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Hl r::~n~ C':':,''':::: ~ TY LIBRAR'(

'::r:;;)8':'~ AVE,
I:."1RE!=:~T!!. P.-\.

• Vol. 29-No. 35 NARBER~H, P,A.; TUESDAY, _NOVEMBER 21, 1944. ~,1 PRICE FIVE CENTs'

Name New Pastor Blood Donor Service
Moving to New County May Order '
• Thanksgiving Day In
For Baptist Church Headquarters ," Ballot Box ,Opened
Main Line Churches
The Red Cross Blooa Donor
Service is moving Its h~quar­
terms from 1424 Walnut' Street,

• Rev. R. G. MI·ddleton Philadelphia, to 119 North

B I' 0 a d Street, Philadelphia.
Given That Authority I
Coming Here From This move will take place wlth-
In the next ten days.
Where Inconsistency I
; New'York State i On November 27, 28. 29 and
, 30, the Center will be closed
Exists Sermon Topics to Stress Hope Of Peace to
The Rev. Robert G. Middleton. I place,
I While removal operations take
Montgomery Count~' Board of I I
Come; Union Services Being Held
PRst!Jl' of the BaptIst Church of On December 1st, the new Elections may of Its own volition
East Rochester, N. y" has accept-I Center will be open for "busi- order opening of the ballot box
ed the pastorate of the Baptist ness as usual" at 119 North for the First District of Narberth
In Several Communities
Church of the Evangel, Narberth, Broad street. The Center will to make a recount of the vote U . . 'th • I'd '11 k
He is expected In Narberth early be open from 9 A, 1\1. to 9 P. M., cast there for FranCIS J, Myers, ilion sernces WI spec1a musIc an sermons WI mar

in December.
At a special busmess meeting A M t 5 P "..
of t he church held last Wednes-
extended ' ddleton
Monday through Friday; 10 Democratic candidate for United

S t d
. . o. • ,u. on ,a ur ays.
The new Center will welcome
States Senator. The Board has I
this authority In the act which
da~', November 15th, the call was donors from all parts of the created It, under a provision that
d su b ur bs. TI lere Is a I It'stmay
IC '

ItY L- t'
the traditional Thanksgiving observance in Main Line
The sermon themes wllJ center
Rev. Ml I'S a C"TI'adllate of cyan c be I' sldone
where an mcon- around the progress of the mar ...
b way s t op (Race- VI) " Sl, Ten lv' ,s 1. n n,b 'ou' and the hopes of peace to come.
Colgate-Rochestel' Divl'nlty SCllool, su ne , _
to JII
f t 0 f th e new b u Iidl ng, an d t 11 lere I S ISfal'a as 0til VI \'oteS mconsls- All churches In Br','n Mawr will
llnd of Colgate Unlvel'sit~', He IS aron f M 0'
- IlUS s t op f or passengers I 0 antI I' e cy n.o d
marrIed an,d h as. an In f a,n,t son.. from New Jerse~', It Is directly IS concel'l1e , W1ere
A receptIOn \\ III be gl\ en fOI opposite the UGI Buildlnt' and 'return sheet shows 166 votes for I
I e tl 0 ffi
le 0 cia
yer~ I KILLED unite wl'tll tile Chtlrch of the Re-
Lt. (j, g.) Charles Robertson, deemer, Bryn Mawr, at 10,30 A.
24. son of Lawson Robertson, Un i- M.. wllere the Rev. Andrew Mutch
after the_lI·_alTI\'a.~,____
the new !,Jastor and IllS Wife soon .iust a few steps North 'from him and 619 for U, S, Senator versity of Pennsylvania track Rnd will preach,
field ~oach, ,142 Lodges La~e, Cyn-

-I- -I
'I City Hall Courtyard. James J. Davis. All other Demo- ,Bala-Cynwyd

P. R. R. Man Dies
In Hospital
'Legl-on AuXllary cratlc candidates there received
Rapprobxl~matelY 260 a,nd tall ot61~eor
epu Icans approxllna.e y
so that If there was a eutt1l1g ot
wyd, m actIOn in the PacIfic.
A umon service will be held by
St, Asaph's and St. John's Epis-
Sgt, Francis C. D~ugherty, for- copal Churches. CYnw~'d. at St.
merly of 162 Grandview Rd., Ard- Asaph's Church, Conshohocken
Walter S, Yeats, a.'islstant t 0
the General Traffic Manager of
the Pennsylvama RaIlroad, dIedI
suddenlY at Bryn Mawr Hosplta
IOS aIIs Off-Icers
DaVIS has on the

