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---------------- -~----- ---- -~----- ----
-_._--.-- : feeling "that It was good to have been

Plans have been drawn and are

Mr. Loos Elected President being drawn for additional houses in
Xarbrook, the development of the Civic
Association. Mr. Wm. T. Harris has
had plans drawn by D. Knickerbacker
Boyd, for another house, and expects
to start work before the end of this
week. Sketches have also been sub-
mitted by D. Knlckerbacker Boyd to
.. 1\11'. John B. WllIlams for a house on

THE FIRESIDE one of his lots, and the working draw-

Ings will he gone on with at once.

HeUr HllxlJ~r's Gosslll. Ite\'. and Mrs. Loyal Y. Graham, of

: Rahwa~', X. J .. are spending some time
COUl- in :\'arberth at. the home of Mrs.
'Graham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
and easy to re- K. Ketcham, of Haverford avenue.

Last ~aturday evening :lliss J)oroth~'

,Brill gave a farewell party to some
i\fiss Sydnie Bolich. of Jona a\'pnu.', of her frien(ls, at. her hOllle on Xar-
will entertain at 1·'lve 111111(11'('11 on herth avenue. Her gllests Included the
Sallirday afternoon. ;',Iisses i\lildrell S. Smith, Marguerite
Eo Mueller. Sylvia ('unllner. Lillie
Compton. Hose Hamsel, Carrie Yowell.
:lIal?le Simpson, Wade Howensteln,
NARBERTH COUPLE CELEBRATE Elva Darlington, .Tean Chalfant,
Bertha Brill and Marlon Brill, and the
SIXTIETH WEDDING following gentlemen, George l"leek,
Vernon Fll~e1\, Hohert A. Mueller, Irvin
T. Wanl, Kenneth Hamilton. Earl
l'iekle and l':arI 1<'. Smith.

Thl' ma ny frienrls of Carroll Downes

regret to hear of his lielng eonftnell
10 his home with u se\'ere attack of
plura 1 pneUlllonla.

:\11'. alHI Mrs. J. Hobert Johnston. of

lcma avenue, are reeeiving eongratu-
lations upon I he blrt:l of a daughter.

A Jllllsirlll will III' !l'iH~1I 11,- tIll'

t;\'llllg'('1 ('h'l'le III' King's J)lIught,ers
t'rldlll' ("'1'11 in/!', JIllrch :Ust, lit tile
IWIIII" 01' ;'Trs W. ,T••Tlllles, to:l South
"lIrlll'l'lh IlH'nlW, lit S lI'dllrk. 1'lckl'ts
TlIesllay and meet "Irs. William 1\1. ('amffon's aunt is liitr ('(·1I1s.
Visiting her at her home. :W:.! Xarherth
('0.\DII'I"1't:E8 OF {;Ol:"eIL.
Mrs, A. C. Casc's father Is seriousl~' Finance aJHI Law Committee-A. P.
III at the Bryn l\'Iawr Hospital. Hedifer. chairman; '\'. D. Smedley,
OUR TOWN will gladly print
H. D. :'\arrigan.
any news Item about any subject
1\11'. l·'rank and family. of :.!14 Highway COllllllittee---H, D. Xarrl-
tbat Is of Interest to Narberth Forrest avenue, will move to Cynwyd gan, chairman; K C. Stokes, Robert
folks, but In or~er to meet about the 15th of April. Friends of Saville.
The sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Vlcenza Wetherill the printing sche<lule, all "copy" MI'. and 1\Irs. Stone will he sorry to Pollee and Health-W. D. Smedley,
was celehrated on Monday, March 27t h, at their home on Dudley avenue. -manuscripts-must reach the see them leave Narberth. chairman: Eo C. Stokes, V,,'llliam J.
Owing to Mrs. Wetherill having recently heen In rather poor health. the
occasion was celehrated In a quiet way. taking the form of a reception
editor by 6 P. M. l\Ionday each 1
, --- Henderson.
week. Helen. the little daughter of Mr. anll Water. Fire and Light-William
from :l to 6 P. M. During this time there was an almost constant 'stream Of, Mrs. John Holme, Is vcr" ill. Last Henllerson. chairman; A. P. Redifer,
friends calling upon the venel'able pair. l~ongrat.ulatin/; them and invariably =--:..- -_-_-.-_- -_-_-_-._-~.::~.:=--._,-_-__-_-,....:_
.. hrlnglng some token emphasizing the great respect with which they are
regarderl. Mrs. Wetherill Is seventy-nine, and Mr. Wetherill eighty-four
years of aAe. and In spite of hIs ag,e. Mr. Wetherill Is quite active and able BASE BALL
reports say she is Improving'. Hobert Sa\'i1le.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Dolll enter- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS

tahled at cards and dancing Satllrda~'
to discuss 'the affairs of the day, whether it be politics or any ot.her in- night. Their guests were Mr. allli Two ccnts per word In nd"llnce; Ininlmuln
ten word••
teresting subject. This bride and groom are very genially disposed. In Starts Next Saturday Mrs. Andrew Greene, Mr. amI Mrs.
answer to a remark that sixty years is a long time to live together. Mr. Re7.0 Brooks, Mrs. Guyon W. Gray, MI'. "·.\~T":U-"·lIml~1I to (10 Ilt'at. plain Nl~wln~.
Ilox -I IfI. Xnrherth. PH.
Wetherm said. "Well, we got along pretty smoothly the first twenty years
or so, there wasn't a great deal of friction. but things began to loom up a
little differently about that time, so I just decided to let Mrs. Wetherill
I Narberth and Mrs. Wm. J. Henderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl D. Metzgar aud Mr. and fo'nl<:SH EG(iS }'OR I',\J.I<;-lr ~'ou WINh
Mrs. Justus B. Morgan.
titrictI)' tre~h eggs }'OU cun get thenl 1'1'0111
I';. C. AtHlenlOtl. rorner l\Iol1tg'om('r~' and
have her way about things, and we have been getting, along very nicely I VS EHSP.X fi"('I1UP, lW ('nllln~ or phoning in your
ortler. lh·ll \'erl£>H Inude dn.Il)',
ever since." To this the bride replied, "That is his side of the story." The . Mrs. Harry M. Hanks, of Narherth
guests enjoyed the neat repartee. Elmwood Avenue B. B. Club avenue, gave a children's party on :-OTICI<:--The Imperial Tallorln~ COll1pllny
hUH nlo\,ell (rOnl tho Arcade Building to
Saturda~' afternoon for her daughter t1w ""nil Hulhllng' (second 11oor). 213·215
I Gladys, the occasion beinl(' her tenth Ha\·t.~rror(l a\'enue, nnd firc 1'pady wlth their
}:nUYIIOHY INYITIW TO 'rUE team. Manager Walzer hall arranged Game Called at 3.30 P. M. blrthda~'. The guests Inclued Luein !olprillg' HIHI RUI11I11er line. Call nntI Inspect
fOJDlUNI'I'¥ IImu; n,\SS a game with the Elmwood Avenue . .. Keirn. F.lIzabeth Jones. Louise Jones, tlll'lr of(eringH.
The Community Bible Class will be- Base Ball Team 1'01' next Saturday F.lizabeth Durbin, Sadie Simpson, AI.I. !\(AI.t~ deNcendlLnts of Union "eternnR
gin Its spring series of lessons on the of the "~nr of 1861 to 186[). who nre past
afternoon, April 1st.. Manager Walzer DorothY Bottoms. Marian Bottoms. (>lg-ht(~(~n yearN of :lge, will he'nro of Bonle..
Book of Hebrews on next Tuesday wishes to state that all candidates EVANGELISTIC SERVIC}; Helen Holme. Faith McAuliffe. Mabel thing to their IntereHt hy promptly send ..
tng their nflnH~S and addresses to Dox 67ft.
evening, April the fourth. The Rev. will be given plent~' of time to show SUNDA.¥ NIGIIT Fritsch. FoHa Dothard. Grace Houston, Xarhcl'th. Pa.
W. W. Rugh, of the National Bible their true form and a hearty welcome Kenneth Hanks, Donald Hanks. A.~y pcrson wishing a good thcrmomct"r
Institute will again be the leader, andIs awaiting all. l[ETIlODIST tHUUCII ean havc onc by addressing P. O. Box,
all who are interested In Bible study, According to rumors g,olng around, SERl\ION Another one of those delightful 8_2_0_,_N_'_a_rb_c_r_th_,_P_a_. _
no matter what may be their denomi- the following have signified their in- Rev. C. G. KOllpel 11l1slnesR and social meethlJ!R of the WA'STED-Small film Ill' rt"slreB to rent on
nation, are cordially urged to attend. tention of coming out for the team: Men's Bible Class of the Methodist o/e~~~;nle~~I~;e,elg~~\';~e~we6~~_:;~~khO~;I~
The studies nre held in the Y. M. C. A.Ensinger, Koons, Gilmore, Fine, G. UECITAL r.hurch. was held on Tuesdav evenin~, W~'nnewood, Must III",e electric lIghl, steam
Community Room each Tuesday even- F' Iec, d E". Dav i s, L . D av Is, W a 1-
k H 00, )IJ!,IS Acllllsl1 ',"ell t :r. 21E't inst.. at the home of H. E. Mc- or of hot
lot, wntpr heat. nlodern plumhlng'. Size
100 fcot by 150 feet or more.
ing at S o'clock.-Y. M. C. A. Comnllt- tel' Humphreys, Turner, Bill Simpson, SINGING Kee. vice-president of the class. After Prefer"nce will be given to propert~· having
tee on Religious Affairs. ot'ter building, consisting of clthcr small
Bowen. Richard Wallace, Barker, Miss Ruth Prescott transacting routine business, and stable. garuge or shed. Address, P. O. Box,
Stuart McClellan, Bill Darbin and the spendln/r some time in l'oclal Inter- 625, Narberth, PenM.
AN nWITATION TO ALL ,"Veteran" Flick Stites. CHORUS CHOnt course the pleasure of which was en- FOR SALF.-Stable with two stalls and box
1\lanager Walzer extends an invita- No doubt the above list will bear I' '1.45 I hanced' bv the I!;ood things nrovlder1. slall, wagon house, hay loft and man's
tlon to nil to try for the base ball some changes both ways before long.: ... , hostess,
...... by the " room. $150.
the members departed. I price, Cost F.$1000. Good condition. Sate
JIl. Justlce, Narberth, Penna.

