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Globalization of the Philippines

Globalization is the means by which countries interact with each other. It is growth to a global or
worldwide scale. It is the process of interaction and integration among the people and government of
different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information
technology. In simple terms, it is the flow of money, goods, information, and people in increasing speed
and magnitude of movement. The globalization of the Philippines, in my opinion, has grown since the
development of the country. There are a lot of technological and global advances that have gone on in the
Philippines and I feel that if this country continues to progress in this direction, it will eventually reach the
goals that have been set.

Globalization of the Philippines:

Globalization has been very effective in the Philippines. There have been major changes in
the economy since 1995 when the Philippines took part in signing agreements with World
Trade Organization. There have been changes in the country such as more labor and more
companies that have emerged to help the economy. Globalization has been rapidly developing
in the Philippines ever since the influence of the United States during World War II.

Advantages of Globalization:
Since the development of globalization in the Philippines, there have been many advantages
that have occurred because of it.  These things are very beneficial because they help
the economy grow every day. Some of these advantages of globalization are:

 High levels of education

 Export-oriented agricultural sector that has generated more than sufficient foreign exchange
 Because of the industrial sector growth, the Philippines has one if the highest

per capita incomes in Southeast Asia

Disadvantages of Globalization:
 Along with the advantages, there have also been disadvantages of globalization in the
Philippines. There are over 80 million people that live in the Philippines and 60% of
that population live in poverty. The economy is doing well, but it is still not up to par
when it comes to other countries. As a result, these other disadvantages occur:

 Not many jobs

 Hunger and suffering among the lower class
 The economy is majorly agricultural, so if something happens where crops cannot

be grown and produced, the economy might suffer

Colonization of the Philippines:

 Ferdinand Magellan sailed from Spain and found the islands in 1521
 The Chinese began trading with the Philippines around 1574
 India and East Indies trade with the Philippines around 1589
 Spanish rule was interrupted when British troops invaded in1762.

After that, the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763 which gave power back to

the Spanish, after which, the British troops left in 1764.

 The Philippine Revolution began in 1896 which was resolved soon after in 1898.

The peace was short lived, however, because the Spanish-American War broke out in 1898.

 On June 12, 1898, the Philippines declared independence, but because of the Treaty

of Paris, the power only shift from Spanish to American rule. This resulted in the

Philippine-American War (1899-1913)

There are many crops that are grown in the Philippines that are shipped and traded all over the world. This is another cau

 Rice
 Corn
 Kamote (Sweet Potatoes)

There are also key cash crops that are sold. Some of these key cash crops include:

 Coconuts
 Fruits, especially bananas and pineapples
 Vegetables
 Sugar
 Tobacco
 Abaca ("Manila hemp" that is used for rope making)

Along with crops that are grown in the Philippines and sold throughout the world, there are
lso minerals that are mined and sold around the world. It is estimated that 90% of the country's
mineral resources are un-surveyed and undeveloped. These mineral resources include:

 Copper
 Gold
 Nickel
 Chromium
 Iron
 Manganese

There are many people from the Philippines that leave their country to find work and make careers
for themselves. This is another area of globalization, but not one that is often thought of.
Some of these people include:

 Vanessa Hudgens
 Shay Mitchell
 Nicole Anderson


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