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Center of mass

Centre of Mass of a body or mass distribution is defined as the sum of all the product of the all the
masses and their distance from the origin. It is that unique point where a force can be applied to
cause a translational motion without causing rotational motion. Mathematically,
Centre of Mass (CM) =∑ mi r i= ∫ mdr [Where m=point mass & M=total mass of the body]
i=0 M
It is a hypothetical point where entire mass of an object may be assumed to be concentrated to
visualise its motion. In other words, the center of mass is the particle equivalent of a given object for
application of Newton's laws of motion. Example:-

1. Find the Centre of Mass of the Given body.

Soln:- Let O(0,0) be the origin. Given:-
A=2kg B=3kg O=5kg.
∴ CM=∑ mi r i
m A x A +m B x B +m O x O
⇒CM (x)=
m A +m B+ m O
2∗2+ 3∗3+5∗0 13
⇒CM (x)= = =1.3
2+3+5 10

Similarly, CM ( y )=
m A y A +m B y B + mO y O
m A +m B + mC
2∗3+3∗2+ 5∗0 12
⇒CM ( y)= = =1.2

∴ Coordinates of COM are C(1.3,1.2).

2+3+5 10

The Centre of Mass of a symmetrical body is located at the geometrical centre of the body. Let’s see
an example:-
2. Find the COM of the given figure.
Soln:- Let A(0,0) be the origin.
mA x A + mB x B
∴ CM (x )=
m A +m B
5∗0+5∗12 60
⇒CM (x)= = =6 cm

Similarly, CM ( y )=
5+5 10
m A y A +mB y B

=0 cm [If all the points lie on the same line, then COM also lies on the same
mA + mB
⇒CM ( y)=


∴ The coordinates of COM are C(6,0), or it can be said/concluded that COM(x)=L/2=12/2=6cm.

Centre of Mass of a body does not depend upon the origin we choose. No matter whichever origin
we may choose, we will always get the same result.
COM of a Solid Hemisphere
Let’s take the centre of the hemisphere as the origin.
∴ X COM =
∫ xdm [Where dm is point mass & x is
distance from origin.]
Let ρ be the density of the solid hemisphere.
∴ dm= ρ Π r 2 dx [Where r= √ R2−x 2 ]

∴ M = ρ Π R3

∴ X COM =
∫ x ρ Π(R −x ) dx
3 0
2 2

ρ ΠR
⇒ X COM = 3 ∫ ( xR −x )dx
2 3

2R 0
2 2 4 R
3 x R x
⇒ X COM = 3 [ − ]
2R 2 4 0
3 R 3R
⇒ X COM = 3 × = [Where R is the radius of the hemisphere.] Y COM=0 ZCOM=0.
2R 4 8

∴ The coordinates of COM are C(3R/8,0,0) from the origin.

COM of a Solid Cone

Let’s take the tip of the cone as the origin.
∴ X COM =
∫ xdm
Let ρ be the density of the cone.
∴ dm=Π ρ r 2 dx
1 2
M= Π ρ R H

∴ X COM =
1 2
∫ x Π ρ r dx 2

ΠρR H 0
x H xR
We know, = ⇒r =
r R H

H 3 2 4 H 4
3 x R 3 3 x 3 H 3H
∴ X COM = 2 ∫ 2 dx= 3 ∫ x 3 dx= 3 [ ] = 3 × =
R H 0 H H H 4 0 H 4 4

[Where H =Height of the Cone] Y COM=0, and ZCOM=0.

∴ The coordinates of COM are C(3H/4,0,0) from the origin.

Moment of inertia
Moment of Inertia is a quantity expressing a body's tendency to resist angular acceleration, which is
the sum of the products of the mass of each particle in the body with the square of its distance from
the axis of rotation. It plays the same role as mass does in linear motion. Units:- kg m 2.
In linear motion we have,
F=m =ma [ F= Force m=mass a=acceleration]
In rotational motion we have,

τ =I =I α [τ=Torque I=Moment of Inertia ɑ=Angular acceleration]
Mathematically, I =∑ mi r 2i =∫ r 2 dm [m and dm both are point masses and r is the perpendicular

distance from the axis of rotation]

1. Find the moment of Inertia of the following body.

Soln:- We know that I =∑ mi r 2i



∴ I=3∗22 +2∗3 2 + 4∗12 +1∗5 2+4∗12

⇒ I=12+18+4+25+ 4=63 kg m

2. Find the moment of Inertia of the given body.

Soln:- We know I =∑ m i r 2i


∴ I=4∗2 +3∗5 +3∗12 kg m2

2 2

⇒ I=16+75+3=94 kg m 2

Perpendicular Axis Theorem

The perpendicular axis theorem states that the moment of inertia of a plane lamina about an
axis perpendicular to the plane of the lamina is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia of
the lamina about any two mutually perpendicular axes in its own plane. The axes must all pass
through a single point on the plane.

Proof:- I X =mx 2 I Y =my 2
I Z =m( √ x 2 + y 2 )
⇒ I Z =m(x 2 + y 2)=mx 2+my 2

Where IX=Moment of Inertia about x-axis.

⇒ I Z =I X +I Y

IY=Moment of Inertia about y-axis.

IZ=Moment of Inertia about z-axis.

