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Psych101-Midterms-(Chapter 5-Intelligence)

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1. 3 Approaches 1. Fluid Intelligence 15. Bodily- Ability to control One's Bodily Movements;
to Intelligence 2. Crystallized Intelligence Kinesthetic Body Smart;Dancers, Athletes or Sports
3. Practical Intelligence Intelligence People
2. 3 Processing 1. Learning how to do things 16. Cesar Lombrosco Genius is akin to Insanity
Components 2. Planning what things to do 17. Child Prodigy Mastered a particular field or skill rapidly
3. Doing the Actual things
at an early age; One Trait that makes
3. 4 Causes of 1. Biological Causes them different is capacity which is
Mental 2. Drugs Taken by Pregnant Mothers hereditary
Retardation 3. German Measles and Other Common 18. Classifications of 1. Mild
Mental 2. Moderate
4. Malnutrition of Mother
Retardation 3. Severe
4. 7 1. Hereditary 4. Profound
Determinants 2. Social 19. Componential Focuses on the the components involved
of Intelligence 3.Educational
in Analyzing Information
Test Scores 4. Maturation
5. Physical 20. Contextul How succesful people are in facing the
6. Personal demands of the Everyday Environment;
7. Motivation Simply Adapting to any Situations

5. 7 Primary 1. Verbal Comprehension 21. Criteria for IDD 1. IQ below 70

Mental 2. Verbal Fluency 2. Significant limitations in 2 or more areas
Abilities 3. Inductive Reasoning of adaptability
4. Spatial Visualization 3. Evidence that the limitations became
5. Number apparent in Childhood
6. Memory 22. Crystallized Store of Information, Skills and Strategies
7. Perceptual Speed Intelligence that people have acquired in their
6. Achievement Formulated to determine a person's Level of Experiences; Improves with Age
Test Knowledge in a Given Subject; Focuses on 23. Diagnostic and States three criteria before a person is
Specific Materials that a Person Learned Statistical considered to have mental retardation
7. Aptitude Test Predict the Ability in a Particular Type of Manual of Mental
Work (e.g SAT) Disorders (DSM-
8. Artificial Integrates Computer Science and Cognitive
Intelligence Psychology in Studying Information 24. Different ABILITY TO:
Processing Abilities that 1. Classify Pattern
Represent 2. Modify Behavior Adaptability to Learn
9. AT Classify Assign Non Identical Stimuli to Classes
Human 3. Reason Deductively
Intelligence 4. Reason and Generalize Deductively
10. AT Develop One forms an Impression on how the World 5. Develop and Use Conceptual Methods
and Use is and How it functions and the Uses the 6. Understand
Conceptual Model to Interpret Events 25. Down's Common cause of Mental Retardation
Syndrome that results from an Extra Chromosome
11. AT Modify Adaptability to one's environment is the 26. Educational Intellectual development relies on the
Behavior Most Important Trait of Human Intelligence
Determinants stimulating opportunities which the
school offers (e.g.Urban Schools offer
to Learn
modern approaches and techniques)
12. AT Reason and Going beyond the Given Information and 27. Existential Sensitivity to tackle the Deep Questions
Generalize Discover Rules and Principles from Specific
Intelligence about Human Existence
Deductively Information
28. Experiential How a person's Prior Experiences affect
13. AT Reason Involves Logical Inference from Stated
Intelligence and how these Experiences
Deductively Premises
are brought to Problem Situations
14. AT Related to seeing relationship in Problem 29. Familial History of Retardation in the Family
Understand Solving
Retardation without Biological Causes
30. Feldman Intelligence is the general capacity of a 45. Mathematical Ability to Think Conceptually and Abstractly
person to adjust consciously his thinking to a Intelligence and the Capacity to Discern Logical and
new requirement; Combination of general Numerical Patterns; Number Smart;
and specific abilities that a person uses in Engineers, Statisticians and Accountants
coping up with the problems of everyday 46. Maturation Unfolding of an Individuals's inherent traits;
↑Mature= Wider Range of their
31. Fieldman Stated that intelligence is the capacity to Understanding and Learning
understand the world, think rationally and 47. Memory Capacity to Record, Retain and Retrieve
use resources effectively when faced with
Information of Stored Knowledge
48. Mild 55-69; 90% of all Retarded Individuals;
32. Fluid Deal with New Problems and Situations; Draw
Retardation Development is Slower than their Peers; Able
Intelligence Inferences; Understand the Relationships of
to Hold Jobs and Families of their Own
Various Concepts, Independent and
Acquired Knowledge; Problem Solving; 49. Moderate 40-54; Low Intellectual Functioning are seen
Pattern Recognition; Abstract Reasoning and Retardation early with Language and Motor Skills
Puzzle Solving 50. Motivation Desire a person has in doing tasks effectively
33. Francis Hereditary or there is a tendency for 51. Musical Music Smart; Musicians, Singers or Musical
GAlton superior intelligence to run in families Intelligence Composers
34. Genius IQ of 140 or more 52. Naturalist Ability to recognize Plants, Animals or Flora
35. Hereditary Equips the prodigies to understand Intelligence and Fauna;Nature Smart; Botanists or
Capacity regularities and principles Agriculturist

