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Geo101 – FINALS

Mapua Institute of Technology

3rd Quarter S.Y. 2019-2020

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter/s that best answer(s) the question. (90 pts)

_____ 1. The study of the Earth, materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting
upon them. It includes the study of organism that have inhabited our planet.
A. Geology B. Biology
C. Chemistry D. Anthropology

_____ 2. It is a change in shape or size resulting from applied forces (deformation).

A. Stress B. Strain
C. Deformation D. Pressure

_____ 3. Type of geophysical method wherein it uses electrical resistance (poor conductivity) properties to identify buried
cultural resources.
A. Magnetic method B. Seismic Method
C. Gravity Method D. Electrical Resistivity Method

_____ 4. A professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and
naturally built environment, including public works such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems,
pipelines, structural components of buildings and railways.
A. Civil Engineering B. Geological Engineering
C. Geotechnical Engineering C. Structural Engineering

_____ 5. Rock that has ruptured has abruptly broken into distinct pieces. If the pieces are offset shifted in opposite directions
from each other the fracture is a fault.
A. Ductile Strain B. Malleable Strain
C. Brittle Strain D. Elastic Strain

_____ 6. Many 2D resistivity imaging surveys are carried out using this kind of array. In this configuration the spacing
between each electrode is identical. Once converted the data is modelled using finite element and least squares inversion
methods in order to calculate a true resistivity versus depth pseudo section.
A. Schlumberger Array B. Dipole-Dipole Array
C. Pole-Dipole Array D. Wenner Array

_____ 7. Is a scientific study of rocks that deals with their composition, texture, and structure; their occurrence and
distribution; and their origin in relation to physicochemical conditions and geologic processes.
A. Mineralogy B. Seismology
C. Paleontology D. Petrology

_____ 8. The capacity of a rock to transmit a fluid; it varies with the fluid’s viscosity, hydrostatic pressure (the pressure within
a given point of a fluid at rest), the size of the openings, and the degree of interconnection between the openings.
A. Spherecity B. Angularity
C. Porosity D. Permeability

_____ 9. Type of seismic method which measures the time necessary for a sound impulse to travel from the source, bounce
off a geologic boundary, and return to the surface at a geophone. The reflection from a
A. Seismic Reflection B. Seismic Refraction
C. All of the Above D. None of the Above

_____ 10. The smallest unit of an element that possesses the properties of that element.
A. Element B. Atom
C. Isotope D. Ions
_____ 11. It is an extreme event that occurs naturally and causes harm to humans or to other things that we care about,
though usually the focus is on humans.
A. Natural Disaster B. Natural phenomena
C. Natural Hazard D. Natural cause

_____ 12. It is a passive technique that involves highly accurate measurement of relative changes in the Earth's gravitational
A. Bouguer Anomaly B. Faye Anomaly
C. Microgravity profiling D. Electrical Resistivity Method

_____ 13. Refer to the common or characteristic shape of a crystal or aggregate of crystals.
A. Streak B. Color
C. Luster D. Crystal Habit or Shape

_____ 14. Hazards driven by meteorological (i.e., weather) processes, in particular those related to temperature and wind.
This includes heat waves, cold waves, cyclones, hurricanes, and freezing rain.
A. Meteoroligcal Hazards B. Hydrological Hazards
C. Geological Hazards D. Biological Hazards

_____ 15. It is a network of tightly integrated subsystems that synchronously collect accurate and
reliable data for roadway infrastructure management applications
A. Laser Roughness Measurement System B. Gravity techniques
C. Laser Rut Measurement System D. AUTOMATIC ROAD ANALYZER (ARAN)

_____ 16. The tendency of a mineral to break (cleave) along planes of weak bonding.
A. Cleavage B. Hardness
C. Tenacity D. Fracture

_____ 17. A type of stress wherein the forces act equally from all directions.
A. Uniform Stress B. Compressional Stress
C. Applied Stress D. Differential Stress

_____ 18. A casing is driven with a drop hammer. A hollow drill rod with chopping bit is inserted inside the casing. Soil is
loosened and removed from the borehole using water or a drilling mud jetted under pressure.
A. Auger borings B. Wash borings
C. Mud Rotary D. Core drilling

