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METHODISTS CELEBRATE . heing.deliveretl

The anniversary sermon is to.
hy the Heverend Bishop
: Joseph F. Berry, D. D., LT.. D.
The church will he artistically dec-
hy :\liss Miriam Waru. Souvenir
FIFTH ANNIVERSARY programs are to he distributed.
The pastor and members join in ex-
tending to alI memllers of the com-
Dr. C. M. Boswell and Dr. T. H. munity a hearty and cordial welcome:
Evans Preachers for Histor- to cadi service.
ical Sunday Program-Emin-'
('lI11IS'.'.lIAS PA(,K'\(;I';~ FOR ,UU:U·
ent Churchmen-Excellent If A'" t:Xpt:IH'rW:XAUY FOlH'ES
Music-Reception and Enter-
tainment-Culminating With Office of Second Asst. P. M. Gon.
Sermon By Bishop .Joseph F. OwingWashIngton. Oct., 27. 1917.
to the irregular and limltell
nett~· Baxter's Gossill
Berry shipping factl.ities availahle for han-I i\I \ 1" S'I---I I I I'
dling the large amount of Christmas 1 rs: l . \.. I er son Jave Jeen
· I
The Little Churcl. on the Hill ce Ie- parce I s t or t Ie troops, Ie
tl W
spendlll/!; the weel, 111 Boston, Mass. I
brates her Bilver anniversary with :\. partment has consented to receive and .-.- - . ,
week's jubilee. beginning this SundaY' deliver throu/?;h its chllnne!s of com- Mrs. John Wllhams, ot \\ ynnewood I TilE UT'I'J,f; (;UDt('I1 U~ 'l'ln: IIILL
with the Rev. Charles M. Boswell, D. mnnication to soldIers In France avenu~, entertained at cards on Mon-I-::::::~~~::::~~::::::::::::~::::::::~~::::~~::::::::~~::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::
D., and the Rev. Thomas H. Evans, Christmas packages for soliliern up to day alternoon. 1-
D. D.. as the preachers for Hlstoric~1i 'twenty pounds in wei/?;ht when ad-
Dav. dressed as foliows:
Mrs awl Mrs.. Robert.~. Pattison,
Or. Boswell is one of Methodism's ="ame of Soldier. Jr., have moved IlIto theIr new. home
.. I. ClI'In tl1e ser v·IC e
leaders aIHI partlclpa Unit to
. which
.he. helongs
, on .chestnut avenue. .
To the i{epuhhcall .
voter of :"arberth: To the "oters or 1\arherth:
when the present edifice waH dedlcat- "Care of C':ommanditlg' . Gerenal
cd. Septemher Hi, 1895. Dr. Evans,
1 11
of 1~ll1harka.tion. ,PIer . .,,0-
PorI I .'t
" \
tll~ prl'mar"
.Miss G,r:,lce Murphy .and.llC,r ~nother. 19tb day of September last, ea, ndidates
on the There a l'l' iiS registered '·'oter~.· ., I'll
1 A ClUrcu,
I" II.oken '. "". J, ' . 0 t 104 :i\! e.ri on ~ v e.I l te,
l' II. tV ~ /?;·on e t 0 were eleeted on the Hepubliean ticket XarlJerth. On primary day. september
pastcor of the haws _",venue
I .
:'\orristown, Rerveu the church from padwcl and nlall.ell 11~ al eordance with WIllte IlaJlls. :'\. 't .. to resHle. whORe names will appear on the ballot 19, ahout ;':00 votes were cast, this
11\94 to IS!l7. anll presided at the de· the followinl!'. directions: lor election on !\'ovember tJ, 1917. loll' number heing due largely to the
t1iealion. It is a happy culmination All parcel post mat:er must ?onfor~ MrH. William S. Maduox, of WooJ- Among the ca.ndidates was Mr. Ray- fact that many of our townspeople
of events which brings these two old to the postal re g ulatlOl.1s and JII addl.-,
friends back to !\'arherth as speakers tion must he enc Io~e(I JII woo d en
for Historical Sunday. es with not exceedmg twenty pounds
side avenue, is entertaining her moth- montl Jones. who was nominated for were away from home or preventeu hy
x: er, Mrs, J. Crane, of !\'ew York. tax colleetor. He. was the ehoiee of
the people over the other I~andidates. other reasons from visiting the polls.
The ehoir, directed by Miss Vera lor the package, the .hOX t~ measure .lJlnsh'cl ~hu\\' There will be a tieket called "The The result of the hallot for tax col-
Bernice Chesley. the organist, will not to exceed two culnc feet In volume. Ihmt'lit oi ~ltrhcrlh Burs' ('IlIh Borough Titket" on the ballot at elec- lector showed a ditl'erenee of only :!O
lIe assisted by Mr. Herman J. Buh, to he of wood, to he well strapped, Ulllt' tu he AlIlIollncp4! LatN' tion whleh has on it the names of all VOles, on all tickets, in favor of my
lenor; Mrs. Nellie M. Denman. con- I~n~ .to have a .hingell ~r .scr~~v top ~~ Watch ior It.! ! the Repuhlican candidates nominated prineipalopponent. In view of all the
trlllto; Mrs. Joseph Barclay, soprano. laelhtate openlllg and IlIspectmg. ::'\ : at the primarr election with the ex- ctreulllstanees, it is unreasonable for
,llld others. 1\1Iss Alvetta Bliss, a perishable 1'0011. products other than Mr. anti ~lrs. Carroll Downes enter- I ception 9f Mr. ,Jones. anyone to claim that the primary day
teacher of harmony, will play the those enclused III cans or glass j~rs tained Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mad- Atleni-ion is called to the fad tilat ligures reflect conclusively the senti-
violin at the evening services. shoulu he paeked in any such shlp- dox. Miss Mary Peehles and 1\'11'. l<Jd- a vote for the BOI·OUR., til~ket does not ment of the VOl.ers of the borough.
Greetings from the local churches: ment. /?;ar Wheeler at tea on Sunda:.. carl'" with it a vote for anyone on Hence I beg to announce that I haVe
are to be presented on Community' Such parcel post matter should be the i~ount" ticket. making it necesary yielded to the pressure which has been
::'\Ight, Wednesday, Kovember 7. The marked "Christmas Box" and shoull! Westminster Cirele of the Presby'- to nplit I'he ballot at election with hrought to hear on me hy my many
Preshyterlan and Baptist churches reach the commal:ding Gel~eral terian Church will hold a bake in the i all Ihat that Implies. :"0 objection rriends. not to accept the result of the
will e10se their prayer services and be l:?st of Embarkation, l'lOhoke~. IS. J., Y. 1\1. C. A. Buildlng from :{ to :; 1 ,'an 1)(' h()nestl~' macle against anyone aforesaid as the final "erdiel. and to
represented on the program by their I IeI' 1,01; or before December .l.
1917. 1 o'eloek on Saturday, November :1. or the regular nominees chosen after make an Indepenuent (~amp:\ign for the
pas lars, the Rev. John Van Ness and The rate of postage on all ~arce
the Rev. Avery S. Demmy. Mr. post. matter intended .for men III the
I --- I a full a.nd frell canvaRS. and I most office of tax collector.
Mrs. l·'relleriek L. Rose, of IOlla ave- nrgently appeal. therefore. to all the! In asking for your vote 011 election
Charles E. Hires, of Haverford, a "eJ·vlce . abroa.d wl~ether sent through nue. left this week for Baltimore, Md.. Republican voters in the borough to I day. :'\ovember Ii. I feel it only just to
member of the Old Merion Meeting the mall serv~ce (~I~ect I~nd~.r ~he .s~v~ to join Mr. !tose. They have apart-I stand hy the candlclntes who wer.e !myself to mention that I have been
House, Is to extend greetings from the (;n pound limit 01 sent III e,lre ,Ofh meuls at the 1\It. nora!. on !\1t. Royal I fairl\' nominated at the Septemher prJ- I a resilient property owner anel tax-
friends in and about the community. ('on:lIlan~]jn~ U~n~r~l, ~ost .o.f .I~~bar= avenne. Imar;. election. : payer of :-:arberth for 16 years, e1ur-
Main I~lne lVIethoclislll will present l,atlOn, for l1!Dlver~ b) nlll~t.. r) a~ --- 1 woulel call attention to the fact' ing which period I have several times
congratulationf; through the pastors of thoritie~ to the addressee. Is twehe I
Beginnin/?; "ovemher 2. all tirst class tlwt mal1\' who were not eligible to I held puhliC' office. which entailed on
Ardmore, Bryn Mawr and Wayne.
l<'riday, November 9, is Oongrega'
eents a pound.
Ort.o Prlleg't'r.
I letters llIust have thret' eents postage: vote at tile primaries can caHt their: my part saerifiees of 'fariOUR kinds in
all drop letters anel postal cards or ballot at the ('oIDing eledio", i order to /?;ive the people and the hor-
tional Night, with al~ infQrmal enter- Seeond Assistant P. M. General. IIOf;t eards will reCjuire IWO cents post-I CHARLl<JS V" ;\10l<JL. .ou/?;h the hest that waR in ~1e.• No
tainUlent and receptton to all mem- ----- (Ige prepaid. H(}puh~ic'an Committeeman. Boroug-h office I haVe ever held carrIed any
hers of the congregation by the 1,IS'r O}o' rXCI,Ann:n I,}~TTERS or ~arherth. remuneration and I feel that af; there
Ladies' Aid Society. Delightful remin- I~ ~'\RH}:It'l'1I POST OFFICE Lieutenant COlllmander and Mrs. C. is now an office In the gift of the peo-
iseences, the reunion of former mem-
hers, music and the serving of 1'1'-
freshments assures the congregation
:\1Iss l<'inekle Clark.
Cora C. Gleeson.
MrH. William Lon/?;.
1'. Burl. of 10i Merion avenue, leavp
:'\arberth to-day to lal,e up their res-
'dence at Powelton Apartments. West i
A ('OSTC"t: IL\,('}:
pIe, for whieh my years of experience
,and knowled/?;e of local affairs have
: peculiarl~' fitted me, I come before
of a pleasant evening. R. H. Preston. Philadelphia. f One "I' the prettiest affairs of the! the voters and ask their suffrage III
The jubilee cl-oses with all-uay ser- Mr. Amos Strunk. I lieasun WllS given on l<'riday evening,! the coufident belief that I have de-
vices Sunday. ~ovember 11. The ReT. Mrs, William Wright. Mr. and Mrs ..1. K Ritter. or I'hlla- Oetoher ~ti, hy Mr. and Mrs. Carroll I served it.
G. Bid,ley Burns, D. n.. district su- I;. S. UIlWIl, clelphia. are heiuJ.; couJ.;ratulatell on Downes. at their J·esiclenee. :n5 Wood- Hespectfully yours,
perintendent, will preach in the morn- Postmaster. the hirth of It boy. Mrs. Hitter. be- siele a.venue. CHARLES E. HUMPHREYS.
fore hel' marria/?;e. was Mif;s Mary The guests were requested 10 comr . - - - _.- " - - - -
Small. of 102 nudle~' avenue. xar-I in costume, and tb-ere were. many, ) ,. •
herth. l,eautifu! as well as comie ones there. I LUI OI{'L\~T N~TJCE TO, _"
NEW NARBERTH PLAN TO MEET THE HIGH --- I The house beginning at the £lItrance , ItF,n CItOSS l\ ORKF.IlS
A cordial invitat~on is extended to was most artisticall~' decoratel! with' .
COST OF LIVING NEARING COMPLETION everyone to drop mto the gsm bal- cornstal){':;, autumn leaves. frUIt and
eony at the Y. M. C. A. during any all Uilngs appropriate for the Hal- week With a million dressmgs on
OWlllg .to the loss of lL ve~sel last

