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Pemilik Proses Nomor Dokumen
Technical Support SD.TECHSUP.001/CJ08
Process Owner Document Number
Pengendali Document Tanggal Efektif
Service Manager 21 January 2008
Document Controller Effective Date
Berlaku untuk Active
Service Operational Document Status
Applicable for

The welding operations may be carried out only by specialist, trained personnel
using equipment that is suitable to ensure high quality workmanship.

Untuk pengelasan dengan menggunakan Las Listrik, Lakukan Langkah-langkah di bawah ini :
1) Matikan Elemen pemanas dan tunggu sampai lampu indicator mati 1) Deactivate any additional heating elements and wait for the
(apabila dilengkapi)
purging cycle to come to an end (the indicator lamp switches off).
2) Matikan Lampu Navigator (apabila dilengkapi) 2) Switch on the navigator lamps located in the centre of the cross
beam. (if equipped)
3) Posisikan Kunci Kontak pada posisi OFF (apabila anak kunci masih 3) Set the key to OFF (assuming the key is inserted).
4) Tekan Tombol untuk mengaktifkan Jungkit kabin (apabila dilengkapi) 4) Press the cab tilt enable button. (if equipped)

5) Tutup semua pintu 5) Close the doors.

6) Jungkit kabin sampai Switch Jungkit kabin terlepas 6) Tilt up the cab. (half, not full tilting only to allow cab latch switch
7) Posisikan Switch Utama battery ke posisi Disconnect. 7) Disconnected main battery switch. When the main switches open
the navigator lights switch off.
8) Lepaskan semua kabel pada Terminal Battery. Lepaskan kabel 8) Isolate the battery by disconnecting the power leads. Disconnect
negative (-) terlebih dahulu. the negative terminal first and then the positive terminal.
9) Lepaskan kabel power dari terminal positive (+) battery, dan 9) Disconnect the power cable from the positive terminal of the
tautkan/hubungkan keduanya erat-erat (diikat dengan bolt dan nut) battery and connect it to the Negative cable, with fasten screw
Jauhkan kedua kabel dari terminal battery atau gunakan pelindung
10) Posisikan Switch Utama battery ke posisi ON (terhubung) 10) Turn ON Main Battery Switches

11) Lepaskan semua konektor pada Electronic Control Unit berikut : EDC, 11) Disconnect the following systems: All ECU’s, EDC, EuroTronic,
EurotronicTransmisi, FFC, RFC dan BC BC,FFC, and RFC. The axle module and the additional water heater
(AHT_W) if present. When performing this operation proceed with
caution to avoid damaging the connectors. When the welding
operation is terminated reattach the connectors in their original
12) Pastikan posisi Ground Mesin Las dan Titik pengelasan cukup jauh 12) Position the arc welder electrode and ground cable in such a
dari ECU way that the current does not flow through an ECU

This procedure is classified as 'uncontrolled' when printed. Prior to reference of a printed copy, please check the 'controlled' version of
the procedure on PTCJ HO in order to ensure that the relevant section is at the correct issue number. Page 1 of 2
Ketika pengelasan selesai lakukan kembali langkah 1 sampai 10 dengan urutan terbalik.
Semua conduit plastic harus terlindungi dan jauh dari sumber panas selama pengelasan. Apabila perlu lepaskan
terlebih dahulu. Juga lindungi permukaan Pegas daun dan Air Bag dari sumber panas. Apabila titik pengelasan dekat
dengan housing ECU, lepaskan ECU dari housingnya. Pastikan bahwa Negative dan Positive battery sudah dilepas.
Pipa-pipa plastic harus dijauhkan dan terlindung dari sumber panas.

This procedure is classified as 'uncontrolled' when printed. Prior to reference of a printed copy, please check the 'controlled' version of
the procedure on PTCJ HO in order to ensure that the relevant section is at the correct issue number. Page 2 of 2

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