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Topic 5 Lesson 1: Experience and Exchange Task 2

A. With your classmates/peers, talk about your ideas given the following situation:

If you teach a lesson on the concept of fractions to a grader, how will you proceed if you follow the
pattern in Dale’s Cone of Experience beginning with the concrete moving toward the abstract?

First, bring any things, food, and such that can be shared. A KitKat is a great example of it since it is
already divided into four equal parts. I would introduce the KitKat bar that I am holding and ask them
how many pieces are in the KitKat bar. After some time, I would ask them how many of them can share
the KitKat bar and let them distinguish which is more (e.g. three parts? One part?). After that, I will give
them more example like a picture of partitioned cake, pizza, and such. After that I would ask their
opinion on how do they understand the word “equal”. I would ask them to explain how they know a
thing that is partitioned in equal parts vs. unequal parts. I would then let them know the difference
between equal parts and unequal parts. I would provide cut-out pictures that could let them explore
and understand the difference between the two, like having them sort shapes into equal and unequal
pieces. After making sure that they already understand about them, that would be the time that I would
introduce the word “fraction”. I would tell them that the whole that are broken up into equal pieces are
called fractions. And that fractions have different names depending on the number of equal pieces in
one whole. Then, introducing the terms halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, and eighths would be done
using shapes, food, etc.

Try to explain why reading teachers discourage us from reading only comics or illustrated comic
versions of novels?

Teachers discourages reading only comics and illustrated comic versions of novels for they only
encompass a little utilization of our senses. To be knowledgeable, means to have utilized all of our
senses to support better learning experiences to attain higher level thinking skills.

How would you account for children who can label and identify the objects even if they have not seen
them in reality?

Now that there is plenty of ICT tools and applications used in enriching the lesson, how would you
explain its potential use in instruction and where will you categorize it on the Cone?
The integration of technology to education contributes to providing learners potential tools to increase their
motivation, innovativeness, collaboration with others, their ability to access and gain essential information, for
them to achieve quality learning, and let instructors be more focused on facilitation. Educators are able to
discover essential skills that they can use in making the teaching and learning process more conducive to
better learning.

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