of the many classes, and see for yOUI'- lowe'en season.
An Important Feature Is That a Square Deal Is Assured the self what is heing done for the mem- 'fhe dim lights and grotesque pump- out ~y headqu.arters for workers £In
hers. It woulll pleaHe the association Idn and paper faces combined to make Hur/?;l c al dressmgs. At B~yn Mawr,
board, an urgent call has been sent

Consumer, The Local Retailer, Th'e Local Bank and The espedall~- if the parents of the hoys t.hingR :IS spooky as possible. ~he days for work on surgical dress-
Wholesaler-'\'atch "Our Town" for a Detailed would drOll in now and then. and in- The first part of the evening was lllgS are Mondays, Tuesday and :h,:1I's-
\,('stl/?;ate present condltlo,ns. spent in dancing" then the good things days. Narberth. workers' are IlDVlt~d
Announcement were partaken of, after which the to help. The Narberth days for th~b
___ ._ _ _ WilY nON'T YOFl gnests were entertained by the TOWl1 kind of work are Mondays and Fl'l-
Comedian. Mr. Carroll Downes, und ?ays. A prompt response to this c:'11
The new Narberth Plan for reducing the high cost of liVing, and es- Have your mall addressed to YOllr his ahle partner, Mr. William Mad- If; urged, as the need Is great. The
tablishing more emcient merchandising methods for; all parties concerned, box number, it wiII help a lot during dox, who kept the party in peals of fact that Ollr own boys are now III
is fast nearing a state which will permit of It detailed public llnnounce- the corning season to prevent laughter uotll the wee small hours of th: trenches should be an additional
ment. delaY in the service, if you will get the morning. Mrs. Downes. as Bns- !ltlm-ulus to renewed activity.
Another meeting ;of the citizens who lire co-operating with Mr. A. B. the habit. tel' Brown, made a charming hostess. The Government has lLlso llent out
Uoss, of Narberth. "n acknowledged expert on this llubject, who is now for whil'h the foIlowing could vOllch: an urgent call for a half million
working with. the State Committee oi Puhlie Safety, was held last evening HOWLING AVEIt,\GES . Mr. and Mrs. William S, Maddox, sweaters. Narberth women are asked
at the home of W. R. D. Hall, on Dudler avenue, to further develop the I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Churchill, Mr. and to keep on with the gOOd work they
plan. , ! I
The follOWing Rre the averages of Mrs. Frederiek Woodworth, Mr. and are doing In this line, keeping In mind
Mr. Ross, as spokellman for the committe. of which Mr. Hall and !\fl'. the Narberth bowling team as bowled Mrs Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. and Mrs. that cold weather is rapidly approaC'h-
C. Howard McCarter are also members, submitted what might be[ termed up-to-date: T. C. Moore. Dr. and Mrs. Romaine ing. and enough sweaters to ~o
a "general detailed" outline of the proposition. 'fhe plan Is based lltrict- I Dr. Harry Hartley ,. 156 Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Horace pol- around are not to be obtained in allY
lyon sound. economic business principles, including those features which Daniel Lacy ; ,. 156 hemns, Mr. and Mrs. William Ehnl, other way than by volunteer service.
in some form or other have been: successful in other communities and care- C. T. Weaver 157 Mr. and lVII's. William Bradley, Mr.
fully omitting tQose fealures which experlenee has proven faulty. . At this Horace Smedley ,.......... 143 and Mr;; George Rose and MIss Mar\' ,
time further details cannot be published, but It is. essential that this Robert G. Savill 156 peeble!!·. 'all of Narberth, and Mr. Ed-I ~~~~SIFnD AI)V~~~SE]IENT~..
fact be made absolutely clear and emphatic.
The organization of consumers, liS provided for in The Narberth Plan. Lawrence David
S. Weaver , ,... 147 gar Wheeler. of Chicago. I Two ~pnl8 per word each In8ertlon, ~a&h
143 __ In advance. No advertl8ement a~cepted un-
will assure economies or advantage!! for the consumer, the local retailer. A. M. Yeager " "....... H3 le88 _ca8h_~,-".!.~n_le_8_C_D_PY_. _
the local 'bank and the wholesaler-there wlll be a square deal, and a new James McKell ,...... 135 NOTIC}; I FOR !'lAf.E-At $6.00 and $4.00, two pal....
ladleR' hll\'h. tlln. Illce .hoe8. SI••• ~J.2·A
and advantageous deal, for ali these four Interests.
Some preliminary work 'yet remains to be done, and as soon as that When washing a piece of choice
is finished the citizens of our borOugh may look for a complete an- yellow lace, dip it in milk before iron- for Tuesday evening, October 30, at :=-"-~\~'-
and r.-A (Dn~ plllr 811ghtly wornl. COOL
A meeting of Democrats is called $8.00 an.'.1 $7.00. Box 8~O. Phone., ~l\rherth
nouncement, coupled with the aRsurance th3t their co-operation, and as-
sistance and suggestions will he welcomed. Watch "Our Town" for fur-
lng, Always place a piece of tissue 8 o'clock. at 211 Essex avenue, in the LOST-PurR•. In Narberlh Dr on Old Gulph
. dl tl ver the lace 80 the I Interest of all the nominees of the rOlLd, Own.... " name on card In purlle. R.-
ther news of The Narherth Plan. I
naper rec 'If 0
warm iron will not touch the fabric. 'party.
• i turn
I reward.
to Narberth Po.t Ornce and re,*,lve
, The large saving' in the canneel' Cub Returns From Keokuk
.;"urllulislli-l'io PaId Workers.
'goods has been an Important item and'
with thi! State Department of Mar-
An EXlleriment In Co-operative: kets, at Harrisburg, potatoes and all'
! pies have been ordered hy Mrs. Calll-
And Is On Deck Again Not a Solitary Sou, Sir!
eron as chairman and ovcr four hun- Dead Mr. l';ditor: I What leaves here for the boys in the Service must go as it
Owned and Published every Thurs- drell bushels of potulOes are on 01'- Please assure "Yearner" that I am
day lJy the Narberth Civic Assocla- del' as well as twenty-five barrels 01 not a "dead onc"-that is, not" quite, came-at cost-not an iota of profit shall be added! That privi-
tion. applEs. . By the way, doesn't that nom de plume lege cannot be denied us, surely! And it's lots and lots of things'rJl CIVIC ASSOCUTION. \ l\luch credit is due the a.ctivity of rhyme heautifully with the name of a good drug-store has which C<1.n bring cheer and greater com-
4 P 1<1 t A J Loos II hose who have pushed this work, a famous local drop line fisherman'?
/es en id . ts' A C Shand J B.: and it is hut one of the nJan~' in- Tell "Ycarner" that I am now a war fort to camp-and-sea life! Just say you came for the lad away-
\Vil~~e-p~e~a:es'Ar·tm~n. ,. ! stances where excellent rmmlts. arc correspondent at the ~'rol1t--of Elm and it's a royal pleasure you will afford us when you allow us to
S e~r~~~r.\' and tr'}asurer, li'rank J.! aeeomplbhed fOl: goo~l of the well.are, Hall, reporting thc deeds of valor d
I but when' very little IS known reg,lrd- performed by the 1I1emhers of the 0 any Ing we can POSSI yo.
th' 'bl d ' A th . . th H
way ere IS In e owar-
W~~:ctors, Frederick L. Rose, George' ;ng the good worl, accolllpliHlled. Home Town's especial pet. the ;>;ar- Special-Service-System-still effective, of course-for the un-
M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M . - - - - - - - - - - herth Homp. Guard. You ean i111agil~e /usual or hard-to-get thing-the article we may find when you
Colesworthy, Mrs. WI Jam . or e "
S H n r how hus\' 1 am. When the war Is
We hayc again heen privileged !o over I Ill;'" return 10 :II)' post on "Oll can ,t-w h e th er I'1." s In our I'Ine or f ar remove d f rom I. ·t' You must
A, l<J. Wohlert, 1\1rs. George M. Henry,
h ,'lttellel ',1 Illcctiug at which Mr. n 0Town's"
!, 8 S 'porl·h. 1et H oward he Ip.'
~'letcher W. Stites, E. A. '!usc am~,: further developed the ";>;arherth I'la , In (he mcanlime. )'011 might p;ive m'
H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, EdwardL S.:, lIt' llU)'I'llg grroeeries, ;vegetablcs and )-UlIr opinion a, to whether I pllrsll-
k M rs. ~9- ! fruits economically. This plan has

