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Vizcocho, Gerard Dominic A.

ZGE 1109 - ITBE

1. What do you think are the reasons why the government constitutionalized the study of
Rizal Course over other national heroes? Give at least 10 reasons.
1. In 1956, the Philippines was still in its infancy. To add to that, the Filipinos at that
time were praising the Americans as their saviour. Believing that this would
weaken the youth’s resolve to love their nation, the proponents of the law
chose Rizal because the already Americans have unofficially established Rizal
as the national hero by the renaming the province of Morong to Rizal, the
erection of a National Monument of Rizal, and the declaration that December
30 be a holiday. This made it easier for Filipinos to have a sense of nationalism
with little adjustments.
2. Rizal was a reformist but compared to other reformists, he was less violent in his
ways as he preferred the pen over the gun.
3. Relative to his contemporaries, the study of the works of Rizal would be more
beneficial as he had written a plethora of literature (poems, novels, journal,
4. He has finished his higher learnings and he even went abroad to study. This is
just a proposition but I think the proponents believed that in studying Rizal, the
students will also strive to be like Rizal and finish their studies.
5. It can also be that studying someone in college, who, himself, hasn’t finished
college is something that people in the 1950s won’t accept.
6. Rizal believed in the power of education. This is not to say that his
contemporaries did not but Rizal was an advocate of the advantages of a
youth that has education by its side and the disadvantages if one did not.
7. It can also be a political decision as Rizal was known as someone who is
against the abuses of the church. In choosing Rizal, the proponents of the law
can show to the people that the catholic church and the government are
8. Rizal was more popular. This goes hand in hand with my first point but the
difference is that Rizal’s sheer presence in every household meant little to no
resistance in the law’s implementation - bar the church.
9. He is smarter than his contemporaries. This is not a knock on his contemporaries
but Rizal is a polymath, being an opthalmologist, a sculptor, a writer, a farmer,
and more.
10. Rizal was also someone who stood up for what he believed in, never going
back on his statements even when facing death. Although he is said to have
retracted his statements to the church, there is no definitive proof that he did
2. Kindly highlight and expound the words or statements in the constitutional and legal basis
of the study rizal's works and life. Cite at least 5 items.
1. Article II, Section 14
“Ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men”
This states that all students, regardless of gender, are entitled to study
and freely discuss Rizal’s life and works. This is a contrast to what women in
Rizal’s time were experiencing, with them often being pawns in a
dangerous game between political power and survival.
2. Article XIV, Section 10
“Science and technology are essential for national development and
This is something that someone in Rizal’s time can only dream about,
they are powerless in a way that not any student in Rizal’s time can study
science, let alone study. Rizal also pioneered significant scientific works that
are worth studying about, further strengthening the point above.
3. Article XIV, Section 15
“Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of the State”
This ensures that the study of Rizal’s works and life will enjoy a
sponsorship from the state as they are instructed by the constitution to do
so. In the Rizal law, this comes in the form of making the works of Rizal
accessible to everyone by translating into principal languages and dialects
used in the Philippines.
4. Article XIV, Section 13
“The State shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists,
inventors, artists, and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and
This makes sure that Rizal’s works and findings are properly attributed
to him and that proper research is done to ensure that all his works or
creations are found and discussed among the people of the Philippines.
5. Republic Act No. 1425
“An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools,
Colleges and Universities Courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose
Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo”
This is the law that ironically requires me to write this essay. It is one of
the most important laws in the field of education as it mandates that
college students, like me, study and analyze what Rizal has done and his
reasoning behind it.

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