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Local literature

Smartphones are an integral part of people’s life. In this article, we will use the
terms “smartphone” and “mobile” interchangeably. What we have in mind whenever we
say mobile is a phone with access to the Internet. They are mobile phones highly advanced
in terms of technology, computing capabilities, and connectivity, with functions similar to
those of computers. In fact, people prefer their smartphones to computers while surfing
online (Ofcom, 2015). In 2016, the number of smartphone users was estimated at reach
2.08 billion (Statista, 2015). The digital divide between less advanced economies and
developed economies was 31 points in 2015 for smartphone ownership. In Poland, 41% of
respondents declared owning a smartphone; 75% of them were young people aged 18–34.
According to Pew Research Center (2015), 15% of Americans aged 18–29 are dependent
on a smartphone for Internet access. Beside calling, texting, and basic Internet browsing,
smartphones are used for online banking, seeking information about jobs, obtaining class
materials or educational contents, obtaining driving directions in public transport, and
many other purposes. When asked, smartphone owners described their devices as “helpful”
rather than “annoying,” “connecting” rather than “distracting,” and representing “freedom”
rather than functioning as a “leash.” According to a study done on students, using
smartphones during classes hampers the ability to concentrate and makes academic

With the increasing number of smartphones, not only the benefits of using them but also
the side effects should be discussed. A new phenomenon is emerging, called phubbing. The
word “phubbing” is derived from two words: “phone” and “snubbing.” It means looking at
one’s mobile during real conversation with another person (Karadağ et al., 2015).
Phubbing is also defined as an act of snubbing the interlocutor in a social setting by looking
at one’s phone instead of paying attention (see Karadağ and
colleagues (2015) indicated that phubbing is associated with mobile addiction and with
deprivation in situations of being far from one’s phone; they also indicated that the mobile
phone is used as a tool helping in situations of loneliness, anxiety, and worry. They
distinguished two factors of phubbing: communication disturbance and phone obsession
(Karadağ et al., 2015). A previous study showed that gender can be a moderator of the
relationships between phubbing and mobile phone, short message service (SMS), social
media, and Internet addictions; in the female group, phubbing was found to be related to
mobile, SMS, and social media addictions, whereas in the male group it was associated with
Internet and game addictions (Karadağ et al., 2015). This can be linked with differences in
preferences concerning media use. Phubbing also has an impact on interpersonal
relationships and personal well-being (Roberts & David, 2016). It seems to be very strongly
connected with the way of using other tools; Karadağ and colleagues (2015) suggested that
it has certain dimensions such as mobile phone addiction, Internet addiction, or social
media addiction. They suggest that people first become addicted to SMS and social media,
which then leads to mobile addiction, which in turn results in phubbing.

Problematic phone use is seen as a behavioral addiction. Phubbing is an umbrella term

covering three dimensions, one of them being mobile phone addiction. Choliz (2010) found
that mobile phone addiction and phubbing have similar main symptoms of dependence,
such as lack of impulse control, using a mobile to avoid unpleasant moods, having problems
because of using a mobile, intensive online activity, sending a large number of text
messages, and devoting a large amount of time to using the mobile every day.

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites (for a review, see Błachnio,
Przepió rka, & Rudnicka, 2013). The terms used in the literature to refer to Facebook
dependency are “Facebook intrusion” (Elphinston & Noller, 2011) or “Facebook addiction”
(Andreassen & Pallesen, 2014), which can be defined as excessive involvement in
Facebook, disrupting day-to-day activities and interpersonal relationships (Elphinston &
Noller, 2011). The authors mention three phases of this phenomenon, namely, (1)
withdrawal, (2) relapse and reinstatement, and (3) euphoria. People who are strongly
involved in Facebook feel distress when they cannot use it. What is more, they have
unsuccessfully attempted to reduce Facebook use. They also feel a connection with other
people who use Facebook (Elphinston & Noller, 2011).