HIlWS, Mrs. Roy E. CIaI', Telephones, Of course, we
tel' W Nickerson William D. Smed- I . , • I' II' . k I . t . n I ed th" propel' eOllrse in so.lyin g a deliver - any
. " : been most c,lIe u ~ wor el 0,1, :" rather perplcxing problem w}lI('h con· 1267
p I ace - any
ley. "ppfals to liS as absolutely logleal frontell me recent b'. It sccms till! 1268 time.
HARRY A. ,JACOBS, a III I practieahle, It is fail' and just, I was al!yisell b)' se\:cra 1 people to give
Editor. llOt Qnl)' to the huyer. I
bllt 10 ~he Uf! smoldnp; and put til(' monc~' save I The Brightest Spot in Narberth
seller as well. I' ;nto Libprl\' Bonds. That. listenp'l
Mrs. Roy E. C1a';'k A. J. Loos ;>;arbertb may he considcred as very . g'oo,l, lnll l' wonl!ercd how Howard
fortunatc in having tbe tirst opporlulI-1 Ilal'is l'OUlll Imy botHls, if I 8topped
A drug store in the most modern sense of the term
Iilarl F. Smith Ilenry Rose
~. M. Henry W. T. Melchior : ity of ;;iying this plan a: practieal bllying cig-ars from him. Ir w o u l d " , -- -
; Ir;al, anl! of having its name eonneel- lla~e lwen selfish on my part to de- The IVIisses Zent~ayer's
ASHociule Editors. I
: ("I with it. :"; will rcn(ler the prh'c him of the opportunity of bllY-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : nation a grent serv)(~e by l!emonstrat- in~ bonds h~' hn~'lng them myself.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, ~ Ing.· under this plan, that a great S~y-I ilIH. this shows how resollreeful I
Cashier. ing is possible II.I pu:ehasin g. supplws. am. 1 settlel! Ihe question br eontinu- Reopened September 17, 1917. 125 'W'indsor Ave.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The fo()(1 questIOn I";. loonllng- I
Into ing-, to hn~' cig-ars and b~' buying bon:ls
H. C. GARA, greater !Jrominence dall)·. 'lI:d a(lvanT- also. A,.; some hase hall man said.
Advertising Manager. l,ge I1lU;,t. be talwn of. ('I·err. POssll:~e ! "Whea at first ~'on (lon't snrcee<l. I hracell all husines,s on hand, reports! gift frolll the Comlllunity Club to tho
to OPJloI'tUIllt~· 10 -eut olt ever~ .use.les:;! sleal second. 10f ('ommittees and tw': minute talk,; i Y. :\1. C. A.
Send all letters and news item ,cornpr in the pllrehase anlI liS 1 1 1
!'llU-1 Beforp. I p;o back to the trenches. I Ill' the president or each club teHUg _
P. O. Box 40~ t' l O Y to PO; tion of :onlpplipf;. Under !his p~an, tIll' I "llOulll like' to l'all yonI' attention to oi· the patriotic work being :!one bY U S JlIUL
Send all a vel' IS ng c p . , Iliollar will alt,lin its highest poinT; ;l1P fa['T that ';Olll.' Town's" Honor j tha~ club, The Women's COIllIllUIlH;" • •• ,
Box 820. I •
mittances to P. O. Box of ef!iewlJq'. . . Holl thpre apears the name of one 0" Club of Narberth being represented Aniva
Make all re i At the Yer~' earI1e". pnsslhh'. 111"- onr 101:al hoys who happenf; to he the by fourteen of its members, Luncheon (.July I, 1917)
l1~ur Town Is on sale at the depot ment. the women of :";arIH'rth ~1'I11 be onh' nne on Ihe cntire Jist that is preced-ed a most interesting program: 6.::!!; "\. ;\I.--Ea~t and through west.
E g-in'n an opportuniT~' of passing on 'l('t;I'lllv on the bat.tle ground. His composed of talent from each club ~
newsstand, and at the store 0 f H • • .
the plan. : \\'e hellCye I WI
eet' '.
I , IUi::!--East and through west.
name is at the foot. however. and we belonging to the Montgomery ]"edera-: 9.00 A. ?I.-I.JOcal west.
Da;~~~red as second-class matter, Oc- with tlwir unqualified approval. . :\11'. think the printer should he instruct- tlon. LoVing patriotic pictures by, 10.37 A. !\I.-East and through west,
tober 15, 1914, at tIle Post Office at Hoss h:l" marIe a (hep stuely .01 ll~e ell to re\'erse positions somewhat. the member of the Cynwyd Club COi!- I 1 UiO A. M.-I<;ast aud through west.
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the whole llues!ion. aUl! .is ] \' By the way, does it hurt to yearn? I' eluded the program for the day. Much: 1::!.::!6 p, l'.i.-Local west.
llllalitiell to speak WIth auth01lt~ on "Cnll." credit is due to Cvnwyd Cluh for thelr : 1.37 P. M.-East and through west.
Act of March 3, 1879. I I t · .
it. We: aJ;a in commeull t Ie P an 0 excellent hospitality. ' ~.26 P. l'.I.-Local west.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1917 their lI1o~1 ('areful aUll carnpst ('on- , 4.37 P, M.--East and through west.
~ERGENCY PHONE CALLS : ~illeratif)n. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols i. Women's c,ommunit y CI.ub ~eets, 6.37 P. l\L-Local west.
Fire 350.
Police 1250.
! \\'lllilier is often expressed that Ger-
Speak·s NarbeIth ID
I :'\ovembcr 6, 11l the DomestJc SCICr,ce i
Hoom at the School House, 2.45 P. 1'.'1:.
Ii.!;::! A. l\L-Local west.
--==:::::==~======:::::~~~~==:: I man
= . soldicrs ('Im he gUil,tr of !.he
'ltro('ious l'ruelties praetlced dunng;
The above meeting will be on Home
t· 1
9.00 A. l\T.--East and through west.
There arc two communications )1l i' ' . r' 'inal1y Germans TIle Women's Community Club of Economics, and wiJI be a prac I"a 10.37 A. l\-I.-Local west.
" t· to' the g-reat war. as 0 I!?, " . . lesson in eooking. Please comc lO.47 A. l'.T.-East and through west.
this issue. of Our To," ~ )1l rela IOn o~.! were known as a Idndly, home-Iovmg l'\arbertll opened I~S yearly progr~n~
1 ::!.::!6 P. M.-East and through west.
the election of a .'lax COllector.f i people. The explanation may he found with a luncheon III the CommulIlty promptly.
1.:n P. l\L-Local west.
KUl'herth at the :-;ovemher electIOn. I in the teachings of FrIedrich! HOOUlS of the Y. M. C. A.
~.::!6 P. l'.I.-East. and through we.;t.
Ae we have repeatedly state?,. we ca.'~- ':\ietzsche, who, in IRSI. wrote "Thus I 'rhe chief speaker of the urternoOil Women's COllllllunity Club prep:1r-
4.~7 P. M.--Local west.
not take sides in UI.l~· ,polltlCal dl~- I Spalw ZarathustnL" The teachings was Mrs, H. S. Prentiss ;>;icllOls, ing to scnd Chri,stmas boxes of swee~~
6.:n P. l\I.-East and through west
['ussion without sacr~tlC1I1g ou: P?SI- 101' this half-crazed "philosopher" v,ice-president of the Eastern District to Pennsylvania boys at Camp l\leatk.
7.00 P. l\1.-East and through west.
lion as a non-partJsan pUb\J~atlOn. I seem to have made a deep impression or Pennsrlvania. It is a grcat
There is, however, no objectlOl~ to; ou the German peoplc. We quote a privilege to listen to :\lrs. ;>;ichols ::nd On December 4, at :{ P. M., in the
Iluhlishing any letter free from offen- fcw "gems:" hear the wonderful messages S:1C Community Room of the Y. M. C. A., Arrive 7.02 A.]\f. Depart 5.47 P. M
sil'e personalities. Both of these let-; "1 teach vou the Superman. "Ian brings to the dubs. No one could the Women's Community Club will
len< are written in a, tempe:~te style, 'is sOlllethin~ that is to be surprised. listen to her and not feel inspired to hold an open meeting t.o all the ladjr~s
with the evident deSire of talr~y pre~ i What haVe ye clone 1..0 surpass lUan?" do hetter and bigger things, :18 sl'e of Narherth. Tho afternoon's PIO-
tenting the. situat~on fro~ dlfl'ere~I~: "I l'onjUr~ you, my brethren, rero:t;n most aptly said. "don't do your bit," gram will be a patriotic one with Mrs
I)oint~ of View. We SUlllll1t th 7m . : true to the earth. and helieve not "IHI't do )'our hest." I<;xcellent so1:>s .Joseph 'Vel1ington Shannon, who is
the judgment of ~mr voters, wltllOUt I t hose who 'speal, unto you of super- were rendered by Miss Miller, of connecte,1 with Philadelphia P.8d
Date Bread ~ Nut Bread
jlrejulliee, and With confidence that, I' earthlY hopes. PoiHOners are they, Philadelphia, and Mrs. Joseph Bar- Cross, speaking 011 "'Vhat Women 25, 3D, 40 and SOc
no matter what the outcome may Ill) wheth~r they know it or not." day, of ~arberth. Are Doing." Through the columns a Loaf.
we will have a good Tax. Collector. "Once ,hlaSPhemy against G'od ,:,as I' Mrs. Richa,rd H: Hamilt~n, prc~i- of Our Town the dub is making an Phone, Narberth I258.W,
the greatest blasphemy; hut God e\Jed,. dent of the "",omen s Club of Ardmo.e, appeal to a Ii t.he ladies of ~arherth
The members of the Ladies' Auxii- and therewith also those blasphemers. : and president of the Montgomery to bring- a donation of jam, jellies. or - - - - - - - - - ---_._----
iary Sodety of the Y. M. C. A. are to To blaspheme the earth is now the i County Federation of -Women's Clu'os phoeolatp. packing the jams and jel- A COMPLETE LINE OF
he most heartily congratulated -on the dreallfulest sin, and to rate the heal·t I also gave an appealing a.d'dress to the lies in fruit jars to facilitate sh ip-
great sueeess of "Lovey Mary's Gar- of the unknownable higher than the' club. ping- an,1 labeling all packages with SCHOOL SUPPLIES
den," the fair helll last Friday and meaning of the earth." 'rhe interest manifested by lhG (lonor'f; name. It is earnestly hoped AT
Saturday in the Y. M. C. A. Building. "What is thc greatest thing ye can members and guests borc sufficient thM, this appeal wili meet with n
The mo'nths of preparation spent by experience? It is the hour of great testimony to the success of the after- hearty response as it if; a worthy
them were well rewarded, as we un- contempt, in which even your happi- noon's program and much credit is cause.
der8tand the receipts were over $700, ness becomes loathsome to you, and due the chairman of the luncheon
\\·ith only comparatively trifling ex- so also your reason and virtue. The eommittee, her aides, the chairman of Through the effort~; of the Wome11's
penses. hour when you can say, What good hospitality and. all others -who in l!!ly Community Cluh or ~arberth a new H C FRITSCH
More satisfactory even than ~he is m~. happiness, my reason, my vir- way participated. piano was installed in the Community • •
financial results, is the demonstrahon tue, my justice, my pity?" The Montgomery County I~ederation Room of the Y. M. C. A. on Tueseby. PnpertIes For Rent and Sa.e
that SO many of our people are deeply I "I-lave ye ever crIed tlnls? Ah! of Women's Clubs held its tri-yearly Octoher ~O. Much credit is due Mrr:. FIre Immrance
interested in the welfare of the Y. M. Would that I hall heard you crying meeting at Cynwyd on Thursday, W. M. Cameron for her nntiring d- Bell Phone 852 W.
e. A. The responses. t(} appeals ~or thus." October 25. The morning session em- forts in procuring the much needed W,all BnlldJng. I Narberth, Pa.
aid were very gratJfying, shoWI~g Anll so it. goes -on, t.hrough over
tbat the Y. M. C. A. has a firm hold III three hundred pages of the ravings of
the regards of the pe~ple of Narbertll. a dope-crazed "philosopher," so-callen.
In this connection, It may not be And yet it is onlv such teachings that
a miss to record the remark o~ one of ,:an account. for the metamorphosIs of
our young men, enlisted and III camp a gentle l\indlv people into pitlles3
" t d th fall' on '
a t Cape 1'.laY, w I10, VISI e e
, •
monsters, capable of nnheard of cruel-
Saturdav. He said that the boys t' Secure for yourself the safest investment In the world.
would I;ave no reereation or relief les.
from the tedium of camp life, were it Enlist in our army of patriotic savers and Help Your Country with profit to yourself,
llot for the Y. M. C. A. there. No REASSURIXG
matter in what field of endeavor It
I by purchasing a bond on easy terms as follows:
worl,s, the Y. M. C. A. has become A woman hired a taxicab. The door
imlispensable, and must be supported. of the cab was hardly closed before $ 1.00 a week for 50 weeks buys a $ 50.00 Bond
the engi:Je started with a jerk, an:!
the cab hegan to race madly along.
2• 00 a week for 50 weeks buys a 100.00 Bond
There has been considerahle g,ood
work done in Narberth durIng the past narrowl~' n~issing lamp po,;ts, trolley 5.00 a week for 50 weeks buys a 250.00 Bond
few mon-ths by our varions organiza- cars, polIcemen, etc. Becoming
tions, and in one particular instance frightened, the woman rapped on the 10.00 a week for 50 weeks buys a 500.00 Bond
tbe result accomplished has been very window of the cab and said:
encouraging and commendable. The "Please be careful. This is the first
(,ommunity huying, of which Mrs. W. time I ever rode In a taxi." I
M.• Cameron is chairman, has been