NAHBEHTll, l>A,--OUl~ TOWN--~IAI{CI-I 30, l~l(j

OUR TOWN locate the lower grades on a more ings. Literally speaking, Sunday is
central site, or that such a site can- I my one and only day of rest. I need
not be secll1~ed (If that Is the case) and have a right to the rest, which
Owned, and Published every Thurs- why not lay the matter before the that day brings, and I naturally object J[ell's XJght a H1g Success.
day by the 1'<arberth Civic Associa- people of Narberth In a series of meet- to being deprived of it without neces-
tion. ings or talks through the columns of sity for any man engaging, in carpen-
Our Town? try work in his back yard at 7.30 Thursday night proved quite a suc-
The affair which was held last Anthracite Coal
HARRY A. JACOBS, So far as any recent public state- o'clock on a clear, crisp Sunday morn- cess. l'Iearly 150 men and older boys
Editor. ment on the matter Is concernelt, tile lng, whether to builll new chicken gathered in the "gym" for the enter- WOOD AND
school question is at a standstill. Is coops or demolish old ones, making a tainment, which was furnished by a
Mrs. C. R. BlackaU G. M. Henry
1I1rs. C. T. Moore A. J. Laos
anything being done to relieve Prin- raeket that could he heard squares group of members from the Philadel-
cipal Melchior of the handicap under away. when he has ample time to phla Central Y. 1\1 C. A
Mrs. E, C. Stol{es Henry Rose which he is laboring? (10 this work any other day of the The entertainme;lt con~isted of gym-)
Miss Adah Durbin W. T. Melchior
Earl F, Smith O. L. Hampton
Two or three years ago when the wee]c It is bad enough to have to pay nastle work, parallel bar and ring Narberth, Pa.
Associllte Editors,
school question first eame up, It was loll at other times, In broken rest, to work. dub swing)ng, acrobatic stunts,
stated that more room and equipme11t the shrieking of rooster soloists and fancy gymnastic drllls and features ------------
were needed. In the meanwhile the the shrill chorus of l'aclding hen; but b)' the strong man. All the features
town has been growing steadily. But when this takes place in the early: were very attractive, but the exhibi-
------------------1 what has been done to improve condi- hours of a Quiet Sahbath morn. to' tion of muscular development. and
. tions; what is likely to be done be- the aCl'ompaniment of a hatehet wield-' one-arm work by Auton Matysek, the Contracting Painter
H. C. GARA, tween now and the opening, of the cd hy the fowl hreeder, who apparently: strong man. hrought fOI·th unusual ap-
Narberth, Pa.
AII "erUsing Manager.
SI,llOOI term in the fall? Is oblivious of the fad that he Is, plause.
Send all letters and news item to I I should like to see a statement not among the heathen of Zulu land:. Mr. G. W. Braden. secretary of the Estimates Telephone .
P. 0, Box 404. ~'rolll
the Boarll of Education as to the t~" AI~daml.lnIslandl<. hut in the i lI~stru~tion department at Central, ----------------=---
Send all advertising copy to P. O. JU~t what has heen doue and what is fmcfi! resl~lenlJllI sedlon of an "all, gav,~:\ ~loSt vah.lable t~I~, for men That it is iust
Box 820.
Make all remittances to P. O. Box he done.
hemg- done, anli what is planned to the,' year, rounl! hOlll,e tow,'n," is it' on, l~eepJI1~ PhYSically FIt.
not .mough to malie any g-oocl man, sate In saYlllg several of the men arc
We feel ARE YOU AWARE about as cheap
.and much more
sati~ractory 10 se·
118. Yours vcry truly. . .. e~ort to language ea1<'ulated to "spoil' taking daily some of the exercises he Ieet your lot 11'001
Our Town is on sale at the depot E. j . )lm.<'IIlIIII\l. a lot of gOIHI air?" 'Would It not, suggested. Narberth's Highest Tract
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. ' make him feel like taldng the law The local attradion caused much and build your house according to your own plans
Davis. To the Editor of Our Town: into hil< own hands al!,ainst the whole exdtement and enthusiasm and con- .nd the way you want ic-and Where you "'a,,,
Entered as second-class matter Or.- ! reat! with much interest your edi- ('oi1\binalion of nerve-wreeldng. Sah- sistecl in an indoor hase ball game ,I-as to buy a Ready-Made Hou!le?
rober 15, 1914, at the Post Offi~e at, torial cal<tig-ation of the unfortunate hath-hreaking tlist.llrbl~rs of the aIHI voller ball game. The partici- MAKE SURE OF YOUR CHOICE NOW
Narberth, Pennsvlvania, under the l'Olllnlllter on the ii.45 P. 1\1. train: peace? pants were as follows: :Messrs. H. C.
whose languuge was of such a vitrioli<: i Thank heaven. the l'I\lIPS are built Gara. 'V. A. Cole, W. M, Cameron, R. TERMS TO SUIT

