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There are 4 characters: 

 Ngân (as Student A), 
 Hiếu (as Student B), 
 Khuê (as Student C) 
 Lương (as Student D)

We set up a background for us as below:

Student A and Student C are already staffs at Delaney 
Student B and Student D are employees looking for a company
A, B, C and D are friends who have known one another for a long time


There are 3 scenes: 

 Scene 1: A and C introduce the company to B, D and persuade them to

join (because the company is facing absenteeism). After B and D are
away, A and C talk about the current problems.

3 months later
 Scene 2: A long while after B and D attend the company, C sends A the
report on absenteeism, then A chats to B (Now A is a team leader), B is
an agent. A and B solve the problem of  Task 1

A long time later

 Scene 3: 4 students hold an emergency meeting to solve the problem of
Task 2.


1. BACKGROUND ( Scene 1): 

 A, B, C and D are friends who know each other pretty well. All of them
meet up at a cafe after a long time without seeing as often. A and C
introduce the company to B, D and persuade them to join 
 After student B and D leave the cafe,  A and C start talking about current
problems in their company 

( The conversation between us will be shown in our presentation )

2. TASK 1 ( Scene 2): 

3 months later, A is a Team leader and the manager asked her to have a one-to-
one interview with B - who had  a high level of sickness leave .
A  discusses with B to monitor the situation and reduce B’s absenteeism. 

( The conversation between us will be shown in our presentation )

3. TASK 2 ( Scene 3): 

Now A has become a management leader. A decides to hold a meeting with B,

C and D to solve the urgent problems the company is facing at the moment 

( The conversation between us will be shown in our presentation )


There are 2 questions we need to answer as required in the Case study 3

Question: What possible reasons could there be for the high levels of
absenteeism in Delaney? How could the company try to reduce it?

             As the report, the possible reasons could there be for the high levels of
absenteeism in Delaney is: migraine, colds and flu, black problems and stress.
The company could reduce the absenteeism by:
  Instead of spending money on recruiting, selecting and training, they  can
use that amount of money to encourage their working passion.
  Setting up a new policy that every staff will have 8 day-off per year, and
they can use them as they desire but each day, the amount of absent
people can’t surpass 2.
 Arranging a part of staffs to work in the daytime and the other part will
work at night and they can switch the position after a week

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