The 111
ViOllS error
not received
flt of it accorcling to the count,
of thestill
the ballot,

more ob-
assertiOn bv
more, In Europe..___ _

'Doc' H'owardC-lI ed
' b Dr,
R 1 Bala-CYnwyd.
IC lar
d T L f d The Rev.
. y 01' , rector of St.
will preach.
tl W, Vernon Middleton, n'I'II ~
• Monday. District Board offiCIals who sa:..
Born in Camden, and a grad-:
uate o[ Princeton UnIversity,
Yeatts entered the carl'ler's serv-
Ice in 1898. He was adva,nced to
Legion Women
Donate to Three
therc were 254 straight Demo-
cratlc ballots cast ollt of which
Myers is credited with onlv 166,
D t' C t CI'
By Speakman Post t e le guest speakel' at services
0 be held at 10.30 A. M" at the
Bala-Cynwyd Methodillt Church.
~~el ~hUISlll'cC.h will sing spe-
assistant to General Traffilc Man- V . . R emocra d K IC M oun yh lall'man
1 Sel'vices at tile Pl'e,~byteI'lan
Rger of the s~·stem. with head- eteran HospItals caymtonC'" ensc: W10 as Legl.on Group Has Church of the Covenant, Bala-

Quarters at Philadelphia, on June b oun f ytl ommlSSiOner
er a 1e
Bo I'd of El ISt' a mem-
a ec IOns, sal
Annual Banquet I
Cv.nw.vd, WIll be held at 10'.00 A.
M" WIth a sermon by Dr. Herbert
w. BIeber, pastor of the Chw'ch.
1. 1932.
Yeatts, whose home was at st, I " , New
Davids, is survlVed by his wIfe, LegIOn AuxIlIary of the Harold D.
Mrs, Grace Yeatts. S k
of the American

pea Ulan Post NO. 356. of Nar- Court

this week
he WIllaskmg
file athat
If the box Is not
opened voluntal'Ilv by tile Boal'd
petition with the
It be opened,
, ArmIS. ti ce Day'
P Inb the
I Ardmore
t sanctuary of the FI'I'St
----.--- -
St. .Joseph's Service
berth, were installed last Thurs-
day. Mrs. Arthur Yealy, Eastern
TJ:te usual Thanksgiving E~e I dIrector, officiated,
I Say DeeDSe
f St.U.___ _

e p most everyone In Narberth-was' ,

res, y el'l~n ,church of Ardmore.
William S. Howard-"Doc" to i se~:.ces WI!! be held at 10:00 A. M.
, . the
pleach Allan MacLachlan will

serVIce vnll be held at st. Joseph s
P. E. Chapel. MIll Creek Road, a?
The nell' officers are:
President, Mrs. Mal'lon Jones;
Wednesday at 8 P. M. The offel- VIce preSident Mrs Mal'\' DaVIS·
N0 Longer Needd
presented with the Amel'1~anl .The ~ev. Albert C. Kam:inger
LeglOll award for outstandm&, WIll ,delIver the sermon at St.
serVice to the community at the I Pauls Lutheran Church, a.t 10:00
l?gS of canned, st~ple gpods and secretary. Mr~, Rl;th S, Betus; , Rnnuai ArmistICe Day banquet of i A'"M. ,
\ egetables. placed III the chancel tteasurer MISS Edith HeWItt- the Halold D. Speakman Post, He Rea~ons fOl' G,ratltude'" will be
for the serVIce, WIll gO to the I chaplam 'Mrs J. HarSch' hlstor: was also given a past comman- I the selomn tOPIC at thtl First
Br~:n Ma~r Hospital. Money of-: Ian. Mt·s, Fl'l~da Schrepier: ser-
fermgs Will go to the EpIscopal geant at arms, Mrs. Lllhan Camp-
Seek End Of AI'r Raid I tier's lapel button. I
BaptIst Church, at 10:30 A, M.
The banquet was attended by SpeCIal mUSIC WII} be feat.ured.
Hospital. belL
A donatlOIl ot $10 was voted, to
And Blackout i ' Bob Camac, speedy Radllor High halfback, crosses the goal line after a 14 yard sweep around
more than 100 persons. They Th~ Rev. R. C. Stimson will use
were adressed by Lt. PhilIp J. as h,\s sermon, "What We Owe
J:.e sent to the followmg hospitals: Drills ' left end III the flrst perIOd of 48th annual football game with Lower Menon, However, the play MIller of Valley FOige HospItal; ggd., at th~ Ardmore Methodist
Straight Talk I Coatesville Veterans FaCIlity. Na-
val Ho It I PIll d I I
Valley ;~rg~' Gen~r~leJ'o~;itatnA
Disbanding of the Philadelphia
dIdn't count as Radnor was detected hOldmg and penahzed 15 Yards. So what happened? Radnor
threw a pass on the very next play for the first touchdoWll in a 27-0 Victory. The Lower Merion
player makmg a desperate lunge for Camac In the above photo Is Jack Winters, and behind him is
Lt. Cmdr. Pratt of the British
Royal Navy, and Albert Chang,
president of the Chinese Students
Uloh servlC~S,
Two churches WIll holr! services.