FM Jnstl'ce
Act of March" 1879
_ _ _ _ _ _v , . ---or sulphurous-character as to be' allll this unne('essal')' servile labor J. :\'ash. 1', B. Matthews, H. A. Sey- Mon~oome ..y Avenue.
THURSDAY, l\fARCH 30, 1916 nnprintahle. Such intemperate lan-: an<l hrcaldng of the Sabhath and Sah- mour and O. L, Hampton. , 612 Che!ltnut St•• "hila.
______ _ gllag-e III puhllc would, it seems to me,! hath rest has ('eased. hut the lust\" After thi'S eXhihltion game the men -------
EMERGENCY PHONE CAI~LS indieate either an irresponsible mental i chantil'1eers are still on the joh. work'- g-athered in the community room for
Fire 350. • ('onllition OJ' one sllffering from some: ing- <lay and night as though to make a social time. Hefreshments, consist- TO ELIMINATE PUNCTURES
Police 1250. great wrongs either real or fanded, ; liP for lost time. ing of coffee. rol\s a \HI "hoI. dogs." USE
If irresponsihle. goo<l ink and paper: The Philadelphia papers of last were servecl by n, few of the ladies.
ST,l'l'KnE~T 01' '['HE OWNEUSJUP, were wastecl on him; if responsible. it! week informed us that Direetor Kru-
:UAXAGRIUENT, CIUCl'Iu\. might he of iuterest to Imow the: sen, of fh(' Ih~pat·tlllent of Health. is keep ~'our eyes ojlPI! for the a ... xt an-
It' you llid not. attend this feature,
TION, ETC. reasons 1'01' his gruog,e agaim,t us, for' ahout to hegin a campaiAn against nOllnl'ement. of a "Men's :\'ight."
of "Our Town," published weel{l\' at uo responsible heing aets without a ~ the "noise nuisanl'es" of that dty, and AUTOMOBILE TIRES
Narberth, Pa., required by Act of reason, either gooel or had. Whilst, has threatened to enforce the law
it would be idle to claim that Nar- I against "owners of dogs and roosters"
August 24, 1912.
I~ditor--Harry A. Jacobs, :\'arberth, I herth is abo\'e just CTiticism. the town' as well as other nuisances detrimental Sunday afternoon was addressed by
The men's meeting in the theatrc
Guaranteed 5000 MilesService
Pa. I
is not so had that it and its inhalli- to the "health aUII comfort" of the Hon. I·'rank .J. Cannon. former U. S.
l\lanaging Editor-Harry A. Jacobs, tants deserve to he so unmerdfuIJy (,llInlllunit~'. Amoug other statements Senator of Utah. His suhjeet was the
:oiarberth, Pa, l'onsigned to the "evcrlasting how- i he 8ays, ":\'eighhorhood Quarrels over "Mormon Kingclom" and all who ABSOI.UTEJ.Y l'UXCTUHE PROOJ,'
Business Manager--Harry A .•Iacohs, wows." There are worse places and i the barl{iJJI1; of llog,s anll crowing of heanl him fearlessly expose the facts
Narberth, Pa. worse people. And whilst perfection' fowls result frequently In appealf' to conl'erning this kingllolll, were con-
PUhlisher-Xarherth Civic Associa- i~ not to be found here any more than: the ('ourts to abate SUi'll nuisances." vin('ed that thc Senator lole\\' his D1Ipl~" tlr~g are made of th~ ll~"t of ma-
tion, ~arberth, Pa, an~'where el~e. yet as Ion/?; as we have II The Philaclelphia courts have recentl~' subject awl had the faets. It was an per I~rlalcent. from ~la1ltlaJ'l1
Inore weaT"JIIg"tlr~s, surface.Thiswhichmeans means100
Owners-Sarherth Civic Association. so many adive ('IJI11mittees ancI or-: sustained appeals against the rooster uIHHlally interesting and instructive alldell life 10 Ih" lire. a1l11 lllHe Is no chance
Officers-President, George 1\1. Henry; l1;anizations of men and women work- ', nnisan('e anu have ol'dered the owner" ~Hlhject. and a straightforward Chris- of 10 II to puncluJ'l',
1 ~ plies of OurCalnie.
conslruction gives from
vice-presidents, J. LOOS'j' in/?; towal'ds the same en II-the better-: to do away with the fowl. :\'arherth tian appeal to every man present. For rough country us,, th~ DUPLEX tire
A. C. Shand, Dr. O. .T. Snyder; secre- ment of the eomnlllnity socially and in the paf'1. hacl her nei~hhorhood I' In order to take anu record definite cannot he exe~lI('d. And Ihey are as easy
r t SIT A I ' t I I I ] . t· . .. rl,lIng as any on the marl'et, The air space
a y_ rea surer, amue . therholt. mora Ir, not jorge tinA the p Iy-sica : quarre s over t Ie same lllllsance 0 aetlOn at tillS meetlllg, lour resolu- and pressure I~ lite same as with pneu-
Directors-W. :" Arthur Cole, Mrs. A.j welfare of the habies-the Possibilities: the detriment of her good name. Let tions , were read ! and unanimously m~'~lcs, Ihey nrc which
the mal'es th~m veryforresilient,
Jno:;t ('conoIu!ca} the car
(' • SIHUll,'I I letcher Vv·. Stites, 'Vm. of :\'arberth are not to he underrated. i us hope there will he no cause for al,opled by the assembly, The resolu- owner anti save time hy Ihe elimination ~r
n. Smedley, Robt. . I H. Durhin.M Mrs. especially when you add to these a' them in the future. us hope that tlons in hrief are as follows:
! . . ' . irf'sIr(lnhle~-no
I!re '] of this t~'I)e arc slollp!ng- 10 Ii" punctures.
uHeu by the U S GOv-
G ea. 1\1. B arne. ~. A. "uschamp, live town paper to stir up the civic I the ('oundl's COl1lmittee on Publie I. 10 Senate and House of Hepre- emllleni !lnll large eorp,,,'a<lolls. .,
John B. 'Williams. Mrs. C. R. conscience occasionally. and whose t Health will do for I\arberth what the sentatives:-Polyganw and polygam- We hllye a limited ~Ioel< we will offer at
l k II r.o S I . . . . .... the following prices:
TI ac'a , ,'". ~. ~aws, H. C. Gara. columns are open to all for the llis-; I1epnrtment of Health is doing for ous habItation shall not eXIst wlUlln 30x? ...... $ !,.O~ ~~x4 $17.95
,James Artman, E. P. Dold, A. Eo cussion of m,atte,rs of /?;eneral interest.: I~hilaclelphia anll what other towns the IT. S. or any place sllhjeet to their: ~~~?Y:''''''' x3 1U,~~ ?':x4'" 1 21.CO
"roIlier!'. 1\'r T.'ol
l S. r~l W1l1
. C 'f
'. owne. I I ' I
to t Ie community whether Iy 'kick-! 110 ar~er t Ian ours are 10lllg or JUl'lslhetion. I I ' f . , . .,..
'33"4 :r.: •••••• 13.1..
\G.lf, i;::::::
2tiX4 .,
:10::<4 1)'.190
(Signed) HARRY A. JACOBS, el',," or "boosters." i their l'ommunities. But in any event. 2. Postmaster General of U. S.:- 34"4 17.1U :;7x5 .. - 2';.,0
All other slanuanl ~iZt.. s also iurnlslle-'
Bllsl• 'lle ss 1\fa
•• nal1;er. " f l te expressIOn . "If YOI\ eun 'tI 1001',. t ; I, ' t 'IS t 0 IIe I10pelI tl Ja t "0 ur . T own " "e r
respectfully urge the Postmaster Alltl 10 pe.. eenl. f"r non-skill. u,

Sworn to and subscrihed before me don't Iilek," is mislea<1inA anll the: will take the mattet· liP aT. once anI! General that he deny all privileges I :1:el"llls: l"el cash al 10 pe .. eenl. diseounl,
th is day of 1\Ia rch, 1916. I<U ..,o'g, est ion sholl1<1 not, he tal{ell llter-: ma Iw it a c'asp of "Uooster YS O.f t IIe n11ll'I s o t t ]Ie l\,ormon
K Church I dellve 1ry ..y Ihesesentitil'''~ now. loday.
orue.. anti 10 maldng
lls,ure prompt
(Seal) "'alter M. Barber, allY. There are evils in eyerv com-! Rooster." and Its resjlonsible authorities for the I I,"ne e b~'. 1'. O. ~Ioney urder, draft! or check,
., ' ,'. IlIUnlI
" t y t] 1H tmus, t l Ie exposec I In .' orl I el'l' ][0 nt' 1
Ik u. ,. '1'
te.ll. ling of" crlllle . or treason. .; Sold
foillerdhcCl to COI1~Ul1lcr unly. Descripll','e
upon re'luesl.
My commission expires Feh. r., I!!I!!. to be el'adil,ated. and thc hest and' ---------- a. Attorney General of U. 8.:-- i Ak D I ' T' d
________ I only way to g,et rid of some commun-: To tllP Editor of Our Town: We respectfully urge upon the nepart-l ron up ex Ire an Rubber Co.
"WHIm ..: .\1n: WE AT I" it~· ills is hy Idl'king vigorously. hilt I 11 has been reported that. spring ment of Justiee that it institute a
I not according to the method of the 1 was postponed one month thIS year, prompt deman<1 for thc accoummg, or --------
1':<1itol' of Ollr, 1'0"'11'. Ilddier on the ii.4ii, although doubtless" but we dOll't want Council to take that a II proper)' t gran tl el tl Will IIy (._11I\- Attleboro sjlellll~ each year:
A few cla.vs ago a nei<,"hhor '" saicI t,o this methocI hrinl1;s great relief, at:I seriously, for it is our desire that they ..,-". o-ress , Pu ])Iic "chools ... , ... , ... , .. $ 9S 17l)
1111': "In two 01' three ,.'e,'II's, Ill" II'ttle least temporal'lIy, to those who l{lIow 1 get busY at once ancI eall attention to
!-"h'l will be olel enough to 1'0 to'school no better wa)'.
and if I have to sellll her np to the I
4 . Pre' SIl,Ien t anII l~le I n Ilel·s. ~ f l'I • •S• \ Tobacco
; the State Highway Department that it Senate:---We respectluJly petitIOn the Tobacco average per bO\' and
At the risl{ of being set down as a! is time to notify Pugh and Huhh;JrII, Senate to 1'0ncIuet an investi~aUon


