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Little Jesus Learning Center

Grade Level: Grade 4
Quarter: Fourth
Subject Matter/s: Degrees of Comparison
Activities: Interactive Discussion; Oral Sharing
Time Allotment: 1 hour/day; 5 days
Reference: English This Way 4 pp. 162-167
Material/s: Text book; paper and pen

General Objective: The learners are expected to use correct adjectives in making comparisons.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Review the meaning of adjectives.
2. Use regular and irregular adjectives in the three degrees of comparison
3. Use correct adjectives in making comparisons

Day 1-4

A. Priming
 Routine
 Review: Adjectives

B. Motivation
 Call two/three students with different characteristics and then compare them.
 Ask the following questions:
 Have you ever wondered why people compare things, places, events, or even fellow
 Do you think that it is healthy to compare or contrast things?

C. Activity
 Introduce the Degrees of Comparisons.
 Discuss Positive Degree
 Discuss Comparative Degree
 Discuss Superlative Degree
 Answer the following activities:
 Answer drills on pages 163-167

D. Application
 Form small groups. Make as many comparisons as you can between and among the nouns
below. Use adjectives in the box below the words.

Shirt dress hat umbrella train car

Expensive comfortable colorful useful beautiful

E. Evaluation
10-item quiz will be given

Prepared by: Mary Joy A. Padayao

Little Jesus Learning Center
Grade Level: Grade 4
Quarter: Fourth
Subject Matter/s: Reading Short Stories
Activities: Oral Sharing
Time Allotment: 1 hour/day; 5 days (2nd week)
Reference: English This Way 4 pp. 92-108
Material/s: Text book; paper and pen
General Objective: Read, share, and understand the short stories.
Specific Objective: By the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Read in front of the class
2.Speak clearly
3.Listen attentively
4.Note the details of the story
Day 1-4
A. Priming
 Routine

B. Motivation
 Explain why reading is important

C. Activity
 Teacher will discuss what reading is.
 A student will read a story in front
 Other students will listen

D. Application
 While a student is reading, there will be given questions to the students while they are
listening such as:
 What is the title of the story?
 Who are the characters?
 Where is the setting
 What is the moral of the story?

Prepared by: Mary Joy A. Padayao

Little Jesus Learning Center

Grade Level: Grade 4
Quarter: Fourth
Subject Matter/s: Paragraph
Activities: Interactive Discussion; Oral Sharing
Time Allotment: 1 hour/day; 5 days
Reference: English This Way 4 pp. 205-210
Material/s: Text book; paper and pen
General Objective: The learners are expected to compose a descriptive paragraph.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Identify the parts of the paragraph
2.Outlining a paragraph
3.Composing a descriptive paragraph

Day 1-5
A. Priming
 Routine

B. Motivation
 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
 Let the students explain it.

C. Activity
 Vocabulary activity.
 Spelling
 Discussion
 Read the short paragraph on page 205
 Ask the following questions:
 Can the first sentence tell you what the story is all about?
 Where can you find the details of a descriptive paragraph?
 Explain what is a paragraph
 Define the parts of a paragraph
 Inroduction
 Body
 Conclusion

D. Application
 Answer Focus pp. 207-209
 Answer Check Your Progress p. 210

E. Evaluation
10-item quiz will be given

Prepared by: Mary Joy A. Padayao

Little Jesus Learning Center

Grade Level: Grade 4
Quarter: Fourth
Subject Matter/s: Paragraph
Activities: Interactive Discussion; Oral Sharing
Time Allotment: 1 hour/day; 5 days
Reference: English This Way 4 pp. 205-210
Material/s: Text book; paper and pen
General Objective: The learners are expected to compose a descriptive paragraph.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Identify the parts of the paragraph
2.Outlining a paragraph
3.Composing a descriptive paragraph

Day 1-5

 Make their paragraph with introduction, body, and conclusion.
 Present the Paragraph in front of the class.

Prepared by: Mary Joy A. Padayao

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