- About 6th W(lr

donation of $5 will be gi\,cn to Metropolitan De[ense Council, PaUl Kumt (39). (Photo courtesy Evening Bulleltnl ClUb of the UniversIty of Penn- The Narberth Presbyterian

t~~~:~~~~~'s~~~':::~lsl~:i~i~dl:x:l:a:~~I~~s~dm~ ~i:;:~~:r~~ ;'~~a~~~= 'SIXTH WAR LOAN DRIVE LAUNCHED IN

the UUlted War Chest DonatIOns which Is made up of flve counties, - - - - sylvama. Charles W. Van scoYOC,1 Church will hold serVIces a't 10:00

Loan Drive f I 'Id If d' I b'l t 'I d

,i ' ~~~sq~~~'~~~a~~r~arriSblll'g, ?~~
from the LegIOn's Department I A. M, The Rev, Bryant M, Klrk-
act-: w;p ~::is~~"hl;'~le~·~~~;r";~l
!eS was slressed by MIS. Yealy III phla CIty HalL Tuesday. At the speakels' table also were ~Illg', and L. Sarle Brown WIll
As we movc closer to victon', I her address, She spoke about the The plan 1S to abandon the Ul1lt Commander Clarence Beltz; Jun- slllg a solo.
- It wouldn't be surprising If yoU
were sa~'ing to youl'self-
;~~n~I~\~eI::nnS ~I: b~[~ \\?~~:.
outstandmg work tlie women of
d d '
had its Inceptfon several week,
ago when one of t.he c o u n t I e s '
101' VIce Commander George Bur- At, the Narbert,h Methodist
gess; Chaplain Harry Simpson; ChuJch, unIon servIces WIth the
SerVice Officer Francis Challen- ~Ptlst ChurCh of the Evangel
""'hat's the big idea of asking
for all this additional monev I through the auxilianes, made the suggestion. It then was + I ger' Adjutant Stuart Whitman \\111 be held at 9:30 A. M, The
now? Isn't the war almost
o,'cr?" ,LM ----e__ L
: . . 0Ice 0dge
- deCided to call togetller the coun- t Mon gomery Caravan t 0 St age House-to-House Canvas' Begun
K-Iwanls- CI.---
ami Van SCOyoc. ~~cVt' ctahrl R. ~ammerlY WIll con-
e serVIces, The sermon
No sir, It is not: Not by a
long shot. Of course. for many PI ty chairmen and county cOl11mis-
sloners of the flve counties at a. Rally in Ardmore, Bryn Mawr; I n L ower M'
erlOn an d N ar ber th ; I Go~", ,The Methodl~t Church
Will be "When Jesus Thanked

~:~~:rotl~It~I~g~~ng~~~ty,th.e direc_
months now you've heard most-
ly ahout the wal' with GerOlany,
where aliI' greatest elfol·t was I
('oncentrated. That's why many I
T0 EIeel Off-Icers meet.lng at the Montgomery Coun-
ty COUl t House.
The upMetlopohlan CounCil 111
of Defense Councll~
is 1
Volunteers Pray For Success Chairmen to Meet Sundays
Se\"eral hundred Yolunt~er soliciton~ for AnonaIElect-Ion
made A Sixth War Loan Ccu'ayan of retul'l1ed
people have the idea that thc
• war's practically over.
But make no mistake about ,Balloting Will Take.
PhiladelphIa., Bontg-omery. CheS-j \'eterans ieeps half-tracks :::ol1lld trucks and: the Sixth War Loan began a house-ta-house:
leI'. Bucks and Dela\\al'e Count.ies, ".'. , ' .
!'10n~go~er~.C.ounty has ~~e!'\'eq-! amlJulances w~I.YI,s.It (he ~~ailt,L1I1e ~t the l_c~lJ1\'ass I\Ionda J'. .!!1 ~o\-"e.t" l\Ie]'ion and, Nar- ,('
. "
J'L" - d I HERE

