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Student Name: Moin Uddin Ahmed `ID: 11925

Case Study: SOUTHERN CREDIT UNION- Training schedule

Objective: Identify obstacles to transfer before, during and after training.

A. How was transfer supported or not supported in this organization before, during and after training?


Some details about the transfer supported or not supported in this organization


While the motivation for the training is clear (compliance), the design does not lend itself to understanding or retaining
the information. Given much time to design a training plan, but some things could have been done better.
Announcement of the training could have been more strategic by using a top-down method to ensure that all employees
understood the importance of this topic and how to address it in the workplace.

Line managers, who need to walk the talk, and the front-line employees, who have to interact sensitively with many
customers every day, from the training was probably not a good way to ensure a cohesive transfer climate for the
training. By not involving anyone else in the design, the learning intervention will not receive the necessary buy-in.
Finally, imposing mandatory training on such a short notice left trainees


Being organized and prepared is important for trainers but is not sufficient to ensure transfer. Trainees should have been
engaged in the training by using mini-case scenarios based on real-life situations at Southern with customers, among
employees to make the learning more meaningful. Videos and role plays may have been useful to demonstrate proper
and improper responses to complaints. “This training needs to be 2 hours long” instead of“ How long I need to achieve
the learning goals. While handouts can help learners with other-than-auditory learning styles, mnemonic devices may
have helped supervisors remember steps to respond to complaints back at work. Not taking questions during training
learning and transfer, and does not address the trainees’ emotional state at the beginning of the training.


Provide with little data about the program’s effectiveness. Asking trainees as they rush out the door to e-mail their
questions has good intentions but will likely not transpire. Asking for trainees’ satisfaction six weeks after a program will
cloud the data collected trainees will not likely be honest because the data is being collected by e-mail and their identity
will be known.

Reminding trainees of key concepts six weeks later could be a useful transfer strategy. It is likely that assessment of
material will show as well as their ability to deal with relevant situations at work. Focused only on the compliance aspect,
has a false sense of accomplishment with this project; however will hopefully provide the mentoring and coaching
concern can use for her next training project.
Student Name: Moin Uddin Ahmed `ID: 11925

B. What was the ultimate effect of training?


The effect of training on employee and organizational performance may be both direct and indirect. The directly the role
of training programs is seen as a measure of improving employee capabilities and organizational capabilities i.e. when the
organization invests in improving the knowledge and skills of its employees, the investment is returned in the form of
more productive and effective employees. While indirectly they highlight that as companies train their employees so as to
enable them to handle both current and future issues, the training can lead to high levels of motivation and commitment
by the employees, who actually see the opportunity they are given hence the appreciation of the investment their
organization is making in them and is shown in their hard work and their contentment in being a member of such an

C. What changes would you suggest to enhance transfer of training?


The grid below lists ideas for transfer intervention might generate in response to reading this table:


TRAINERS • Design training using actual • Use the actual • Send follow-up e-mails to
candidate’s sessions equipment and some trainees one month after
• Communicate training machines in training. trainings
achievements • Create some task to help Remind employees of training
• Ensure that line managers are trainees remember key concepts after one to two
involved in training session and meet concepts. months
with candidate • Keep trainees involved to • Take some technical tests.
TRAINEES • Sit down with Line manager and • Stay engaged • Keep job aids visible.
discuss the training session and during training. • Talk with supervisor and
discussion some important things to • Ask questions and develop other office colleagues
the organization. some new ideas about the training.
• Finish assigned reading before • Create an action plan and • Talk with other trainees
training. new things. about how they are applying
• Come to training room with an open and implement the training
new mind set at work.

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