skin. It is

literally ripping the surface layer of the skin causing some damage in the skin. As one off, the

skin is likely to recover without issue but continued use, stripping away the skins natural oils and
irritating skin is a sure fast tracks to secondary skin concerns. And from those hindrances, the

study of using Banana peels as Face mask is conducted. This study will help and be very

beneficial to those people that suffers from having acne. It has many effect into the skin like

removing pimples and even serves a cleansing agent. It also benefit Nature for using Banana

peels as a main ingredient.

Definition of terms

Lakatan Banana ( Musa acuminta ) – Lakatan Bananas are diploid banana cultivated from the

Philippines. It is one of the most common banana cultivars in the Philippines.

Banana Peel – It is the outer covering of the banana fruit. Banana Peels are used as food for

animals, in water purification, and for manufacturing of several biochemical products.

Pimples – It is a small pustule or papule. Pimples develop when sebaceous glands, or oil

glands, become clogged and infected, leading to swollen, red lesions filled with pus.

Acne – It is the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a

condition characterized by red pimples on the face, prevalent chiefly among teenagers.

Puberty – The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of


Face Mask – It is a creamy or thick pasted mask applied to clean or smoothen the face.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of some related literature and studies conducted by

previous researchers.

A. Related Literature

Banana is the most economically important fruit crop in the Philippines and the only

locally grown fruit available year-round. Bananas are grown in diverse environments in the

country, from the lowlands, flat and sloping uplands to the marginal hillylands. Latundan, lakatan

and saba are mostly grown in the backyard or as a component in an intercropping scheme with

minimum care and management.

Fresh lakatan is very popular in the market. However, supply does not always meet this

high demand especially in Luzon. Lakatan, sold in Luzon, sometimes comes from Mindanao.

These bananas are more expensive because of their better quality and additional transport

costs. Hence, lakatan produced in Luzon provinces can be very competitive, with market

opportunities available in the growers’ own public markets and in the huge Metro Manila

markets. Fruits can be harvested 8-12 months after planting. Suckers are allowed to grow for

the next fruiting cycle and repeated for another cycle as long as plants are healthy.

According to Heather Martens, the mineral content in a banana peel is primarily

consistent of potassium (78.10mg/g) and manganese (76.20mg/g). Other minerals present are

sodium, calcium and iron at 24.30, 19.20 and 0.61 mg/g respectively. The peel's high potassium

content, if taken orally, aids in maintaining normal blood pressure.

About 91.50 percent of a banana peel is organic nutrient matter consisting of lipids,

proteins, crude fiber and carbohydrates. About 31.70 percent of total mass is fiber with

carbohydrates accounting for 59 percent and protein and lipids accounting for 0.9 and 1.7

percent respectively. The high fiber content is useful as a natural laxative.

In the Pytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Banana Peel by

S.Velumani1, Banana peel serves as a natural store of various health beneficial phytochemicals

and there exist significant differences in the phytochemical composition, antioxidant properties.

Taking into account the flavonoids content and metal chelating activity, Phenolics, free radical

scavenging activity. Thus it is highly recommended to include proper combination of fruit peel in

food products, whose phytochemicals synergistically act to reduce the risk of degenerative

diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer etc. Further studies based on Genetic engineering

will increase the nutrition content of the peel.

Face Mask

A Face Mask contain the same ingredients as dermatologists' peels but in lower

concentrations. They gently remove the outermost layer of your skin, producing a smoother

texture and sometimes helping even out pigmentation. They may also help fade fine lines or

clean out pores. Masks can provide intensive moisture, absorb excess oil, or deliver antioxidant,

anti-inflammatory, or acne-fighting treatments to the skin.

In the article 6 Reason Why You Should Try Peel-Off Face Mask , it is mention that

peel off facial masks work by gently removing the outermost layer of your skin to relieve

dullness and dead skin.This produces a smoother skin texture, and can also help balance out

pigmentation.Plus, peel-off masks can assist in fading fine lines and cleaning out pores.This can

eliminate acne-causing dirt and bacteria.Peel-off masks are often vitamin, plant-based, or fruit

extract-based, and formulated with charcoal, antioxidants, and botanicals.These

key ingredients work together to reveal that glowy complexion that we all crave.

Peel-off masks are a type of physical exfoliant, which means they remove the top

layer of skin to slough away dead skin cells. Basically, once you peel off the mask after it dries,

the formula helps to lift off all of the microparticles of dust and dirt that have gathered over time
.Plus, by making peel-offs a part of your weekly routine, you may also begin to notice a reduced

appearance of fine line and wrinkles. Peel-off masks can alleviate the issue by helping to absorb

excess oil from your skin, while simultaneously unclogging and purifying pores. Peel-off masks

effectively stick to the fine facial hair on your skin, and gently uproot those hairs when you take

the mask off. While peach fuzz may not be at all noticeable on some skin types, some people

search for ways to get rid of it. Along with exhibiting a cooling and soothing effect, peel-off

masks serve as a powerful method to help reduce inflammation from particles in the air, like

from pollution. They can also even alleviate angry breakouts or redness.

B. Related Studies

A research study is conducted to test the feasibility of Banana peel cream on March

09, 2016. The objective of the study is to create a Banana Peel Cream for people who are very

conscious about their face, about how they look and how people would say about them.

Banana peel cream is used to delay the aging process of the skin, whitens, and helps you

look more glowing and treats the acne as well as the pimples. It can be used in day and at night.

Just like the other commercial face cream, place a small amount of cream into your face/ let the

skin absorb the nutrients that are containing in Banana Peel Cream.