Parallel Axis Theorem

The theorem of parallel axes states that the moment of inertia of a rigid body about any axis is
equal to its moment of inertia about a parallel axis through its centre of mass plus the product
of the mass of the body and the square of the perpendicular distance between the two parallel
dI COM =r dm ⇒ I COM =∫ r dm=Mr
2 2 2

dI=(r +a) dm
2 2 2 2
dI=dm(r + a +2ar )=r dm+a dm +2ar dm
⇒∫ dI=∫ r dm+∫ a dm+∫ 2 ar dm
2 2

⇒ I =Mr + Ma +2 a∫ r dm
2 2

Now, 2 a∫ r dm=2aM
∫ r dm
Since we are taking COM as the origin,

∫ r dm=0⇒ 2a ∫ r dm=0 2

[ r dm is the coordinate of COM.]

∴ I=I COM + Ma2

There are some necessary conditions for this theorem to work:-

i. Both the axes must be parallel to each other.
ii. One of the axes must pass through COM.
iii. The distance ‘a’ is the perpendicular distance between the axes.

NOTE:- Perpendicular axis theorem can only be applied to 2D objects whereas

Parallel axes theorem can be applied to all the bodies including 1D
and 3D.

Moment of Inertia of a Horizontal ROD about axis passing through centre

Let σ be mass per unit length (M/L).

I=∫ x 2 dm

Now, dm=σ dl=σ dx

x 3 L/2
∴ I=2 ∫ σ x dx=2 σ [ ]

0 3 0
3 2
⇒ I=2 × = ∴ I=
L 3×8 12 12

Moment of Inertia of a Circular RING about the center

I=∫ x 2 dm

Now, I =∫ R dm=R ∫ dm=MR 2

2 2

∴ I=MR 2
Applying Perpendicular Axis Theorem, we can also fin the
Moment of Inertia about the axis passing through the centre
on the plane of the ring.
I X + I Y =I Z ⇒ 2 I X =MR 2
⇒ I x =I Y =

Moment of Inertia of a Circular DISC about its center

I =∫ x 2 dm Let σ be the mass per unit area.

∴ dm=σ 2 π xdx

∴ I=∫ σ 2 π x dx=σ 2 π ∫ x dx
3 3

0 0
4 R
x M R4
⇒ I=σ 2 π [ ] = 2π ×
4 0 π R2 4
MR 2
∴I =

We can apply the Perpendicular axes theorem here to find I X :- I X + I Y =I Z

MR2 MR 2 MR2
⇒2 I X = ∴ I X =I y = [ Since I Z = ]
2 4 2

Moment of Inertia of a hollow Sphere about an axis passing through its Centre
We know that for any axis passing through the
COM of a sphere, Ix=Iy=Iz because of its symmetry.
Let its Moment of Inertia about this axis be I.
Let there be a point mass dm at A.
∴ dIx = dm (distance from x-axis)2 ....(i)
dIy = dm (distance from y-axis)2 ....(ii)
dIz = dm (distance from z-axis)2 ....(iii)
2 2
distance from x-axis = y + z
2 2
distance from y-axis = z + x
2 2
distance from z-axis = x + y
∴ Adding these 3 equations, we get,
dIx + dIy + dIz = 2dm (x2 + y2 + z2)
Since dIx = dIy = dIz = dI, and R2 = x2 + y2 + z2 ,
2 2 2
∴ 3dI = 2dm R ⇒∫ dI = R 2∫ dm ∴ I = MR 2 [Where M = Total mass of the system.]
3 3

Moment of Inertia of a Solid Sphere about an axis passing through its Centre
We will divide the solid sphere into ∞ of hollow spheres and then integrate the respective Moment
of Inertia.
∴∫ dI =∫ dmr [Where dm = mass of individual hollow spheres.]

0 3
In order to find dm, we will spread each hollow sphere in the form of sheets if thickness dr, find the
volume and then multiply it with its density.
∴ dm = ρ 4πr2 dr , ρ = density of the solid.
∴ I = 4 πρ ∫ r 4 dr
3 0

2 M R5
I= 4 π
3 4 3 5
∴ I= MR 2 Where M = Total mass of the body and
R = the radius of the sphere.

Moment of Inertia of a hollow Cone
We will divide the cone into ∞ number of rings each
of mass dm and radius r from the centre. We will
integrate their respective Moment of Inertia.
∴∫ dI =∫ dm r 2 Let σ be the mass per unit area.

∴ dm = 2πrσ dx ∴ I =2 πσ ∫ r 3 dx
From the diagram, we can observe,
L x Rx 3 R 3
= ⇒r = ⇒r =( ) x
R r L L
3 L
I =2 π x dx
πRL L 0

MR2 L4 MR 2
∴ I=2 4
L 4 2

Moment of Inertia of a solid Cone

We will divide the solid cone into ∞ number of discs. We will then integrate their respective
Moment of Inertia.
∴ ∫ dI =∫ dm2 r Let ρ be the mass per volume
of the cone.
∴ dm = πr dx ρ .
πρ 3M
∴ I=
2 ∫ r 4 dx [ ρ= 2
πR H

From the diagram, we can observe,

H x Rx 4 R 4 4
= ⇒r = ⇒r =( ) x
R r H H

4 H 2 5
3M R 3MR H
I= 2
x dx ⇒ I = 5
2R H H 0 2H 5

∴I= MR 2
NOTE:- In case of hollow sphere and
cone, their mass is distributed
away from their axis, only on the
surface, whereas in case of solid sphere
and cone, their mass is distributed all over
the body. We know, that I ∝ R2. That’s why
Moment of Inertia of hollow sphere and
cone is greater than that of solid sphere
and cone.

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