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Online Education And Traditional

~Education Essay~

Online Education can be defined as a media based, remote, or asynchronous and supported by
some instructional systems, it vans also be defined as it is a formalized teaching and learning
system dedicated Because it can learn through electronic media and the Internet, and online
education low cost and do not require specific places for education.

I think Online Education is a very good thing for evrybody, because we are more confortable to
work from a familiary place than go to school, we are keeping social distancing, we can work at
the same capacity like at school.

Advantage and Disadvantage


- We can keep social distancing

- We can join to school from evrywhere from the world
- We can be more confortable
- We can improve our computer skills
- We can pay more caution to the classes
- If we are sick we can participate to the classes
- We can wake up later then the normal program (ex: before I wake up at
6:30 A.m to be at school at 7:30 and now I wake up at 7:15)


- We can`t do practice
- We can`t join into classes if we don`t have internet
- We can cheat mor easly
- Social isolation

In my opinion if you are a confortable person you should rather for the online school and I think
there are mor advanteges than disadvanteges.

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