present sdlOol buildin~ at t.he top "kicker," hnt with no other motive t the contractors, to get their material into the right of Apostle Reed Smoot I~ire de~~r'tn'I~;I't':::::::::: :::
of the hill, I will silllply have to I thau to help my town, 1 want to I' al~d
machinery on, the j~b ~ncl p:oceell to holl] a seat in the IT. S. Senate, and Y. M. C. A..... ,............. 27,911 I
nove." , reo-ister
.., a cOl11plaint against a pradice I With the work of rehm!l!Jng '\'ynne- It .. tl Ie repor tl Ie suppor t elI Ily tl Ie f ac t 1', Cigarettes " " S,iiOO
I suppose I might have auswerelll' whleh is hardly a credit to the com-I wO?d avenue.
my neighhor to the elTeet that he mnnitr anti which should not he I "'ever have we l{J\own a puhhc Illgh- ~eat III Senate.
., to cle~ri\'e APO, sUe Heecl Smoot of his Cigarette". avel'age per boy I
and man
onght to be ver,' tllalll{t'lll t,o Ila\'e II tolerated in an.\' place claiminp" the iway used as much as 'Vyllnewoocl RoacI ., I I) 1.1.)
Il't t' 0 rg'e I. tl I,e IIe xt' I'~Ig 1U eetl' n~ In other ..... words, ,.........
mone.\· ... spel1t 1'01' 11
1\Ihlic schools th'at Ilis c1ll1clren 1",111 distinctioll of helng known as a that is in snch a dreadful I'ondition. A!'l'l lOti .• ,I. S " pea k'er, 1) I·.·.~.I' I' G reen, tohacco in Attleboro each veal' woulel
attend', with the reminder that I't ,"home town," unless indeell by the!, The section I hetween Woodside avenue, , .C. ,-, L't a t e .,onna
" IS,I' I100 I. pay for any of tlte follow~lg: -
wasn't mUl'h more than a hundrel1 word "home" in this case we are to Iand It'1 t Ie ItUllnel' fnnder
JI f the t Pennsylvania
I W Ikl ('I I Twenty-se\'en Y. 1\1. C. A's
years ago that the olll~' gOOlI schools unclersland "homesteall" 'witlt the,. I al roa; t;S so ;1 0 :u ~ all~ groo~es, II - IIg U I, ~ine fire departments.
were private schools. I
memories that elinA to that dear old: ~0~1C o. lem e even mc I~S eep, mt Would YOl1 he Intereste(1 in a Satul'- Five times as many churches.
But the order of the day is not spot. "wa)' down on the farm." The i It IS .wlth the greatest l!Jfficult.y that day anernoon hiking dub'? Let's get These fads are astounding, to S,'I~'
simph' to he thanl{ful thaI. we have fowl of the ha.rnyarc.1 and chleken pen I a, reo able t.oII navl f • ate,
t It., and together allll start. ,something. Here the least. We wonder what the rl;-
things that our grandfathers (lIdn't arc all right III their place, down on It IS. a Illosl. ImpOSSll e or ~o auto- il. hrief I~ a Illan we sugge~t: Meet
It II I .....
that is possible for the present-d'l\'
.I ' .
Il'lve but to strive to get the verY best the fum but in '1 town like l\hrberth I mohdes " ". 'fl ' to
I ' pass
t ' eadl f tl other,
. I I' I at)." M. (. A. cal'll Saturda\' after- su make s WOU I
.\ Sillll'I'II" If stat'stl
"arberth I were
t I ? to
.. " .the\' ' are out of phce " ,and a nuisance ' l o Ie tconI I I tIOn N a'b liS tl roal
tl las tl'
loney noon (men and women) for . a gpod' . " , (' \"[1'
.. I' ca s UI y.
generation. to all exccpt the owners. I am against m ra a lUI' ,al er 1 Ian any, Illl!!:, , . , ' ." -. '" •
There have, Illke out llltO thl l.Ountr~. lOU II teel
• •
then the puhlic school IS a all nOlse nUIsance. but partlcularl~ the I
., " '. '. > . . , : else in the whole town.
. 'bettH phYsic-lil\' menhlly sochll'
matter tll'lt • conl'crns,,' .tll,(he- people . rooster - nuisance
., - beeause " there is .no:
, vou heen co more II i autolllol111es
• g' f' damaged
,'U I than I i ancl splrJtualh'
. •• " .lor ' havll1g." dOJIl'
, .
It ' ) We got a whiff of SPl'l'llg tlll·.~~ 1)',18,'(
t· {en1 i II· )'OU'are ·lIlterestecl, Hee Secretarv . u
It is ,'\ pUhlic , not ,.\ private enter- let up on it cIay " or night , and hecause spr'ng'l u I n1<l lI1e,
t ',ome "I. 1 11'0 week, It won't he 101lg 110W IJet'or •
prise. and the peoplc at lar~e provide of the suffering it therehy causes to I'. I s. ax es, s eerll1g eqUlpmen ,1lI1 I" " it'~ time to IJaek up ','0111' 11\llls ,'11111
't.Il'eS 'Inll it, hag !Jeell 1'lllPIISSI'111 t ' l.1lll\lton, or phone G!!4-, .. ,
the financial means that mal{e the the sick. the l'onvalescent and other I '.' '. . eo, hike off to camp.
school possible. invalids. ')'0 suelt as these it Is a real I record the cuss wordll l\urled at our ('onllnullit\' Hlhll' ('lass. ----------
Hence it seems to me that the very evil that the town authorities should I to;n:~eo~le. " , ",. _ .." . .' POST ()}'l'IC": ~OTES,
decisive vote east by the majority of abolish. 1\1)' own experienee which I ue~lti e IS also ,an?ther sl?e of thl~, . I.ue~ela~, A~l"ll. 4.--~)1. . Hn~h, ~~11I1 Stamps are on sale of every de-
the eitizens on the school quest,ion is am about to cite, is en]y a mild case Q tl on, a~ld that IS th? l!Jscomfortg stal t. <1not!lel Bible course. ,un elll1g nCJmination from one cent to fifteen
(:onclusive proof that most of the Nar- in comparison with that experienced 0 f Ie reSidents who live alonA or a penoel ot twelve weeks. TillS course cents, except eleven and f t ·
llerth folks want something liI'e
, •• ' . ' •, .
a ])\' those mentioned and besides I can near Wynnewood avenue. The heavy will be a stuely of Hebrews.
"trueks and machi E' <' I r ' Y , 'I. ff d t ' . tl
l'llso '\ plentiful supplY of po to\llr eelIl,
.t" '. s a carl s,
eentrally-Ioeated sehool for the lower ~et away when the)' must stay, It iS'j' ou c~n a ~r
. . ,', n s o ne speel lllg :. 0 1t?ISS leS? mOR I stamped envelopes and newspape..
gralles. therefore, for these I speak when I along. stl Ike the ruts and holes and, Illstrlwtlve allll lIlterestll1g meetlllgs. I wrappers.
Om(~lal ~[I't'ti\lg.
it~elf opinl~n" s2~
Therefore. this school question asl{ "Our Town" that live "moulder make enouglt noise to wal{en the dead. Prices of stamped envelope'

