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NIM : 183310817

TASK 11 (Hygiene)

a. Scrub up
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A

b. Vovabulary
1. Match each of these items of hygiene equipment to a picture
Bin :B
Bucket :C
Cloth :J
Mop :D
Sink :A
Clinical waste disposal bag : F
Detergent :I
Disposable gloves :H
Paper towels :E
Soap dispenser :G

2. Complete the sentence with the words below

Contamination desinfectant
Antimicobial agent susceptible
Pathogens resistant
Swab spotless

1. An Antimicobial agent will kil microorganisms

2. Use a sterile spotless to get sample from the back of the throat.
3 Our bodies have ways to kill Pathogens viruses and bacteria. such as
4 The old, the young, and the very ill are most susceptible to hospital
5 Staphylococcus is resistant to most antibiotic
6 There is a risk of Contamination from urine and blood
7 Wash floors and door handles with desinfectant
8 Ahome doesn't have to be swab but it does have to be clean.
3. Its my job
1. Berofe you read ,discus these question with a partner

1. hand hygiene with water 1 minute and hand scrub about 15 or 30

2. hands must be washed before and after patient contact, before and after
taking off gloves, and after helping a patient use the toilet. about Harriest Bank and answer the question

1. She wear a blue uniform because she has a Sister
2. Necessary to prevent and controll infection
3. Because she has responsible for ward hygiene and the quality
of patients food and she is in charge of ward budgets and
controlling the money.
4. She like to encourage staff to think about infection and the
spread of disease, and to lead by setting a good example.

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