and canned goods since the first week

in May.
The chaufl'eur reassured the passen-
!;e1ling large quantities of butter, eggs ger as follow,;:
"That's all right, ma.'am. This Is the
first time I ever drove <lne!"-St.
The Merion .Title & Trust Co.
During the past week 'over one hun-, Louis Mirror.
dred an'l eighty pounds of butter were
dlRposed of at a saving of from eig,ht It takes the wasp to make a lazY
to ten Cf,nts per pound, and a 'large man get a moVe on himself. An It
OPEN FROM 8 A. M., TO 4 P. M.
qnantity of eggs at a saving of from has to do is back up against him and
six to seven cenls per dozen. push. SATURDAYS 8 A. M. TO NOON. FRIDAY EVENINGS 7 UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK
x AHBfi~B'rH. PA.-OU]~ rrO\VN-NOVl~MBER 1. 1917
.,' Nl'Ut.6 of t111' \lJ.lurr leu
Church Notes The pastor and JIlember8 exten:1 il ,
By proclamation of our Goverllor, hearty invitation to all member8 o! l & Save Your ~ I THE PUBLIC OF NARBERTH
. . ..,,"
MUtW:'i JlEt:Ili'iG JlOUSE.
., next Sunday is to be a "Go to Sun(~~\Y ,the community.
i School Day." This chureh invite~ ::II ---------
_ Cash and V
I Aut.omobi1es to hire at all hours of day
, and J1Ighl.
-.._- who are not regularly attending Sun- TilE 1'ln;SHr~I'IUUAN (;J1UHCn
:\leriou MeeLiug House ie opened f::r I dav school elsewhere especiallY Your Health SABlE CENSORE • Phone 1289 0 .. 625
N... h BERTH. PA.
worship every I"irst-day at 11 A. pa~ents, to join w.ith u;, in our WOf-' Rev. ,Tohn YIIU Ness, ~IJnlster ~'L(:r

