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What Happened with You

Jane Johnson was going to school this morning, a car knocked her down. Her right leg
was brokrn just below the knee. Some people who saw the accident laid her in comfortable
position on the pavement and telephoned for an ambulance .The driver of the ccar that knocked
Jane down covered her with a coat and tried to comfort her.

When the ambulance arrive , Jane was lifted onto a stretcher .Put into ambulance and
driven to a hospital that was not far away. When she arrived at the casualty department ,she was
admitted.The nurse was admitted her gave an injection of morphone to combat the shock and the
pain. The doctor who examined her comforted her and told her everything will be all right. While
the doctor examining her the nurse who has admitted her to took her pulse and blood pressure.
As Jane’s wound lacerated and contused , she was given an antibiotic to prevent the onset of
infection . She was taken to x-ray department, while the X-ray examining was being carried out .
Jane parents arrived at hospital.The docyor who examined Jane told them that jane had sustained
a compound fracture at tibia and fibula. He explained that an operation was necessary and asked
Mr.Smith to sign a consent form. While Mrs.Smith was giving Jane’s particulars and previous
medical history to the nurse.Before Jane’s parents left hospital, they were told when they could
visit her and were given a list of things that she would need

Answer the following questions !

1. What was Jane Johnson doing when she was knocked down ?
2. What did people who saw the accident do?
3. What did the diver of the car that knocked Janr down do?
4. What happened when the ambulance arrive?
5. Who gave her an injection of morphine?
6. Why was she given morphine?
7. Which bones had been broken?
8. What was Mr.Smith asked to sign?
9. What sort of wound had Jane sustained ?
10. What was Mrs.Smith ask to give?

 Grammar Focus : Simple Past tense with Be

+ Subject Was / Were Complement

- Subject Was / Were + Not Complement
? Was / Were Subject Complement

 Comlpement : Adjective, Noun things/ person, adverbial of place / time.

I was You were
She was They were
He was We were

 Adverb of time for simple past tense :

Yesterday Last night Five Minutes ago
Yesterday Morning Last week Two minutes ago
Yesterday afternoon Last month Last summer
Yesterday evening Last year Last Monday
 Example
1. I was a student nurse in Academy of nursing Bina Insani sakti in 2009.
2. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He was a fomous movie star.
3. They were in the garden last Friday
4. Mr.Tony was very happy two days ago.
5. We were in the class yesterday
6. Shanty was late for class yesterday morning.

 Complete the following sentences with the past tense with be.
1. Bob in class today He was in the class yesterday too.
2. I am in the class today ___________________________
3. Mary is at the library today ___________________________
4. Arnez is on time today. ___________________________
5. Syfa and I are very sad today ___________________________
6. Arnez and Rosalyn are tired today ___________________________
7. Mary is at home every week ___________________________
8. The are nervous in the class today ___________________________
9. The weather in SungaiPenuh is hot today ___________________________
10. We were busy at the moment. ___________________________

 Vocabulary
Break : Patah
Pavement : Trotoar
Stretcher : Tandu
Lacerated : Luka Lecet
Consent Form : Surat izin operasi
Medical History : Riwayat Kesehatan
Visit ; Mengunjungi
Lay/laid : Membaringkan
Cover : menutupi
Lift : Angkat
Combat : Mengurangi
Sustain : Menderita
Sign : Menanda tangani
Particular : Tertentu
Left : Meninggalkan
Examine : Memeriksa
Carried out : Laksanakan
Famous : Terkenal

Thank You

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