It--nothlng could be fayU1'et'
from the truth! The .Japanese
war Is a tremendous undertak-
inR'. and victory will COOle high.
I PI ace at December
7th M f
as tile treasUlY ot the five-county, pe'd, of the l\Iontgomerr County drl\'e to , berth as the Dnye got ullderwav
grollp. '
Under the original agreement raise $19,83;~.000 before December 16.
i The quota for the Township-Boruugh i
. "
~'-\.. •
Chosen PreSluent
We'll llave to fight eve!'\' inch of \ ee mg ~~e\~~,I~hco~~:;tl~e~\e~~eb~gl\I~~~1 tg: 'I l\Iore than 8000 \"olunteer,s super\'ised i
area is $3,696,000, Of Service Group y BETSY..ANN
the way. Election of Officers fo' 1945 get her, an annual eXPendIture of bY 22 cpnllnulllty chau'men, swung+-- - - - - - - - -- - - --t DetaIL~ of the campaign have I ---
, El'eryt/lillg Costs il'lorc-
WIll be held at the n~)(t ~eetinR $13,000 wasTP1londed to cal'l'~' on Imto acboll thl'Oughout the coun-' 'Back the Attack' I been \\ orked out at preliminary I The Main Line Kiwanis Club Mr, and Mrs Alan MacDonald
• ill i he Paci fie War 'I
o f tl le W est Montgomery County Its \I ork,
tnbuted lIS fivE'
b' the mone\' was con-
countIes and ty Mondav as the dnve was of- I meelmgs of the dIstriCt. ' ,
chall'men, 'elected A . J " Leollard . president" at of , M'II I e,r '~ L'ane,
. WYnnewood.
Lodge No. 28. Fraternal Order of the monev~ de oSlled \\ ith aI~d ex- ficIallV la,unehed. I A closely mtegrated organization I~S Tuesday dlnnel meeting I~st wele notIfIed by the War Depart. I

The Eurollean war is expen- PolIce, The lodge, Whose members pendlture~ ha~dled through MOlit-
sh'e, but almost everything in are Lower ,Mellon TownshIP po- omery County
In Lower Merion Township I"Bal'k the Attack!

pack on the ~ack .

Shal'e the, has been set UP under the Chair-I t eek . at Conestoga MIll, BI yn I ~ell~ last week tlJat their son, Pvt.
,eo~ge MacDonald combat. engl-
the Pacific war will cost more, hcemen, y.'lll meet at Its head- g Und'er the ·agreement. the IIn- Thomas Barnes, 2d, Glad\\vne, 'manslllp of Thomas Barnes. 2d, of aWl;
and James L, Gardiner, Ardmore, Of a boy who IS fiffhtlllg for you. Gladwyne, WIth the volunteer so- .. ~a~~10~ld 0: EY,le! wa.~ elected I neel was .~enously wounded In
Take tl·anspol·t costs, for in- ,Quarters m the Bullock-Sander- I ual c nt. butlO . fro I tl ft are l'o-cliaumen "Back the Attack! SheIl out all hcllors In each dlstl'lct agaml \lCe plesldent, WIlham J, Lloyd, Holland on October 30. Several
• stance. Because of the longer 'son Amencan LegIOn Post home 1 ,0 11 ns, n le ve, i tl d l: I d I R b' vour jack tOl'll1lng the backbone of the 01' liecretary and treasurer, and the days later Harry liackett of OVf~r
distances, the same amount of I Sutton Rd., Ardmore, on Decem: ~g~~lt~~la~~.~II~: :JI~~o~el~~;~t ;~: I ert
freight costs 25 per cent morc
~o~tJ 1;'~~;'~sellt~I~\~~l 4u~0: W~ap it u~ in the "~d, White gal1lzatlol1. - [ollowlng directors were chosen: brook, received this leiter fl'O~
when shipPed to the South Pa- be~fllcers 10 be elected are' Ples- ery: $2,340: BUcks anel ch:ster,' cal' Compan~' of Ardmore, od the and Blue," Meetl~lgS lot thde dlStllCt chall'- g;\~i;~I~, ~am~n~;'~~~is J~~s ~: P'~~e~a~~.llald dllte~ Nov. 4.
cific than to Europe. And It Ident, three vIce preSIdents: " $1560 each ,management commIttee "B k t Att k'" At th J men ale p anne on successIVe I ' W 1 E .", G ' ,
takes twice as many earl:'O ships letary, treaSlller and finanCIal
sey- E ~j't ' , , 1 ' 'I t I Al'cordlllg to an announ~ement I ac he al'. e ailS Sundays at the TOWnlllllP BUlld- tHem" a ter ,R. II'WII1, Rlch- Uess YO':! Ve recelvl'd news of
xpell I lIIes lall llg 1 Ull I, [ E ' ' " I' f take a crack, ,1Ilg ArdmOle beg-mnm Novem- ard KIstler and Robert St.anton. , my bemg hIt, Don·t WOl'l'V about
1 In the Pacific to support a task secretary. Vot mg Will take place, May of thl~ ylear as a result 0, ~l Da~l IIlm~~ie~~, ~ IC~VC :all~lll~~l11?e I Let's wipe out the Pearl Harbor bel" 26 unt Ii the eng o[ the
force of a given size since tlll'U- from 6 'to 9 P, M.. and the SUC-j op:ratlon 0, tIe vallOlb ,s~'s~e,ms Ie
Lt. Gov. Lister Armstead, of the It.. Pal. and I hope you'il rpas-
(' lS, \ ,11, .. "a ,I ,~' stab. I Drive to check on 1'0 reo bem 14th Dlstl'lct and Past President sure the folks; you know h~w
l1r{'und time is twiee as great! cessful candidates Will be ll1~taJled deSIgned fOI adequate Plotect.lOn Conlll1ltlee, ll1e c,ua\an \\111 \1~lt "Back the Attack'" Add more, d tl Pd "t SSt A g John Boyle of the Chester K;-I Mom IS anyway I'm all my way
" ' b tl II of I Ulldl' d - f t I AIQ'lllOI e anel Bl"'n Mawr on De- . ,ma e 111 Ie Vlll'lOUS IS l'lC S, 1'- " , b k' " "
e More Planes at the flrst meeting In 1945, on y le 'e
Tanks. , . January 1 e s 0 e e-. .' ~ Bonds to the stack, Irang-ement;; for use of the Mag- wallis ClUb, were guests at the ac to the stales now Hal'. or
4, PhO!leS clellcal help, et.:., cembel. ,1. , " , I t will help stop the .Taps' game lstrate's l~ealllW' room at the meeting, ~,o I'm told, If so. I'll be there
, Ships Oil The lodge, which was organized S1I1l:e June, ho\\ever, It IS un-, Refel~1l1g to thd,Cala\an PIO- of grab. 'rownship BlllldJiulI; fOr' these - - - -••- - - - In around a month at a hospital