M. Visitors are cordially welcomc. ship. Thirtv-slx associations in the:
A registry buok Is kept fO~ visitors. l'nited Statc~ and Canada are official-' The meetings for ncxt Sunday will
6.11 are asked to register their Ilan.:es. 'Iy observing this day. be as follows:
.' --.--~-.- . . : At the young people's meeting the 10.00 A. M.-Sunday school. A pbcc' OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
1't i. .u.\It1.AH~.J:s (;11 LIte ,11. i new presidcnt will announce the and a welcome for all. • ~OM\Q UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
__ i committees for the winter season. : 11.00 A. M.-Public worship. Ser- The standard cold cure for 20yearo--
r 10'- rlJ I in tablet form-safe, sure, no opiates
l';urly :llass lIlI SUII: I>I,y :Ulli ,·r Beginning with the prayer meetit:g mon theme, "Doing Things ,in Order" : --curea cold in 24 hours-grip in 3 Pasleu..lzedMilk \ DELIVERIES
I-t to UctolJef :{l~t at C.JO A. ~1. From ~ M
I tlll·~.'U,\"eek \"e
, ~
are Gtarting ~1 thorou!!1J 'During this meeting there will be th'.' days. Moneybackifitfails.
Ilenuine bos with Red top and Getthe
Mr. D"YDCIO~~lkcerlilied WEST PHILA.
~O\'ellllJel' lst to MarCil a I 5t at 7 .. . study of the Five-Year Program of ordination of deacons, who have re- HiII'a picture on it. (Pedriallc Soclet~) OVERBROOK
Late :llas8, lJ.:W A. 1\1. .1through.l.lut
OJ 11 .tlle naptist Churehes o[ the North. eently been elected to this ollice.
tilt! ' _ more, Costasaves
Il ~ . . Special MGuernsey" MERION
year. ;\Iasses on ho 1yuuys, 6~"U an This will include prayer meeting 7.00 P. M.-Christian Endeav.ll', 24 Tablet. for 25c. Milk WYNNEFIELD
8:W A.:l1. Weeltdays at ll. EvenJng talks and sermon subjects for the meeting. Leader. Miss Augusta B.' At Any DruIlStore .' (Roberts'4Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY,
devotions aUd other services at reguiar month of November. Some special Witherow. _ Dai..les) NARBERTH
times. features are being prepared along this 7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser-, .
________._ line ,mon on "The Keynote of the Reforma- I cnl parts of the countrj' to be merely C.. eam Buttermilk ARDMORE
AI.L SAIN'!'S' I'. E. (:lIUnCll. Y~u will bc' welcome to come to tion." aeeidental. We suggest that you ad- Table and Whipping
: any or all of these services, Church Notes vise all chapters t:> tell all worl,ers C .. eam.
Ite\·. Andrew S. HlIrlie, Reeto!' i - .______ The newly elected deacons, William ollieially, advise the local presS and

Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood

'A. McCulley and Lester W. Nickerson. everyone with whom they come ill
The servIces at All Saints' P. I~ ,,,J\'J'IWnIST 1-:J>IS('OI' H. CJlUI{CIl will be solemnly ordained to that contact, of the character of the move-
! "aered office next Sunday morning. ment which is on foot, and to a~l(
avenues. for next Sunday are as fol· Tht· Ultlt· (:hul'(~h 1111 the 1I111. Mr. John S. Ketcham who was re- members and. theI PUb~iCT~~~.r~~~I~~ 45th and Parrish' 8ts.
lows: . elected will also be reinstalled 11 s proceed on tllls t l e o r y . , •
8.00 A. M.-Holy communion. Hev. C. G. Koppel, l'a8tor. : deaeon at the same time. ING TO THE DISCREDIT 01" TIlE
9.45 A. M.-Sunday school. of tile, 'fhe prayer meeting on Wednesd:!5 ~E,:D
11.00 A. M.-Holy Communion and Beginning of the celebration night of this week will be devoted t.J 1 NTIL INVESTIGATED.
sermon. I twent.y·fif~h anniversary. 'a eonsideration of some phases of: "Ask each branch and a,uxiliary i MEATS of
4.00 P. M.--Evening prayer. lllstorlcal Sunda)' ; the Reformation. chn;irman to send to the chapter all
The attendance at the Sunday !l.4" ··Sunday school. Men's Bible I The session will hold their regular account of all such rumors and crit:- QUALITY
school is increas'iug each week, and class in the auditorium. taught hy I mont.hlv meeting at the home of Eld"r cisms heing circulated, as well as a
a special invitation is extended to t.he Hon. F. W. Stites. A. C. Warner on Friday evening I f statement of the source from which Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
those who have not become memb0rs 11.00-l\'!orning worship. Sermon by this week. they eome. Every criticism shottld
of any Sunday school. Come next Rev. Charles M. Boswell. D. D. Dr., This church extends fraternal grept- be carefully investigated and, if fonnd
Sunday and bring a friend. Boswell participa.ted in the service I ings, to the Methodist Episcopa I : to he justified, the cause for !t.e
Miesen's Bakery
Those not contributing by the when the present edifice was dedicated. 'Church upon their twenty-fifth all- I eritkcism should be removed, eithe:r NARBERTH ARCADE
envelope system, kindly ask the re('-. September 15, 1895. . I niversary. It will give us great: ill the chapter. ~t division head-
tor or any of the vestrymen for a, 7.00'-Epwol'th League. DevotlOna I, pleasure' to have a share in formally! quarters, or at NatIOnal headquarters. Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pie s,
package. meeting for the young people. presenting these greetings at t.he "In all eases the Red Cross will bring Candy. Ice Cream
The church has provided 'busses, 7.45-Evening worship. Historic'~I' Communitj' meeting arranged for the faets to the attention of interested CATERING FOR PARTIES
that leave Wynnewood and Narberth sermon b)' the Rev. Thomas H. Evans, November 7. ,persons. It is very important. that - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St.ations at 10.40 on Sunday morning~ D. D. Dr. Evans. former pastor, 18!11- : Westminster Circle of the Presby-I the ttivlsion headquarters and eac~1 A mo.n that whispers down a well.
1897, presided at the service of dedica- 'terlan Church will hold a bake in the' local chapter he made to understand About the goods he has to sell,
Can't renp BO many golden dollars,
IUI"I'IS'I' ClnmCII OJo' tion. The choir will be ~ssisted ,bY Y. l\t C. A. Building from:: to 5 that the reputation a~lll. standing ~f As one "'ho cllrnbs a. tree and boIler•.
THE EYANGlU, Mr. Herman J. Bub, t.enor, Mrs. ~el· o'l'!ock on Saturday. November 3 the Red Cross locally 1S 1Il the hanus

