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28 Unit 5

5 Movement

Kick off
1 lvlatch the words with the arrows on the diagram. Forces and motion
Look at the deflnitions. Match each definition with an
example be1ow.

t speed how fast something is moving, measured

as the distance travelled in a unit of time

& & veloci§

speed of travel in a given direction
the increase o{ velocity in a r-urit of time
deceleration negative acceleration (or the decrease of
s equilibrium
velocity in a ut.tit of rime)
a condition where forces are balanced

1 The train is going 120 kilometres per hour straight

thrust the force produced by an engine that
pushes a vehicle Iorward 2 The brakes can stop the car in one second when it is
travelling at 45 kilometres per hour.
drag the force of the air that acts against the
movement of an aircraÌt 3 The motorcycle is travelling at 20 kilometres per hour.
lift the upward pressure of air on an aircraft 4 The car isn't moving. It's sitting still.
when it is flying 5 The car goes from 0 to 100 kiiometres per hour in 3.5
weight the downward pull rrI gravity seconds.

2 Complete the sentences with words from I.

2 tabel the three forces on the rocket 1 When a rocket takes off, occurs
2 When a car hits a wall, there is a very rapid

3 A building is a good example of

4 One of the most important instruments in a car
tells you the car's
5 If you don't know which direction something is
travelling, then you can't know its

Maglev trains
I Look at the picture. What do you know about maglev
c technology?

3 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1 Which force acts on the plane but not on the rocket?
2 Can the plane fly if the engine stops supplying thrust? u.&&,

3 Can the rocket fly if the engine stops supplyrng thrust?

iVlovement 29

ln this unit
c forces and motion
o maglev technology
o prepositions of location
Sjet propulsion
o thrust, speed, velocity, and acceleration

2 Look at the diagram. Complete the description with & 6) rist the benefits and drawbacks of the maglev
the words in the list. system. Listen again and check your answers.
train § Do you know of any other maglev train projects?

o Language spot
Prepositions of location
I Nlatch the prepositions of location with the pictures
1 above 3 at 5 inside
2 along 4 between 6 underneath

E b tr

r O
Linear motor controls acceleration and deceleration

magnets motor poles track train wheels

ti_-/ @
The train doesn't have Pairs of magnets
with the same '7keep the train above the
It also has no engine. A linear e E

in the track pulls guide 5on

-1. The system also stops the
the train and makes it move.

3O tisten. Write T (true) or F (false).
1 Stefan Urbach has been working on a rail system at
an airport.
2 The project is on budget but somewhat behind
3 The maglev system at Birmingham Airport was
2 Complete the sentences about the maglev train.
very successful.
lot of maintenance.
1 The new maglev train has opened
Maglev trains don't need a
- *ì^n Wessex Airport.
5 For this project, speed is more impoicant than
p"u acceleration.
2 The train travels terminals one and two.
3 There are wires the track.
6 The technology is called ENIS - electromagnetic
-- ;'\ suspension. 4 They're the track.

7 The linear motor is made up of coils of wire under 5 The train floats - the track.
the track. 6 We're terminal 2.

8 The controi system is extremely simple.

)) Goto Grammar reference p.120
9 The system was expensive to install but it will be
economical to run.
10 Deceleration uses a lot of energy.

30 Unit 5

The world's longest

scheduled aìrline flight is
Singapore Airlìnes Flight 21
from Newark, New JerseY,
ìn the USA to SìngaPore'
The 15 354 kilometre flight
lasts 18.5 hours.

3 Answer the questions'

Reading 1 Why aren't the pump, motor, or fuel tank attached
to the jetpack?
The Jetlev'FlYer 2 How d.o you turn when using the jetpack?
1 Look at the Picture. What can 3 WhY is it safe if You crash?
you see? How do You think V/hy can't you fly higher than ten metres?
this device works?
5 How far can You flY with the jetPack?
2 Readthe text and checkYour 6 What is the maximum weight it can
7 \l/hat other uses can you think of for the letlev-F1yer?
Why / why not?
4 Would you like to test fly the Jetlev-Flyer?