• In addition, we will need more in October, 1943. has 59 active derstood the expendlturtl has beenlgI~lI~, l,llll1,Plt S~I" " "
VI e expect to let ~ OUI COlllmun- Back the i\Hack! on the sub- SI
" meetJ~gs were made by James M. Chl'l·stmas GI·fts n,ear home-not a bad deal, eh?
of everything. More B-29 Super- members and 19 members now 111 cut onlv about $50 a month, d t,. I'
USS, IS IICt, c ~a~lll1an III
For m I~I·
.. I ve stIli got all mv limbs and
fortl'eS5es tha t cost $600,000 theThe armed servIces. Abandonment of the lIietropoli- It\' kno\\ lliel e IS a War Bond mal"ine pack,
present officers ale: WII- tan Cotmcil would not ellnunate' ~'!!lly g01l1g on and we \\ ould h~e On the !lesert, the air and abroad. Sout,h AI~mOl e S~CtIOI~,
en, r~
faculties-just wounded It sure
would make a nIce Chl'l~tmas
- each. More P-47 Thunderbolts
that cost $50,000 each. More llIam Carlin, preSident: Thomas the Control Center In the countIes Ilf y~~ would Jom us when we ai-I "Back the Attack!" as through! C'1 S},at1StI?lRO~O~~ F \\ 1M, ~~~; At a speCial meetmg o,f the gift to see you and all the gang
I' 13 l~. g~ ,0
~\'Ith bulldozer A, Lance first vIce president· a.~ these are und!.'r Alln\' control. nve, jungles thcy hack d e,l" ' ,,10 f 'the Gladwyne Fireman's ASSOCiation, RIght now I'm In a field hos~
1\1-4 tanks,
hlades, that cost $67,417 each. ident: William Beirne, second vICe pres: Elllnll1atlOn of blackouts and "November 20lh IS D-Da\' for Driving on with one will and ac- L a\\~-, ~~\~~Ii N~e~~ e~th ~W ~. Loan held last Wednesday evemng, It Pltal in Holland. Write soo~
Michael Fanning, secre- ail' raid alerts and all the ot her the SIxth War Loan, FIve tunes' cord. 0 el I t I - I el ,a
was voted to send a Christmas JRzzbo, My best to MI" and
More amphibious tanks-more tary: Ronald A, Knabb, treasur- thmgs that made up the work of MontgomerY County has answered -Alfred Smith, ArdmOI·c. COlltll/lled Oil Page 711ree gift of $5 to e"ery member of the Mrli, H. .