Aver)' S. Ilcmmy, Pastor

lie M. Denman, cont.ralto; Mrs. Joseph
Barclay. soprano, antl others. Violin
._____ of local oflicers. interested worker:
and members; allll tlmt every criticism
ra... a.-M~Ginle~'O
UI23South 17!t!S!. PhiiadelilhiCl:~
solos by Miss ElveW1 Bliss. Decora- llAS1'A ItHLY Jo;NJ;;UY PI.O'f or innuendo against the Red Cro~s
'ro IX.TUltI; TIt}; Iu;n (~ROS8 should be immediately challenged ane,
Sunday services:
Narbert.h, PIl. tions by Miss Miriam Ward.
WedneSII.ay, Nov 7-Commllnlty Nigllt
Greetings from Narberth churches
i followed up. The Red Cross lis helng
The following message from GPl\- run as an open book; it has no
!J.4il A. M.--Bible school. Classes and the Methodist Churches 'along the eral Manager Gibson at the Xation'l1, secrets'; it is making a sincere effort
for all. Everyone welcome. Ma,in Line. Headquarters te].Js its story so adml-- it.o serve mankind and is doing it as CALDWELL & CO.
11.00 A. M.-Morning worship.• }'rldny. Nov. 9-Collgregn.t;fonal NIght ably that we simply repeat it in fIJI I ~ carefully and as economically as il
TMs will be a communion service and i Informal entertainment and recep- and ask your fullest co-operation. Imows how. Its accounts arc to be Real Estate
t.he suhject for our meditation will, tion to all members of the congre~.l- "It is evident that rumors unll: audited by the War Department, and
he The Sacrificial Life:' ,tlon by the Ladies' Aid Society Re- innnuendos. critical of and cale\!-; the utmost effort is being made to give Insurance
7.00 P. lVL-Young people's meeting. :union of former members and refre~;h- latee]. to embarrass the Red Cross, are i puhlicity to all its activities. Please South Side NARBERTH, PA.
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. snh-; ments. being industriously circulated as part see to it that these suggestions are
I Atthe Station
ject of sermon, "The Place of Edura-! Snnda-r, Nov. ll-Annh'ersary Day of an anti-pat.riotic propaganda Tp-: made the subject of an earnest cir- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tion in the Religiou of Jesus Chrl~t.'" Sermon in the morning hy the Rev- so-far as such statements or questions: cular to every chapter urging the ttl- George B Suplee
8.00 P. M.-Wednesday evening: G. Bickley Burns. D. D.. district super- are merely efforts to obtain informa' ;most thoroughness in attention to this •
prayer meeting. Subject. "The Value: intendent. tion they should be earnestly and s~n- I matter." Steam & Hot Water Heating
of a Program." ' Anniversary sermon in the evening cerely met; hut, many of the storieS. I
8.00 p. M.-Friday evening aunh:ll' hy the Reverend Bishop Joseph Ii'. utterly unwarranted in fact. emanato i Plumbing
meeting of the Teachers' Association. Berry, D. D., LL. D. simultaneously from too many dlff2r- i Read the advertisements. Bell Telephone.

Frank Crist
Telephone-Narberth 644 A.

We Still Have Remaining

Final Report of Subscriptions to the Second Liberty Loan of 1917
I )I;<'\'I( [("I' fr'ntal
:-':um h"r of
T(Jtal :-::uhserillt'd
1Iy H'u:-:llll':--:-: JlOlI~t·~
:lllll i )l'galllz~ltloll:-;"
:-ilH·e!ill (Jut-
~hl(' SUhf'crlp-
ttow.;- •
~lI\,~(·l'lpUon!-:·- *
SlllIRCrllH'r~ 11;\' tndl\'lduala

, , , . . 93
" . .. 122
96,250 Five Houses
Cynwyd 462 32,800 61.750 41,700 136,250 Narberth and Forrest Aves.
Narberth 317 22,800 50 94,250 117,100 Also a BUNGALOW on Avon Road,
11,950 25,500 170,400 207,850 Anthwyn Farms. Don't miss thIs oppor-
\Vynnewood 125 tunity of securing a good home.
Ardmore 1,129 208,100 $465,000 8,800 125,550 807,450
Haverford .. 389 118,400 23,050 291,900 433,350
Bryn Mawr 1,140 244,900 80,000 15,600 134,250 474,750
Rosemont and Villanova 110 15,350 24,550 184,100 224,000
19,700 2,000 100 21,800 Canned Peas,Corn,String Beans.
Gladwynne 14 Standard Brands. Doz.... $2.00
Wayne, St. David's and Strafford , 942 157,350 70,000 1,350 143,050 371,750 Lancaster County Potatoes
Devon and Berwyn . . . . . .. 246 28,600 5,000 3,150 15,600 52,350 Bushel $1.75
Paoli and Daylesford . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 900 5,250 3,800 9,950
Haverford Township 82 5,950 21,500 11,250 9,400 48,100 Cotter's Marke-t
Bryn Ma WI" College , 506 38,200 118,600 36,700 193,500 When a young man and hi!! girl go
Haverford College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 7,300 1,250 4,950 13,500 to the movies and hold hands they
3.700 13,950 10,250 27,900 arc SUTe to like the show.
Haverford School 137
Grand Main Line Totals 5,921 $960,100 $641,500 $559,650 $1,483,500 $3,644,750
* Business Houses and Organizations include Stores, Churches, Factories, Townships, School Boards, Organizations and
Bank subscriptions for their own account. BUILD UP YOUR TOWN
** Special outside subscriptions are those secured by direct effort of Main Line workers, but placed through banks or
business houses not on Main Line. Build Up Your Home
*** Outside subscriptions are those reported as subscribed by Main Line residents through Banks, Trust Companies Don't forget that thIs Is a com.
or business houses NOT in the Main Line territory. munlty of Jlome mukers and bome
keepers and that one of YOUR
The Boy Scouts of Montgomery and Delaware Countie's secured subscriptions amounting to $808,650-more than MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES Is to 11

half of this was collected on The Main Line. keep It so.

You can aid materIally by do.
Ing your sllOpplng and marketing
wIth the advertisers In this paper.


Buick! Buick! Buick!
When YOU want automobile trips, furniture
moved, packages carried, freight hauled. IF YOU LIKE STYLE, DURABILITY
automobiles stored, etc. AND COMFORT, BUY A

IBuick Valve-in-Head Six- Cylinder

Plumbing, Gas Fitting ,
The following men of Nar-
Motor Car
and Heating
berth have answered the call
for the defense of our country:
nVII, WAIt n:'I.'.ERANS 'rIle ('o\lu1r)' }'nlt·
"The :Countn- Fair." hel'l in our
school a week ~g,o. was a grand sllc-I
II. WILUS nAVIS, Proprietor GEO. GAHD::'\ER cess from start to finiRh. I Lancaster Ave., Opp. Penna. R. R. Station
'rHOS. G. HALL It was unique in every respect. The I
Prime Meats ALBERT D. HUGHES many people who waited for the open- BRYN MA'W'R, PA.
Home DI('sseJ Potlhr~·. Butter. E~~~ and G~me. W. S. McCLELLAN I ing of the cloors wonderell what it =,..---__---..,....-_.,.-----,..---::--__- -__,..--..."-...,.-::==-,---..:.....,.,.__,,,_'""5
Fane\' I=nllt :111.1 Vl'~l.'t;lhll'S. "A STORE I-OR 'rHOS. MONROE i won hi he like. They, had their eyes
PARtlCUlAH PEOPLE .. G1W. W. llUSSELL :lnd ears wide open. Nor were rney Parents :01' children in grades 7 to. Again the principal amI faCility cor-
Telepho,,!'. NARBERTH. PA. Sl'AlX JSIl·A~lEIUCA~ ,disappointed. There waR something 12-Thursday. November 22.2 clially invite parents to consiller the
--------_.- - _- ... .... _- YE'n;JL\.NS for· every parent and ehild. I l<~veJ?bod~' is. of course. welcome OIl I'lchool their school and to come and

1". V. CUNNINGHAM Prohably the hig hit wall Ihe "Heav-/ any ot these days whether they have visit as often and to sta~' as lon~ as
I<mW. P. DOLD ; enly Twins." \Vho would h'aye expcct-, ehildren in any of the respecr.i\'e posslhle.
Finest Photoplay The- GEOItGl'; M. HI~NnY I
ed t hat Miss Sailor would mal{e Rucn grade:; 01' not. The. presidenl of the
atre 01 Its Size in the
EnUre World.
FRED. C. P A'l"l'EN I
a splendid nurse. hut how could she Board will extellli wor,ls of greeting
help it, with such charming bantc!' following whleh the "question hox"
Pholoplays-Contlnuous lOA. M. to BENJ. T. WHITE
Phlla.• Pa. JAMES McLEES to c~e for as Izzy and Wazzy? Spal'c '.\'ilI be opcned. Here '."ilI.
he a chance I ,."', I'nallc e and Law-A. P. Redifer,
)IEXICAN HOIlDER SlmVICE will not permit enumeration of the f or paren t s t 0 acqualllt. r Ilemsc Ives , .
PROGRAM , 'tl tl I I chaIrman' "". D. Smedley, H. D. Nar-
REZO BROOKS many various departments presidf'J! WI 1 J() sc 100 s. rlgan. '
f:!'\1'JJtt: W":":K. ()f'Tou ..:n tllTII MAUIO;-'; CHENEY
ovcr by the members of the faculty. Hi"h IV - Comm'U H D j'\
('unlbu"n('iJiK l\lcuuh,,· HAL. KNUTZEI'; J I II . t1' I I' t . Attendllllee of J>lIpil~ " ,a)' I ee--. . J a,-
WILI,IA~I 1"OX I·r.·..·nt. A. C. MILLER T 1'0 1a ) y,no tllne wI lin t 1e 11R or) . ' . ,rigan, chairman; ·W. R. D. Hall Fre 1.
of the school has the faculty as n The attendance dUrIng the past sel'- . I R . .

