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Home Take Assignment II for Students

Grade 9

Valu Submissio
No Subject Student Task e n date Remark
1 Amharic - ስነ ቃል አይነቶች ውስጥ (ቃላዋ ግጥሞች፣ ተረት፣ እንቆቅልሽ፣ በልሃ ልበልሃ፣ 20% April 13/2020
የልጆች ጨዋታ ወዘተ ለእያንዳንዱ አንዳንድ ምሳሌ ከመፅሃፍት ፈልጋችሁ
በጽሁፍ አዘጋጁ
- ለምርጥ ንግግር ርዕስ መርጣችሁ ተለማመዱ
2 Maths Write a note how to draw graph of functions with special emphasis on linear and 20%
quadratic functions
Ex 4.6 Q 1 -7 , sketching graphs of quadratic functions using shifting rule
3 Biology Review your assignment and prepare your own question with different method read 10%
on classification
4 History Complete the short note on unit 6 then do the review ex of unit 6 (page 140-141) 10%
Do the questions on the boxes of the following pages at the back of your ex. book
(117,119, 123, 130 (the first question only)) 132፣133(the 1st question only)135፣137
5 Civics Prepare note about 10%
Decision making and do review exercise
 All students are expected to complete their tasks during their stay at home.
 The tasks will be included in your 3rd quarter assessment.
 Students shall submit their tasks when school opens.
Home Take Assignment II for Students
Valu Submissio
No Subject Student Task e n date Remark
1 Amharic ሴቶች በባህል ውስጥ ባላቸው ሚና ላይ ያተኮረ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች መርጣችሁ የቅስቀሳ እና 20% April 13/2020
የማነቃቂያ ጽሁፍ አዘጋጁ
የሃረግ አመሠራረት እና የዓ.ነገር ስልችን ተንትኑ
10 ፈሊጣዊ እና 10 ምሳሌያዋ አነነጋገሮችን አዘጋጁ
2 English Accomplish the assignment your were given before 15%
Cover the language focuses of unit 8,9 and 10 and make a note summery in your ex
3 Maths Read and prepare a short note on special quadrilateral 20%
More on circles
Angles and arcs determined by lines intersecting outside a circle
4 Physics Unit 5 introduction to electronics prepare a short note on 10% Use your text book
Vacuum tube devices and reference
Intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors
5 Chemistry Read in detail and prepare your own short note unit 4 do the exercise( 4.1 - 4.4) 10%
6 Civics - Prepare, a note about managing the family budget the need to set your From text book and
coal & plan your saving reference
- choosing a career, work review exercise
7 Biology - Short note on photosynthesis, use text books and internet 10%
Grade 10

 All students are expected to complete their tasks during their stay at home.
 The tasks will be included in your 3rd quarter assessment.
 Students shall submit their tasks when school opens.
Home Take Assignment II for Students
Grade 11

Valu Submissio
No Subject Student Task e n date Remark
1 Amharic ገፅ 141 ግለታሪክ አፃፃፍ የማለውን መመሪያ A4 ወረቀት በመከተል የራሳችሁን 20% April 13/2020
የህይወት ታሪክ በአንድ ገፅ ፃፉ(A4 ወረቀት)
2 English Read and do research on the following topics; prepare note with proper examples
on: 1. infinitive 2, participle 3, injection and 4 tenses
3 Maths Develop 20 questions with their answers for each sub topic which was given to be 20%
4 Physics - Prepare short notes on Unit 6 – Torque and angular acceleration 20%
- rotational dynamic up to unit end
5 Chemistry Read in detail and prepare your own short not on chemical equilibrium and phase
6 Geography Short notes on climate of Africa (125-142) drainage system of Africa (143-157) 10
Special focus on activities (125-148)
7 Economic Read ch6 and answer the following question 1 what are the general 20%
objectives of a macroeconomic policy;
2. Explain the meaning and feature of business cycle
3 define unemployment How many types of unemployment there are ?
explain each of them
8 Biology Active and passive transport, cellular organelles
 All students are expected to complete their tasks during their stay at home.
 The tasks will be included in your 3rd quarter assessment.
 Students shall submit their tasks when school opens.

Home Take Assignment II for Students

Grade 12
Valu Submissio
No Subject Student Task e n date Remark
1 English Read and study appendix 2 from student text book 20% April 13/2020
- read and study appendix 3 from student text book
- practice at least one UEE question from the last 5 years.
2 Maths Volume of solid generated when a region bounded by two or more curves in rotated 10%
about y = k and x=k
3 Biology - Grade 12 last unit behavior 20%
- after you read this unit, you are supposed to answer the check points
prepared by their teacher
4 Chemistry - Exam preparation from Grade 11 (unit 4,5,6) Grade 12 unit four and page 1- 10%
5 Physics Study for exam on unit 7 (E.m. Ind.) and unit 6
6 Economic Read ch 5 and ch6 and answer the following questions 10%
1. Distinguish b/n domestic and external debt
2. explain why the external debit of Ethiopia
has been growing
3. what are the opportunities that can be offered by globalization what are the
4. what is regional integration
7 Geography Types of natural vegetation of Ethiopia 124-120 10%
Classification of natural vegetation based on altitude write short note on five types
of vegetation
High land and low land and low land forest (four types) ex. 3.6 p. 129 short note on
wild animal Ethiopia
Soils of Ethiopia
 All students are expected to complete their tasks during their stay at home.
 The tasks will be included in your 3rd quarter assessment.
 Students shall submit their tasks when school opens.

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