aircraft carriers-more supply er;'
ships-more gasoline and oil Joseph A. Coddmgton, finan- the defense units, IS said to be the the call and five tIlnes we have
than It took for the invasion of clal secretary, and John A. Spa,rks, main Icason for elllnmatIon of the, gone over tl1e top."
EI1I'ope! chaplain, group. Ellwst V, Hunter, Pottstown,
$15,000 Short Of Fined $100 For
------ -------- -----.- - - - Gladwyne branch of the Merion
FIre Company now in servICe. George MacDonald graduat.ed
from ~ower Menon III 1940. He was
----.--- ---~.--- - Montgomery County cl1an'man, Selling Meat Lacking To the WOlnen of a jumor at Penn when he entered
Care {OJ' the Sick and
S erVICeS H ld
Funeral servIces were held Sat-
Re u ne Old Hou
Main Line State LIquor stores
And lest anyone forget, we urday for Mrs. Ethel B. Dold, wife have resumed regular hours, ef- out." he saId, "offer a program
S pledlcted that the county would
surpass ItS quota.
"Volunteer workers in starting
War Chest GoaI F'edel'al Stamps At a hearing held in the Nar-
Montgomery County
the service.
Seaman llC Tom Harty, son of
~n the eomlng 6th War Loan MI'. and Mrs, William L. Harty. S.
- will need more battalion aid of Joseph Dold, of 7 Sabine Ave" fectlve November 14., The old wortlly of emulatIon by every pa-
stations-more clearing stations N&rberth, who died November 15, hours were put Into effect a Iltlle tllOtlC CItiZen of Montgomery
berlh Borough COuncil room on
Saturday 5 p, M" Carl Madgrial, Drive your help will be needed Narberth Ave" IS home on five
who opelates a meat market at to reach oUr quota of $19,833,- days r,eave from Lfttle Creek, Va.
-more evacuation hospitals- Interment was In Westmlnister over a yea,r ago, because of the County by pledglllg to flrst go to I P V II L d
- more convalescent hospitals- Cemetery.
I more hospitals ships. For many, Mrs, Dold, a reSident. of Nul'-
manpower shortages, ('burch for dlvme guidance and
The stores 111 Ardmore, Bala- secondly by bUYIng a bond before
many years the sick, wounded, berth for 25 Years. was a member Cynwyd. Bryn Mawr, and Wayne, beginnlllg their personal so1Jclta-
e In a ey ea s
COlnIn unities With
Iona and Woodb1l1e Ave". was ar- 000.
raigned bpfOie Magistrate Otto WOhlen h~ve ~l·.n~onstJ·a,ted
Duel' lor vlOlat1OlI of Borough 01'- their I!ersuaslve ablhtles bel ore
Ampillbious Base.
• • •
2nd Lt.. Edmund Flannigan IlJ1d
dmance No. 366, which states -In diverse ways. Now is YOllr his bride, the fortner Barbara
- and otherwise disabled veterans of the Lutheran Church and th~ WIll be open now, dally from 10:00 tlOn of prospeetl\'e buyers m the
will require medical attention P. O. E. S. of A. Besides her hus- A. M, to 6:30 P. M" and on Sat- terntory alloted them, thus plac-
and care. That's the least Un- band. she is survived by a daugh- urday from 10:00 A, M. to 9:00 ing them In an I11splred frame of
97 Rer Cent that all meats shall be stamped opllortunlt)· to s~rve your coun~ Ann Gallagher of Boston. spent
with either a State tlr Federal -try. by selling \\ar Bonds. YoU! the past week with Lt. Flannigan's
stamp to show. certam health in- 10t::IC must guide the fatuous parents MI'. and Mrs. Edmund
cle Sam can do in appreciation tel'. Katherine C, Miller, of Ohio. P. M. mmd for the gigantIc task before Less than $15,000 was needed to spections have been made. ~hmkers. who feel that the war Flannigan, 375 Bala Ave., Cynwyd.
of what they've done for us. them, meet the goal of Mall1 Lme Divls- He was flned $100 plus $6,80 IS already won, to the tru~h, Lt, Flannigan IS statIOned at Camp

- Wimlillg the Peace-

for Your County
Lo"rer l\lerion High School "I am confidl'nt tllat Monlgom- Ion No. 1 of the United War costs for sellmg meats contrary that we have a hard. expenSive BilOXI, MISS.
ery County Will not only attalll Chest accordmg to reports sub- to the above ordinance. war still to be \\'on. 2nd Lt, Lary Davis, son o[ Dr.
ItS quota of $19;833,000 III bond ._ _ _ _ The chairman of the Blue and Mrs. Lawrence Davis, Iona
sale,;, but WIll g) far over thIS mltted at a report luncheon last Star Brigade, MI·s. Charlotte and Avon Rds" ~pent weekpnd In