rele~ating 1:1~
seems to resolve down to some- of public ro lend its valu-' T!len the dust from every Idul1 of a' The regular monthly board meet- 25 lc envelopes.. $
thing like this: Either the majority able aid in I
the rooster velllele blows in all the residences ing of the llil'ectors of t.he Y, M. C. A. 100 lc envelopes,:.:::::
of the people of r"arherth are right business to the harllvard or poultry 1from Elmwood to Rockland avenues, will he helll Monday evening, April 25 2c envelopes. 53
. • and not only ruins th furl 'sl . f '). I .. .. .
in their objection to building addl- farm, where it properlv belongs.
. . . '
tl I b' t .
I' 1e lOuse u IS very etrimental to
e d II IlligI' °
,.1 I . 100 21' envelopes., ,. 210
tlO11aI schoolrooms on the site of the Af' a travehng man, I spend a th I Jtl' f tl '. I t I r ('1!r1l1'I,th'" allil the Ho)'.
present school or, being sane, fatr- great deal of time "on the road," and e lea. 1 a Ie resl! ~n s w 10 I v e , A D1usil'al w/ll hl" !\'in'J1 11)' tlH'
mlnclell folks. they are amenable to It has been my custom, as it Is tha.t ne~\ th~S b~uChtluse~E~gl~ri~CRET ' ~Ion~e d ~ta~tltltf fac~s have I ~Ieen ":n1I1!t'el ('Irdl' IIi Killg-'s ])
Intelligent argument. of many others who are more or leSS! e u. pe .Ie , '." '. E I ga leI e n t e loro, ass., alll lere "'ri<la)' I'H'nilIA'. J[lIrch 31st, at tlH'
If the Board of Education is con- worn out by the week's toil of brawn ROAD W1\1 be bUIlt durlllg thiS conllng 1 they are to think ove~': -(Figures are hOIlH' of )[r" W ••J. ,Jlllle", 103 South
vinced that It would be a mistake to or bl'ain to sleep late on Sunday morn- month of APRIL, 1916. S b b ' baseldtion)census and ll1ternal revenue :\'lIrlll'I"h IIH'IIIIe', III S o'dock. Tickets
_ II Hcrl er. stat s \'s : liJ't)' 1'1'lItH.
NARB~Rr.rH, PA.-OUR TOWN-);I.AI~CH30.. 191(3
church music and singing attractive WITJ[' BEGRET.