36. Hereditary Hereditary BG seem to influence one's 53. Number Test in Computation and Simple
Determinants Intelligence Performance Mathematical Problem Solving

37. Howard All Human Beings have Multiple Intelligence 54. Other Causes 1. Accidental Damage to Brain
Gardner that can be Nurtured and Strengthened or of Mental 2. Poor Environmental condition due to
Ignored and Weakened Retardation neglect of Parents
3. Superstitious Beliefs
38. Human Ability to ACQUIRE,RECALL and USE
Intelligence Knowledge to understand Concrete and 55. Peceptual Requires looking for Small Differences iin
Abstract Concepts and Relationships Speed Pictures for an Instance
between Objects 56. Personal Sex, Motivation, Attitude and Response
39. Idiot Savants Mentally Defective Individuals; Belong to Factors Tendencies are likely to affect high
Moderately Retarded; Special Talents in one performance in Intellectual Activities
or more fields; Normal Development for 57. Practical Intelligence Related to Overall success in
certain talent Intelligence Living rather than success in Academic
40. Inductive Specific to General Rule Test; A Test on Performance
Reasoning Analogy and Number Series 58. Practical Related to over-all Success in Living rather
41. Intellectual New term for Mental Retardation by the Intelligence than Intelligence in Academic Performance
Development American Association of Intellectual (TTI)
Disability Development Disability 59. Pre-natal More Likely associated with Mental
42. Interpersonal Capacity to Detect and Respond Events Retardation
Intelligence Appropriately to the Moods, etc. of 60. Profound 25↓; No Language Skills, Poor Motor Control;
Others;People Smart; Therapist; Retardation Put in an Institution throughout their lives
Counselors;Clergymen or Psychologists
61. Robert Proposed the Triarchial Theory of Intelligence
43. Intrapersonal Self Aware; Self Smart; Theorist, Philosopher Sternberg
Intelligence or Researcher in his own Right
62. Scholastic Meant to predict how people will do in College
44. Leta Individuals wit very high IQ are "Gifted Aptitude Test
Hollingworth Child/ren" or "Exceptional Child/ren"
63. Severe 26-39; No Language Skills, Poor Motor Control;
Retardation Difficulty in Functioning Independently
64. Social Determinants Children from Socially and Culturally Rich Environments tend to have Higher Mental Abilities
because of their exposure to Rich Learning Conditions
65. Spatial Visualization Ability to Comprehend Visual Details of Objects
66. Stagner Intelligence is the Learning Ability and the Ability to See New Situations
67. Stanford-Binet Test Composed of a Series of Items in Varying Nature according to the AGE of the Person being Tested
68. Ternan Defined geniuses as having an IQ of 140 or more
69. Thurston Intelligence is both General Ability and a Number of Specific Abilities
70. Triarchial Theory of Intelligence 1. Componential
2. Experiential
3. Contextual
71. Verbal Comprehension Test in Vocabulary and Understanding
72. Verbal Fluency Test that requires testing on Writing as many words as possible in a limited time and can visualize
those words
73. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Well developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meaning and rhythms of words; Writers,
Lawyers or Journalists
74. Visual-Spatial Intelligence Think of Images and Pictures; Artists, Designers, Architects and Sculptors
75. Wechter Adult Intelligence Test of Intelligence consisting of Verbal and No-Verbal Performance Sections; Specific Abilities are
Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) being pictured

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