1 If we're to win the Peace as
- I well as the war. the cost of liv- amount WIth men and women III Fllday, Boroug-hs Association, B. RYan, urges your enlistment, Narberth from Quantico. Va,
I iog must be kept down and the all walks of life In'thls area back- TIllS DIVISIOn, made up of tile
mg up the ftghtll1g forces on all Ardmore, Wynnewood, Penn Val-
rro Meet Decelllber 7 women of Montgomery County. Arthur Keegan, aged 8. son of
From a small band (eight, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Keegan of S,
purchasing power of money pre-
• served. A reckless Inflation that fronts WIth theIr dollars to Il1S11re ley, Narberth, MerIOn and Over- The Montgomery County Bor- be exact) of patriotic women In Narberth Ave., is In the Pre~byter-
would necessarily be followed by the speediest vIctory pOSSIble," brook dlStl'lctS, had reached 89,4 oughs, AssociatIon WIll meet De-, Montgomery County, the en- Ian HOSPItal. "ArtIe" as he Is
the eatastrophe of deflation- 'Excerpts from letters printed below are ----.----- percent of Its quota of $115,000. cember 7 at 8,15 P. M. 111 Clly Iistment has grown to 100. Four known to hIS friends. has had a
- with its unemployment, bank-
rupteles, misery and heartache
-must be prevented at all eost.
men and women in the service to their
home. They are reprinted exactly as they appear in the
Alma Mater back
U er ReeIected
Hb WIth workers l1lakll1g extra ef- Hall, Norristown.
fOI ts ovel' the weekend. the dlv!s-
hundred women are needed In hard time of It these past 14 weeks,
Fredenck B, Snl1llJe. DIstrict the 6th War Loan Drive. Con- His clothes caught fire from tt'ash
101'1 cllau'ffian, J. Randall WJ1- Attorney of Montgomery County" tact your Local War Finance burning In the backyard and his

- GOP Counc'I-I Head I

Let's make no mlstake-a dan- !Jams, Jl'., expressed Ilopes, that Will speak at the meeting, All, Committee and leal'n how )'ou leg was bumed from the Instep to
gerous period lies ahead, The current issue of the Lower Merion High School "News I
the gap would be closed thiS week burgesses and police chiefs of can serve your Country-and above the knee. The instep and the
win recognition for your efforts! II calf
American people have nothing Letter". As the "News Letter" is only mailed to those in and the quota met. -----__=--
boroughs are urged to attend, -"- boneofWOUldn't
his leg healed,
heal. Lastbutweek
the shin-
• to fear, however. if they show
In the future the same common
sense they have shown In the
past, and eontinue to put every
the service school authorities ha.,.e appro\'ed its publica-
tion so that it may be read by the folks back home.
12 D eIegat es Att en d
, A total of 4322
were received up to last Friday
from the SIX communities of Main
S ssocla- I-Ion 0f Nat-Ions'AbOUt

anI ley

I ti
ng p as c gra
- Line DivlslOn No. 1. In percent-

T0 Be CIt
you think It would be nice for his

omp eed Dr Comfort Says

penny over rock-bottom ex-
penses into the purchase of , FRANK T. BASILE, S. 2/c, Port Columbus, Ohio, comes across From Lower Merl·on ages, Penn Valley was leadlllg fl"le'llds to send him cards - just
\ more and more War Bonds. wIth 11 i yt ~ tlle NL . He says his brother, JOE and ANTH-
1 s fi rs trep, n A d N ar ber th then wIth 97.6
WYllllewood lI'as aof close
Its secolld
quota, address them to Artie Keegan,
- Winning ti,e Peace-
. ' both, are StIll g IV In g II d' d I'
I m a VIce, an Joe Is p annl1lg to get mar-
ned on J:1IS next furlough. (Hello, TONY, did You know that? You
with 96,4. Overbrook had 89,6
percent, Merion 87,4 percent, Nar-
, • Presbytel Ian
Powelton Ave.,Hospital,
Children's Buildlllg,
39th and
Philadelphia. c/o
fol' Yourself go~na brmg one of those French maidens along home?) Frankie, I'm 1\1rs, John Y. HUber, Jr,. Haver- berth 83,1 and Ardmore 81.5. e •

- Want another important rea- wntlng this on the eve of our football game with West Phill~' and ford. president of the Pennsyl-
son? Yourself! There isn't a "I'm sure many of the fans will miss your long runs. Good luck t~ you, vania CounCil of Republican Wo- Friday totaled $100,997.44.
SubscriptIOns reported to last "All the Items on Penn's agenda and complimenting the members
have now been completed except for their efforts In the preserva- th "G W HIS" CI b M d
QJf Lo er M ri I 'stOI'" w
Mrs. Arthur Cook will entertain
better or safer investment ill men. was reelected president for Many contributors have In- his theory of an association of tlon I> w e on 11, a, evening. Novembel'
s e . . , 27 at u.her onhomeay
- the world today than War
tr~', you are also helping your-
liere's, a rookie, LESTER ROSENFELD. s. 2/, '44.. In Yeoman a tllll'd term on Thursday at the cre~sE;d the amount of their sUb- nations which is about to be com- read y Miss Helen Richards, Cor- on Lanthwyn Lane.
Bonds. In helping your coun- School, Bambrldge, Md. He has a lot of news abollt the '44 gailg (we'll close of the Council's 22nd an- scnptlOn over last year aud call1-
110Id It unt1l1atel'J, Including DRURY. CAMPBELL. THORN AI,LEN nual convention in Harrisburg.
polgn officials hope that when ail pleted Dr, WIlliam Wlstar Com-
. " responding Secretary,
Seventeen new members were