"'lrllt ~howlnlit of tht' URro ~1I1)er
RICHARD STOCKTON WHITE unit workell so ulltlrlnl!;ly for ~ sodal E:n: weeks has beenexeeptlonally good. ; "p °l·se.
fUllction . Praise Is due t 1lem. a IIF. par- Tl.Ie great l}<"
maJorl v 0
'1 I a Ice all(
slave ' c 1lalrman
1 H Ith
ea - 'Yo D. Smedley
Picture :"A'fJOXAL GUAJWS i· ; u"II'
H I lam J . Henderson.
JOHN H.. BRACKEN t.kularly Mr. Emmett and· MISS . n·cr. mIssed no (ays. ewer tarl wess CaReS! Fred L Rose
"CAMILLE" J. C. BRINTON. 3rd Regt. who are . largelv .' .
responsible. d'for have been reported . .
than . are on rec-I "a er, 'Ire .aneI r'
U T ' t ' F'
.IgIlt C omml··-
B)· AI..xundre llumnM EARL DICKIE, 3rd Regt. the orgall1zatlon. The new Il\ul mg ord for a similar tIme. An IIIslgn ft- W R D 1··T II '1' . W'lli J
One(' murt" tit.. ltulklortt of }<'OX 1)I('turt"H ha"'e . . ft' It· 1 f I I' . a I I Ve " . ,a c lalrman, I am
deh't'cl Into the JnuHterl)If"('eH ot llu.'rn.ture.
CLARENCE HUMPHREYS. 1st lends Itself well to SOCIal ~Ilnlc 10 nR cj'an .nunk1 ller. 0 eaTr,y I Ismlsl·t S tlat Hpnderson. Fr~d. L. Rose.
and broulCht forth .. lI'.. m of Krelll brllllun..,· Hegt. such as this. It seems ImpossI1 e t 1lat I Ieen as el tor. Ie 1'111'0 men 0- 0 l' C 'tt urllll I
RUSSEL No LUKENS 11 1 I . 47- '1'1 . 1 IT b II rc lIIance omml ee-". am ,.
1\141:Sl'ltOllUCTIOS I>TAItTS AS N":AR so lal'ge a crowd cou e Ie acconll.mell- II a~'II~s "t· I I.IS num l~r I IS 't 0 1 :-I.enderson, chairman; A. P Redifer,
AS 1·01>8IBl.t: TO 10.15 A. III., 12.00, 2.00, G1~O. W. H.. MARTIN, 2nd Lt.,
llated. but there seemed to be Itt. CJill e IIIgs 0 t. leu' norma capacl y. W. H. D Hall .
3.46, 6.45, 7.~5, 9.~5 I'. III. 3rd Regt. (,on[uslon and "mix-up." The pupils The lIew plan for the first gra!lp ., .
--------- - JOHN McQUISTON. First Regt
llemo:lstrated to their parents that t;le seems to: meet with hearty aprova \. -------------
WESTMINSTER CIRCLE HAROLD D. SPEAKMAN schools are teaching self-l'llntroI, Certainly the children are getting mr :
Ot't'ICt;US RESERVE CORPS which must finally lea,l to self-gov- more individual att.entlon than would OUR TOWN will gladly prInt
of the ernment. otherwise he possible. The faclJlty i any neW8 Item about any subject
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH VINCEN'l' F. CUNNINGHAM The djspla~·s throughout were of ree,enlly held its consultation on iUlli- that Is of Interest to Narberth
Will Hold a Bake RICHARD STOCKTON WHITE particular interest to the children. for vidual matters of pupils :as a result folks, bnt In order to meet
In th.· Y. ~I. C. A. Building. from :l to r. DR. WM. 1\1. CAMERON everyone had an opportunit~· to con- of which parellts are now being, visit- the printing sche4ule, all "copy"
..·•.10...' on ~,\TUIUI,\ Y. :'oiO\'E~IU";lt llltH RUSSELL NELSON LUKENS I
tribute something. The rlOg, all(l cat ell hy rhe respective. teaehers. . It is -malluscrlpts-Dlust reach the
!U" AL TUAININU SCHOOl, I show. the pig and all the rest of the I hopc,l that pal·ent.s WIll not awaIt thf'
family pets. provldell all outlet. for visits of: teaehers, however. The hest.
editor h)· Ii P. ~r. lI[onday ('acb
i ~vel'y lon/?;il~g to have somp part place 10 do school husiness is ill the I
NOVEMBER 1st, 1917 m;SEnn; III malong the faIr a suceess. There school. :.------------------=-
wpre manv blue and rell rlhhon dolls ; ~;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~
All Coal and Wood Charge Account.
will be Di.continued .JAMES COOK
on elispla;'. Vegetables-many never Ir-
This rule will be strictly enforced. heard (of before nor to he hea N1 "'1
C. P. COO K, Narberth
again. wel'e submltt.ed 10 the critical
e~'e of the "arberth gardenerR. The
girls and mothers ltyalled themselves
Narberth Register
OI"FH'E OF 'rIn; I'OST. 101' the opportunity to Rhow off their Two Line., IDe per i..ue; Se fOT each additional line
.TOSEPH LARKIN I culinary ltceolllplh;hments. Lest we.
.TOHN MOWRER, JR. I fOI·/?;el. the faculty expresses itR appre-I )IOJtTGAGES
Washington. October 23, 1917.
Order No. 821.
,elation to the many mothers who so K"im, II. C.
genl'rously coutrlbutect articles 101'
.I ~02 Du<11('>~ nVe.
,\Il\· ..:UTI8IX(;
SIUtIIHon. ,Jurnes C. 232 Essex ave.
Phone, fi3G, or 1420 Chestnut lit.
Referring to Order No. 541 of July ALAN ROSE sale. Cole, W. Arthur Phone. 632-H. Cowin, T. Stunrt. Plano 'fpacher.
Ideas. PI aIlS, COpy, Art. TYPog'raphy. ~06 Merion ave. Phone. Narberth 347 ... R
~4, 1917, prescribing the rates and WM. C. SIMPSON Financially. t.he fair was a snccess. AUTOMOBILES IJOUH, .·11110)' lI. Plano 'reacher and Accorn~
conditions applicable to parcels of ROBERT TOWNE The receipts for the various llepart- CenHorl·. Snhle To hire. panl~t. H 7 Haverford ave. Phone. 316-J.
I"RANK WINNE See c11Hplay ad\'ertisenlcnt In thl!ll t88ue. Studio. No. ,: Arcade Bldg" Narherth.
fourth-class or liomestic parcel-post ments were as follows: :\1t·CI..Uon. "'. ~ .. J. I'. Acl,nowledgements "'h.,t-Iu('k. Kflthu.rin., I~. teacher of pin no.
matter for and from the American eX- W. W. WESTCOAT -lOti K ~arberth ave. Phone, 5S4-:\t.
Gate receipts $ 19.50 and "lIirlavit~. nlllOll1ohlle IIcense~. Omce
pediUonaryforces in France notice
Dart game . 55 hr~ .. I~ to I a'¥i.\Uj,~~s5 P. M. Jt>tr.·ritoM, .,. II. 111 Narberth ave.
is hereby given that on and after No- Phoue. 666-1\[.
ATLE~ T. KIRK Shooting l!;allery 9. 00 M~~:n;II:~IIl~h~3~·er~~~2,;;;Put In thl. Issue. T,'JUIII, "'arrf'n n. ~OO \VOOlihirll- a \'l',
vember I, 1917. such parcels will be Fancy work ·· 2.85 BANKS Phone, 1.20~-\'~,
limited to seven (7) pounds in weight
:'\OHMAN KRIEBEL IFlowers ' I ~ .7:' 1I1..rion Title'" Trn.t Co. Phone, Ardmore 3.
~f"e displaY ndverti~eJnent in thl" I~:sue, li't·nton.
CRrl I''''. 506 r.;sscx uve. Phone, 638-W..
instead of to twenty pounds is modi- HI~NRY T. NASH Heaven I y 'l w IlS 19. ,,4 UARIJERS Phlla. addrps~, I80r. Cheslnut .t.
fied accordingly.
A. S. Burleson,
Fish ponrl
14.60 I
109.99 I>tl7.z.'ro. Ton;v
~~4 Haverford ave.
Cole, JameH R.
.246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1225-J.
Postmaster General. " . (;. CllJ1l1ller. Phone. 12·6~ 'V.
jlIAIUN t; Rt;SERn;S ,I Dog show
Beauty show ,..
l.~ 1"::4/
d ••)
'j2~ 1\1ontgonlery Phone. 32S,
210 J<;lmwooc.l a\'e.• ~arberth.
Walzer, Jo-r..d.
O]o'}'ICEUS A~J) CIIAUOIEN 0]0' 'l'lI~
Hypnotist. etc. 12.70 I Sm..dl..y. "'Ill. II. Phone. GOO.
Hl'e diElpla)' advertisement in this t1!l8ue.
117 \Vlnsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.
'W01Ut;~·S CO~[)IUNI1'Y CI.UlI !" : ---- CANDY, ETC. D....ver. Rlchnrd A. Arcade Building.
t'IEI,]) AU'frr,LERY, 21ST I The gross income heing- ... $212.27 111,,·1., II. ":. I'hone. 1254-W. Phone. Narberth IG93-W.
Ot' NAIUJERTH Gl<JORGI<; H. SHONN (Corp,) Set) dIHphl~' ad\'crti!"Plnent tn thl8 hume. Witt... Geo. A. 320 Woodbine ave.
l~xpel1se" ................•. , ......__ 61. 4_:1 C,\RI·..:JliT..:RS AXH IJUIl,IlEnS I'hone. 1203-'V. Flrst-clas~ work.
President-Mrs. C. P. Fowler. I
AUnm.AX($ (:OItPS
ANDREW A. BAKER I The net proceeds were
.. $UiO. 84, ChUM. I•.
103 DudleY nvp. Phonp. 382-M.
"Arelldln," 16th and Chestnut .t. Phil..
~ee dlRplay ndvertiRement In thi~ 181!1ue.
Vice-Presirlent-'-\lrs. Ellery K. Tay- OSCAR L. ODELL. SllIuul. A. C. (Jr. Commercial 'rru!"t Bldg.,
Corresponding Secretary--Mrs. Roy
E. Clark.
I But this social alTair cannot he Phllu. I'hone. s~;;~~T~J~;; Nurberth 1214-J Suplee, Gt'O. B. Phone, 1289.
measured In termR of financial gain., Caln..r..n. IIr. W. :\1. Phoue. 395-W.
See dlspla)' advertisement In thl. I••ue.
Wnll, II. B. Phone. 319-.r.
Recording Secretary--l\lrs. Harry The foregoing is correct, so The main object was to bring the men O;"~~I1:',~ei Elmwood avo Phone, 393-W. See display arlvertl~ement In thl. I••u•.
A. Jacobs. far as lUI own-any additions or and; women of Narherth to the senoolS Phlla. Phon... lil~~~~I~:;;~' K.. ltb Bldg. Culdwell '" Co. Phone. 1271-W.
See dlsp)a)' advertisement In this Isau••
Treasurer-Mrs. Edward Cockl·i1I. changes may be left with Post- to join the faculty. Board of Bdllca- lIoword'M. Phone. 1267. Frlt""h. H. C. Phone. 252-W.
master Haws. tion. unci pupils. and to have a jolly Sce display nd"erUsement In this I.sue. See display advertisement II" this Is.ue.
Chalrmell EI,":CTRIClA:sS (iodfrey. Wm. B.
Legislation-Mrs. Waltel' Dothard. ENGINElmS RESERVE good time. I'ugh. \·..rl 226 lona ave. 114 \Vood~lde ave. Pho..e, 685-W
M. M. SHEEDY, Capt. OuI' schools; do not lose sight of the Nar. Phone. 6r.0-W. Ard. Phone, 163-.r. Nash. Robert J. Pbone, 605. .
Current Events-Mrs. James Dflll- . . I 1"1811 AND OYSTERS 1Il0ney for Io'irst and Second :Mortgnge•.
I10SPITAL CORPS all-round development of the ho~s ane Imp..rlt>l (iroel'ry Co. Phone. Narberth 606.