The letlev-FlYer
water at
The Jetlev-Flyer can fly ten metres above
per hour (9-75 metres
a top speed oi ls kilometres
for Z-3hours' This means the range
p", t"*"af
A powerful four-cycle
ii" rtyu, isTo-105 kilometres'
produces 1900 newtons of thrust for stable'
controlled flight.
The flight controls
All ofthe controls are onboardthejetpack'You
grip' as on a motorcycle'
ifrl"U Uy a*isting the hand
To move forward and accelerate, you push your arms
down. To decelerate or reverse, you
pull up' Or you can
keep the water jet pointed straight
down and hover'
You can turn
Roaiing above ihe water in equilibrium'
jets in different directions
either ùy angling the water
or by shifting your weight from side to side'

SafetY features
makes it safe to
j You can fly it only over water, so that
* begin witir - the water underneath you
will usually
flve-point quick-
atùw a soft ianding' It also has a
and back support'
' release harness and good head
r: ì-.:'

€€ l. Finally, the Pack floats'

How it works
'# .: ::
The jet propulsion medium is water'
which means the
stream of water to create".t,rt"t a high-powered low pressure
ihrust. Water is supplied at high flow but
hose' which is
to the jetpack by way of a ten-metre
motor and pump'
attacnldio a boat that carries the
It wiì1 carry a pilot weighing up to i50kilograms'
water sports'
At the moment it is being marketed for
I\Aovement 31

Number talk 2 Look at the graph. Complete the explanation with the
words in the 1ist.
Thrust, speed, velocity, and acceleration 20
O tisten. Complete the sentences with the correct
abbreviation from the box.
- s = metres per second È10
^- o
s2 = metres per second squared o-
^- s (+ direction) = metres per second (+ directìon)
', = newtons
time/ s
1 Thrust is expressed in
Steady acceleration of 4 m/s2
2 Speed is expressed in
3 Velocity is expressed in acceleration second speed
1of 4mf s2
4 Acceleration is expressed in This graph shows a steady
The 2
of the car increases by 4 m/s every
2 Match the questions with- the answers. 3.
The initial speed is zero,so the car is
1 How much thrust does this jet a 70 m/s starting from rest.
engine produce? b 90 m/s to
3 Look at the graph. Using the explana
2 How fast is the train going? the north - write an explanation.
3 What's the velocity of the plane? c 8700 N
4 What's the acceleration of the car? d 3m/sz
JO tisten and check your answers. E
Speaking o

Explaining a speed-time graph

I Read. Answer the question.
A speed-time graph shows acceleration. A line Steady deceleration of 4 mis2
going up shows acceleration. A line going down
shows deceleration. What do you think this straight
4 Work in pairs. Look at the graph. Using the
explanations in 2 and 3 as models, take turns giving an
Iine means?
explanation of the graph.

E 10
0) o

:l 0
time/ s time/ s
Steady acceleration of 2 m/s2
32 Unit 5

The front section of a car is a 'crumple

zone'. lt wiìl collapse steadily on impact'
It absorbs energy during impact and
reduces deceleration on people in the car'

It's nny iob Pete Normington

1 Before you read about Pete Normington' aircraft
propuliion engineer, tick (/) the items you think his
woit onlet design is directly concerned with'
1 thrust
2 water jets
3 fuel consumPtion
4 passenger harness sYstems
5 fuel efficiencY
6 noise data
7 exhaust emission details
8 magnet Poles
9 jet velocities, engine acceleration, component
weight, and imPact data