and helpfu\' Recitals and song ser- The minister and members of the
vices will be conducted each Sunday Narberth Methodist Episcopal Church
MERION :i'IEETING HOUSE. evening. regret the loss they are about to sus-
Merion Meeting House is opened for
worship every First-day at 10.30 A. tain through the removal to Mlller-/
M. Visitors are cordially welcome.
A registry book Is kept for visitors.
~~~e ~O~r~i~' ~~a~:u:::r aa:dd ~~~ i::: The following ailments are nature's warning of
All are asked to register their names. }:merson I•• SwIft, Pastor.
Sunday services:
have been active members In the r
little church on the hill. Mrs.

serIous l'llness about to affect "" body .
9.30 A. M.-A prayer service for the Sauder having been one of the lead-
ST. ,UAUGARET'S CHURCH. teachers and friends of the Bible Ing spirits of the Ladies' Aid Society, H J hId BI l.l' A d
Early Mass on Sundtly from April School. 'that organization planned a surprise eaaac es, n igestion, i iousness, .OSS oJ ppelite an
1"t to october 31st at C.JO A. :\'1. From 9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Rev.j party in her honor. The event oc- Strength. /1 general weak, run-down condition.
No\'ember 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M. Samuel G. Neil will give an illustrated, curred on Thursday night of last
Late Mass, 9.30 A. 1\1. throughout the talk on the subject, "Work of the week and was a succcss in every par-I
year, Masses on holydays. 6.30 and American Baptist Pllblication Society." ticular.
8.30 A. 1\1. Weekdays at 8. Evening This will be an especially interesting The victim was takcn completely
devotions and other services at regular event for the school ~nd all its. friends. unaware when a group of the "Aiders"I
Book Lover's Library
times. 11.00 A. M.-Mornl11g worslllp. The, accompanied by their obedient other
The very late.t books-any book you wi.h by reque.t
_ _ _ _- - ordinance of the Lord's Supper. will; halves, swung, open the door of the
'I'llI-: I'UESUYTI-:IUAX CHURCH. be observed. The canvassers WIII be: Sauder home and took possession.
-- - publicly set apart for their work. Mrs A W Ward president of the • . b 1.
.' lte,·••John Ynu Xcss, Pastor. 2.30 j}. M.·-'fhe l<lvery Member Can-' societ;', 'wa~ gen~ralisslmo. Mrs. Offset the mIsery and sorrow of SIckness
The meetings next Sunday will be vass will ~)e conducted tl~roughout the, "Bob" Patterson was chief of staff your physician and having your prescriptions filled by
y consu twg

congregatIOn. PreparatIOn for the in charge of the allluseUlent part of I

as follows:
10.00 A. M.-Sabbath School. A event has b~en in ~rogress. for th,ree, program. Mrs. James A. Scott proved I
class and a welcome for all. weeks. VIsItors. wlII ea.II 111 MerIOn, an effcctive com,mander of the joke-
11.00 A. M.-Public worship. The Ardmore and Phlladelplna. • sn ith
pastor will preach on the theme, 7.00 P. 1\f.-Young Peoplc's service. ~Irs' Sauder was presented with a
"Vicarlous Suffering." !h~s is Parents' lS"ight. The meet~ng beautiful basket of I~aster flowers I
7.00 P. M.-Young People's meeting. IS m charge of Group Three, of wInch . a tc ken of the high esteem in PHONE,
Leader, Estelle Cohlc. Subject, "The Em ~ ma Mu e.Iler 1's c Ilal'rman . Mr.H . a whichs) she is held b~' the laches , N a r b e r t h 6.£5 or 1284
of the The Prescription Druggist
Consecration of Time." S. Hoffer wllI be tl~e leader. . church. After dainty refreshments
8.00 P. M.-Gospel meeting. A ser- ,7.45 P .. M.-Evenlllg worship. We, had been served by the "Aiders," the
mon on the "Universality of Sin and Its WIll recel~e tl~e returns from the c~n- i company departed, leaving many ex-
Hemedy." vass. ThiS will be a c~leerful .servl~e·1 pressions of good will for the Sauders
Churc.h Xotes
- ' •
The prayer ,
and praIse •servIce will,.
00 ,111 tllelr
. new IlO nIe . I Have you tried our delicious Ice Cream Sodas
There were several new scholars in be held "ednesday evenlllg at 8. -------- I
the school last Sabbath morning, and 10'CIOCk 'l'he meeting will be devoted: Y. J[. <'. A. l\ollrd IIi Dircctors. ,, ,
ten visitors. to the third and last instruction of the i - --- -. ,
The Girls' Club, the Mary-Martha's, canvassers. 'We had a large. attend-; H. S. Hopper, president; C. E. Estimates FurllosheJ
will meet at the home of Mrs. Van~ance last week: At the meetll1 g .next,Kreamer, vice president; R L. Beatty,
Heating- Appli;t1Kl'S
(Successor to E. J. HOOD)
l\'ess on Friday evening of this week.I ~\"eek the Helpll1g Hand class WIll be: secretary; D. D. Stickney, treasurer; •• r.,
The sacrament of the Lord's Snp-; In ~har~e., ... G. M. Henry, J. S. Harris, E. S. Haws,
per will be observed in this church I. 'l he 1Jshers ASSOCIatIOn :vIII hold: Dr. R. C. Hoffman, W. D. Smedley, E.
El ectrica1 C ontractor HEA.TER AND BANGE WORK
on Sunday morning, April 9. Ilts annual ha.nquet at. the 1. M. C. A. 'E. Seaver, Carrol Downes, G. H. Glf- 242 HAVERFORD AVE.
104 Forrest A.Tenue
Jobbing a Specialty. Narberth. P..
Monday evenll1g. Apl'11 17, . 'f('rd, J. B. }<~sel,lwein, T. C. Trotter, C. I~"p,,"illg'
AT,I. SAIXTS' P. t;. CIIUR('n.
I Th~ monthly supper ~nd hU~II1~ss H. McCarter, T. R. Coggeshall. A.
I m~etl11g of the. Teacher~ AssocIatlOn'Loos. Prank Stone. J. G. Walton, 1. .
J.I T"It'l'hon,'

Iloward F. Cotter
Th'T. AmIre,," S. Rurkl', nector. WIll he heM Friday even~ng. March 31. T. Ward Vernon Fleck.
The services at All Saints P. E. at 6.00 o'clock. There Will be an early
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewooll adjournment to attend the musicale of :
ROIll'.1 of J[llnllg"ers. GLEAN---SAfE··-WHOLESOME M'EATS of
avenues, for next Sunday are as fol- th King's Dang-hters at the home of: Monday l'\ig,ht-H. C. Gara, financial OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED IT.I QUALITY
Mrs. "rm. J. Jones.
8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9.4;; A. M.-Sundar ScllOol.
Mrs, C. R..Tones is the regular sup-
'l'uesdar ~lgllt-A. G. MacKenzie,
ply for the Sabbath morning service religious and educational work man- Pasteurized Milk

11.00 A. l\f.-Holy Communion :111(1 as soloist. The Billie School Is pre- agel'.
sermon. paring for the Easter serviccs. Wednesday ~Ight-H()use manager. Brynclo~lJ~erlllJed WEST PUILA.
George B, Suplee
4.00 P. M.-Evenlng prayH. Thursday ~Ight-F. "r.
Stites, so- (pedrlallcSGclely) OVERBROOK Steam & Hot Water Heating
Last SundaY morning, Mr. Charles A J11l1sienl will he !:"ll'I"lI by thc ciaI work manager. Special .. Guernsey" MERION Plumbing
E. Buery gave a most Interesting talk }:mllg"cl <'ircle of Kill!:"'" DauF:hters I Friday Night-F, R. Rainear (re- Milk WYNNEFJELD
on the work of the church in the Mis- }'rldlly 1'1"1'11 In A". Jfnr('h In st. at the ~ signed), membership manager. (Roberts'&< Sharpless' BALA-CVNWYD Bell Telephone.
sion Field. Mr. Buery has made two home oi Jfrs W••T••Tonl's. 10:1 Soutll Saturday l\'lght-R. G. Savill, athlet- Dairies) NARBERTH
trips around the world and spent a Xnrllt'rth D"I'III1C, lit, I'l o'clock. Ticket.s ic manager. Cream BuUermllk ARDMORE MA Y I PROVE.
China. .~
good deal of time In Japan, Tndla and fiil)' (,ClltS. O. L. Hampton, executive secretary. Table 'and Whipping WYNNEWOOD I
, I Cream.
1~ h d
, 0 you w at an a \'ant~ge it IS

la~h~l~o(~:;n~~~~~~O~~s~Jl~~a~ f~:n~~(~ WHY CLEAN SILVER

too late for others to jom as th.e
With polishes that wear away the sur-IS"'OII
face-blacken the hands-and actually - I II
At the Cabin
llishop does not confirm the class until AID in producing TARNISH? I N b' h &: H . f i A, '
the 21st of May. That is the fourth I . I ar en ~ a\ er on \ es.
Sunday after Easter. . WHY CLEAN SILVER With salt and soda pans that in a short I 45th and Parnsh Sts. i Telephone-Narberth 368.
Do not forget the week-day serVIces
durln~ Lent. :Wednesda.y afternoons
time give a dead, lusterless appearance
to the silver and finally makes it necessary to have it re-
at 4.30, and Frlllay eVelllllgs at 10.00. d? :
Several new Episcopalian families plate. I Try a Pound of , Plaster and Cement Work
have mov~d t.o Karberth. and the\~~~
speciallY I.nvlted to llecoma mem I
WHY CLEAN SILVER With U-Kan.Plate Silver Polish (label!
blue) that positively does NOT wear I HOME-MADE FUDGE
I Estimates Furnished Jobbing

of The
All church
provided free trallS- a\\ay the surface-that does N
. 0 bl~cken T hat
th~, hands-.t E 0 AVIS HARRY B. WALL
portation from Wynuewood and Nar- ac~ually RESIS:rS the return of tarmsh, k~epmg the sIlver H..