_____ 19. Silicates that are generally light in color and have a specific gravity of 2.7. They contain less Iron and Magnesium
but contain varying amounts of Aluminum, Potassium, Calcium and Sodium.
A. NonFerromagnesian Silicates or Dark Silicates B. NonFerroFerroMagnesian Silicates or Grayish Black Silicates
C. Ferromagnesian Silicates or Light Silicates D. FerroFerroMagnesian Silicates or Pinkish White Silicates

_____ 20. Forces act opposite one another in a horizontal plane. This stress causes rocks to slip past one another in a
horizontal plane as with strike slip faults.
A. Tensional Stress B. Compressional Stress
C. Applied Stress D. Shear Stress

_____ 21. Grinding the soil by repeated lifting and dropping of heavy chisels or drilling bits. Water is added to form slurry of
cuttings. Slurry removed by bailers or pumps.
A. Auger borings B. Wash borings
C. Percussion drilling D. Core drilling

_____ 22. Molten materials below the surface of the Earth.

a. All of the above b. Lava
c. Magma d. None of the above
_____ 23. It is an aquifer below the land surface that is saturated with water. Layers of impermeable material are both above
and below the aquifer, causing it to be under pressure so that when the aquifer is penetrated by a well, the water will rise
above the top of the aquifer.
A. Confined Aquifer B. Aquitard
C. Unconfined Aquifer D. Water table

_____ 24. It is made by heating limestone, including chalk, to a temperature of between 1100 and 1200 C in a current of air,
at which point CO2 is driven off to produce quicklime (CaO).
A. Asbestos B. Breccia
C. Forsterite D. Lime

_____ 25. Igneous rocks that are formed by rapid cooling and solidification of lava at the surface of the earth.
A. Extrusive or Volcanic Rocks B. Clastic or Detrital Rocks
C. Foliated Rocks D. Intrusive or Plutonic Rocks

_____ 26. Hazards that are driven by biological processes. This includes various types of disease, including infectious diseases
that spread from person to person, threatening to infect large portions of the human population. Many discussions of natural
hazards exclude biological
A. Meteoroligcal Hazards B. Hydrological Hazards
C. Geological Hazards D. Biological Hazards

_____ 27. It is formed by the alteration of volcanic ash, the principal clay mineral being either montmorillonite or beidellite
A. Ball clays B. Bentonite
C. Portland cement D. Sand

_____ 28. A dark colored glassy rock that usually forms when silica-rich lava is quenched quickly. It is also the rock where
the “Dragon Glass” in Game of Thrones was extracted.
A. Granite B. Basalt
C. Pumice D. Obsidian

_____ 29. Plates move away from each other along a zone of upwelling convection. E.g. Mid Atlantic Ridge.
A. Divergent B. Transform
C. Convergent D. Oblique

_____ 30. Generally derived from the ground or the atmosphere, although soluble salts may occur in the pores of the
parental rock. They may cause efflorescence by crystallizing on the surface of a stone.
A. Durability of a stone B. Deleterious salts
C. Texture and porosity of a rock D. Frost Damage

_____ 31. Are mushroom-shaped intrusive bodies that rises near the surface and domes the overlying layers while it spreads
A. Dikes B. Sills
C. Batholiths D. Laccoliths

_____ 32. These are fractures along which blocks have moved parallel with the fracture surface.
A. Faults B. Folds
C. Unconformities D. Joints

_____ 33. It is a medium-gray, fined grained rock of volcanic origin. Its name comes from South America’s ANDES Mountain
where numerous volcanoes are composed of this rock type.
A. Andesite B. Rhyolite
C. Basalt D. Granite

_____ 34. Dip slip faults wherein the hanging wall has moved up the inclined fault plane. In these type of fault, the dip of
the fault plane is > 45 degrees. Formed by compressional stress.
A. Normal Faults B. Reverse Fault
C. Thrust Fault D. Strike Slip Fault
_____ 35. A type of rock that is a product of weathering of pre-existing rocks, transport of the weathering products,
deposition of the material, followed by compaction and cementation of the sediment to form a rock.
A. Igneous rocks B. Metamorphic rocks
C. Sedimentary rocks D. None of the above