!-------------------' I
/?;Irls. "All work and no pla~' makes See display ndve~UMement In this Issue.
Hospitality--Mrs. Robt. Dotharrl.
Community Marketing-Mrs. W. ~L Jack a du II b oy. "
"'ohlert. A. G,\RDE~
E. Phone. NUltHERIES
Hee display adverttRement In this hS8ue.
Gara-III..Glnt..y Co. Phone. 1258-W.
See display advertisement In this I••ue.
]lIllieI'. John A. 243 lona ave. Pbone. 661-.1.
Cameron. Shop. 246 Haverford ave. Pho.... 1225-.1.
, our school; column we wish Imperial Grocery GItOCERS Co. Phone, Narberth 60G. Zentmnyer's. The 1IlisMes. Phone, Nar. 661-.1.
BOOKS WANTED to extend II welcome to the new boys See display advcrU~ement In thl. I.sue. Sec dlspla~' advertlscment In this Issue.
POST OFFICt: INl'OlliUATIO,," and I!;lrls who have' enrolled since I1AULINli, ETC. SIIOEMAKERS
. "·,,lton BroM. Phone. 672. TarDe'. Jlarry
Do your bit by dropping, all of your Institute. A few yearR ago everybody See displaY adverURement In tbls I.sue. 246 Woodbine ave.
Office opens-7.25 A. M.
Office closes-7.00 P. M.
Isomagazines in at the local Y. M. C. A.
that same may be forwarded to our
seemed to know everybody : else. In
T •
Bowmn.., Samuel P. (Llf... )
Good Wear Ilhoe Repair Shop,
ConHta..Une. B. G. Y. 111. C. A. Bldg.
the l"arbert.h schools. Now things are 116 Elmwood av". Phone. G53-W.
Malls arrive-6,26, 6,43. 10.37, 11.50 boys In the Army and Navy. different. There are so many stran/!;IJ JO!:'.._M. ~haM. It. • The above d..partment .hould be of the
. 1 I .. o..!-l. N"rberth U\'P. Phone, 68~-.1. r:reatest use to the community. the list co..-
A. M.; 12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. 1\1. Books are also accepted for Library faces! But our older hoys and gJr R JOlleM. Wnt. J. 103 S. Narherth ave. Phone. talns the name of every profe.slonal man,
Malls dispa.tched-9.00, 10.37 A. M., purposes In the Field. are doing their best; t.o make l"vcl'y- 680-.1. Phlla. address, Penn Mutual Bldg. trnde!lman. mechanic. shopkeeper, etc.• "'be
Trotter BroH. (Fire. doe. or can In nny way eerve hi. fellow-
12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. M. Several large donations have 0,1- bmly feel at. home. ~09 Woodside nve. Phone. 12G2-R., and who \. progressive enouch
rady been made and ·we hope to be LAWYERS to add n"me to list of Regl.ter.
Gilroy, John 211 Essex nve. Phone. 1245·R. As It I. dlmcult for tho.e co..trlbutln.
able to soon send a good size box ~ oUe(' to Parent" Phlla, add res... Lincoln Bldg. th time and etrort. to the productlo.. of
FIRE COMPANY. away. U..llry. Geo. 1\1. 107 Ch••tnut nve. Phon., 608. "Our Town" to personnlly either know or
During the month of Novembel', the Phlla. nddress. Finance Bldg. Interview nil .uch. It would be mo.t help-
Do It now. school IR planning: for a series of "get- Stites, Fletcher W. 4U Haverford ave. ful If tho.e not now found I.. the printed
President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec- Phone. 372-W Phlla. address. Crozer Bide. lI.t would .end In a memo of their nam...
Tetary, Charles V. Noel; financial together-meetings." Fathers and LIGIITING FIXTURES addres.. pho..e numbers a..d bu.l..e....s or
secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer, nOARn Ol' flEALTH. mothers are invited to a round-table I\leDonald Jobn. Nnrbertb pbo..e. 1288. profession. for lI.tlng. Thl. wlll cost aa fOl-
1533 Che.t.•t.. Phlla. Pbone. Spruce 1138. low.: 10 cents each ll18ue for % lines; 5 cents
Carden Warner; chief engineer, .___ conference with the directors amI fac- I\IEATS, ETC. for eacb additional line.
Cha9. V. Noel: first assistant engin- Presldent-ChaB. E. Kreamer. ully from 2.30 to 3.30 on the follow- Boytes" Pho..e. 398.
See dl.plny advertl.ement I.. tbls Issue. ------
eer, Edw. Wlpf; second assistant en· Secretary-A. P. Redifer. Ing dates: : Cotter, Boward F. Phone. 1298. Governor Brumbaugh has issused a
Health Officer-W. S. McClellan. Parents of children in l!;rades to S..e dIsplay advertisement I.. tbls \.sue. proclamation making Sunday, Novem-
gineer, A. P. Redifer; thirt\ assistant Crist. Frank Phone. 6H-W.
engineer, H. B. Wall; fourth as- Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies, 3-Wednesday, November 8. See display advertiMement I.. tbl. Is.ue. ber 4. as "Go-to-Sunday-School Day"
sistant engineer, A. W. Needham; T. B. Dl1 Marias, Carden Warner and Parents of children In grades :\ to Scolt-Pow..1l Dairies. MILK
Phone. Presto.. 2398, and Thursday, November 15. as "Fath-
Chas. V. Noel. ,6-Wednesday, November 15. See display advertl.eme..t In tbls Issue. er and Son" Day.
John A. Miller.

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