herth statious to and from the church brIght, and savmg labor-that makes the Sliver wear longer I' Plumbing, Gas Fitting
for the 11.00 o'dock service on Sl1n- -that is very sanitary and clean to use '? and Heating
day morning-so Busses leave the sta-
.' 1040 A l\f
lIons at . . 1 •

;'[E'I'1I0HlS'l' };PIS<'OPAT, cllvucn'l


0ep.t Sfores or I

Buy a Bottle, 25c, or Can, 50c, To-day!

' I Grocery C0., ar er ,a.! N b th P

]lcy. <'. G. KOllllel, l'llst.or. I mperla ACUEsTNVT.BeI.16Ih St

)lis" A<'1lllsh Wl"lItz, Orgl1l1lst. A. R. JUSTICE CO., Makers, 612 Chestnut street Photoplays-Conll:.uM~!1lOA. M. to 11.30
PhUo.. Pa.
II Select Dairies
- - I

JrINS services:
Sunday Ruth Prc!lcot:t. I.ender.
9.45 A. M.-Sunc1ay School. Organ-
PROGRAMMv Week Commencing
Jlululll)', J[lIrch :!;th, llIUI.
Special Nursery Milk In Paper Car-
I tOil Filled at Penhurst Farm.
Ized Bible classes. Interesting ses- 'I Rell Phonc-Narberth 669 D.
sions for a\l ages.
11.0 lJ'" A. M.-Publlc worship. Ad-
Jinke )'1IU1' 1I11111h~lItioll illi' contributing nll'lIIbcrshill to.l1n)'. Cost, $11.001'1'1' )'Cllr 100 Narberth Avenu e
H)' this mCllns the ('011I111111)' is sUllllOrted, kellt UII to stmHIlIrd, lUllI c'fCrr Triangle presents the Thomas H. Inee
dress by Mr. T(oppel, sacraments.
6.45 P, M.-Epworth Leag-ue. Leader. owncr oi llrOI,crtr, IIr owner of llOuseho\(} goods gets Jlrotection from serious
I} d t"
1'0 uc IOn,'
Newton Compton. The attendan~e of loss lIlId bellefits b)' lowl'!' Insurallice rates. II~RANK MILLS A~D I~DITH ltE\<;Vl~S 'We Handle
the young people lit this service is l:ut this COUI~OIl Ollt, till in auHI Uluil to ll11r 0111' oi the lIIembcl'shlll COlli· in a Drama That is Startling as Well
unprecedented, All young people mlttl"c or to nox 2. as Interesting HERMAN'S BREAD,
without church affiliation are cordially
7.45 P. l\r.-Organ reettal hy :\'1Iss XlllbertJI, I'll•.................. 191. . "THE MORAL FABRIC"
8.00 P. :i\f.-Sermon hy Mr Koppel. 1'u the XlIrlwrth Fire Co.
It Concerns the Waywardness of a
Young Woman Society Leader
The Imperial Grocery
-------- _
Singhlg by the chorus lind hearty con- XOTICE.
gregational singing. Strangers wel- --------'-- :\1IS8 :Ella l<'runees Lynch, of Bryn
come always.
}rIsslollal'\' Soeil·t,r.
Thl' IIIHlel'sig'lIl'd 1I1l1'lies iOI' J11l"1l1bersbll' in thc XAnnl-:U'I'll
I Mawr, auB,lOr. of Educat~ng the .Child
I at HOIllC, IS \J1lerested 111 formlllg a
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
Societv will meet next Tuesclay. April Slgllllhu'c ui AI'l'licllllt . The Real Estate Man at
114 Woodside Ave.,
'reaeher-Mother League in l'\arberth.
Anyone interested in the formation or
4. H~stess, Mrs. Clarence Smith. I will be pleased to assist you in get· such a club will kindly comI1lunicate
J[usll'. I l'rollosecl hr· .
ting a home. with 1\Irs. 1-'. H. Harjes, Jr., Post Office
The lllusic cOlllmittee has securcd Telephone-Narbertb 685 A. Box 531.
lhe services of two of Narbert~I's most nn:s $11.1)0 l'};U n:AU IN ADYAXCE.
capable and popular lllusletans. Miss
Achash Wentz whose ability an an -
MleSen 'B
s a k erv AX ,\(~COJUIOI},\,1'ION.
It Is greatly appreciated that Post-
organist Is welI recognized began her JIEJHn;){SHU' CO~Dn'rTE}:.
engagement as church organist last
Sunday. Miss Ruth Prescott will have
charge of the singing and will organ-
EDW. 'Hi'}'
. ' <)
E. I'. DOL])

Bread. Cake, Rolls, Pies,
I master Haws holds the post office'
open until the arrival of the 6.4G
train, which. oftentirnes, keeps the of-
Ize the chorus choir Thursday night. I Next busIness meetillg of COlllllUlIY l'ebrulIr)' .. 9, 1916. ]lure )'our uIlpli. Candy. Ice Cream flee open until considerably past seVCIl;
No pains will be spared to make the clltiOJl in before that dllte. OUR PUESENT AIM Is u MEJIlJEUSHU' OF iiOO.; CATERING FOR PARTIES o·clock.
NARBEI{rl'I-I. PA.-OUR TOWN-~IAllClI 30.. 191G

IF IT'S TO BE HAD IN A Moving Furniture and Hauling! :o~~~a~~;~~~e::~~~Sto

the bo~ rent (Iue notice In eacb rented i
Automobiles for Passenger Service box on the 20th of the last month of Secretary Civic Club, Narberth, Pa.:

Drug Store WAL TON BROS.

Night Trips When Ordered r each quarter for the succeeding, There Is to be held in Philadelphia.
quarter's rent. Those renters who from March 25 to April 2, the National
Phone Narberth 672' have lock boxes will receive their I' Flower Show, which, without a dOUbt,
= I
~==~:==:=====:==:=====:==:====:==:==:==:===:==:==:=='~=:==:==:==== notices enclosed in an envelope with will be the largest flower show ever
HOWARD the request that the amount of the held in the United States.
rent be placed in the envelope with I As chairman of the Bureau of In-
I the notice and deposited in the post formation, I would like to draw )'our
Has It "Everyone can spend money; most peo-
I office drop box, the same as a letter., attention to the object of this commit-
This request is made of the locl{ box' tee. We are getting together a corps
renters for the purpOSe of minimizing; of assistants, who are experts in their
At The ple can make It; only a few know how to
8ave it. Toe difference between the prosper-
the annoyal\ce of making change at: respective profession. men who can
the window and waiting for the re- I talk Intelligently on orchids, green-
ceipt. : house and stove plants. Roses, in fact.
Right Price ous and the poor is largely a difference in
willingness or ability to save..)
,anything pertaining to floriculture.
i These men will be at the. disposal of
I the visitors, and auy clUb, society or
BOROUGn OFFICERS. delegation wishing to visit 'the show
Phone, Narberth 1267 Why not teach your children to save? BUrgeEs-Geo. !II. Henry. at any specified time, can hy notifying 'f
We can help you. We have home saving Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold. lIw undersignell, have one. or more
Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel. of these men reserved, who wl1l act
banks. By depositing a dollar you \\ ill re-
GEORGE A. WITTE ceive a bank. Put your savings in it at home,
Tax Collector-James F. Sherron. as guide, so as to make the Visit
Street Commlssioner-'V. S. McClel.: pro/Hable both from an educational
Paper Hanging and Painting when you have saved a dollar or more bring it Ian.
Building Inspector - J. Howard
; and entertaining standpoint.
Trusting that some of your mem-
Woodblne Ave. and Williams Ave. to us, we will give you a pass-book. Your Smedley. hers will be ahle. to take advantage
NARBERTH. PAy Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites. of t his service and assuring you it
Phone. I'arberrh 12~3_'>l" ~ _
money will then draw interest. Start No'w! Constable-Fred. Walzer. will he time well spent, I am,
Yours very truly,
Fresh Fish J[E::um;ns OF TIlE NAUnERTJI 1 (' hlllrlJll\ II. I II fll rrn II till II (' 1II1lIJlIttl'('.
SCnOOl, BOARn. :'\ote--Those wishing to go please
Narberth Office, Arcade Building
And Oysters President-C. Howard McCarter.
Vice-President-Carroll Downes.
: get in tou('h with Mr. Stites.
Open from H A. M. to 4 P. M. Friday Eve- Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.
THE IMPERIAL GROCERY nings, 7 to 9. Thellwell R. Coggeshall.
Hobert H. Dothard. The ('omulIlIli!\, Bih:e Stnlly Class
HoI" mucll better It i. In ; \\'hieh has heen 'heW every Tuesday
.!iiI by a (U/)' flre-!oidc LInd think BO,lRU OJ.' HEALTH. : ('\'cning- in t he Community room of the
hl)w nUh:h bt.-tter it I... 10 ~il by Q
'll~Y (irl.'a!"id.., t
han to he un the
Presldent-Chas. E. Kreamer. 1 Y. 1\1. C. A. has aronsed a grcat deal
NHlf. dennil1l{ lIw sntlW nif. lhink.. Secretary-A. P. Redifer. lof interest. anll so much has heen
11ll{ hnw mudl hcucr it i~ to be
Health Officer-W, S. McClellan. j manifested that the memhers have
:o.itlillR' b). n (nZ)' fire·side than
dt.·llnilllot tht.' ~nllW off the roof.
we ... FI[ SNOW ntMOVCR.S
The Japanese PATENTS
J'illJ "ul ,f thaI ,.I,·a of yoU", "
Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies, lallJ10st IInaninlOnsly \'otell to have the
l'at"111.11'I,·. lIT. D. Du l\farias, Carden Warner and: ReI'. \\'. \V. Rngh ('ontinue the elasR
1ll~1\· mean 1ll11(11 to Villi. ~11 trllul~Il' to ~llhwl'r
Gi\Ri\, JlIcGINLEV e0. ,'\U':"I/'"S. "'lill" h 'mad, I'holle or 1','rsoll.11 ,11- Chas. V. Noel. for another series of lessons on the
Roorers.':'__ 23 SOUTH 17TH STREET
"·n'ew. I hook of HehrewR. The tirst lesson of
! FOSTER AND WEBSTER FlU ..; CO~IPAN'Y. I the new course will be given Tuesday
Frank Cttist Cheery Trees II Suite 6.11-1011 Chestnut Street
Bell Phone, Walmll 1564.