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world. Bananas are one of the most

nourishing fruits available because it contains large quantities of magnesium, potassium, iron,

zinc, iodine and Vitamin A, Vitamin B (folic acid) ,Vitamin E and Vitamin F. According to the

Department of Agriculture website, there are 57 cultivars of banana in Southeast Asia but only

five are the common in the Philippines which are Saba, Latundan, Lakatan, Bungulan and


Based on the proponents' research, Lakatan is said to be the best variety of that can be

used in making Banana Peel Cream. Lakatan is considered as one of the healthiest, nutritious
and have many medicinal benefits which can be derive from this. Its banana banana peel

contain lutein, an antioxidant, and potassium. Reportedly, the inside of the banana peels may

help psoriasis, bug bites and even poison Ivy and Acne.

According to the study, Banana Peel Cream is a cream that treats acne, pimples, and

therefore delays the aging process. This is made up of a natural ingredients and this is a

banana peel. It has a great nutritional value which is a powerful ingredients that makes perfect

addition to all natural face cream. It acts like a second skin that penetrates deep into epidermis

to insure protection, promote elasticity and improves suppleness. It clarifies skin and while

soothing and hydrating and the good thing about this, in just 7 days of using the product, you

will see the result. The better and more beautiful you.


Some related literature about the banana peels were available from the internet sources.

Hence, the researcher considered the factors that is needed to improve and innovate their

product. Among which are: Adding useful ingredients in order to create a very useful product

that helps a lot in the face of an individual and creating a product that will gather the attention of

an individual. The majority of research indicates that banana peels has health benefits such as

removing acne and serves as a cleansing agent.

Chapter III

Research Design

The study make use of experimental design, specifically the before and after without

control design, wherein the experimental set – up is the Banana Peel Face Mask. Using this

design, the researcher may be able to know the outcome before and after conducting the


Ingredients and Equipment

The following materials will be used in the conduct of the study: Banana Peels, Lemon

Juice and Unflavored Gelatin. The equipment that will be used are Cooking Pots, Cooking

Utensils and Stove.

General Procedure

First, the researcher will cut the banana peels into smaller pieces. Second, the lemon

juice will be extracted. Then, in a small pot under low heat, add the unflavored gelatin and add

the lemon juice and the banana peels. Mix it until it reach its consistency. Lastly, put the mixture

in a bowl.

Testing and Evaluation

Nutritional Value

After making the product, the researcher will test the ability of the product in removing

pimples and other dirt present in the face.

There are many Vitamins and Mineral present in banana peels. Vitamin C is necessary

for collagen production and maintenance, it is also a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free

radicals in the skin. Vitamin E is also present in Banana Peels. Just like Vitamin C, Vitamin E is

an antioxidant. It protects skin against sun damage and absorbs the harmful UV light from the
sun when applied to the skin. It also helps in the treatment of skin inflammation. Zinc is a

mineral present in banana peels. It can help fight viruses and bacteria. It has an anti-

inflammatory properties, this may help relieve some of the redness and irritation associated with

moderate-to-severe acne. Iron can gives the skin a healthy glow and speeds up wound healing.

Manganese is essential for collagen formation and wound healing.

To test the ability of the face mask in removing pimples, the researcher will be recording

the number of pimples in the face of an individual before conducting the experiment. After

applying the face mask for a week, the researcher will be recording the outcome and the

number of pimples removed. The researcher will then compare the data recorded before and

after conducting the experiment in order to know the feasibility of the face mask in treating acne.

Ingredients Used

The face mask contains ingredients that is used in everyday living, like banana peels

and lemon juice. Unflavored gelatin is present in supermarkets.


The effectiveness of the Banana Peel face mask will be based on its ability to remove

pimples by applying it in a week. To test its effectiveness, the face mask will be used by 5

random people. The study will have 5 trials. After the experiment, the test subjects will answer

some questionnaire in order to know the acceptability of the banana peel face mask. The test

subject will answer the questionnaire given and check the level of effectiveness of the face

mask after using it. The following four level scale will be used:

4 – Very Effective – The Banana Peel Face Mask is very effective in removing pimples

and possesses all the characteristics that are looked into.

3 – Effective – The Banana Peel Face Mask is effective in removing pimples but it
Gathering all the ingredients needed.
doesn’t possesses some of the characteristics that are looked into.

2 – Good – The Banana Peel Face Mask is not effective in removing pimples but it

possesses some of the characteristics that are looked into.

1 – Not Effective – The Banana Peel Face Mask is not effective in removing pimples and

doesn’t possesses all the characteristics that are looked into.

In the interpretation of the mean obtained out of the respondents, the following formula

will be used:

ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒−𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒

r= 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠

Using the formula, the following scales where conceptualized

1.0 – 1.75 = Not Effective

1.76 – 2.50 = Good

2.52 – 3.25 = Effective

3.26 – 4.00 = Very Effective

In testing the hypothesis, the researcher will be using t – test, the hypothesis will be

tested t 0.05 level of significance.

Preparing all the necessary equipments.

Creating the Banana Peel Face Mask.

Testing the Product

(Nutritional Value, Mineral and Vitamin Content, Number of pimples removed, Ingredients used,

Figure 2. Flowchart of the Study

Pimples: why do they happen?. Medical News Today. Retrieved from on December 30, 2018

Musa acuminta. ProMusa. Retrieved from on December 30, 2018

10 Unusual ways to use banana peels. Brightside. Retrieved from on

December 31, 2018

Home made mask vs. commercial mask. Skin 18 Natural Beauty Skincare. Retrieved from on December 31, 2018

Feasibility study- banana peel cream. Scribd . Retrieved from on

January 2, 2019

The beauty benefits of banana peels. Michelle Phan. Retrived from on

January 2, 2019

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