_____ 36. It is a solid, impermeable area underlying or overlying an aquifer.

A. Water Table B. Aquitard
C. Unconfined Aquifer D. Aquiclude

_____ 37. It is the application of the principles of physics to the study of the Earth
A. Geophysics B. Paleontology
C. Stratigraphy D. Petrology

_____ 38.A collective term for all the changes that takes place in texture, composition and other physical properties after
sediments are deposited. (Sedimentary rocks)
A. Metamorphism B. Coalification
C. Solidification D. Diagenesis

_____ 39. Occurs wherever the water table intersects the surface of the ground (stream channels, floors and banks of
marshes, lakes) It provides the major link between groundwater reservoirs and other parts of the hydrologic cycle.
A. Base of Groundwater B. Hydraulic Head
C. Natural Discharge D. Artificial Discharge

_____ 40. It is an applied branch of geophysics, which uses physical methods (such as seismic , gravitational, magnetic,
electrical and electromagnetic ) at the surface of the Earth to measure the physical properties of the subsurface, along with
the anomalies in those properties
A. Exploration Geophysics B. Petroleum Geophysics
C. Applied Geophysics D. All of the above

_____ 41. A type of sedimentary rock composed of materials formed by the activity of living organisms such as coal
(compacted undecayed plant matter) and limestones which are made up of the shells or other skeletal fragments from
marine organisms.
A. Clastic or Detrital Sedimentary Rocks B. Chemically Precipitated (Chemical) Sedimentary Rocks
C. Biogenic (Biochemical or Organic) Sedimentary Rocks D. Foliated Rocks

_____ 42. It is the location on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus.
A. Epicenter B. Fault
C. Hypocenter D. Waves

_____ 43. Measurements of vertical changes in electrical resistivity are called?

A. Observing B. Sounding
C. Profiling D. Scoping

_____ 44. A sedimentary rock consisting of silt-and-clay size particles. These fine-grained clastic rocks account for well over
half of all sedimentary rocks. This rock exhibits fissility (ability to split into thin layers along well developed, closely spaced
a. Sandstone b. Mudstone
c. Siltstone d. Shale

_____ 45. These type of body wave can only move through solid rock, not through any liquid medium. It is this property of
S waves that led seismologists to conclude that the Earth's outer core is a liquid.
A. S-Wave B. Rayleigh wave
C. P-Wave D. Love Wave

_____ 46. Measurements of horizontal changes in electrical resistivity are called?

A. Observing B. Sounding
C. Profiling D. Scoping

_____ 47. How close the shape of the clast into a sphere.
A. Angularity B. Sphericity
C. Sorting D. Composition

_____ 48. Type of strike slip fault wherein the block opposite an observer looking across the fault moves to the left.
A. Dextral strike slip fault B. Sinistral strike slip fault
C. Thrust strike slip fault D. Normal strike slip fault

_____ 49. Measures the response of seismic (sound) waves that are input into the earth and then refract along or reflect off
subsurface soil and rock boundaries. The seismic source
A. Seismic Techniques B. Magnetic Techniques
C. Gravity Techniques D. Radiometric Techniques

_____ 50. It is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity. It is
composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion (burning).
A. Coal B. Coquina
C. Limestone D. Rock Salt

_____ 51. Holes dug into the ground to reach the zone of saturation, in order to access the fluid.
A. Well B. Springs
C. Cone of Depression D. Artesian Well

_____ 52. Measures the response of seismic (sound) waves that are input into the earth and then refract along or reflect off
subsurface soil and rock boundaries. The seismic source
E. Seismic Techniques F. Magnetic Techniques
G. Gravity Techniques H. Radiometric Techniques

_____ 53. Also known as dessication cracks, a type of sedimentary structure that form irregular fractures in a crudely
polygonal pattern formed by the shrinkage of clay, silt or mud in the course of drying under the influence of atmospheric
surface conditions.
A. Ripple Marks B. Load cast
C. Mud cracks D. Strata or Beds