President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec·· evening. April 4. at S o·dock. In the
retary, Charles V, Noel; financial, meantime all those intl'rested in Dible
MEATS & PROVISIONS .\IU: 'l'lIl~ JWST A'l"J'IU('')'IVJo: eH' 'l'o~r};l\'u:N'l'}; A:SU ECONOMY secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer, sludy are ('ordiail~' in\'itell to hear the
.\ .... UU:SAJn::S'I',\I, 'fUJo:ES. OF !'(lS'!'AL MONEY ORDERS. Carden Warner: chie~ engine~r, ('losing 1esmns or the yresent seri~s
High Grade Butter ']'lIt:\" .\In: Ol"U 'I'OW:S'S ~I'HEES. TI tt . f tb • h Chas. V. Noel: hrst aSSIstant pnglll·. on the Taherna,·le. It IS not deno1Jl1-
Telephone-Narberth 644 A. Ie a ent!on 0 - e patrons 0. t e . . . I' I
~1.2;; E11(' II•. :1 I" .. H. hl,rh. . Narberth Post Office is called to the leer, Edw. "rip!; second assistant en- natIOnal anll evel'rhO( y IS we ('ome.
'l' ... . • . • gineer <\. P. Redifer' third assistant _
12 'I'rl'('~, $12, :1 III -f ft. hi/rll. . convel1lence ot sendlllg money by pos-I ." " . .
BOYLE'S MARKEr HOUSE 2;; 'l'rl'I'~ fill' $20, :l 1" .. 1'1. hi!£,lI. .
tal money order The following low engll1eer. H. B. \\ all, fourth ,IS-
. t t . \. "" Ne~dllam l'IW'j'E('T YOl"U nor..
· t SIS an engll1eer". ". I ~ •
'ra t es are c Ilarge d f or sen d lIlg sums o. . Have you paid your dog tax?
Till' ~1l1'lllr I~ Ihnl1l'd. OrtI l'r )1(111" any mone'- order post office in the I
Prime Meats iI' w l I n l e d . ' Put the tag 011 the dog collar.
Drt..' ...... t·J pnu1tr~·. Buttt'r. Eg-~s ;111,\ ~i"1111'.
H.Hlll' . United States: I SPF.CLU, ~OTJCE. .-\11 dogs not. wearing tag wiJI be
"'""\' hu,t un.\ \'e~l'L1I'h',. "A STUI~L FOR l~or orders from $.01 to $2.50,' J' . destroyed.
cents. I When mailing parcels containing Do you value your dog enough to
Tell'l'!1"''''' NAR.BERTH. PA. Oriental Planes From $2.51 to $5. 5 cents.
1"1"0111 $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.
anything fragile. patrons will so ad- !lay tax and gct tag?
vise the clerks or postmaster so that .-\11 tramp dogs will be tal{en up
H. C. FRITSCH And Norway Maples:

From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents. the parcel may be properly marked in the spring not wearing a tag.
Properties For Rent and Sale From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents. I for transmission through the mails. This is a good law to get rid of
}'lre Insurance The two best ornamental, vigorous' From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents. dogs t hat are dumped into lI:arherth.
II -----
growing shadc trees. Straight stems,
Bell Phone 852 W. well shaped tops, goo,1 roots and snrl' . From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents. The law requires to have publishell
Wall nuildIng. Narberth, Pa. to grow. From $50.01 to $60, 20 cents. , in a local paper the names of all per-
From $60.01 to $75, 25 cents. sons that. have paid 1916 tax on their
111 111 12 fl. hill'lI. $1.;)11 l'll('h From 75.01 to $100. 30 cents. Thc law requires that there shall dog or dogs.
SAVILL "SWAN NECK" FAUCET 20 1rl'l'~ fllr $2;),UU Same fees as quoted above charged be advertised in a iocal paper names
Non·Splashin! Positi" THE "SAVill" 12 1el 14 1"1. hi/rh. $2.HII 1'1H'h 1.01' remittances to a number of foreign ot all persous having paid tax 011
Ouiek Acting !hut·Off
Recommended an1 In. '
Reg. U. S. Pal. Office
--~-- - Pal.
20 1rpe s f II r $:1;).00 I
('ountries. Orders are paid at 52,000 their dog and receiving a tag which :SAUlu-:U'rn CIVIC ASSOCLlTIO~.
SIH'l'lllll'r!('('s 1111 hlr/:"l'r (I 1111 11 Il1Il's post officeR in the United States. Re- must be worn on the dog. President-George 1\[. Henry.
ed bV
18, '12
oI'll ')'nEI~S e;now.
miUances received in this way are
convenleut for merchants, publishers.
I \\Tm. \V. Akers. Vice-Presidents-Augustus J. Loos.
H. Buchanan, A. ·W. Drockmeyer, A. C, Shand. Dr. O. J. Snyder.
All Thomas Savill's
Plum- Sons : scedsmen, insurance companies, etc., Wm. H. Benjamin, Samuel D. Bow-· Se('retary·Treasurer-Sam'l T, Ath-
bars 1310·12.14 Wallaee St. etc. lilian, Rezo Brooks. : [rholl.


Apple Trees Elhmrtl S. lInws, Postmaster. ' Charles Caldwell, A. A. Chalkel',
Directors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs.
W. G. Cummer, C. H. Churchill, W.· A. C. Shand, Fletcher W. Stites.
NAUn};UTJI ~rA]LS. ,H. Carmint. W. H. Cohic, W. Cowen. Wm. D. Smellier. Robt. H. Durbin.
Have fresh fruit by pleking your
I H. DaYis, Carroll Downs, Kennedy ·l\Jrs. Geo. 1\1. Barrie. E. A. l\Iuschamp,
Buy a Home own. Our trees will bear the same·
year as planted. 6.00-AII points.
Duff, J<~l1iott Dodge. 'John B. Williams 1\1rs. C. R. B1ackal!.
E. P. Flannery, Dr. C. T. Faries" E. S. Haws, H. C. Gara. James Art·
Before Prices Advance S tu 111 it. hl!:,h, well brlllldll'II
6.50-AI1 points. Will. F. Fielden, H. H. Felton. : man, E. P. Dold. A. E. Wohlert, 1\1rs.
$2.iiH 10 $:1.;;0 l~llCIJ
CALDWELL & CO. 9.00-Local West. W. B. Goodall, Guyall G. Gray, Geo.: Edwin C. Towne.
:i.O.34-AI1 points. H. Gifford. --------
11.50-AI1 points. III. I,ewis Hatton, ".'. F. HOdgeS'1 P.: no. )[ESTIC
for Your Own Convenience :L2.29-Local West.
1.34-AII points.
Harjes. Jr., H. G. Hamer, C las.
rnited States Canada two cents an
Humphreys, H. H. Ilil1egas, E. J. Hal . ounce, first-cl;Ss. M;gazines and
3.29-Local West. Ilahan. , . : newspapers one cent for each four
5.04-AII points. Raymond Jones, Norman Jeffnes,. ounces or fraction.
6.29-Local West. John R. Johnson, E. C. Jacoby, F. M. "'oreigll Countries.
Departure. Justice, H. A. ,Jacobs. England, Ireland, Scotland allli ...
9.00 A.M. East all points. Charles E. Kreamer, Adolph Kuy- Wales, two cents an ounce, first-class.
nOAUD OF JIANAGERS OF I 10.34 Local West. lensgat, John S. Ketchulll, Eric Kre1l, Other Countries.
WOl'IEN'S COJillUNITY CLLlS 11.59 - PhlJa. and all points.
J. R. Kernau, Wm. Kirk, W. J. Five cents first ounce; three cents
Chairman-Mrs. C. T. Moore.
Financial Manager-Mrs. Roy E.·
12.30 - All points. I
Kirkpatrick. for each addition ounce first-class
wIlt iRiUtltllnUat IDrullt <!In. Clark.
1.34 P.M. Local West. Richard Lacy, Samuel Laird, A. L mail. Newspapers and printed mat-
3.18 All points. Lamhert, A. O. Leighton. ter one cent for each two ounces or
1323 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Library
Manager - Miss Grace. 4.34
Local West.
PhlJa. and all points.
A. H. Mueller, E. A. Muschamp, 11. fra~tion.
S. Mellor, Frederick Moer, Wm. J. ])lIree]s Post to All l'oreigil Countries.
House Manager-Mrs. Alexander: 'Mulholland. Wm. Mann, C. H. McCal'- Twelve cents per pound, limit
The Narberth Social Manager-Mrs. F. W. Stites. duces
Membership Manager-Mrs. David honey
'fhe United States annua1ly pro-I ter, Daniel J. McGarry, J. W. Mc- i eleven pounds. Ship a1l parcels,
more than $6,000,000 worth of Auliffe. W. S. McCle1lan, J. W. Mc- foreign and domestic, by parcels post.
and wax. Menamin. Safe and reliable. rates low.
Tailoring Co. D. Stickney.
Athletic Manager-Mrs. Walter worth
An ounce of honest c:lltlclsm is JOB. H. Nash. Robert J. Nash, J.
more than a pound of flat- E. !"idecKer.
Edward S. }[a,,'s, Postmaster.
Wish to enouDce that tbel.. tal- Dothard. : tery. Dr. A. L. Orr.
lorlnD 'elitabUshment Jos. Parke, W. D. Price, T. F. Phil·
Will Close Every Evening at
7 o'Clock Every citizen 01 Narberth who is inter-
lips, F. L. Padget, F. E. Patton, H.
G. Parker, Wm. Pugh.
A. P. Redifer, P. L. Reed.
ested In the move to have Essex Avenue cut R. G. Saville, W. E. Speakman, W
Anyone wishing to do business with them
after that hour can do w only hy speCIal
.appointment. Ihrough under the railroad, shoold stop at
D. Smedley, Harry Street, Willian.
Selfridge, G. B. Sheldon, C. F. Shoe-
Build Up Your Home
once In Caldwell &: Co.'s oflice and sign the maker.
'ltephen Tasker.
Don't forget tlmt thIs Is a com.
munJt)" of home makers and home
A IlIl1slf-ul ,,'111 bl' gIrl'1I b)" the petition lor this good cause. J. B. Williams, J. H. Wilson, Jas. P. keepers and that one of YOUR
}; mllgel CIrcle or King's Ullughterll l'IOST mpORTANT DUTIES Is to
}'rlday evening, l'lllrch SlIlt, at the Over one hundred and lilly names have Witherow, Wm. Wright.
Jeff Yowell, Charles Yocum.
keep It so.
borne of ]Irll W. J. Jones. lOll South already been placed on the IIsl. You can aId materially by ..... ,
Narberth nveulU', lit S o'clllck. Tickets Dr. Wm. Zentmeyer, Ing your shopping and marketJDg
tift,. cents. Geo. Urquardt. wIth the advertisers In this paper.
A. G. MacKenzie.

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