A large body of studies have been devoted to the relationship between behavioral
dependency and personal traits. Because of the small number of studies on phubbing, our
project was eclectic and intuitive. Our assumptions were based on behavior dependency
studies in general. Self-esteem, loneliness, and satisfaction with life were selected as
antecedents for phubbing.

The previous study indicated that Internet addiction was related to a low level of self-
esteem (Błachnio, Przepió rka, Senol-Durak, Durak, & Sherstyuk, 2016) and that self-esteem
was a negative predictor of Facebook intensity (Błachnio, Przepiorka, & Rudnicka, 2016)
and addictive use of social media (Hawi & Samaha, 2016).

Some authors have assumed that loneliness is an important determinant of social media
use (Ye & Lin, 2015; Song et al., 2014). Some studies suggest that loneliness can predict
Internet addiction (Ö zdemir, Kuzucu, & Ak, 2014). Loneliness has been found to be a
positive predictor of Facebook addiction, standard Facebook use, and Facebook
entertainment (Błachnio, Przepiorka, Boruch, & Bałakier, 2016). As indicated by previous
results, problematic mobile phone use is associated with loneliness and depression
(Gü zeller & Coşguner, 2012).

Satisfaction with life is defined as the global assessment of one’s life. A previous study
indicated that Facebook addiction was negatively associated with satisfaction with life
(Błachnio, Przepiorka, & Pantic, 2016), and another one showed that phubbing was
associated with personal well-being (Roberts & David, 2016


Local literature

With the advancement of modern technology and in particular mobile technology it

is no wonder that cell phones and their popularity are on the rise.  It is perhaps because of
their ease of use and their ability to facilitate other applications. It is because of this that
many experts in psychology have begun to study the effects of cell phones on our society. A
concerning question is: Are cell phones addictive?

            A study by Adriana Bianchi and Dr. James G. Phillips, Ph.D., (2005), using predictors
from addiction literature, the study sought to predict problematic mobile phone usage. It
keyed in on factors they believed to cause mobile phone disorders. 195 subjects of both
genders and an average age of 36 (ranging from 18-85 years old) were interviewed. The
results lead to the creation of the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale. This scale was
compared to the Addiction Potential Scale. Fundamentals that were used to compare the
scales and create the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale were the amount of time one uses
their cell phone and the type of usage. The behavioral predictors that influenced the
amount of cell phone usage were: being extraverted, possessing low self-esteem, and being
young. These characteristics were fundamental in determining problematic cell phone use.
The study showed that these behavioral predictors did not influence the amount of cell
phone usage: gender, and neuroticism. The scale developed was designed to help with
implementing any interventions for potential addictive behavior.

            Age was a key factor in predicting problematic cell phone use. That is why other
psychologists have begun to perform studies focusing on adolescents. Hyun Young Koo and
Hyun Sook Park (2010) study of adolescents, in which 548 students were asked to fill out a
questionnaire regarding their cell phone use. The results of the questionnaires were that
just under 89% believed they were average cell phone users, while 8.4% believed they
were heavy users and only 2.9% percent believed they were addicted to their cell phone.
This study found that gender, texting, monthly charges, impulsiveness, recreational reasons
and cultural reasons were all influential to cell phone addiction. There are some
contradicting findings from Koo and Park’s (2010) study when compared to Bianchi and
Dr. Phillips, Ph.D., (2005) study. The biggest contradiction was that Bianchi and Dr. Phillips,
Ph.D., (2005) study indicated that gender was not a predictor for problematic cell phone
use, while Koo and Park’s (2010) study did.

            Should we then believe that cell phone use can be addictive, especially concerning
adolescents? Well there are others that disagree with the idea of cell phones as being
addictive. X. Sanchez-Carbonell, M. Beranuy, M. Castellana, A. Chamarro and U. Oberst
(2008) say that cell phones can be used in a maladaptive way however this should be
considered abuse and not addiction. Their study results continue to say that the Internet
does pose addiction potential but that cell phones do not because their use does not
promote rapid emotional changes. Again we see a different point of view to Bianchi and Dr.
Phillips, Ph.D., (2005), study results in the sense that while cell phones were considered to
be used in an abusive manner it was not considered addictive.