• •
I b b 11 t

- self! Never in our entire hls- VANGIERI. GUCKES and NEALY. These fellows were all together ' ,
Mrs. Huber said in an address' prospects are contacted the goal of 'd C O'll e
tOl'3' has it been so necessary to Iat Boots, but got separated In OGU. All are on our list and we'll walt on post-war pl~ns of the Council \\'111 be exceeded.
,save as right now. We'll need I for reports. Thanks, Lester, t11aL It shOUld 'emphaSize educa- ---.----
f t
I PI' e sld nt Em Itu of Hav welcomed. The society member-
d.;r IJ t f th - ship of 45 Is the hillhest in many held Saturday night, November 18
;r.t'd' H Ietge'lanl A res I etl~ 0 aide \,'ears, MI.s Anllle B. Molony, at the Narberth Community Build-
I en. s s 01 ca ssoc a lon, s ~
e annua ase a pal' 'Y was

IIlg About 50 I' 60 guests ball

- 'money, individually, for educa- --- tlon as a wrce to bUild citizens PIan Fund DrIve
. F or Sat.mday at the largely attended Financial Secretary, announced.'
m etl g of th M t m I' Coun Tea followed the program at players,
their wives, sweethearts
tion, repairs. replacements, re-
tirement-and we'll need a lot tlon, and is on the way to reco\\ery, glad to be out of bed again. He's of,,~~moclac~. t' 1
of it,
PVT. WM. S. S'l'UART, Camp Gruber, Okla., has had his opera- who can ~llee~, the responsibilIties.
.'., New FIre House
tye Hi~torlcal ~oc?~tygOat e the His: Which KiI'ke BI'yan presided, Be- and friends enjoyed moving plc-
torlcal Society BuildIng. fore the meeting which marked tures and had their palms read by
• all pepped up over ollr football team. Dig Into those books study 10m P!.ac Ica expeI,Ience" Dr Comfort who spoke on "Why Penn's Tercentenary. a meeting of Rose Cunney, of Drexel lilll. Latet·
As you can see therc arc whenever you can and you'll pass the Ecohomlcs, Best of Juck 'to you. ~he ar ded , I'hknow t th~t It i~1 a
many reasons. important rea-
The drive. committee of the Remember William Penn?" stress- the trustees was held. they were served sandwiches. cof- •
--_ lace a see \\ a ge s In all le Gladw~'ne FIre Company, under ed Penn's religious philosophy but Present· Mrs A Conrad Jones fee, soft drinks and beer.
sons, why our Government ENS. FRANK DUNIGAN, '40, FPO SF, Is somewhere in the Pa- gr~Und fi~or to te~ch our ,~hlldre~ the chairmanship of Richard Slo- outlined 'hls work In gen'eral: Conshohocken:' Charles Harp~i' '" ••• ..
port of everyone, and have it cHIc flying from an Island he calls the "ROCK." Theile are no other ~~lfJi'\~~~htt~~~ pOO~I cym, Ifas Rlflost completed its field ChrI~tmas Boxes for the BOYS.
mUllt have the flnaneial sup. Penn's in'Iportant work In the Smith, liatboro; David Todd
for many months to come. Merionltes there so far as he knows, but LT. JACK HEALY. a Main itlcs Is the art of government; fu~~ fO~.I· b~~J&gg ~lde nelcessal{ H IdofGlawK WIals cited by Judge FJol.nanesc'inePoattsndtowJ'nU;dgeMIH'S·aI'oHld· H ., I' ~~~~ ;:t~n n:~I:'~y ~y n~~~~!
Let all Americans do their Liner, who flies with him in their /iquadron, reads the NL as he knows anl that means the art of all arts
part-for their own sake, for many of the guys of '37 and '38, He wishes the class of '40 were bet- ~that humanity will depend on te;hl~a;a6:e;n~tu~~~~~S;1~:m~I~
a equ pmen. aro
A ~W::.
, n g 1t .
From Gon. Arllo~ H ~wre~, A~~l~'~th~:'~e
~~~~~to~: I bel' 10. .,.
~ . • I their country's.
ter represented, and he'd like to sUicest a rollcall for ncxt-"let's see most during the diffiCUlt yeaI's which to build the fire house, and Arnold t~an~g: th~le:riclety' for Norris D. WrIght, Lyma.n A. KI'ntz,
Conti1lued 071 Page Three Conti1l1ted on Paga Three will make a report soon.
Imaking him an honoI'ary member Franklin Stickler and Kirke Bryan,
- ,
"Call for Philip Morris" wa.s a
Contillued on Page Two

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