2 Read and check Your answers'

3 For each statement, write T (true) or F (false)' Underline After getting my Nlaster's Degree in Aerodyn-amics
the part of the text where you found your answer' Propulsion, I joined a large US aircraftmanufacturer'
I iiaise with a European jet engine maker' We
1 Pete works on aircraft during design and their jet engines on our aircraft We work closely
manufacture onIY.
toget'her aùing design, through engine and aircraft
2 Thrust calculations are usedto help designthe ceitif,cation, and when the aircraft is in service'
structure of an aircraft. with the basics of jet
A 1ot of my work is concerned
3 Fuel consumption data is necessary to understand propulsion. We calculate an engine's thrust so can
lift and thrust. we know
Lnierstand the aircraft's performance and so
4 Dealing with possible environmental issues isn't how strong we need to make the parts that hold the
part of Pete's job. tÀe engine mounts' We need to calculate fuel
engine -
5 Some of Pete's work involves understanding
how a coisumption - that's the amount of fuei the engine
piane would react in a crash' ,r", - rà we know how far a plane can travel' There
are environmental considerations, as well'
There are
6 Pete works closely with engineers to try to
laws that limit engine noise' We also need to consider
understand what would happen to an engine in
what comes out of the engine - the exhaust emissions'
certain emergencies.
I often meet with the engine designers to review
4 Would you like to do Pete's job? Why / why not? calculations on jet velocities, engine acceleration'
component weight, and impact data' I also help
engine tests. We need to know what happens
if an
part comes loose during a flight' We have to be
suà it would be contained within the engine because
it could otherwise damage the aircraft' We also have
to find out what would happen if a bird entered
engine. We run a test using several differentbird
of engine
,r,a *" have to show that there is some level
capability remaining.
'!'a',:^-ìaat 33

Assessyour progress in this unit. Tick (/) the
statements which are true.
I can talk about maglev technology
I can talk about forces and motion
I can use prepositions of Iocation
I can talk about jet propulsion
Writing I can talk about thrust, speed, velocity, and
Explaining technical specifi cations
Look at the picture and the technical information' Using the
introduction of the letlev-Ilyer text on p.30 as a model, write a
description. Key words
a ccel e ratio n
electroma gnetic suspension (Etu\S)
exhaust emissions
fuel consumption
i m pact
jet propulsion
linear motor
magnetic polarity
speed-time graph

Martin Jetpack

/\Aaximum height for

2400 mm above the ground

Top speed 100 km/h

Ra nge 50 km

Thrust 2670 newtons

Engine Two-cycle - AAartin Aircraft 2.0 litre

Safety featu res harness, parachute

Empty weight 115 kg

A,4aximum pilot weight 130 kg

34 Unit 6

6 Elect ncl
Kick off VocabularY
Circuit essentials
1 Number the pictures of etectricity production'
order' I Read the text. Match the nouns in bold with the
distribution, and consumption in the correct
correct definitions.
. The flow
A battery pushes electrons round a circuitl
measured in
of electrons is called a current2' Current is
amperes3 (A).
Potential difference (PD), or voltage, is measured
a battery' the more
voltsl (V). The greater the PD across
potential energy eactr electron is given' The greater the PD
Distribution Generation
the more energy each
across a bulb or other component,
c electron loses as it passes through'
there must
To make current flow through a conductors'
be a potential difference (voltage) across it Copper
connecting wire is a good conductor and a current
nichrome wire
through it easily. However, a similar piece of
is noiso good and less current flows for the same PD'
wire has more resistance6 than the copper'
The nichrome
Domestic consumPtion Step-uP transformer

e a a unit for measuring the force of an electric current

b the opposition of a piece of electrical equipment to
the flow of direct current
c the flow of electricity through a wire
ì I
d the unit for measuring electric current
e a substance that allows electricity to pass along it c:
Domestic distribution Step-down trans{ormer through it
f the compiete path of wires and equipment along
3 Read the descriptions of DC and AC' Identify which an electric current flows
picture above mainly deals with DC and which
Look at the circuit diagram' Then complete
the text
pictures mainlY deal with AC' 2
with words from 1.
Low voltage
Direct current (DC) flows in one direction'
electricitY is usuallY DC.
manY times
Alternating current (AC) changes' directìons switch
on the frequencY, 50 or 60 Hz
every second dePending
(her1z), High voltage electricity is usuallY AC.