            Again, the question at hand is, are cell phones addictive? Clearly more research has
to be done to answer this question. Additional things that should be considered from the
existing research criteria, such as age and gender are: If cell phones are not addictive, do
they cause abusive disorders? Can it and or does it morphs from addiction to an abusive
disorder with age? If adolescents and young adults are more susceptible to cell phone
addiction, what are the long term repercussions? What interventions should be
administered against this possible addiction? What preventative measures should be taken
against it? Hopefully in the not to distant future these pending questions will be answered.
Local literature

Another works by Xinhua (2014) Filipinos are using their mobile phones not only
tocommunicate but also as mobile computers as well, according to a recent market
studyissued !"#, a global customi$ed research company, said in its report that Filipino
consumersare not %ust using cell phones to call and te&ting messages and photos, but also
as a means toha'e internet on the go, allowing users to be always online *+ the -,000
respondents in.etro .anila, / percent o+ the respondents sur'eyed used mobile phones to
take photos or'ideos 4 percent to browse the internet 44 percent to access their social
networking sites and / percent to check their emails !he study was conducted +rom
"o'ember 2012 to January 2013ased on the +indings o+ the study, the increase in 'arious
mobile acti'itiese&plain the growing trend o+ iFi accessibility in public areas, said !"#
5hilippines .anaging6irector 7ary de *campo About percent o+ .etro .anila
respondents connect to the internet 'ia Fi access in publicareas in 201!he study also
showed that Filipino consumers changed their purchasingpriorities +rom buying
phones based on physical +eatures to choosing a phone that will enhancepersonal
e&perience#martphone usage in the 5hilippine is now at percent compared too'erall
mobile phone usage o+ -8 percent !he study identi+ied +i'e growth potential +or
increasemobile usage 'ideo calling, iFi at home, watching li'e !9 shows, blogging and
streaming'ideo like :ou !ube !he sale o+ smartphone in the 5hilippine market is seen to
increasesigni+icantly in the ne&t +ew years as prices go down!he !"# study also re'ealed
that mostFilipinos li'ing in .etro .anila own multiple screens or more than %ust one de'ice A
typicalhousehold owns at least +our o+ the +ollowing de'ices ; a mobile phone (-8 percent),
smartphone( percent), tablet (14 percent), desktop (8 percent), laptop<netbooks (/
percent) and smart!9 (4 percent.}
Local Literature

According toRonald A. Mendiola( March 26 2012) My news philippinesapplication

was originaly release on March 18, 2012 with the version of android 2.2 .MyNews
PHILIPPINES for Android mobile brings you the news updates in
thePHILIPPINES.Option to choose your favorite news articles from ABS-CBN News,
GMANews, Inquirer News, Asian Correspondent News, Senate of the Philippines
News,PhilStar News, SunStar Philippines News and more additional news source.

The application use android system and applied through the major applications
ofthe data handling the of television network. The telecommunication will be
navigatedthough the use of featured android network system. The system will
allows to track thedata interface of the system.

 According to Karina Mendez (Feb 23, 2012) SIPA: Street Hack Sack, an Android/iOS 
application which brings to life one of the oldest and most-loved streetgames in the
Philippines. SIPA is the first-ever Pinoy-themed game available on the Android
Market and the iTunes App Store made by a group of highly talented Filipinos.The
game puts you in control of Butchukoy, a little boy out to play Sipa throughout
thestreets of Manila. Earn points every time Butchukoy successfully hits the
shuttlecock.Look out for litter

on the streets because you’ll get extra points for picking them up.You’ll be able to
use these points to unlock other places in the Philippines so keep them

