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Unit 5 -Unployment

1)reluctant (adj) /rɪˈlʌk.tənt/

not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it 勉强的;不情

I was having such a good time I was reluctant to leave

2)prospective (adj) /prəˈspek.tɪv/

people who
are expected to buy something, employ someone, become parents,
etc 潜在的客户/可能成为雇主的人/即将为人父母者等
We've had three sets of prospective buyers looking at the house.

3)recession (noun) /rɪˈseʃ. n/ ə

a period when the economy of a country is

not successful and conditions for business are bad
The country is sliding into the depths of (a) recession.

4)Multinational (adj) /ˌmʌl.tiˈnæʃ.ən.əl/

involving several different countries, or (of

a business) producing and selling goods in several
different countries
The UN has sent a multinational peace-keeping force.

5)Gauge (verb)/ɡeɪdʒ/

to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device

Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.
6)menial  (adj) /ˈmiː.ni.əl/

Menial work is boring, makes you feel tired, and is given

a low social value.
It's fairly menial work, such as washing dishes and cleaning floors

7)Clutch (verb ) /klʌtʃ/

to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually

in fear, worry, or pain
Silent and pale, she clutched (onto) her mother's hand.

8)strive (verb)  /straɪv/

to try very hard to do something or to make

something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties
[ + to infinitive ] Mr Roe has kindled expectations that he must now
strive to live up to.

9) prudent (adj)/ˈpruː.dənt/

careful and avoiding risks
[ + to infinitive ] It's always
prudent to read a contract carefully before signing it

10)recruit (verb) /rɪˈkruːt/

to persuade someone to work for a company or become a

new member of an organization, especially the army 招聘,吸收;
Charities such as Oxfam are always trying to
recruit volunteers to help in their work.
11)Migrate (verb) /maɪˈɡreɪt/

When an animal migrates, it travels to a different place, usually

when the season changes.
These animals migrate annually in search of food.

12)sabbatical (noun ) /səˈbæt.ɪ.kəl/

a period of time when college or university teachers are allowed to 
stop their usual work in order to study or travel, usually
while continuing to be paid
She's on sabbatical for six months.

13)pursue (verb)  /pəˈsjuː/

to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her,

or it
The car was pursued by helicopters.

14)purchase (verb )/ˈpɜː.tʃəs/

to buy something
Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.

15)array (noun ) /əˈreɪ/

a large group of things or people, especially one that

is attractive or causes admiration or has been positioned in
a particular way
There was a splendid array of food on the table.
16)paltry (adj)/ˈpɔːl.tri/

(of an amount of money) very small and of little or no value

Student grants these days are paltry

17)conundrum (noun )/kəˈnʌn.drəm/

a problem that is difficult to deal with
Arranging childcare over the school holidays can be a real conundrum
for working parents.

18)furious (adj)/ˈfjʊə.ri.əs/

extremely angry
I was late and he was furious with me

19)nosedive (noun )/ˈnəʊz.daɪv/

a fast and sudden fall to the ground with the front pointing down

The plane roared overhead and went into a nosedive.

20)pawn (noun )/pɔːn/

a person who does not have any real power but is used

by others to achieve something
The refugees are pawns in an international political dispute


to leave a possession with a pawnbroker, who gives you money for

it and can sell it if the money is not paid back within a certain time
Of all items pawned, jewellery is the most common.

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