_____ 54. A thermal spring that intermittently erupts steam and boiling water.
A. Well B. Springs
C. Geyser D. Artesian Well

_____ 55. Type of seismic method which measures head waves that are refracted along geologic formations below the
earth's surface.
A. Seismic Reflection B. Seismic Refraction
C. All of the Above D. None of the Above

_____ 56. The set of processes by which preexisting rocks (also called parent rocks) are changed by pressures, temperatures
and chemical conditions that prevail deep within the earth. (Metamorphic rock)
A. Metamorphism B. Coalification
C. Diagenesis D. Lithification

_____ 57. It is the fastest surface wave and moves the ground from side to side. Confined to the surface of the crust, these
waves produce entirely horizontal motion.
A. Rayleigh Waves B. Schlumberger Waves
C. Wenner Waves D. Love Waves
_____ 58. It is used to detect and differentiate metallic artifacts buried near the earth’s surface. The technique locates near
surface cultural features (structures, compaction, excavation, and habitation sites) by their various water saturations (their
conductivity). A conductivity measurement is the reciprocal of resistivity.
A. Vertical Electrical Sounding B. Electrical Profiling
C. Electrical Imaging D. Electro-magnetic conductivity,

_____ 59. Type of metamorphic rock that have do not have a layered or banded appearance.
A. Nonfoliated Rocks B. Detrital or Clastic Rocks
C. Foliated Rocks D. Extrusive Rocks

_____ 60. It is a number (written as a Roman numeral) describing the severity of an earthquake in terms of its effects on the
earth's surface and on humans and their structures.
A. Rayleigh Waves B. Intensity
C. Magnitude D. Love Waves

_____ 61. It is a geophysical technique that measures differences in the earth's gravitational field at different locations.
A. Magnetic method B. Seismic Method
C. Gravity Method D. Electrical Resistivity Method

_____ 62. It is a coarse, crystalline metamorphic rock whose parent was a limestone or dolostone.
a. Obsidian b. Gneiss
c. Pumice d. Marble

_____ 63. Trough-like or concave downward folds with the youngest rocks in the core of the fold.
A. Monoclines B. Chevron folds
C. Syncline D. Anticlines

_____ 64. Instrument used to measure gravitational acceleration. Every mass has an associated gravitational potential.
A. Gravity meter B. Magnetic meter
C. Radiometric meter D. Resistivity meter

_____ 65. A type of metamorphism that results in response to the pressure exerted by the weight of the overlying rock;
occurs deep into thick sedimentary basins; includes hardening of the matrix, cementation, precipitation in pore spaces and
the dissolving and recrystallization of mineral grains at points of contact.
A. Burial Metamorphism B. Shear Metamorphism
C. Regional Metamorphism D. Contact Metamorphism

_____ 66. It is the down slope movement of rocks, solid and other debris commonly triggered by strong shaking.
A. Ground Rupture B. Liquefaction
C. Earthquake Induced Landslides D. Tsunami

_____ 67. Type of geophysical techniques that involves the measurement of gamma radiation resulting from natural
radioactive sources.
A. Magnetic techniques B. Gravity techniques
C. Radiometric techniques D. Seismic techniques

_____ 68. The solid rock underlying all parts of the land surface.
A. Bedrock B. Soil
C. Regolith D. Exfoliation domes

_____ 69. It (an Indonesian term), sometimes called volcanic mudflows or debris flows, are slurries of volcanic sediment,
debris and water that cascade down a volcano’s slopes through rivers and channels. Lahars in tropical areas
A. Lahar B. Lava Flows
C. Volcanic gases D. Lateral Blasts
_____ 70. The process of determining the layers of natural soil deposits that will underlie a proposed structure and their
physical properties.
A. Paranormal Investigation B. Crime Investigation
C. Site Investigation D. Scientific Investigation

_____ 72. The study of the behavior of soils under the influence of loading forces and soil-water interactions. This is applied
to the design of foundations, retaining walls, earth dams, clay liners, and geosynthetics for waste containment.
A. Civil Engineering B. Geological Engineering
C. Geotechnical Engineering D. Structural Engineering