coming! Furthermore, what makes Sipa different from other games available today
isthe fact that there is more to it than just excitement and thrill. Sipa spells
nationalism,culture, heritage, life lessons, and adrenalin-pumping gaming acts all
rolled into one.The application strategic game interaction used for touchscreen data
systemallows the system concept being interface to the system users. The data has
been evaluated through the target itself and monitor the way that the target game
must beobtained, how the scoring has system. Sipa has check the interactive games
theusers. According to NR Ramos of the maila bulletin (January 4, 2013) statesthatSt
reetfood Tycoon is a game application created by Filipino
computerprogrammer/game developer Erickson Garayblas, which has already
reached fourmillion downloads. Although hardly original

 it obviously borrowed its format fromseveral other popular tycoon type of games
(Lemonade Tycoon, Fish Tycoon to name afew)  Streetfood Tycoon first gained
notice early last year, earning over a thousandusers by May 2012. Street Food
Tycoon application is a free download from the iOSstore and android google app
launch on January 24 2013. The game features aprogressive level of difficulty
marked by different locations: Europ

e being the first ―easy territory and then you work your way to other regions such
as South East Asia(MEDIUM), USA (MEDIUM) and finally, Asia (HARD). Entering
new levels of difficultywill require you to spend credits to open shop. To speed
things up, you can purchase in-game credits via in-app purchases. The standalone
game is free.

The proponent has able to apply the concept of inverting and immerging
thesoftware development into an android system applications for the trends that
might affects the latest and most in demand structure nowadays. The concerns focus
on the aspects of system developing using android
system. According to Nadine Camille Ochoa (june 26, 2013) the PAG-ASA Mobileand
roid applications that was released on September 2011 provides the daily weather
forecast, satellite image, severe weather bulletin and forecast track of typhoon in the
Philippines. Offers free quick access to the latest weather bulletin and storm
warning issued by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration (PAGASA). It shows the current satellite image and path of t
yphoon including its forecast track.

he proponent choose this android article because it correlates Android systemwhich

in invading into the android phones are the features for monitoring the
calamities,storm updates, and imaging of the
typhoons. According to Adam Articona( january 11, 2012 states that Pinoyhenyo isp
robably one of the popular and most awaited segments in Eat Bulaga next to Juan
for All, All for Juan the good news is it is made available to android app and can be
playedthru your android phone. Aside from the fact that the game is challenging
perhaps thebest reason is that it is Bosing Vic Sotto and Joey De Leon who are
hosting the saidsegment .it can be played by two person all they need is a pen and
paper which therandom henyo word will be written. The paper with the henyo
word will then be placedto the forehead of the asker / guesser which should be
identified by the latter within 2minutes by asking different categories like food,
places, animals, human and the likesuntil he can able to guess the exact henyo
word.The proponent decide to choose this article because of the concept of
theandroid apps is to create an analysis and interaction towards the player of the
game, insuch that the game player. The strategic plan of the data inputs for the
interaction of thegame leaves decision to the users on what is the right track and
output to be able tonavigate it.
 Local Studies

According to The Icival (September 7, 2011) the development is a modern day

interpretation of the traditional Filipino fiesta parlor game called "AgawangBiik". In the
traditional game, a pig is placed in a mud filled ring and participants will try and catch the
pig. Whoever catches the pig will win a prize. In this modern interpretation, the user
controls the pig as it tries to escape from hordes of game participants. This game was
created as a thesis project by students of Informatics Computer Institute Valenzuela
(Philippines) taking up Advanced Diploma in Gaming and Animation Technology. The
proponent allows relate the system to the current development, the application must give
ideas to the programmer to what aspects the system must be simulated, and the
application that the system must be applied. The use of piggy rush must have evaluated by
the proponent to be able for the programmer to evaluate the idea of moving the interaction
of the user to the android apps. According to

