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What are the effects of the new corona virus pandemic in:

A. the lives of the Filipino people?

This latest corona virus pandemic disease is having a big effect on Filipino
people's lives, many people who are affected by this virus have died and
survived. This pandemic disease can be passed on to someone who has close
contact or direct contact with the carrier of this disease and has a history of
travel. Even if you're wealthy, middle-class, poor, young, old and even babies
can be spread from this deadly virus, this kind of disease has no exemption.
Because of this pandemic disease, the government is taking measures and
enforcing this lockdown or ECQ to the Philippines to control the spread of the
virus affecting millions of Filipino people's lives, especially to the employees, as
many establishments have been closed due to this implementation affecting
many people who have no jobs, no salaries to be taken and no money to spend
on their needs. A lot of people are prohibited to go outside their homes except to
buy basic necessities. Other frontliners, especially the medical frontliners, are
somewhat discriminated against or shocked by others because some people
avoid or fear them because they may be the carrier of the virus and it has a
major effect on them and their family because it shows disrespect for them
because they are just doing their job and responsibilities to help other people
who are affected of this virus even their lives is at risk. This Covid-19 epidemic,
due to the spread of this virus, gives a major impact and changes to the everyday
lives and family life of many Filipinos. Given this pandemic outbreak, there is also
a positive impact on Filipino people's lives, they have become more health-
conscious that they want to clean up their self and families and practice good
hygiene. And because of this quarantine they they often have more time with
their families to bond with each other or spend more quality time with one's love.

B. the economy?

Philippine economy is facing down economic growth being slower. Many

small and medium-sized enterprises and some factories were unable to operate
the tax collection was lower and some countries' imports were decreased as a
result of the virus spread. The tourism industry is making a significant
contribution to the Philippine economy, as many visitors cannot go because of
travel bans due to the suspension of some airlines and some countries' borders
to prevent virus spreading or transmission. The latest outbreak of the corona
virus may have a major impact on the Philippine economy in the coming months.
This continuing corona virus effect is expected to result in lower economic growth
this year as business operations won't go back to normal easily now that there's
a "new standard" law in some business operations there are some

C. the business industries?

The operation of small and medium-sized enterprises and other factories /

companies has been shut down as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak
imposed by the government for the lockdown or ECQ, which prohibits the operation
of establishments. Only the necessary institutions, the BPO industry and some
manufacturing enterprise will function. Many business sectors are stopping their
activity that affects their revenue / sales and no return on capital or investment.

What are the CSR programs implemented by business or government sectors amidst
the corona virus pandemic to help the vulnerable sector in the community?
Now the entire world faces a new crisis because of this pandemic
outbreak of the corona virus. Many of the largest companies were providing
assistance to pandemic-affected frontier workers, and vulnerable communities.
Some establishment gave health workers and hospital personal protective
equipment and medical supplies. Many schools like the University of the
Philippines are experimenting with making an alcohol because of the drug
shortage on the market they make a drug for health workers and hospitals to
have it. Some businesses contribute medical supplies while others promise
financial aid to their lockdown-affected workers. While the government is also
appealing for a budget from DSWD's Social Amelioration Program (SAP), a cash
emergency assistance plan for families that are the poorest of the poor and
impacted by the lockdown.

As a student how should you react in response to this pandemic? What do you think is
your vital role in helping your community?
This changes our lifestyle as a student due to this pandemic outbreak, and
we can't get out of our house to stop virus. The classes were cancelled, some
graduate students did not witness the ceremony of graduation where they would
earn their diploma in front of many people. My crucial role in supporting my
community in this outgoing corona virus disease is to stay home, and if you're
only staying home, you're supporting the community and nation prevent virus
spread and achieving the goal of flattening the curve that there won't be more
active cases or reducing the virus transmission. For almost 5 people who have
near contact with the carrier, a single carrier may transmit the virus, so it’s the
best way to stay home and you can support your neighborhood. Praying for the
country as a whole is one of the biggest aids that God can cure the country as a
whole, and the time comes for a corona virus vaccine.

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