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Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory

What is habituation?
The process of becoming used to a stimulus
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What is dishabituation?
Occurs when a second stimulus intervenes, causing a
resensitization to the original stimulus
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What is observational learning?
The acquisition of behavior by watching others
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What associative learning?
Pairing together stimuli and responses, or behaviors and
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What is classical conditioning?
A form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus
becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus such
that the neutral stimulus alone produces the same response
as the unconditioned stimulus; the neutral stimulus thus
becomes a conditioned stimulus
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What is operant conditioning?
A form of associative earning in which the frequency of a
behavior is modified using reinforcement (increase
behavior) or punishment (decrease behavior)
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What induces positive reinforcement?
When the behavior continues and a stimulus is added
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What induces negative reinforcement?
When the behavior continues and a stimulus is removed
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What induces positive punishment?
When the behavior discontinues and a stimulus is added
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What induces negative punishment?
When the behavior discontinues and a stimulus is removed
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What is encoding?
The process of putting new information into memory
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What are the types of working memory?
Sensory membrane, short-term memory → working
memory, and long term memory
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
How long does sensory memory last?
Less than 1 sec
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
How long does short-term memory last?
Less than 1 minute
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What works with the short-term memory?
Working memory
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
How long does working memory last?
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What are the types of long-term memory?
Explicit and Implicit memory
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
When does explicit memory occur?
When you are conscious
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
When does implicit memory occur?
When you are unconscious
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What is another name of explicit memories?
Declarative memory
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What is another name for implicit memories?
Procedural memory
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What are the types of explicit (declarative) memories?
Facts and Events
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What are the types of implicit (procedural) memories?
Skills and Tasks
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What are the types of declarative memory?
Episodic and Semantic Memory
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What are the types of episodic memories?
Events and experiences
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
What are the types of semantic memory?
Facts and concepts
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
Where are facts stored?
The semantic networks; retrieval of information is often
based on priming interconnected nodes of the semantic
Behavioral Science – Learning and Memory
Is recognition of information or recalling information

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