3 Discuss the questions. 230 v lamp t

runs on
1 What electrical equipment do you use that
DC current?
2 What electrical equipment do you use that runs
AC current?
3 What advice do manufacturers usually give for
using eìectrical equipment saf ely?

ln this unit
o circuit essentials
i resistance
o electrical safetY
o warnings and instructions
o text reference words

This drawing shows a simple lighting It's my job

The bulb creates light through a special wire cailed a
I what do you think an electrical engineer in a food
fllament. A fiiament is a .- - it allows

it but because of its high processing company does? Work in pairs and discuss
electricity to pass along -
produces -1'When a PD
iight. the questions.
it heat and
5of 1 What sort of raw material does a food processing
of 230 is aPPIied, a
about one quarter of one -.-
flows through company start with?
the wire. 2 \ /hat finished products does a food processing
company Produce?
3 Answer the questions.
-a 3 What do you think an electrical engineer would do
1 What is the voltage of domestic electrical supply in
on the job in a food processing company?
your countrY?
4 \À/hat pieces of electrical equipment would you
2 Which uses a higher amperage: an electric oven or
expect to find in a food processing company?
an electric light bulb?
3 What materials are good conductors? 2O tisten to Anna Panikowsky, a trainee electrical
engineer. Does.Anna mention any of your ideas
from l?
Number talk
1O tisten. Complete the text.
is calculated using the equation below'

- he SI
of resistance is the ohm (O)' (The
s).,rnbol Q is the Greek letter omega.)

PD across conductor (V)

resistance (Q) =
- current through conductor (A)

:or example, if a PD of is needed to make

a current of flow through a wire:
:esistance=6V/3A= e).
use these units for measuring higher resistances
kilohm (ko) = ----
-3 6
- megohm
2 Work in pairs. Practise reading the calculations aloud' 3 O tisten again. Answer the questions'
1 12V l4A=3A 1 Which department is helping Anna to learn her job?
2 1400V/40A=354 2 What sort of 'electrical support'does Anna provide?
3 200000V/50A=4kA 3 What examples of control equipment does Anna
4 s000000v/2A=2.sMO mention?

3O Listen and check your answers. 4 Why is hygiene important in the factory?
B, go to 5 What hazard does Anna mention?
4 ',\'ork in pairs. Student A, go to p.108. Student
_. !tL- 4 Would you like to do Anna's job? Why / why not?
36 Unit 6

A live wire or circuit is An eaÉhed or

connected to a source grounded circuit is
of electric power. connected to the earth.

4 electricity to the entire factory.

Listening a The substation
Electrical safety b-supplies
The utilities biock

t Where would you see these electrical danger signs?

c The process area
with 1-4.
IVlatch a-d 5 The man says that it's imPortant

a a to work quickly
b to work safely -.
CAUTION c to finish on schedule
LOCK OUT 6 Isolation is when the eLectrical current is
b decreased -.
c switched off

7 work is done when the electrical
supply is switched on.
CAUTION ^,\ Danqer -electrical
b Some
UlllDERGROUlID Z\**t;,t",**t c Al1
8 The man explains how
a electricity can damage the bodY
b workers can damage -.the equiPment
1 near where foundations are being dug for an c workers should trY to relax
extension to a factorY 9 The man warns the students about
2 over an access road used by mobile cranes a not working alone
3 on a high voltage PumP b hidden cables -.
4 on an electrical switchgear cabinet c wearing gloves

2O a group of engineering trainees is visiting a 3O tisten again and check your answers.
factory. Listen. Choose the best way to complete each
1 The main purpose of the talk is to explain '
o language sPot
a new equiPment Warnings and instructions
b electrical safetY - 1 Complete the sentence s from Listening with the
c how the electricitY suPPIY works imperative verbs in the list.
2 The talk begins with an explanation of how
Check Don't be Know Remember Take Work
electricity is the factorY.
7 take care when dealing with
a suppliedto
b -
generatedbY concealed cables.
c sold to 2 in a hurry.
3 The students the high voltage switchroom. 3
your time.
a are going to work in 4 carefully.
b willbe shown- 5 your basic procedures
c are not allowed to go into 6 that it is isolated.
Electricity 37

O Listen and check your answers. Writimg

Complete the sentencesfromListening with should or Giving instructions and warnings
1 You never continue work if you have
O tt-te instructions with the pictures. Then
Iisten and check your answers.
any doubt.
2 You always look out for live conductors.
lnstalling a circuit breaker
You rush your work.
have respect for all voltages.
ever relax completely when you're
working with electricity. g
6 You ever go in the switchroom

O Liste.r and check your answers.