Dexit (September 7th, 2011)

the Piggy run is one of the best Piggygames. Help the Piggy in its adventure to run away
from the farmer. Help Piggy Rush toend of the levels to reach its baby Piggies. Piggy Run is
more fun if you compete withyour friends and find out who can help the Pig run free first.
Piggy Run is the only PigRun game with awesome levels and great looking animations for
celebration at end ofeach level.Pig run is more fun if you learn how to make the pig fly and
run. There are veryfew pig games that are as much fun as this one. Piggy Run is similar to
other jumping,arcade games only more fun. Download Piggy Run and have hours of
fun.Play this Piggy Adventure game any time. Multiple Piggy levels including City,
Ghettoand many awesome looking levels. Help Piggy rush to each of these levels and
notbecome a Piggy Pie at dinner table.The awesome features that the Piggy rush as adopted
by the proponent, is theconcept of a level by level stages of the game, the goal system of the
game, as well asthe aspects of monitoring the movement and skills of the pets. This also
includes the strategy game movement of the player to interact with the system
users. According to

Dragopet (August 9,2013)

 The Pet we will become a guardian of amystic dragon. Before we begin playing with our
virtual 3D pet, we will receive an egg to take proper care of it. When it will hatch you will
step into an epic adventure of living, having fun and taking care of an unique animal living
in your phone. The first thing you’ll have to remember is that your little magic creature
lives all the time in your device like intamagotchi! It is not simply being saved when you
exit the game. It is always alive and may notify you at any time it needs your help. The
Proponent decided to choose features because it attains the goals of the dragon, and make
the level up game which might be related to the proposed android app game. The game is
an objective game that allows the system monitoring concepts of the speed, the powers and
effectively monitoring the speed of the dragon. According to

ANPT.GlosoftPEHM-Development Company( Augsut 23,2013)

 the immersed in the LITTLEST PET SHOP world and collect your favourite

pets HelpBLYTHE and her friends, Minka, Penny, Pepper, Russell, Sunil, Vinnie and Zoe to
adopt, take care of and entertain cute little pets!The features are 150 pets to collect! Dogs,
cats, bears and more, Wash them, feed them and play with them in fun mini-games, Build
houses and play areas to welcome and entertain even more pets, Visit your friends and find
the hidden objects in their towns. Littlest Pet Shop is free to play, but if you wish you can
enrich your experience by purchasing game items with real money. You can disable in-app
purchases by adjusting

your device’s settings.

 The Proponent used the Little Pet Shop as the medium of instruction in creating the system
as the guide in order to possibly do the system. The system is evaluating to be able to
address requirement of the proposed system in dealing with the movement of the data, the
movement of the characters /sprite (Potchi). This serve as a guide in the development of
the characters in the game, the scores obtain by the gamer, goals are fully adapted by the

Local Literature

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) -  Filipinos are using their mobile phones not
only to communicate but also as mobile computers as well, according to a recent
market study issued Tuesday.

TNS, a global customized research company, said in its report that Filipino
consumers are not just using cell phones to call and texting messages and photos,
but also as a means to have "internet- on-the-go," allowing users to be always

Of the 38,000 respondents in Metro Manila, 75 percent of the respondents surveyed

used mobile phones to take photos or videos; 45 percent to browse the internet; 44
percent to access their social networking sites; and 37 percent to check their emails.
The study was conducted from November 2012 to January 2013.

"Based on the findings of the study, the increase in various mobile activities explain
the growing trend of Wi-Fi accessibility in public areas," said TNS Philippines

About 35 percent of Metro Manila respondents connect to the internet via Wi-Fi

The study also showed that Filipino consumers changed their purchasing priorities 
from buying phones based on physical features to choosing a phone that

Smartphone usage in the Philippine is now at 53 percent compared to overall

The study identified five growth potential for increase mobile usage  video calling, Wi-Fi at
home, watching live TV shows, blogging and streaming video like You Tube.

The sale of smartphone in the Philippine market is seen to increase significantly in the next

The TNS study also revealed that most Filipinos living in Metro Manila own "multiple

A typical household owns at least four of the following devices : a mobile phone (89
percent), smartphone (53 percent), tablet (14 percent), desktop (39 percent),
laptop/netbooks (37 percent) and smart TV (4 percent.)  

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