_____ 73. Rock that has undergone with this strain will go back to its original shape if the stress is released.
A. Ductile Strain B. Malleable Strain
C. Brittle Strain D. Elastic Strain

_____ 74. Simplest method of exploration and sampling. It is power driven or hand operated. Max depth 10 meters. Suitable
in all soils above GWT but only in cohesive soil below GWT
A. Auger borings B. Wash borings
C. Mud Rotary D. Core drilling

_____ 75. The application of geology to engineering studies to ensure that the geological factors related to the location,
design, construction, operation, and maintenance of engineering works are recognized and taken into account.
A. Civil Engineering B. Geological Engineering
C. Geotechnical Engineering D. Structural Engineering

_____ 76.Rock that has undergone with this strain will remain deformed even if the stress stops. Another term for this strain
is plastic deformation.
A. Ductile Strain B. Malleable Strain
C. Brittle Strain D. Elastic Strain

_____ 77. Hollow drill rods with a drill bit is rotated into the soil. Drilling mud is continuously pumped into the hole. The bit
grinds the soil and the return flow brings the cuttings to the surface.
A. Auger borings B. Wash borings
C. Mud Rotary D. Core drilling

_____ 78. A process of investigation in which a problem is identified, data are collected and analyzed and a hypothesis is
formulated and tested.
A. Theory B. Model
C. Law D. Scientific method

_____ 79. Water contained within the openings (pores, fractures, etc.) of the rocks beneath the Earth’s
A. Groundwater B. River water
C. Pore Water D. Water well

_____ 80. Used for obtaining rock cores. A core barrel is fitted with a drill bit is attached to hollow drill rods. Examples:
diamond coring, calyx or shot core drilling
A. Auger borings B. Wash borings
C. Mud Rotary D. Core drilling

_____ 81. The study of minerals. They are the building blocks of rocks.
A. Mineralogy B. Seismology
C. Paleontology D. Petrology

_____ 82. The percentage of the openings within a given volume of rock; it determines how much water a rock mass can
A. Spherecity B. Angularity
C. Porosity D. Permeability
_____ 83. It is defined as the percentage of rock cores that have length equal or greater than 10 cm over the total drill length.
A. Core Recovery (CR) B. Wash boring Recovery (WBR)
C. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) D. Mud boring Recovery (MBR)

_____ 84. The appearance or quality of light reflected from the surface of a mineral.
A. Streak B. Color
C. Luster D. Crystal Habit

_____ 85. Plates move towards each other, causing one plate to override the other one, forcing it to descend (‘subduct’)
towards the interior of the Earth and melt back into the mantle. E.g. Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting
A. Divergent B. Transform
C. Convergent D. Oblique

_____ 86. Rock deposits can be obtained river channels, in alluvial fans and transgressive beaches. A gravel deposit consists
of a framework of pebbles between which is voids. The voids are rarely empty, being occupied by sand, silt, or clay material.
A. Gravel B. Breccia
C. Sands D. Limestone

_____ 87. Color of a mineral in powdered form, often useful in identification.

a. Streak b. Color
c. Luster d. Crystal Habit

_____ 88. The difference in elevation between parts of the water table. Movement of water is not like that on the surface
which flows directly downslope. Groundwater tends to flow towards both zones of lower elevation and lesser pressure.
A. Base of Groundwater B. Hydraulic Head
C. Natural Discharge D. Artificial Discharge

_____ 89. It is manufactured by burning pure limestone or chalk with suitable argillaceous material (clay, mud, or shale) in
the proportions 3 to 1.
A. Gravels B. Portland cement
C. Steel D. Sand

_____ 90. A measure of the resistance of a mineral to abrasion or scratching.

a. Fracture b. Hardness
c. Tenacity d. Specific Gravity

II. Enumeration
Enumerate the minerals in the Moh’s Scale of Relative Hardness from the softest to the hardest mineral. (10pts)

1 T 6 O
2 G 7 Q
3 C 8 T
4 F 9 C
5 A 10 D

Note: Deadline April 24, 2020 (Answers only, A4 size or short bond paper)

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