Write two sentences for each sign. Use an imperative

verb in one sentence andshould or shouldn'tinthe other
Ha E

I runntng
Buried cable E
Don't run. Be
You shouldn't run. You should

W a
Remove the knockouts. You should wear eye protectìon
when you do fhis,
Connect the earlh wire. Check that it's secure. _
c -
lnstall the circuit breaker, Ivlake sure that it isn't upside
down. _
d Test the circuit. You should replace the cover of the unit
before doino this.
e Connect the wires to the circuit breaker. Take your time,

ffi f
Be sure the connection is secure. _
Turn off the power. You should use a voltmeter to check
that the power is really ol[. _
Strip the wire insulation. Remember to take care not to
cut the wire. _

,) Go to Grammarreference p.120 2 Write instructions. Go to p.108.

38 Unit 6

watt the Sl unit for measuring electrical power

kilowatt 1000 watts
Typical domestic electricity usage
electric 2 kW
microwave oven 1'44 kW
dishwasher 1.2 kW

refrigerator 200-700 W
desktop computer 150-340 W

3 Texts often use reference words to avoid repetition'

Reading What do the underlined words in these sentences
Powering the l5S from the text refer to?
! work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 It supplies enough electricityto run all ofthe
what equipment onboard'
1 Is solar energy used in your country? If so,
does it power? 2 T IC includes a climate-controi system to keepoCthe
internal temperature at a comfortable 18-27 and
2 What are the benefi.ts of solar electricity?
the internal pressure at an Earth-like 958-1013 hPa
3 \Mhat are the drawbacks of solar electricity?
They fit into a storage box that is only 51
4 What do you know about the International Space centimetres high and 4'57 metres long.
Station (ISS)?
4 This means that it is blocked from the Sun because
2 Read the text. Answer the questions. it's travelling through Earth's shadow.

1 What specifications does the article mention that 5 During that time, the station is powered by
relate directly to astronauts' comfort? rechargeable batteries.

2 How much power is available to run all the 6 Any build-up of excess heat could damage the
equipment aboard? station and its delicate equipment'
3 \ /hen is power not directly available from the SAWs? 7 Engineers have solved this problem by using a
system of radiators to dissipate the heat and
4 How is power supplied during that time? maintain a safe operating temperature.
5 \l/hat major engineering challenge does power
generation create? & Wou1d you tike to visit the ISS? Why / why not?
6 How many people are always onboard the ISS?

Electricity 39

Assessyour progress in this unit. Tick (/) the
statements which are true.
I can understand circuits
I ca n ta I k a bout resista nce
I can talk about electrical safety
I can understand and give warnings and
i nstructions
Powering the International I can understand text reference words
Space Station
The electrical system on the International Space
Station (ISS) is the largest power system ever built for Key wordj
use in space. It supplies enough electricity to run all Nouns
of the equipment onboard. This includes a climate- a lternating current (AC)
control system to keep the internai temperature at circu it
a comfortablelS-27 oC and the internal pressure at circuit breaker
an Earth-like 958-1013 hPa. The system also supplies circuit diagram
power for the electrical equipment for scientific conductor
experiments, and the control systems for the station. direct current (DC)
Solar power PD (potentia I difference)
The station has eight solar array wings (SAWs). Each
SAW is 12 x 34 metres. Each SAW contains nearly
solar array
solar energy
33 000 solar cells. The blankets of celis can be folded
away for storage. They fit into a storage box that is su bstation
oniy 51 centimetres high and 4.57 metres long. switchroom
The system can produce 32.8 kilowatts of DC power.
The voltage generated from the solar arrays is 160 volts
DC at peak. The converter units reduce the peak to a
constant 120 volts DC for general use.
Rechargeable batteries
The space station orbits the Earth every 90 minutes.
For 35 minutes of each orbit, the station is in'eclipse'.
This means that it is blocked from the Sun because it's
travelling through Earth's shadow. During that time,
the station is powered by rechargeable batteries.
The process of generating and distributing electricity
in this way also produces a lot of heat. Any build-up of
excess heat could damage the station and its delicate
equipment. Engineers have solved this problem by
using a system of radiators to remove the heat and
maintain a safe operating temperature.

ISS specifications
Width:108 m
Length:74 m
Height:45 m
Pressurized volume: 1200 m:
Mass:450 000 kg
Permanent crew: 6

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